;non-compliant (dialect) version, non-commands are not ignored, only 100 bytes [bits 16] [org 0x100] ; assume bp=091e used ; assume di=fffe ; assume si=0100 ; assume dx=cs (see here) ; assume cx=00ff ; assume bx=0000 ; assume ax=0000 used (ah) ; assume sp=fffe start: mov al, code_left - start code_start: mov ch, 0x7f ; allow bigger programs mov bx, cx mov di, cx rep stosb mov bp, find_right + start - code_start ;cache loop head for smaller compiled programs jmp code_start_end find_right: pop si dec si dec si ;point to loop head cmp [bx], cl jne loop_right_end loop_right: lodsb cmp al, 0xD5 ; the "bp" part of "call bp" (because 0xFF is not unique, watch for additional '[') jne loop_left inc cx loop_left: cmp al, 0xC3 ; ret (watch for ']') jne loop_right loop loop_right ;all brackets matched when cx==0 db 0x3c ;cmp al, xx (mask push) loop_right_end: push si lodsw ; skip "call" or dummy "dec" instruction, depending on context push si code_sqright: ret code_dec: dec byte [bx] code_start_end: db '$' ;end DOS string, also "and al, xx" code_inc: inc byte [bx] db '$' code_right: inc bx ;al -> 2 db '$' code_left: dec bx db '$' code_sqleft: call bp db '$' ; create lookup table real_start: sub byte [bx+'>'], al ;point to code_right add byte [bx+'['], al ;point to code_sqleft mov byte [bx+']'], code_sqright - start lea sp, [bx+45+2] ;'+' + 4 (2b='+', 2c=',', 2d='-', 2e='.') push (code_dec - start) + (code_dot - start) * 256 push (code_inc - start) + (code_comma - start) * 256 pre_write: mov ah, code_start >> 8 xchg dx, ax ; write mov ah, 9 int 0x21 ; read code_comma: mov dl, 0xff db 0x3d ; cmp ax, xxxx (mask mov) code_dot: mov dl, [bx] mov ah, 6 int 0x21 mov [bx], al db '$' db 0xff ; parameter for '$', doubles as test for zero ; switch xlatb jne pre_write ; next two lines can also be removed ; if the program ends with extra ']' ; and then we are at 96 bytes... :-) the_end: mov dl, 0xC3 int 0x21 int 0x20