[ PharoConsultant { #name : 'Sven Van Caekenberghe', #email : 'sven@stfx.eu', #website : 'http://stfx.eu', #id : 'svenvancaekenberghe', #location : 'Hasselt, Belgium', #languages : 'Dutch (native), English, French, German', #industryExperienceSince : 1990, #pharoExperienceSince : 2010, #areasOfExpertise : 'Web Services & Applications, Servers, Networking, Protocols', #smalltalkExperienceSince : 1993 }, PharoConsultant { #name : 'Esteban A. Maringolo', #email : 'emaringolo@gmail.com', #website : 'http://trentosur.com', #id : 'estebanamaringolo', #location : 'Argentina', #languages : 'Spanish (native), English (proficiency level)', #industryExperienceSince : 2000, #pharoExperienceSince : 2011, #areasOfExpertise : 'Business domain models, Web technologies, relational databases, mobile development', #smalltalkExperienceSince : 2004 }, PharoConsultant { #name : 'Norbert Hartl', #email : 'norbert@2denker.de', #website : 'http://2denker.de', #id : 'norberthartl', #location : 'Cologne, Germany', #languages : 'German (native), English', #industryExperienceSince : 1994, #pharoExperienceSince : 2008, #areasOfExpertise : 'Web applications and backends, mobile applications, protocols, embedded software, distributed systems, broadcasting, telecommunications', #smalltalkExperienceSince : 2002 }, PharoConsultant { #name : 'Eliot Miranda', #email : 'eliot.miranda@gmail.com', #website : 'http://mirandabanda.org', #id : 'eliot.miranda (currently not used for anything)', #location : 'San Francisco, USA', #languages : 'English, French', #industryExperienceSince : 1993, #pharoExperienceSince : 2011, #areasOfExpertise : 'virtual machine, garbage collection, compiler, FFI', #smalltalkExperienceSince : 1983 }, PharoConsultant { #name : 'Jan van de Sandt', #email : 'jvdsandt@gmail.com', #website : 'http://doit.st', #id : 'janvandesandt', #location : 'Utrecht, The Netherlands', #languages : 'Dutch (native), English', #industryExperienceSince : 1994, #pharoExperienceSince : 2009, #areasOfExpertise : 'Business applications, enterprise integration and web applications', #smalltalkExperienceSince : 1993 }, PharoConsultant { #name : 'Sean DeNigris', #email : 'sean@clipperadams.com', #website : 'http://seandenigris.com', #id : 'seandenigris', #location : 'New York, USA', #languages : 'English (native)', #industryExperienceSince : 1996, #pharoExperienceSince : 2010, #areasOfExpertise : 'Small business applications; web applications & servers; DDD & customer communication; TDD/BDD', #smalltalkExperienceSince : 2010 }, PharoConsultant { #name : 'Mariano Martinez Peck', #email : 'marianopeck@gmail.com', #website : 'http://marianopeck.wordpress.com/', #id : 'marianomartinezpeck', #location : 'Buenos Aires, Argentina', #languages : 'Spanish (native), English (fluent, Cambridge FCE), French (basic)', #industryExperienceSince : 2006, #pharoExperienceSince : 2009, #areasOfExpertise : 'Libraries and frameworks, web applications and backends, databases and serialization, protocols, virtual machine, system administration', #smalltalkExperienceSince : 2008 }, PharoConsultant { #name : 'Tudor Girba', #email : 'tudor@tudorgirba.com', #website : 'http://tudorgirba.com', #id : 'tudorgirba', #location : 'Bern, Switzerland', #languages : 'English, Romanian, (French), (German)', #industryExperienceSince : 2001, #pharoExperienceSince : 2008, #areasOfExpertise : 'Object-oriented modeling, software and data analysis, coaching', #smalltalkExperienceSince : 2002 }, PharoConsultant { #name : 'Esteban Lorenzano', #email : 'estebanlm@gmail.com', #website : 'http://smallworks.eu', #id : 'estebanlorenzano', #location : 'Lille, France', #languages : 'Spanish (Native), English, French', #industryExperienceSince : 1993, #pharoExperienceSince : 2008, #areasOfExpertise : 'Pharo internals, virtual machine, Pharo common frameworks (Seaside, Voyage, etc.), business applications (web, desktop, mobile)', #smalltalkExperienceSince : 2007 }, PharoConsultant { #name : 'Philippe Back', #email : 'phil@highoctane.be', #website : 'http://highoctane.be', #id : 'philippeback', #location : 'Bierges, Belgium', #languages : 'French (native), Dutch, English', #industryExperienceSince : 1992, #pharoExperienceSince : 2010, #areasOfExpertise : 'domain models, specifications, web', #smalltalkExperienceSince : 2010 }, PharoConsultant { #name : 'Janko Miv\u0161ek', #email : 'janko.mivsek@eranova.si', #website : 'http://www.aidaweb.si', #id : 'jankomivsek', #location : 'Ljubljana, Slovenia', #languages : 'Slovenian (native), English, French, Serbian, Croatian', #industryExperienceSince : 1988, #pharoExperienceSince : 2010, #areasOfExpertise : 'Business Web Applications based on Aida/Web in Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, Energy and Logistics', #smalltalkExperienceSince : 1995 }, PharoConsultant { #name : 'Alain Plantec', #email : 'alain.plantec@univ-brest.fr', #website : 'http://dossen.univ-brest.fr/apl', #id : 'alainplantec', #location : 'Brest, France', #languages : 'French (native), English', #industryExperienceSince : 1988, #pharoExperienceSince : 2008, #areasOfExpertise : 'User Interface, Object-oriented modeling, Data exchange, Compiler building', #smalltalkExperienceSince : 1991 }, PharoConsultant { #id : 'marcusdenker', #email : 'denker@acm.org', #name : 'Marcus Denker', #website : 'http://marcusdenker.de', #location : 'Lille, France', #languages : 'German (native), English, French', #industryExperienceSince : 2008, #pharoExperienceSince : 2008, #areasOfExpertise : 'Pharo General, Reflection, Compilation, Continuous Integration, TCAP, ASN.1, network protocols', #smalltalkExperienceSince : 1998 }, PharoConsultant { #id : 'stephaneggermont', #email : 'stephan@legacycode.nl', #name : 'Stephan Eggermont', #website : 'http://www.legacycode.nl', #location : 'Den Bosch, The Netherlands', #languages : 'Dutch (native), English, German', #industryExperienceSince : 1994, #pharoExperienceSince : 2008, #areasOfExpertise : 'Legacy Code Refactoring & Migrations, Small Business Applications, Improving Software Development', #smalltalkExperienceSince : 2005 }, PharoConsultant { #id : 'diegolont', #email : 'diego.lont@delware.nl', #name : 'Diego Lont', #website : 'http://www.delware.nl', #location : 'Amsterdam, The Netherlands', #languages : 'Dutch (native), English, German', #industryExperienceSince : 2000, #pharoExperienceSince : 2010, #areasOfExpertise : 'Web Services & Applications, Software and data analysis, Migrations, Software Configuration Management', #smalltalkExperienceSince : 2010 }, PharoConsultant { #id : 'hernanmorales', #email : 'hernan.morales@gmail.com', #name : 'Hern\u00E1n Morales', #website : 'http://80738163270632.blogspot.com', #location : 'La Plata, Argentina', #languages : 'Spanish (native), English, French', #industryExperienceSince : 2004, #pharoExperienceSince : 2009, #areasOfExpertise : 'Object-oriented modeling, Data Science, HPC, Bioinformatics, Documental Informatics, Applications, Libraries, Frameworks, System Administration, Legacy Code Refactoring & Migrations', #smalltalkExperienceSince : 1998 }, PharoConsultant { #id : 'kuszinger', #email : 'kuszinger@giscom.hu', #name : 'Robert Kuszinger', #website : 'http://www.giscom.hu', #location : 'Budapest, Hungary', #languages : 'Hungarian (native), English', #industryExperienceSince : 1997, #smalltalkExperienceSince : 1996, #pharoExperienceSince : 2013, #areasOfExpertise : 'GIS, Remote Sensing, Applications, System Administration, Web Applications, Relational Databases' } ]