Python and Cython language bundles ================================== ***THE MOST POPULAR AND MOST FEATURE RICH PYTHON SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTER FOR SUBLIME TEXT WITH [OVER 450,000+ DOWNLOADS AND BEING IN THE TOP 100 PACKAGES](!*** Bleeding-egde Python and Cython syntax highlighters and other goodies for Sublime Text 2/3 and TextMate editors. *(Or for any other editor, that is using the `.tmLanguage` syntax definition)* ![Preview](img/preview.png) State of the Art ---------------- Below are some of the most important improvements compared to the existing syntax highlighters: - Added better number highlighting: - All types of floating point notations are working now; - All types of complex number notations are working now; - New types of binary and octal-number notations are supported; - Long integer is removed. - The `...` syntax notation of `Ellipsis` is supported now. - Declaration rules are extended with `nonlocal`. - *Ex-statements-now-functions* (like `print`) are updated. - New Exception highlighting added. - New keywords `async` and `await` added. - Function annotations are now supported. - Conventional-language variable `cls` added. - Optional-comment-based string highlighting: - Better regex support (multiline, grouping, comments and more are improved). - Format specifier mini-language - Template strings - Matrix multiplication operator - String and byte literals: - Byte notation added; - Proper string prefixes added. - All the unused built-in and magic functions/methods are now removed. - All the unused keywords and notations are now removed. Future plans ------------ - Create a better Twilight-based theme file. Installation ------------ ***Via Package Control*** The fastest and easiest way to install these packages for Sublime Text is the following: 1. Install [Package Control]( 2. Open `Tools` → `Command Palette` 3. Select `Package Control: Install Package` 4. Search for `Python 3` and `Cython+` packages and install them 5. Happy coding ;) ***Set as default*** After you installed the language definition file successfully, all you have to do is assign the `.py` files to always open with this syntax highlighter. Go to `View` → `Syntax` → `Open all with current extension as...` → `Python 3` To remove this setting, you can always overwrite this preference. ***Manual installation*** Download the `tmLanguage` files from the python and Cython branches of this repository. Navigate to your `Packages` folder and create a `Python3` and/or a `Cython` folder(s) and copy the `tmLanguage` and sublime-build files into. ***Theme file*** *If you want to use my Work-In-Progress theme file: navigate to `Packages/User` folder and copy `Gloom.tmTheme` into it. Then go to user-settings, and change your old color theme to the new one.* Contribute ---------- Any help is appreciated and more than welcome -- my goal is to make this the *'de facto'* language bundle for python 3. If you want to submit a change, please use the following conventions when editing the original python files: - variables uses `underscore_separated_names`; - all files uses 4 spaces for indentation; - `=` and `:` operators are aligned if length of variable names are similar; - `(`, `[` and `{` start a new line, if possible and reasonable; - each line must fit in the width 80 columns (code, text, etc.); - comment separators can be easily generated with the `src.utils.separator()` function Appreciation ------------ Thank you very much [@joncle]( (Jon Clements) for all the support in general, [@kms70847]( (Kevin), [@Ffisegydd]( (Keiron Pizzey), [@schesis]( (Zero Piraeus) and [@poke]( (Patrick Westerhoff) for the feedbacks, and of course thanks for all the wonderful members of the [sopython]( chat room for supporting me in any ways! *May the Cabbage be with us ;)* I also want to thank for all the loyal users of this package, and especially [@rahul-ramadas]( (Rahul Ramadas) and [@bordaigorl]( (Emanuele D'Osualdo) who were very active on giving me feedbacks, reports, etc. License ------- Copyright (C) 2013 - 2017 Peter Varo This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program, most likely a file in the root directory, called 'LICENSE'. If not, see