function MIMICII_data_importer % MIMICII_data_importer imports data from the MIMIC II database for use % with RRest, a toolbox of respiratory rate algorithms. % % MIMICII_data_importer % % Inputs: % none % just specify the relevant paths in the % "universal_parameters" function below. % % Outputs: % a single file containing all the data is written to the path % specified by "up.paths.analysis_path". % % Requirements: % This requires the WFDB Toolbox, which can be downloaded from: % % data download is performed automatically using the script below. % % Further Information: % This version of the MIMICII_data_importer is provided to facilitate % reproduction of the analysis performed in: % Charlton P.H. et al., "Waveform Analysis to Estimate % Respiratory Rate" [In Press] % Further information on this study can be obtained at: % % In addition, further information on RRest, including future % versions, can be obtained at: % % % Comments, Questions, Criticisms, Feedback, Contributions: % See: % % Version: % v.1 - published on 23rd Feb 2016 by Peter Charlton % % Licence: % please see the accompanying file named "LICENSE" % %% Setup up = universal_parameters; %% Download data download_data(up); %% Identify patient stays pt_stays = identify_pt_stays(up); %% Extract data from files on computer data = extract_from_mimic_ii(pt_stays, up); %% Save data in common format save_data_in_common_format(data, up); %% Identify sub-groups of neonates and adults % This isn't necessary to obtain the data, but creates a plot used in the % book chapter. results = sub_group_identification(up); end function up = universal_parameters fprintf('\n -- Setting up Universal Parameters') %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% PARAMETERS TO BE SPECIFIED %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Please note that your system may require the slashes in file paths to be % of the opposite direction. In which case, change the following: slash = '\'; % Specify the root data directory (where the data will be stored) up.paths.data_save_folder = 'C:\Documents\Data\'; up.paths.data_root = [up.paths.data_save_folder, 'mimicii', slash]; % Specify the web address of the data to be downloaded rel_database = 'mimic2wdb'; up.paths.database_dir = ['', rel_database]; % if you want .eps illustrations, then do as follows: up.eps_figs = 0; % set this to 1 if up.eps_figs % download 'export_fig' from: % % add the path of your download: export_fig_dir_path = 'C:\Users\pc13\Documents\GitHub\phd\Tools\Other Scripts\export_fig\'; addpath(export_fig_dir_path) end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% OTHER PARAMETERS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% (don't need editing) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % extraction definitions up.extraction.period = 600; % period of waveform data to extract (in s) up.extraction.rel_sigs = {'II', 'PLETH', 'RESP'}; % required signals up.extraction.rel_nums = {'HR', 'PULSE', 'RESP'}; % required numerics up.no_pt_stays = 100; % database definitions up.mimic_db.version = 3; up.mimic_db.part = 0; % paths up.paths.file_location = [up.paths.data_root, '\physiobank\database\', rel_database, '\', num2str(up.mimic_db.version), num2str(up.mimic_db.part), '\']; up.paths.analysis_path = [up.paths.data_root, 'Analysis_files', slash 'Data_for_Analysis', slash ]; up.paths.plots = [up.paths.data_root, 'Analysis_files', slash 'Results', slash 'Figures', slash ]; up.paths.records_filepath = [up.paths.analysis_path, 'RECORDS']; % url paths up.paths.url.records = [up.paths.database_dir, '/', num2str(up.mimic_db.version), num2str(up.mimic_db.part), '/', 'RECORDS']; % Add all functions within the directory addpath(genpath(fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')))); % check that all the required folders exist. If not, create them: req_folders = {up.paths.data_root, up.paths.analysis_path, up.paths.plots}; displayed_msg = 0; for req_folder_no = 1 : length(req_folders) curr_folder = req_folders{req_folder_no}; if ~exist(curr_folder, 'dir') if displayed_msg == 0 fprintf('\n -- Creating folder in which to store data and analysis') displayed_msg = 1; end mkdir(curr_folder) end end % Check that the WFDB Matlab Toolbox has been installed if ~exist('getWfdbClass', 'file') error('Couldn''t find the WFDB Matlab Toolbox. Please install as described at the top of the file.') end end function download_data(up) fprintf('\n -- Downloading Data') %% set current directory to that of wget: cd(up.paths.data_root) %% Find out what records are available: % download list of records outfilename = websave(up.paths.records_filepath,up.paths.url.records); % form list of records from downloaded file records = load(up.paths.records_filepath); %% Download each record rel_records = records(1:up.no_pt_stays); for rec_no = 1 : length(rel_records) % specify record record = rel_records(rec_no); % specify download location down_loc = [up.paths.database_dir, '/', num2str(up.mimic_db.version), num2str(up.mimic_db.part), '/', num2str(record), '/', 'RECORDS']; % set save location save_folder = [up.paths.file_location, num2str(record), '\']; save_loc = [save_folder, 'RECORDS']; if ~exist(save_folder, 'dir') mkdir(save_folder) end % download RECORDS file for this record outfilename = websave(save_loc,down_loc); % find out what individual files are in this record: fileID = fopen(save_loc); file_names = textscan(fileID, '%s %*[^\n]'); file_names = file_names{1}; fclose(fileID); for file_no = 1 : length(file_names) % download header file curr_file_name = [file_names{file_no}, '.hea']; down_loc = [up.paths.database_dir, '/', num2str(up.mimic_db.version), num2str(up.mimic_db.part), '/', num2str(record), '/', curr_file_name]; save_loc = [save_folder, curr_file_name]; outfilename = websave(save_loc,down_loc); if ~strcmp(file_names{file_no}, num2str(record)) % also download data file curr_file_name = [file_names{file_no}, '.dat']; down_loc = [up.paths.database_dir, '/', num2str(up.mimic_db.version), num2str(up.mimic_db.part), '/', num2str(record), '/', curr_file_name]; save_loc = [save_folder, curr_file_name]; outfilename = websave(save_loc,down_loc); end end end end function pt_stays = identify_pt_stays(up) fprintf('\n -- Identifying Patient Stays') % Folders (each one is a patient stay) dirs = dir(up.paths.file_location); elim_els = ones(length(dirs),1); for s = 1:length(dirs) if length(dirs(s).name) < 3 elim_els(s) = 0; end end dirs = dirs(logical(elim_els')); pt_stays = extractfield(dirs, 'name'); end function data = extract_from_mimic_ii(pt_stays, up) % % Based on RDSAMP, part of the WFDB Toolbox. Further details are available % at: % % % Reads MIMIC II data and outputs it as a structure of .t and .v values. fprintf('\n -- Extracting Data from MIMIC II files') if up.no_pt_stays > length(pt_stays) warning('There are fewer ICU stay datasets than requested') end no_pt_stays = min([up.no_pt_stays, length(pt_stays)]); extraction_stats.no_pt_stays = no_pt_stays; extraction_stats.no_records_searched = 0; extraction_stats.no_records_without_signals = 0; extraction_stats.no_records_without_num = 0; extraction_stats.no_records_with_sigs_and_num = 0; for pt_stay_no = 1 : no_pt_stays % set current dir dir_path = [up.paths.file_location, pt_stays{pt_stay_no}, '\']; cd(dir_path) % check to see if there are any files temp = dir([dir_path, pt_stays{pt_stay_no}, '_0*.hea']); if ~isempty(temp) records = extractfield(temp, 'name'); clear temp else extraction_stats.no_records_searched = extraction_stats.no_records_searched+1; extraction_stats.no_records_without_signals = extraction_stats.no_records_without_signals+1; continue end clear dir_path remaining_time_to_extract = up.extraction.period; for record_no = 1 : length(records) % setup java persistent javaWfdbExec config if(isempty(javaWfdbExec)) [javaWfdbExec,config]=getWfdbClass('rdsamp'); end %Remove file extension record_str = records{record_no}(1:(end-4)); % Extract file information (including which signals are present) [siginfo,Fs]=extract_file_info(record_str); % Identify relevant signals sig_inds = 1:siginfo.no_sigs; sig_log = zeros(length(sig_inds),1); for sig_no = 1 : length(sig_inds) if sum(strcmp(up.extraction.rel_sigs, siginfo.sig_names(sig_no))) sig_log(sig_no) = 1; end end % skip if this doesn't have both the required signals if sum(sig_log) ~= length(up.extraction.rel_sigs) clear current_waves extracted_data Fs ListCapacity siginfo signalList javaWfdbExec config wfdb_argument continue end % create wfdb argument N0 = 1; wfdb_argument={'-r',record_str,'-Ps','-f',['s' num2str(N0-1)]}; % Make command to only extract the required signals signalList = sig_inds(logical(sig_log)); if(~isempty(signalList)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-s '; %-1 is necessary because WFDB is 0 based indexed. for sInd=1:length(signalList) wfdb_argument{end+1}=[num2str(signalList(sInd)-1)]; end end % determine how many samples to extract from this file remaining_samples_to_extract = remaining_time_to_extract*Fs; N=siginfo.no_samps; if remaining_samples_to_extract < N N = remaining_samples_to_extract; end remaining_time_to_extract = remaining_time_to_extract - (N/Fs); % skip if we don't require any more data if N == 0 clear current_waves extracted_data Fs ListCapacity siginfo signalList javaWfdbExec config wfdb_argument break end % additional bits of wfdb_argument wfdb_argument{end+1}='-t'; wfdb_argument{end+1}=['s' num2str(N)]; % extract data extracted_data=javaWfdbExec.execToDoubleArray(wfdb_argument); clear wfdb_argument %% Re-format data for output waves.fs = siginfo.fs; % store this new bit of the wave current_waves = fieldnames(waves); signalNames = siginfo.sig_names(signalList); for wave_no = 1 : length(up.extraction.rel_sigs) rel_sig_ind = find(strcmp(signalNames, up.extraction.rel_sigs{wave_no})); if ~strcmp(current_waves, up.extraction.rel_sigs{wave_no}) eval(['waves.' up.extraction.rel_sigs{wave_no} '.t = extracted_data(:, 1);']); eval(['waves.' up.extraction.rel_sigs{wave_no} '.v = extracted_data(:, rel_sig_ind+1);']); else eval(['current_last_time = waves.' up.extraction.rel_sigs{wave_no} '.t(end);']); eval(['waves.' up.extraction.rel_sigs{wave_no} '.t = [waves.' up.extraction.rel_sigs{wave_no} '.t; current_last_time + (1/Fs) + extracted_data(:, 1)];']); eval(['waves.' up.extraction.rel_sigs{wave_no} '.v = [waves.' up.extraction.rel_sigs{wave_no} '.v; extracted_data(:, rel_sig_ind+1)];']); end end clear current_waves extracted_data Fs ListCapacity siginfo signalList javaWfdbExec config end %% Extract corresponding numerics if exist('waves', 'var') % setup java persistent javaWfdbExec_num config_num if(isempty(javaWfdbExec_num)) [javaWfdbExec_num,config_num]=getWfdbClass('rdsamp'); end filepath = [pt_stays{pt_stay_no}, 'n']; if exist([up.paths.file_location, pt_stays{pt_stay_no}, '\', filepath, '.hea'], 'file') % Extract file information (including which signals are present) [numinfo,Fs]=extract_file_info(filepath); loc = numinfo.loc; % Identify relevant numerics num_inds = 1:numinfo.no_sigs; num_log = zeros(length(num_inds),1); for num_no = 1 : length(num_inds) if sum(strcmp(up.extraction.rel_nums, numinfo.sig_names(num_no))) num_log(num_no) = 1; end end % skip if this doesn't have both the required signals if sum(num_log) == length(up.extraction.rel_nums) numerics.fs = numinfo.fs; % create wfdb argument N0 = 1; N = up.extraction.period*numerics.fs; wfdb_argument={'-r',filepath,'-Ps','-f',['s' num2str(N0-1)]}; % Make command to only extract the required signals numList = num_inds(logical(num_log)); if(~isempty(numList)) wfdb_argument{end+1}='-s '; %-1 is necessary because WFDB is 0 based indexed. for sInd=1:length(numList) wfdb_argument{end+1}=[num2str(numList(sInd)-1)]; end end % Additional wfdb_argument bits wfdb_argument{end+1}='-t'; wfdb_argument{end+1}=['s' num2str(N)]; % extract data extracted_data=javaWfdbExec_num.execToDoubleArray(wfdb_argument); clear wfdb_argument %% Re-format data for output % store this new bit of the wave current_numerics = fieldnames(numerics); numNames = numinfo.sig_names(numList); for wave_no = 1 : length(up.extraction.rel_nums) rel_num_ind = find(strcmp(numNames, up.extraction.rel_nums{wave_no})); if ~strcmp(current_numerics, up.extraction.rel_nums{wave_no}) eval(['numerics.' up.extraction.rel_nums{wave_no} '.t = extracted_data(:, 1);']); eval(['numerics.' up.extraction.rel_nums{wave_no} '.v = extracted_data(:, rel_num_ind+1);']); else eval(['current_last_time = numerics.' up.extraction.rel_nums{wave_no} '.t(end);']); eval(['numerics.' up.extraction.rel_nums{wave_no} '.t = [numerics.' up.extraction.rel_nums{wave_no} '.t; current_last_time + (1/Fs) + extracted_data(:, 1)];']); eval(['numerics.' up.extraction.rel_nums{wave_no} '.v = [numerics.' up.extraction.rel_nums{wave_no} '.v; extracted_data(:, rel_num_ind+1)];']); end end end end clear current_numerics extracted_data Fs ListCapacity numinfo numList javaWfdbExec_num config_num end %% Find extraction statistics extraction_stats.no_records_searched = extraction_stats.no_records_searched+1; if ~exist('numerics', 'var') extraction_stats.no_records_without_num = extraction_stats.no_records_without_num+1; end if ~exist('waves', 'var') extraction_stats.no_records_without_signals = extraction_stats.no_records_without_signals+1; end %% Store data for this patient stay in the output if exist('waves', 'var') && exist('numerics', 'var') extraction_stats.no_records_with_sigs_and_num = extraction_stats.no_records_with_sigs_and_num+1; data{extraction_stats.no_records_with_sigs_and_num}.loc = loc; data{extraction_stats.no_records_with_sigs_and_num}.ID = pt_stays{pt_stay_no}; data{extraction_stats.no_records_with_sigs_and_num}.waves = waves; data{extraction_stats.no_records_with_sigs_and_num}.numerics = numerics; clear waves numerics end end %% Find out how many records had the required duration signals total_records = length(data); recs_w_req_duration = zeros(total_records,1); for s = 1 : length(data) if sum(strcmp(fieldnames(data{1,s}), 'waves')) if length(data{1,s}.waves.II.t) == up.extraction.period*data{1,s}.waves.fs ... && length(data{1,s}.waves.PLETH.t) == up.extraction.period*data{1,s}.waves.fs ... && length(data{1,s}.waves.RESP.t) == up.extraction.period*data{1,s}.waves.fs recs_w_req_duration(s) = 1; end end end %% Only output those records with the required duration extraction_stats.no_records_with_req_duration = sum(recs_w_req_duration); data = data(logical(recs_w_req_duration)); %% Create Pie Chart of extraction stats % bar chart ftsize = 14; figure('Position', [200, 200, 800, 450]) labels = {'Signals or numerics absent', 'Shorter than 10 mins', 'Included in analysis'}; piedata(3) = extraction_stats.no_records_with_req_duration; piedata(2) = extraction_stats.no_records_with_sigs_and_num - extraction_stats.no_records_with_req_duration; piedata(1) = extraction_stats.no_records_searched - extraction_stats.no_records_with_sigs_and_num; p = pie(piedata); for s = 2:2: length(p) p(s).FontSize = ftsize; end set(gca, 'FontSize', ftsize) legend(labels, 'Location', 'southeastoutside') title('Reasons for exclusion of records', 'FontSize', ftsize) % save save_name = 'record_exclusion'; savepath = [up.paths.plots, save_name, '.png']; set(gcf,'PaperUnits','inches'); set(gcf,'PaperPosition',[1 1 8 4.5]); print(gcf, savepath, '-dpng') close end function [headers, Fs] = extract_file_info(filepath) %% Obtain info on signals fileID = fopen([filepath, '.hea']); header_lines = textscan(fileID,'%s','Delimiter','\n'); header_lines = header_lines{1,1}; fclose all; % Extract the relevant header information temp.top_line = textscan(header_lines{1}, '%s', 'delimiter', sprintf(' ')); temp.top_line = temp.top_line{1,1}; % adapted from headers.no_sigs = str2double(temp.top_line{2}); headers.fs = str2double(temp.top_line{3}); headers.no_samps = str2double(temp.top_line{4}); % extract signal names headers.sig_names = cell(0); for sig_no = 1 : headers.no_sigs temp.curr_line = textscan(header_lines{1+sig_no}, '%s', 'delimiter', sprintf(' ')); temp.curr_line = temp.curr_line{1,1}; % adapted from headers.sig_names = [headers.sig_names; temp.curr_line{end}]; end % extract location loc_line = header_lines{end}; headers.loc = loc_line(13:end); % putting in a format for rdsamp Fs = headers.fs; end function save_data_in_common_format(old_data, up) fprintf('\n -- Saving data in appropriate format') for subj_el = 1:length(old_data) SID = old_data{1,subj_el}.ID; loc = old_data{1,subj_el}.loc; % insert group name if strcmp(loc, 'nicu') data(1,subj_el).group = 'neonate'; else data(1,subj_el).group = 'adult'; end % Insert fixed params data(1,subj_el) = SID; data(1,subj_el).fix.loc = loc; data(1,subj_el).fix.ventilation = 'unknown'; data(1,subj_el).fix.recording_conditions = 'critical care'; % insert PPG signal ppg = old_data{1,subj_el}.waves.PLETH; data(1,subj_el).ppg.v = ppg.v; clear ppg data(1,subj_el).ppg.fs = old_data{1,subj_el}.waves.fs; % insert EKG signal ekg = old_data{1,subj_el}.waves.II; data(1,subj_el).ekg.v = ekg.v; clear ekg data(1,subj_el).ekg.fs = old_data{1,subj_el}.waves.fs; % insert RESP signal resp = old_data{1,subj_el}.waves.RESP; data(1,subj_el).ref.resp_sig.imp.v = resp.v; clear resp data(1,subj_el).ref.resp_sig.imp.fs = old_data{1,subj_el}.waves.fs; data(1,subj_el).ref.resp_sig.imp.method = 'thoracic impedance measured using clinical monitor'; % insert numerics data(1,subj_el).ref.params.rr.t = old_data{1,subj_el}.numerics.RESP.t; data(1,subj_el).ref.params.rr.v = old_data{1,subj_el}.numerics.RESP.v; data(1,subj_el).ref.params.rr.method = 'derived from thoracic impedance measured using clinical monitor'; data(1,subj_el).ref.params.rr.units.t = 's'; data(1,subj_el).ref.params.rr.units.v = 'breaths/min'; data(1,subj_el) = old_data{1,subj_el}.numerics.HR.t; data(1,subj_el) = old_data{1,subj_el}.numerics.HR.v; data(1,subj_el) = 'derived from ecg measured using clinical monitor'; data(1,subj_el) = 's'; data(1,subj_el) = 'beats/min'; data(1,subj_el) = old_data{1,subj_el}.numerics.PULSE.t; data(1,subj_el) = old_data{1,subj_el}.numerics.PULSE.v; data(1,subj_el) = 'derived from ppg measured using clinical monitor'; data(1,subj_el) = 's'; data(1,subj_el) = 'beats/min'; end % Save to file save([up.paths.data_save_folder, 'mimicii_data'], 'data') end function results = sub_group_identification(up) %% Load data load([up.paths.data_save_folder, 'mimicii_data'], 'data') %% Split into sub-groups and identify data for each sub_group = zeros(length(data),1); % zero for neonates, one for adults n_rrs = []; a_rrs = []; for s = 1 : length(data) if strcmp(data(1,s).group, 'neonate') n_rrs = [n_rrs; data(1,s).ref.params.rr.v]; else a_rrs = [a_rrs; data(1,s).ref.params.rr.v]; sub_group(s) = 1; end end results.sub_group = sub_group; %% Plot histograms % generate data of prop of rrs in each category: xbins1 = -1:120; rrs.a.tot = sum(~isnan(a_rrs)); rrs.a.bins = nan(length(xbins1),1); rrs.n.tot = sum(~isnan(n_rrs)); rrs.n.bins = nan(length(xbins1),1); for s = 1:length(xbins1) rel_rr_range = [(xbins1(s)-0.5),(xbins1(s)+0.5)]; rel_a_rrs = a_rrs(a_rrs>rel_rr_range(1) & a_rrs<=rel_rr_range(2)); rel_n_rrs = n_rrs(n_rrs>rel_rr_range(1) & n_rrs<=rel_rr_range(2)); rrs.a.bins(s) = length(rel_a_rrs)/rrs.a.tot; rrs.n.bins(s) = length(rel_n_rrs)/rrs.n.tot; end % bar chart ftsize = 14; paper_size = [9, 3.5]; figure('Position', [200, 200, 100*paper_size(1), 100*paper_size(2)]) b = bar(xbins1, [rrs.a.bins, rrs.n.bins], 1.2); b(1).FaceColor = [0,0,1]; b(1).EdgeColor = [0,0,1]; b(2).FaceColor = [1, 0.6, 0.6]; b(2).EdgeColor = [1, 0.6, 0.6]; xlim([-1 xbins1(end)]) ylim([0 1.1*max([rrs.a.bins; rrs.n.bins])]) xlabel('Impedance RR numeric [bpm]', 'FontSize', ftsize) ylabel('Proportion of Measurements', 'FontSize', ftsize) set(gca, 'YTick', [], 'FontSize', ftsize) legend(b, {'Adults', 'Neonates'}) %% save histograms save_name = 'adults_vs_neonates'; savepath = [up.paths.plots, save_name]; PrintFigs(gcf, paper_size, savepath, up) end function PrintFigs(h, paper_size, savepath, up) set(h,'PaperUnits','inches'); set(h,'PaperSize', [paper_size(1), paper_size(2)]); set(h,'PaperPosition',[0 0 paper_size(1) paper_size(2)]); print(h,'-dpdf',savepath) print(h,'-dpng',savepath) if up.eps_figs export_fig(savepath, '-eps') end close all end