--- layout: home title: Your research project description: Uses an easy to customize theme for its website background: /assets/theme/images/chuttersnap-146799-unsplash.jpg permalink: / --- [Petridish](https://github.com/peterdesmet/petridish) is a Jekyll theme for research project websites. Or your personal blog or lab website. 👩‍🔬 It's mobile-friendly (thanks to [Bootstrap 5](https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.1/)), free, easy to customize, and designed to work well with [GitHub Pages](https://pages.github.com/). ## Installation See the demo website for instructions: - [Installation]({{ '/docs/installation/' | relative_url }}) - [Configuration]({{ '/docs/configuration/' | relative_url }}) - [Markdown]({{ '/docs/markdown/' | relative_url }})