function ppg_components_plot % ppg_components_plot creates a plot of the PPG signal illustrating the % origins of light attenuation (arterial blood, venous blood and other % tissues). % % ppg_components_plot % % This file creates an image adapted from: % Peter H Charlton. (2018, August). Capitalising on Smart % Wearables to Improve Health Monitoring. Zenodo. % DOI: % Please cite this publication when using this image. % % Output: % an EPS image in the same folder as this script % % Comments, Questions, Criticisms, Feedback, Contributions: % See: % % Licence: % please see the accompanying file named "LICENSE" % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This function contains the path of the folder in which to store the data % (which requires modification) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% up = setup_up; create_folders(up); download_data(up); extract_data(up); plot_data(up); end function up = setup_up %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The path of the folder in which to store the data % (which requires modification) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% up.paths.folders.root = ['/Users/petercharlton/Desktop/temp/ppg_components_signals', filesep]; % remaining paths = [up.paths.folders.root, 'raw_data', filesep]; up.paths.folders.plot = [up.paths.folders.root, 'plots', filesep]; up.paths.converted_data = [, 'converted_data']; % download paths up.files.web = {''}; up.files.times.deb = [3]; up.files.times.fin = [8]; up.files.sigs.names = {{'ppg'}}; up.files.sigs.nos = {[2]}; close all % Check that the WFDB Matlab Toolbox has been installed if ~exist('getWfdbClass', 'file') error('Couldn''t find the WFDB Matlab Toolbox. Please install as described at the top of the file.') end % Check that the folder in which to store downloaded data exists if ~exist(up.paths.folders.root, 'dir') % error('Couldn''t find the folder in which to store the data.') end end function create_folders(up) folders = fieldnames(up.paths.folders); for folder_no = 1 : length(folders) eval(['curr_folder = up.paths.folders.' folders{folder_no} ';']) if ~exist(curr_folder) mkdir(curr_folder) end end end function download_data(up) exts = {'.hea', '.dat'}; for file_no = 1 : length(up.files.web) url = up.files.web{file_no}; temp = strfind(url, '/'); filename = url(temp(end)+1:end); filepath = [, filename]; for ext_no = 1 : length(exts) curr_ext = exts{ext_no}; expected_outfilename = [filepath,curr_ext]; if ~exist(expected_outfilename, 'file') outfilename = websave([filepath,curr_ext],[url, curr_ext]); end end end end function extract_data(up) if exist([up.paths.converted_data, '.mat']) return end counter_no = 0; for file_no = 1 : length(up.files.web) % Extract data from downloaded file url = up.files.web{file_no}; temp = strfind(url, '/'); filename = url(temp(end)+1:end); filepath = [, filename]; cd( [signal,Fs,tm]=rdsamp(filename, [],[]); % Extract required data no_sigs = length(up.files.sigs.names{file_no}); for sig_no = 1 : no_sigs curr_sig_no = up.files.sigs.nos{file_no}(sig_no); curr_times = [up.files.times.deb(file_no), up.files.times.fin(file_no)]; rel_els = find(tm>= curr_times(1) & tm <= curr_times(2)); curr_sig.v = signal(rel_els,curr_sig_no); curr_sig.t = [0:length(curr_sig.v)-1]./Fs; % store data counter_no = counter_no+1; data(counter_no).sig = curr_sig.v; data(counter_no).t = curr_sig.t; data(counter_no).db = strrep(url(temp(end-1)+1:temp(end)-1), 'db', ''); data(counter_no).name = up.files.sigs.names{file_no}{sig_no}; end end save(up.paths.converted_data, 'data') end function plot_data(up) %% Make short PPG Plot % setup load(up.paths.converted_data) ftsize = 24; pos_long = [20,20,500,250]; pos_ppg = [20,20,600,600]; pos_short = [20,20,1000,470]; % Extract data temp = extractfield(data, 'name'); sig_no = find(strcmp(temp, 'ppg')); clear temp curr = data(sig_no); curr.fix = 1*ones(size(curr.t)); curr.ven = curr.fix + 0.7 + 0.1*sin(curr.t*2*pi/4); curr.sig = (curr.sig-min(curr.sig))/(max(curr.sig)-min(curr.sig)); curr.ppg = curr.ven + 0.5 + curr.sig(:)'; %plot(curr.t, curr.fix), hold on, plot(curr.t, curr.ven), plot(curr.t, curr.ppg) % - Make figure (just PPG) figure('Position', pos_short) plot(curr.t, curr.ppg, 'k', 'LineWidth', 2) ylim([0 3.31]) set(gca, 'FontSize', ftsize, 'YTick', []) xlabel('Time (s)', 'FontSize', ftsize) title('Raw Photoplethysmogram', 'FontSize', ftsize) box off savepath = [up.paths.folders.plot, 'short_raw_ppg_init']; print(savepath, '-depsc') print(savepath, '-dpng') close all % - Make figure (components) % fill in figure('Position', pos_short) h = area(curr.t, curr.ppg, 'LineStyle', 'none'); hold on h.FaceColor = [1,0,0]; plot(curr.t, curr.ppg, 'k', 'LineWidth', 2) %plot(curr.t, curr.ven, '--k', 'LineWidth', 2) h = area(curr.t, curr.ven, 'LineStyle', 'none'); hold on h.FaceColor = [0,0,1]; plot(curr.t, curr.ven, '--k', 'LineWidth', 2) h = area(curr.t, curr.fix, 'LineStyle', 'none'); hold on h.FaceColor = [0.8,0.8,0.8]; plot(curr.t, curr.fix, '--k', 'LineWidth', 2) ylim([0 3.31]) set(gca, 'FontSize', ftsize, 'YTick', []) xlabel('Time (s)', 'FontSize', ftsize) ylab = ylabel({'PPG','(au)'}, 'FontSize', ftsize, 'Rotation', 0); set(ylab, 'position', get(ylab,'position')-[0.2,0.1,0]); %title('Raw Photoplethysmogram', 'FontSize', ftsize) box off % annotate dim = [.2 .19 .1 .1]; str = 'Other Tissues'; annotation('textbox',dim,'String',str,'FitBoxToText','on', 'LineStyle', 'none', 'BackgroundColor', [1,1,1], 'FontSize', ftsize, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center'); dim = [.2 .40 .1 .1]; str = 'Venous Blood'; annotation('textbox',dim,'String',str,'FitBoxToText','on', 'LineStyle', 'none', 'BackgroundColor', [1,1,1], 'FontSize', ftsize, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center'); dim = [.2 .58 .1 .1]; str = 'Arterial Blood'; annotation('textbox',dim,'String',str,'FitBoxToText','on', 'LineStyle', 'none', 'BackgroundColor', [1,1,1], 'FontSize', ftsize, 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center'); savepath = [up.paths.folders.plot, 'short_raw_ppg']; print(savepath, '-depsc') print(savepath, '-dpng') close all end function sig_info = get_sig_info(curr_name) switch curr_name case 'ecg' = 'Electrocardiogram'; sig_info.units = 'mV'; case 'scg' = 'Seismocardiogram'; sig_info.units = ''; case 'ppg' = 'Photoplethysmogram'; sig_info.units = ''; case 'abp' = 'Arterial Blood Pressure'; sig_info.units = ''; case 'imp' = 'Impedance Pneumography'; sig_info.units = ''; case 'gyro' = 'Gyroscope'; sig_info.units = ''; case 'accel' = 'Acceleration'; sig_info.units = ''; end end