package gui import ( "image" "image/draw" "runtime" "sync" "time" "unsafe" "" "" "" ) // Event constants const ( EventMouseDown = "mouse/down" EventMouseMove = "mouse/move" EventMouseScroll = "mouse/scroll" EventMouseUp = "mouse/up" EventKeyboardChar = "keyboard/char" EventKeyboardDown = "keyboard/down" EventKeyboardUp = "keyboard/up" EventKeyboardRepeat = "keyboard/repeat" EventResize = "resize" EventClose = "close" ) var buttonNames = map[glfw.MouseButton]string{ glfw.MouseButtonLeft: "left", glfw.MouseButtonRight: "right", glfw.MouseButtonMiddle: "middle", } var keyNames = map[glfw.Key]string{ glfw.KeyLeft: "left", glfw.KeyRight: "right", glfw.KeyUp: "up", glfw.KeyDown: "down", glfw.KeyEscape: "escape", glfw.KeySpace: "space", glfw.KeyBackspace: "backspace", glfw.KeyDelete: "delete", glfw.KeyEnter: "enter", glfw.KeyTab: "tab", glfw.KeyHome: "home", glfw.KeyEnd: "end", glfw.KeyPageUp: "pageup", glfw.KeyPageDown: "pagedown", glfw.KeyLeftShift: "shift", glfw.KeyRightShift: "shift", glfw.KeyLeftControl: "ctrl", glfw.KeyRightControl: "ctrl", glfw.KeyLeftAlt: "alt", glfw.KeyRightAlt: "alt", } type options struct { title string width, height int resizable bool } // Option is a functional option to the window constructor New. type Option func(*options) // Title option sets the title (caption) of the window. func Title(title string) Option { return func(o *options) { o.title = title } } // Size option sets the width and height of the window. func Size(width, height int) Option { return func(o *options) { o.width = width o.height = height } } // Resizable option makes the window resizable by the user. func Resizable(b bool) Option { return func(o *options) { o.resizable = b } } // New creates a new window with all the supplied options. // // The default title is empty and the default size is 640x480. func New(opts ...Option) (*Window, error) { o := options{ title: "", width: 640, height: 480, resizable: false, } for _, opt := range opts { opt(&o) } eventsOut, eventsIn := makeEventsChan() w := &Window{ eventsOut: eventsOut, eventsIn: eventsIn, draw: make(chan func(draw.Image) image.Rectangle), newSize: make(chan image.Rectangle), finish: make(chan struct{}), } var err error mainthread.Call(func() { w.w, err = makeGLFWWindow(&o) }) if err != nil { return nil, err } mainthread.Call(func() { // HiDPI hack width, _ := w.w.GetFramebufferSize() w.ratio = width / o.width if w.ratio != 1 { o.width /= w.ratio o.height /= w.ratio } w.w.Destroy() w.w, err = makeGLFWWindow(&o) }) if err != nil { return nil, err } w.img = image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, o.width*w.ratio, o.height*w.ratio)) go func() { runtime.LockOSThread() w.openGLThread() }() mainthread.CallNonBlock(w.eventThread) return w, nil } func makeGLFWWindow(o *options) (*glfw.Window, error) { if err := glfw.Init(); err != nil { return nil, err } glfw.WindowHint(glfw.DoubleBuffer, glfw.False) if o.resizable { glfw.WindowHint(glfw.Resizable, glfw.True) } else { glfw.WindowHint(glfw.Resizable, glfw.False) } return glfw.CreateWindow(o.width, o.height, o.title, nil, nil) } // Env is an interactive graphical environment, such as a window. type Env interface { Events() <-chan Event Draw() chan<- func(draw.Image) image.Rectangle } // Window is an Env that handles an actual graphical window. type Window struct { eventsOut <-chan Event eventsIn chan<- Event draw chan func(draw.Image) image.Rectangle newSize chan image.Rectangle finish chan struct{} w *glfw.Window img *image.RGBA ratio int } // Events returns the events channel of the window. func (w *Window) Events() <-chan Event { return w.eventsOut } // Draw returns the draw channel of the window. func (w *Window) Draw() chan<- func(draw.Image) image.Rectangle { return w.draw } func (w *Window) eventThread() { var moX, moY int w.w.SetCursorPosCallback(func(_ *glfw.Window, x, y float64) { moX, moY = int(x), int(y) w.eventsIn <- event{EventMouseMove, []int{moX * w.ratio, moY * w.ratio}} }) w.w.SetMouseButtonCallback(func(_ *glfw.Window, button glfw.MouseButton, action glfw.Action, mod glfw.ModifierKey) { b, ok := buttonNames[button] if !ok { return } switch action { case glfw.Press: w.eventsIn <- event{EventMouseDown, []interface{}{moX * w.ratio, moY * w.ratio, b}} case glfw.Release: w.eventsIn <- event{EventMouseUp, []interface{}{moX * w.ratio, moY * w.ratio, b}} } }) w.w.SetScrollCallback(func(_ *glfw.Window, xoff, yoff float64) { w.eventsIn <- event{EventMouseScroll, []int{int(xoff), int(yoff)}} }) w.w.SetCharCallback(func(_ *glfw.Window, r rune) { w.eventsIn <- event{EventKeyboardChar, r} }) w.w.SetKeyCallback(func(_ *glfw.Window, key glfw.Key, _ int, action glfw.Action, _ glfw.ModifierKey) { k, ok := keyNames[key] if !ok { return } switch action { case glfw.Press: w.eventsIn <- event{EventKeyboardDown, k} case glfw.Release: w.eventsIn <- event{EventKeyboardUp, k} case glfw.Repeat: w.eventsIn <- event{EventKeyboardRepeat, k} } }) w.w.SetFramebufferSizeCallback(func(_ *glfw.Window, width, height int) { r := image.Rect(0, 0, width, height) w.newSize <- r w.eventsIn <- event{EventResize, []int{r.Min.X, r.Min.Y, r.Max.X, r.Max.Y}} }) w.w.SetCloseCallback(func(_ *glfw.Window) { w.eventsIn <- event{EventClose, nil} }) w.eventsIn <- event{EventResize, w.img.Bounds()} for { select { case <-w.finish: close(w.eventsIn) w.w.Destroy() return default: glfw.WaitEventsTimeout(1.0 / 30) } } } func (w *Window) openGLThread() { w.w.MakeContextCurrent() gl.Init() w.openGLFlush(w.img.Bounds()) loop: for { var totalR image.Rectangle select { case r := <-w.newSize: img := image.NewRGBA(r) draw.Draw(img, w.img.Bounds(), w.img, w.img.Bounds().Min, draw.Src) w.img = img totalR = totalR.Union(r) case d, ok := <-w.draw: if !ok { close(w.finish) return } r := d(w.img) totalR = totalR.Union(r) } for { select { case <-time.After(time.Second / 960): w.openGLFlush(totalR) totalR = image.ZR continue loop case r := <-w.newSize: img := image.NewRGBA(r) draw.Draw(img, w.img.Bounds(), w.img, w.img.Bounds().Min, draw.Src) w.img = img totalR = totalR.Union(r) case d, ok := <-w.draw: if !ok { close(w.finish) return } r := d(w.img) totalR = totalR.Union(r) } } } } func (w *Window) openGLFlush(r image.Rectangle) { bounds := w.img.Bounds() r = r.Intersect(bounds) if r.Empty() { return } tmp := image.NewRGBA(r) draw.Draw(tmp, r, w.img, r.Min, draw.Src) gl.DrawBuffer(gl.FRONT) gl.Viewport( int32(bounds.Min.X), int32(bounds.Min.Y), int32(bounds.Dx()), int32(bounds.Dy()), ) gl.RasterPos2d( -1+2*float64(r.Min.X)/float64(bounds.Dx()), +1-2*float64(r.Min.Y)/float64(bounds.Dy()), ) gl.PixelZoom(1, -1) gl.DrawPixels( int32(r.Dx()), int32(r.Dy()), gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, unsafe.Pointer(&tmp.Pix[0]), ) gl.Flush() } // Event includes its name and args. type Event interface { Name() string Args() interface{} } type event struct { name string args interface{} } func (e event) Name() string { return } func (e event) Args() interface{} { return e.args } func makeEventsChan() (<-chan Event, chan<- Event) { out, in := make(chan Event), make(chan Event) go func() { var queue []Event for { x, ok := <-in if !ok { close(out) return } queue = append(queue, x) for len(queue) > 0 { select { case out <- queue[0]: queue = queue[1:] case x, ok := <-in: if !ok { for _, x := range queue { out <- x } close(out) return } queue = append(queue, x) } } } }() return out, in } // Mux can be used to multiplex an Env. type Mux struct { mu sync.Mutex lastResize Event eventsIns []chan<- Event draw chan<- func(draw.Image) image.Rectangle } // NewMux creates a new Mux that multiplexes the given Env. func NewMux(env Env) (mux *Mux, master Env) { drawChan := make(chan func(draw.Image) image.Rectangle) mux = &Mux{draw: drawChan} master = mux.makeEnv(true) go func() { for d := range drawChan { env.Draw() <- d } close(env.Draw()) }() go func() { for e := range env.Events() { if e.Name() == EventResize { mux.lastResize = e } for _, eventsIn := range mux.eventsIns { eventsIn <- e } } for _, eventsIn := range mux.eventsIns { close(eventsIn) } }() return mux, master } // MakeEnv creates a new virtual Env that interacts with the root Env of the Mux. func (mux *Mux) MakeEnv() Env { return mux.makeEnv(false) } type muxEnv struct { events <-chan Event draw chan<- func(draw.Image) image.Rectangle } func (m *muxEnv) Events() <-chan Event { return } func (m *muxEnv) Draw() chan<- func(draw.Image) image.Rectangle { return m.draw } func (mux *Mux) makeEnv(master bool) Env { eventsOut, eventsIn := makeEventsChan() drawChan := make(chan func(draw.Image) image.Rectangle) env := &muxEnv{eventsOut, drawChan} mux.eventsIns = append(mux.eventsIns, eventsIn) if mux.lastResize != nil { eventsIn <- mux.lastResize } go func() { func() { defer func() { if recover() != nil { for range drawChan { } } }() for d := range drawChan { mux.draw <- d // ! } }() if master { for _, eventsIn := range mux.eventsIns { close(eventsIn) } mux.eventsIns = nil close(mux.draw) } else { i := -1 for i = range mux.eventsIns { if mux.eventsIns[i] == eventsIn { break } } if i != -1 { mux.eventsIns = append(mux.eventsIns[:i], mux.eventsIns[i+1:]...) } } }() return env } // Run calls mainthread.Run func Run(run func()) { mainthread.Run(run) }