# Footer content is organized in columns, with the first one reserved for social icons (defined in _config.yml). # You can also add a small print license statement at the bottom. # Columns (the more you add, the narrower they will be) columns: - description: links: - text: Name of project partner 1 href: http://example.com new_window: true - text: Prestigious and long name of project partner 2 href: http://example.com new_window: true - description: > # E.g. funding acknowledgement. Can be Markdown This project is made with ❤ for open source. See [`_data/footer.yml`](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/peterdesmet/petridish/master/_data/footer.yml) to customize this text. links: # Small print license statement to add at the bottom of the footer. Can be Markdown # Will be prefixed by "© {{ site.author }}" if defined in _config.yml license: > Content on this site is licensed under a [CC BY 4.0 License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). \| Theme: [Petridish](https://github.com/peterdesmet/petridish)