import hudson.tasks.test.AbstractTestResultAction def isWindows(){ //If NODE_LABELS environment variable is null, we assume we are on master unix machine if (env.NODE_LABELS == null) { return false } return env.NODE_LABELS.toLowerCase().contains('windows') } // Answers if we are in a development branch (we assume is a development branch if it starts with "Pharo") def isDevelopmentBranch() { def branchName = env.BRANCH_NAME def baseName = branchName.substring(0, 5) return baseName == "Pharo" } // Extracts Pharo version from the development branch (if it is "Pharo7.0" it will answer "7.0") def getPharoVersionFromBranch() { def branchName = env.BRANCH_NAME return branchName.substring(5) } def shell(params){ if(isWindows()) bat(params) else sh(params) } def runTests(architecture, prefix=''){ cleanWs() dir(env.STAGE_NAME) { try { unstash "bootstrap${architecture}" shell "bash -c 'bootstrap/scripts/run${prefix} ${architecture} ${env.STAGE_NAME}${prefix}'" junit allowEmptyResults: true, testResults: "${env.STAGE_NAME}${prefix}*.xml" archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: "${env.STAGE_NAME}${prefix}*.xml", fingerprint: true }finally{ // I am archiving the logs to check for crashes and errors. if(fileExists('PharoDebug.log')){ shell "mv PharoDebug.log PharoDebug-${env.STAGE_NAME}${prefix}.log" archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: "PharoDebug-${env.STAGE_NAME}${prefix}.log", fingerprint: true } if(fileExists('crash.dmp')){ shell "mv crash.dmp crash-${env.STAGE_NAME}${prefix}.dmp" archiveArtifacts allowEmptyArchive: true, artifacts: "crash-${env.STAGE_NAME}${prefix}.dmp", fingerprint: true } } } } def shellOutput(params){ return (isWindows())? bat(returnStdout: true, script: params).trim() : sh(returnStdout: true, script: params).trim() } def notifyBuild(status){ node('unix'){ stage('notify'){ try{ //If this is development, we send the email to the bugtracker list //Otherwise, we send it to pharo-dev def toMail = "" def buildKind = env.BRANCH_NAME if (env.CHANGE_ID != null){ buildKind = "PR ${env.CHANGE_ID}" } if( isDevelopmentBranch() ) { toMail = "" buildKind = getPharoVersionFromBranch() } //We checkout scm to have access to the log information checkout scm def owner = "pharo-project" def title = status //Get the merge information from the last commit def logMessage = shellOutput('git log -1 --format="%B"') def logSHA = shellOutput('git log -1 --format="%p"') def mailMessage = "Could not extract further issue information from commit message: ${logMessage}" //If there is no pull request information, we will send a log with the last commit message only def isPRMergeCommit = logMessage.startsWith("Merge pull request ") if (isPRMergeCommit) { def pullRequestId = logMessage.split(' ')[3].substring(1) def githubPullRequestHttpRequest = "${owner}/pharo/pulls/${pullRequestId}" def response = httpRequest githubPullRequestHttpRequest if (response.status == 200) { def pullRequestJSON = readJSON text: response.content def pullRequestTitle = pullRequestJSON['title'] def pullRequestUrl = "${owner}/pharo/pull/${pullRequestId}" mailMessage = """The Pull Request #${pullRequestId} was integrated: \"${pullRequestTitle}\" Pull request url: ${pullRequestUrl} """ title = pullRequestTitle def issueNumber = pullRequestJSON['head']['ref'].split('-')[0] def issueUrl = "${issueNumber}" mailMessage += """ Issue Url: ${issueUrl}""" } else { mailMessage += """ No associated issue found""" } } def body = """There is a new Pharo build available! The status of the build #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} was: ${status}. ${mailMessage} Build Url: ${env.BUILD_URL} """ mail to: toMail, cc: '', subject: "[Pharo ${buildKind}] Build #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}: ${title}", body: body } catch (e) { //If there is an error during mail send, just print it and continue echo 'Error while sending email: ' + e.toString() } finally { cleanWs() }}} } def bootstrapImage(){ cleanWs() def builders = [:] def architectures = ['32']//, '64'] for (arch in architectures) { // Need to bind the label variable before the closure - can't do 'for (label in labels)' def architecture = arch builders[architecture] = { dir(architecture) { try{ stage ("Fetch Requirements-${architecture}") { checkout scm // Stage 1 is to remove any artefacts, not required for Jenkins shell "BUILD_NUMBER=${BUILD_NUMBER} BOOTSTRAP_ARCH=${architecture} bash ./bootstrap/scripts/" } stage ("Bootstrap-${architecture}") { shell "BUILD_NUMBER=${BUILD_NUMBER} BOOTSTRAP_ARCH=${architecture} bash ./bootstrap/scripts/" } stage ("Full Image-${architecture}") { shell "BUILD_NUMBER=${BUILD_NUMBER} BOOTSTRAP_ARCH=${architecture} bash ./bootstrap/scripts/" stash includes: "bootstrap-cache/*.zip,bootstrap-cache/*.sources,bootstrap/scripts/**", name: "bootstrap${architecture}" } if (architecture == "32") { stage ("Convert Image - 32->64") { dir("conversion") { shell "cp ../bootstrap-cache/*.zip ." shell "BUILD_NUMBER=${BUILD_NUMBER} BOOTSTRAP_ARCH=${architecture} bash ../bootstrap/scripts/" shell "mv *-64bit-*.zip ../bootstrap-cache" } } } if( isDevelopmentBranch() ) { stage("Upload to") { dir("bootstrap-cache") { shell "BUILD_NUMBER=${env.BUILD_ID} bash ../bootstrap/scripts/" sshagent (credentials: ['b5248b59-a193-4457-8459-e28e9eb29ed7']) { shell "bash ../bootstrap/scripts/" } } } } } finally { archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'bootstrap-cache/*.zip,bootstrap-cache/*.sources', fingerprint: true cleanWs() } } } } parallel builders } def launchBenchmark(){ node('unix'){ stage('launchBenchmark'){ cleanWs() projectName = env.JOB_NAME //We checkout scm to have access to the log information checkout scm if (env.CHANGE_ID != null){ //If I am in a PR the head of the repository is a merge of the base commit (the development branch) and the PR commit. //I take the first parent of this commit. It is the commit in the PR commit = shellOutput('git log HEAD^1 -1 --format="%H"') isPR = true }else{ // If it is not a PR the commit to evaluate and put the status in github is the current commit commit = shellOutput('git log -1 --format="%H"') isPR = false } build job: 'pharo-benchmarks', parameters: [text(name: 'originProjectName', value: projectName), booleanParam(name: 'isPR', value: isPR), text(name: 'commit', value: commit)], wait: false } } } try{ properties([disableConcurrentBuilds()]) node('unix') { timeout(30) { bootstrapImage() } } //Testing step def testers = [:] def architectures = ['32']//, '64'] def platforms = ['unix', 'osx', 'windows'] for (arch in architectures) { // Need to bind the label variable before the closure - can't do 'for (label in labels)' def architecture = arch for (platf in platforms) { // Need to bind the label variable before the closure - can't do 'for (label in labels)' def platform = platf testers["${platform}-${architecture}"] = { node(platform) { stage("Tests-${platform}-${architecture}") { timeout(35) { runTests(architecture) runTests(architecture, "Kernel") } }} } } } parallel testers notifyBuild("SUCCESS") launchBenchmark() } catch (e) { notifyBuild("FAILURE") throw e }