import { HTTP } from "./command.http.ts" import { NEW } from "./" import { VITE } from "./command.vite.ts" import { PAGES } from "./command.p.ts" import { COMPONENTS } from "./command.c.ts" import { json2html, readLines, slug, brightGreen, yargs } from "./deps.ts" import base_page from "./templates/vanilla/base_page.ts" import { create_dir, create_page_file } from "./actions.ts" if (import.meta.main) { yargs(Deno.args) .command( "$0", "cli", () => {}, // eslint-disable-next-line max-lines-per-function async (argv) => { console.log("jamon!", argv) const json = await data_stdin() console.log(json2html(JSON.parse(json.join("")))) const js_object = JSON.parse(json.join("")) if (Array.isArray(js_object)) { for (const item of js_object) { slug.charmap["-"] = "_" const name = slug(item["name"], "-") create_dir(`tank_multiple/${name}`) create_page_file( `tank_multiple/${name}/index.html`, base_page.replace(/__html__/g, json2html(item)), ) } } else { create_dir("tank_single") create_page_file( "tank_single/index.html", base_page.replace( /__html__/g, json2html(JSON.parse(json.join(""))), ), ) } async function data_stdin() { const json = [] for await (const line of readLines(Deno.stdin)) { json.push(line) } return json } }, ) .command(HTTP) .example(...HTTP.example) .command(NEW) .example(...NEW.example) .command(VITE) .example(...VITE.example) .command(COMPONENTS) .example(...COMPONENTS.example) .command(PAGES) .example(...PAGES.example) .example(brightGreen("tank p --build"), "Create/Rebuild multiple pages.") // .epilogue("for more information, find our manual at") .strictCommands() .demandCommand(1) .version("") .parse() }