// shortcut: icon list v2 Comment | Made by pfg | https://routinehub.co/user/pfg | /u/pfg___ | pfg#4865 GetDictionaryFromInput SetVariable Input Text "Icon List V2" -> v:ThisShortcut createfolder service="iCloud Drive" "/IconListV2" createfolder service="iCloud Drive" "/IconListV2/MyLists" Dictionary{ name=v:ThisShortcut version="0.1.0" } -> mv:CFUDictionary getfile "iCloud Drive" false "AutoUpdateData.json" false SetDictionaryValue "2140" mv:CFUDictionary savefile "iCloud Drive" false "AutoUpdateData.json" true /* // Usage: Escape "text" @defmacro Escape @:text{type:text} runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: Escape, text: "\(@:text)" }) @defend */ GetVariable v:Input:action @set Escape (runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: Escape, text: @:text })) // @:Escape{text:hi} // ————————————————————----- // escapes a string for use in a vcard if Equals "Escape" GetVariable v:Input:text replacetext "\\" "\\\\" replacetext (Text "\n") " " replacetext ";" "\\;" exitShortcut otherwise end @set CreateCard (runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: CreateCard, carddata: @:carddata })) // runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: CreateCard, carddata: {name, description, note, photo?} }) // ————————————————————----- // creates a text out of a dictionary containing card data if Equals "CreateCard" getVariable v:Input:carddata -> v:CardData if ^(Count "Characters" ^(v:CardData:photo)) "Equals" 1 text "" otherwise text "PHOTO;ENCODING=b:\(v:CardData:photo)" end -> mv:Photo if ^(Count "Characters" ^(v:CardData:name)) "Equals" 0 text "No Title" otherwise getVariable v:CardData:name end -> mv:Name text -> mv:Result | BEGIN:VCARD | VERSION:3.0 | N;CHARSET=utf-8:\(@:Escape{text: mv:Name});;; | ORG;CHARSET=utf-8:\(@:Escape{text: v:CardData:description}) | NOTE;CHARSET=utf-8:\(@:Escape{text: v:CardData:note}) | \(mv:Photo) | END:VCARD // return as text exitShortcut ^(mv:Result) otherwise end @set AsContact (runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: AsContact, vcard: @:vcard })) // could be vcard: sv:ActionInput and then you could call it like Text "hi"; @:AsContact // runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: AsContact, vcard: "<vCard Text Here>" }) // ————————————————————----- // converts a given vcard string to a contact if Equals "AsContact" getVariable v:Input:vcard setName "a.vcf" -> mv:vCard exitShortcut ^(mv:vCard{as:Contact}) otherwise end @set ChoosePhoto (runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: ChoosePhoto })) // runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: ChoosePhoto }) // ————————————————————----- // prompts to select a photo if Equals "ChoosePhoto" selectphotos selectmultiple=false -> mv:SelectedPhoto // resize to 123x123 (@3x) resizeimage width=123 -> v:Image getVariable v:Image{as:Image,get:Height} if "Is Greater Than" 123 getVariable ^(v:Image) -> v:FilledImage resizeimage ^(mv:SelectedPhoto) width="" height=123 -> v:Image otherwise resizeimage ^(mv:SelectedPhoto) width="" height=123 -> v:FilledImage end // place on top of a transparent image to make a 123x123 Text "R0lGODlhAQABAIABAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==" base64encode mode="Decode" resizeimage width=123 height=123 -> mv:TransparentImage overlayimage ^(mv:TransparentImage) v:Image showimageeditor=false position="Center" -> v:Image overlayimage ^(mv:TransparentImage) v:Image showimageeditor=false position="Center" width=87 height=87 -> v:FitImage overlayimage ^(mv:TransparentImage) v:FilledImage showimageeditor=false position="Center" -> v:FilledImage base64encode ^(v:Image) mode="Encode" linebreaks="None" -> v:Image base64encode ^(v:FitImage) mode="Encode" linebreaks="None" -> v:FitImage base64encode ^(v:FilledImage) mode="Encode" linebreaks="None" -> v:FilledImage // show both and pick which to use text -> v:vCard | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nPHOTO;ENCODING=b:\(v:FilledImage)\nNOTE;CHARSET=utf-8:filledImage\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:Fill Circle;;;\nEND:VCARD | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nPHOTO;ENCODING=b:\(v:Image)\nNOTE;CHARSET=utf-8:standardImage\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:Original Size;;;\nEND:VCARD | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nPHOTO;ENCODING=b:\(v:FitImage)\nNOTE;CHARSET=utf-8:fitImage\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:Fit in Circle;;;\nEND:VCARD | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nNOTE;CHARSET=utf-8:noImage\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:No Image;;;\nEND:VCARD | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nNOTE;CHARSET=utf-8:differentPhoto\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:Choose Different Photo;;;\nEND:VCARD @:AsContact{vcard:vCard} chooseFromList -> mv:ChosenItem getVariable mv:ChosenItem{as:Contact,get:Notes} if Equals "filledImage"; getVariable v:FilledImage; otherwise; end if Equals "standardImage"; getVariable v:Image; otherwise; end if Equals "fitImage"; getVariable v:FitImage; otherwise; end if Equals "noImage"; text " "; otherwise; end if Equals "differentPhoto"; runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: ChoosePhoto }); otherwise; end exitShortcut otherwise end @set EditItem (runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: EditItem, carddata: @:carddata })) // runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: EditItem, carddata: {name, description, note, photo} }) // ————————————————————----- // edits a given item if Equals "EditItem" getVariable v:Input:carddata -> v:CardData nothing -> v:ActionList // text -> mv:vCard | \(@:CreateCard{carddata: v:CardData}) | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:—————;;;\nEND:VCARD | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nNOTE;CHARSET=utf-8:setIcon\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:Icon;;;\nEND:VCARD | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nNOTE;CHARSET=utf-8:setName\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:Title;;;\nORG;CHARSET=utf-8:\(@:Escape{text: v:CardData:name})\nEND:VCARD | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nNOTE;CHARSET=utf-8:setDescription\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:Description;;;\nORG;CHARSET=utf-8:\(@:Escape{text: v:CardData:description})\nEND:VCARD | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nNOTE;CHARSET=utf-8:setNote\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:Note (Hidden);;;\nORG;CHARSET=utf-8:\(@:Escape{text: v:CardData:note})\nEND:VCARD | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:—————;;;\nEND:VCARD | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nNOTE;CHARSET=utf-8:doneEditing\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:Save;;;\nEND:VCARD @:AsContact{vcard: mv:vCard} chooseFromList -> mv:ChosenItem getVariable mv:ChosenItem{as:Contact,get:Notes} -> mv:Notes if Equals "setIcon" v:CardData = setDictionaryValue ^(v:CardData) "photo" (@:ChoosePhoto) nothing otherwise end if Equals "setName" askforinput question="New Name" defaultanswer=v:CardData:name -> mv:NewValue v:CardData = setDictionaryValue ^(v:CardData) "name" mv:NewValue nothing otherwise end if Equals "setDescription" askforinput question="New Description" defaultanswer=v:CardData:description -> mv:NewValue v:CardData = setDictionaryValue ^(v:CardData) "description" mv:NewValue nothing otherwise end if Equals "setNote" askforinput question="New Note" defaultanswer=v:CardData:note -> mv:NewValue v:CardData = setDictionaryValue ^(v:CardData) "note" mv:NewValue nothing otherwise end if Equals "doneEditing" exitShortcut ^(v:CardData) otherwise end @:EditItem{carddata: v:CardData} exitShortcut otherwise end @set NewItem (runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: EditItem, carddata: {name: "", description: "", note: "", photo: " "} })) // ————————————————————----- // creates a new list item and starts editing it @set RemoveItemAtIndex @{ Dictionary{ action: RemoveItemAtIndex, list: [], index: @:index } setDictionaryValue list @:list // not needed here but for other shortcuts, count items if equals 0 don't do this end runshortcut v:ThisShortcut false } // Dictionary{ action: RemoveItemAtIndex, list: [], index: num } // setDictionaryValue list [...items] // runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false // ————————————————————----- // removes a specified item from a given list if Equals "RemoveItemAtIndex" getVariable v:Input:index -> v:Index getVariable v:Input:list -> v:List count Items -> v:Length // If the list has one item, return an empty list if ^(v:Length) Equals 1 list [] exitShortcut otherwise end // If the index is 1, return 2.. if ^(v:Index) Equals 1 getitemfromlist ^(v:List) get="Items in Range" 2 v:Length exitShortcut otherwise end // If the index is equal to the length, return 1..length-1 if ^(v:Index) Equals v:Length getitemfromlist ^(v:List) get="Items in Range" 1 (Calculate ^(v:Length) "-" 1) exitShortcut otherwise end // Otherwise get items 1..Index-1 and get items Index+1..Length getitemfromlist ^(v:List) get="Items in Range" 1 (Calculate ^(v:Index) "-" 1) setVariable v:ResList getitemfromlist ^(v:List) get="Items in Range" (Calculate ^(v:Index) "+" 1) v:Length addToVariable v:ResList exitShortcut otherwise end @set AddItemAtIndex @{ Dictionary{ action: AddItemAtIndex, list: [], item: @:item, index: @:index } setDictionaryValue list @:list // not needed here but for other shortcuts, count items if equals 0 don't do this end runshortcut v:ThisShortcut false } // Dictionary{ action: AddItemAtIndex, list: [], item: any, index: num } // setDictionaryValue list [...items] // runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false // ————————————————————----- // inserts a specified item at a specified index of a specified list if Equals "AddItemAtIndex" getVariable v:Input:index -> v:Index getVariable v:Input:item -> v:ItemToAdd getVariable v:Input:list -> v:List count Items -> v:Length // If the list has zero items, return a list with the item if ^(v:Length) Equals 0 getVariable v:ItemToAdd exitShortcut otherwise end // If the index is 1, return a list with the item and the list if ^(v:Index) Equals 1 getVariable v:ItemToAdd setVariable v:ResList getVariable v:List addToVariable v:ResList exitShortcut otherwise end // If the index is 1, return a list with the list and the item if ^(v:Index) Equals (Calculate ^(v:Length) "+" 1) getVariable v:List setVariable v:ResList getVariable v:ItemToAdd addToVariable v:ResList exitShortcut otherwise end // Otherwise, get items 1..index-1 and index..end and add the item in the middle getitemfromlist ^(v:List) get="Items in Range" 1 (Calculate ^(v:Index) "-" 1) setVariable v:ResList getVariable v:ItemToAdd addToVariable v:ResList getitemfromlist ^(v:List) get="Items in Range" v:Index v:Length addToVariable v:ResList exitShortcut otherwise end @set QuickAdd (runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: QuickAdd })) // runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: QuickAdd }) // ————————————————————----- // starts QuickAdd to quickly add a list of items if Equals "QuickAdd" showResult | QuickAdd lets you quickly add a list of items with titles, note values, and descriptions all at once. | | Items should be added as 'Item Title/Note Value/Description' choosefrommenu "Use QuickAdd?" | Start QuickAdd | Don't case "start" case "don't" nothing exitShortcut end List ["Title/Note/Description\(s:askwhenrun)"] repeatWithEach if Equals "Title/Note/Description" nothing otherwise splittext separator="Custom" custom="/" -> v:TitleNoteDescription List ["", "", ""] addToVariable v:TitleNoteDescription // To prevent out of range errors getitemfromlist ^(v:TitleNoteDescription) "Item At Index" 1 -> mv:Title getitemfromlist ^(v:TitleNoteDescription) "Item At Index" 2 -> mv:Note getitemfromlist ^(v:TitleNoteDescription) "Item At Index" 3 -> mv:Description Dictionary{ name: mv:Title note: mv:Note description: mv:Description photo: " " } end if end exitShortcut otherwise end @set FindUnusedFilename (runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: FindUnusedFilename })) // runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: FindUnusedFilename }) // ————————————————————----- // asks for a name if Equals "FindUnusedFilename" askForInput "Pick a name for this list" -> mv:Filename getFile "iCloud Drive" false "/IconListV2/MyLists/\(mv:Filename).iconlist2" false count Items if Equals 0 getVariable mv:Filename exitShortcut otherwise showResult "The filename \(mv:Filename) is already taken" end @:FindUnusedFilename exitShortcut otherwise end // to move an item, repeat over each item of the list adding an item before it with "Add here" and note index @set EditList @{ Dictionary{ action: EditList, items: [], filename: @:filename } setDictionaryValue items @:items // not needed here but for other shortcuts, count items if equals 0 don't do this end runshortcut v:ThisShortcut false } // Dictionary{ action: EditList, items: [], filename: string||"" } // setDictionaryValue items [...items] // runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false // ————————————————————----- // edits a given list of items // remember, to pass a list into a dictionary you need to create a dictionary with no list and set dictionary value if Equals "EditList" getVariable v:Input:items -> v:Items getVariable v:Input:filename -> v:Filename if ^(count ^(v:Filename) Characters) Equals 0 text -> v:SaveItem | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nNOTE;CHARSET=utf-8:saveList\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:! Save List;;;\nORG;CHARSET=utf-8:This list is not saved and may be lost.\nEND:VCARD text "⚠️ This list is not saved." -> v:StatusText otherwise // save the file dictionary{list = []} setDictionaryValue list v:Items // Saves the file as {list: [...items]} setName "\(v:Filename).iconlist2" advanced=true true // why do you have to "don't include extension" to include extension? because you do. savefile a{ service="iCloud Drive", askwheretosave=false, destinationpath="/IconListV2/MyLists/\(v:Filename).iconlist2", overwriteiffileexists=true } text "✅ This list is saved to `IconListV2/MyLists/\(v:Filename)`" -> v:StatusText text -> v:SaveItem | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nNOTE;CHARSET=utf-8:saveList\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:Save As;;;\nEND:VCARD end repeatWithEach ^(v:Items) if Equals "_blank_" // to make sure there is always at least one item in the list nothing otherwise getVariable v:"Repeat Item" setdictionaryvalue key="note" value=(v:"Repeat Index") -> mv:CardData @:CreateCard{carddata: mv:CardData} end end repeat combinetext separator="New Lines" -> mv:CurrentListvCard text -> mv:vCard | \(mv:CurrentListvCard) | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:—————;;;\nEND:VCARD | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nNOTE;CHARSET=utf-8:addItem\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:+ Add Item;;;\nEND:VCARD | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nNOTE;CHARSET=utf-8:quickAdd\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:QuickAdd;;;\nEND:VCARD | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:—————;;;\nEND:VCARD | \(v:SaveItem) | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nNOTE;CHARSET=utf-8:copyToClipboard\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:Export List;;;\nEND:VCARD @:AsContact{vcard: mv:vCard} chooseFromList v:StatusText -> mv:ChosenItem getVariable mv:ChosenItem{as:Contact, get:Notes} -> mv:ChosenData if Equals "addItem" @:NewItem addToVariable v:Items text "" // text is used because of an upcoming count characters otherwise end if Equals "quickAdd" @:QuickAdd addToVariable v:Items text "" otherwise end if Equals "saveList" @:FindUnusedFilename setVariable v:Filename text "" otherwise end if Equals "copyToClipboard" chooseFromMenu "Copy list to clipboard?" | Copy to clipboard | Nevermind case copy getVariable mv:CurrentListvCard copytoclipboard chooseFromMenu "The list has been copied.\n\(v:StatusText)" | Continue Editing case continue end case nevermind end text "" otherwise end count Characters // notes has 1 item but 0 characters even when the notes field is undefined... :thinking: if Equals 0 nothing otherwise number mv:ChosenData -> mv:Index getVariable v:Items getitemfromlist a{ get="Item At Index" index=mv:Index } -> mv:ItemToEdit @:EditItem{carddata: mv:ItemToEdit} setVariable v:NewItem // remove item from list @:RemoveItemAtIndex{list: v:Items, index: mv:Index} setVariable v:Items // insert item back into list at the index @:AddItemAtIndex{list: v:Items, index: mv:Index, item: v:NewItem} setVariable v:Items nothing end @:EditList{items: v:Items, filename: v:Filename} exitShortcut otherwise end @set MainMenu (runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: MainMenu })) // runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: MainMenu }) // ————————————————————----- // the "main" screen of the shortcut if Equals "MainMenu" getFile a{ service="iCloud Drive", showdocumentpicker=false, filepath="IconListV2/MyLists/", errorifnotfound=false } repeatWithEach getVariable v:"Repeat Item"{as: File} -> mv:CurrentItem @:Escape{text: mv:CurrentItem{as:File,get:Name}} setVariable v:Name getVariable mv:CurrentItem setName "a.json" getDictionaryValue Value list count Items calculate "-" 1 -> mv:Count // to remove _blank_ if Equals 1; text "item"; otherwise; text "items"; end -> mv:IfResult Text | BEGIN:VCARD | VERSION:3.0 | N;CHARSET=utf-8:\(v:Name);;; | ORG;CHARSET=utf-8:\(mv:Count) \(mv:IfResult) | NOTE;CHARSET=utf-8:editList | END:VCARD end combinetext separator="New Lines" -> mv:CombinedText Text -> mv:vCard | \(mv:CombinedText) | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:—————;;;\nEND:VCARD | BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nNOTE;CHARSET=utf-8:newList\nN;CHARSET=utf-8:+ New List;;;\nEND:VCARD @:AsContact{vcard: mv:vCard} chooseFromList -> mv:ChosenItem getVariable mv:ChosenItem{as:Contact,get:Notes} -> mv:Notes if Equals "newList" // the new list will have its own save button, we don't need to get the filename now runShortcut v:ThisShortcut false ^(Dictionary{ action: EditList, filename: "", items: ["_blank_"] }) nothing otherwise end if Equals "oldList" otherwise end if Equals "editList" getVariable mv:ChosenItem getName -> mv:Name getFile "iCloud Drive" false "/IconListV2/MyLists/\(mv:Name).iconlist2" true setName "a.json" getDictionaryValue Value list -> mv:Items @:EditList{filename: mv:Name, items: mv:Items} nothing otherwise end @:MainMenu exitShortcut otherwise end @:MainMenu exitShortcut