from phate89lib import kodiutils, rutils, staticutils import datetime, calendar, os try: from urllib.parse import urlparse, quote_plus except ImportError: from urlparse import urlparse from urllib import quote_plus import dateutil.parser import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from tempfile import mkstemp import datetime webutils=rutils.RUtils() webutils.log=kodiutils.log useragent = "RSI.CH Video Addon" webutils.USERAGENT = useragent #site logic def getVideoLinks(id): return getVideoLinksFromUrl('{id}.json'.format(id=id)) def getVideoLinksFromUrl(url): resp = webutils.getJson(url) if not resp: return False if not ('Video' in resp and 'Playlists' in resp['Video'] and 'Playlist' in resp['Video']['Playlists']): return False ret = [] for pl in resp['Video']['Playlists']['Playlist']: for purl in pl['url']: plout= {} plout['protocol'] = pl['@protocol'] plout['quality'] = purl['@quality'] plout['url'] = purl['text'] ret.append(plout) if 'Subtitles' in resp['Video'] and 'TTMLUrl' in resp['Video']['Subtitles']: ret.append({'protocol':'TTMLUrl', 'quality':'', 'url': resp['Video']['Subtitles']['TTMLUrl']}) return ret def getAuthString(url): #obtain the auth url sUrl=urlparse(url).path.split('/') if len(sUrl) < 3: return False auth=webutils.getJson('{path}*'.format(path=quote_plus('/{p1}/{p2}/'.format(p1=sUrl[1],p2=sUrl[2])))) if 'token' in auth and 'authparams' in auth['token']: return '?' + auth['token']['authparams'] else: return False; def getCategories(): jsn = webutils.getJson('') if not jsn or 'Topics' not in jsn or 'Topic' not in jsn['Topics']: return False return jsn['Topics']['Topic'] def getProgramVideos(id, page=1, pageSize=10, parseAll=False): resp = webutils.getJson('{id}.json?pageNumber={page}&pageSize={pageSize}'.format(id=id,page=page,pageSize=pageSize)) ret = getVideoInfo(resp) if parseAll and ret and len(ret)>0: ret.extend(getProgramVideos(id, int(page)+1, pageSize, True)) return ret def getDateVideos(id): resp = webutils.getJson('{id}'.format(id=id)) return getVideoInfo(resp) def getCategoryVideos(id, pageSize=10): resp = webutils.getJson('{id}.json?pageSize={pageSize}'.format(id=id,pageSize=pageSize)) return getVideoInfo(resp) def getPicksVideos(pageSize=10): resp = webutils.getJson('{pageSize}'.format(pageSize=pageSize)) return getVideoInfo(resp) def getVideoInfo(jsn): if not jsn: return False vids = [] if 'AssetSets' in jsn and 'AssetSet' in jsn['AssetSets']: vids = jsn['AssetSets']['AssetSet'] elif 'Videos' in jsn and 'Video' in jsn['Videos']: vids = jsn['Videos']['Video'] else: return False ret = [] for vid in vids: if 'Assets' in vid: if 'Video' in vid['Assets'] and len(vid['Assets']['Video']) > 0: vid = vid['Assets']['Video'][0] else: continue if 'AssetMetadatas' in vid and 'AssetMetadata' in vid['AssetMetadatas'] and len(vid['AssetMetadatas']['AssetMetadata'])>0: vd=vid['AssetMetadatas']['AssetMetadata'][0] title = '' if 'AssetSet' in vid and 'Show' in vid['AssetSet'] and 'title' in vid['AssetSet']['Show']: title = vid['AssetSet']['Show']['title'] + ' - ' date = '' if ('createdDate' in vd): date = dateutil.parser.parse(vd['createdDate']) ret.append({'id': vd['id'], 'title': title + vd['title'], 'plot': vd['description'], 'date': vd['createdDate'], 'premiered': str(date), 'image': getImage(vid)}) return ret def getImage(vid): if 'Image' in vid and \ 'ImageRepresentations' in vid['Image'] and \ 'ImageRepresentation' in vid['Image']['ImageRepresentations'] and \ len(vid['Image']['ImageRepresentations']['ImageRepresentation'])>0 and \ 'url' in vid['Image']['ImageRepresentations']['ImageRepresentation'][0]: return vid['Image']['ImageRepresentations']['ImageRepresentation'][0]['url'] else: return '' def getPrograms(letter=''): jsn = webutils.getJson('') if not jsn or 'AssetGroups' not in jsn or 'Show' not in jsn['AssetGroups']: return False ret = [] for pr in jsn['AssetGroups']['Show']: if letter =='' or letter[0].lower()==pr['title'][0].lower(): ret.append({'id': pr['id'], 'title': pr['title'], 'plot': pr['description'], 'image': getImage(pr)}) return ret def getChannels(): jsn = webutils.getJson('') if not jsn or 'teaser' not in jsn: return False return jsn['teaser'] def ttmlToSrt(url): if not url: return False txt = webutils.getText(url) if not txt: return False root = ET.fromstring(txt.encode('utf-8')) if not root: return False count = 0 output='' for sub in root[0][0]: count+=1 startT=datetime.datetime.strptime(sub.attrib['begin'], '%H:%M:%S.%f').strftime('%H:%M:%S,%f')[:-3] endT=datetime.datetime.strptime(sub.attrib['end'], '%H:%M:%S.%f').strftime('%H:%M:%S,%f')[:-3] text='' for line in sub: if line.tag.endswith('span'): text+=line.text.strip() elif line.tag.endswith('br'): text+='\r\n' output+='{count}\r\n{start} --> {end}\r\n{text}\r\n\r\n'.format(count=count,start=startT,end=endT,text=text.encode('utf-8')) f, path = mkstemp() os.write(f, output) os.close(f) return path #kodi logic def loadList(): kodiutils.addListItem(kodiutils.LANGUAGE(32012), params={"mode": "programs" }) kodiutils.addListItem(kodiutils.LANGUAGE(32013), params={"mode": "live" }) kodiutils.addListItem(kodiutils.LANGUAGE(32014), params={"mode": "categories" }) kodiutils.addListItem(kodiutils.LANGUAGE(32015), params={"mode": "dates" }) kodiutils.addListItem(kodiutils.LANGUAGE(32016), params={"mode": "picks" }) kodiutils.addListItem(kodiutils.LANGUAGE(32017), params={"mode": "sport" }) kodiutils.endScript() def addProgramsItems(): kodiutils.setContent('videos') progs = getPrograms() if progs: for p in progs: p['mediatype']='video' kodiutils.addListItem(p['title'], params={"id": p['id'], "mode": "program" }, videoInfo=p, thumb=p['image']) kodiutils.endScript() def addLive(): kodiutils.setContent('videos') chs = getChannels() if chs: for ch in chs: kodiutils.addListItem(ch['channelName'], params={"mode": "video", "id": ch['id'] }, thumb=ch['logo'], videoInfo={'mediatype': 'video'}, isFolder=False) kodiutils.endScript() def addCategories(): cats = getCategories() if cats: for cat in cats: kodiutils.addListItem(cat['title'], params={"mode": "category", "id": cat['id'] }) kodiutils.endScript() def addDates(): day = for x in range(0, 10): kodiutils.addListItem(kodiutils.LANGUAGE(32020).format(dayname=kodiutils.LANGUAGE(32022+day.weekday()),,month=kodiutils.LANGUAGE(32028+day.month),year=day.year), params={"mode": "date", "id": str(day) }) day = day - datetime.timedelta(days=1) for year in range( day.year, 1950, -1): kodiutils.addListItem(str(year), params={"mode": "year", "year": year }) kodiutils.endScript() def addYear(year): for month in range(1, 13): kodiutils.addListItem(kodiutils.LANGUAGE(32021).format(month=kodiutils.LANGUAGE(32028+month),year=year), params={"mode": "month", "month": month, "year": year }) kodiutils.endScript() def addMonth(month, year): for day in calendar.Calendar().itermonthdates(int(year), int(month)): kodiutils.addListItem(kodiutils.LANGUAGE(32020).format(dayname=kodiutils.LANGUAGE(32022+day.weekday()),,month=kodiutils.LANGUAGE(32028+day.month),year=day.year), params={"mode": "date", "id": str(day) }) kodiutils.endScript() def addVideosItems(id='', type=1, page=1): kodiutils.setContent('videos') res = [] loadAll = kodiutils.getSettingAsBool('loadAll') elPerPage = kodiutils.getSetting('elPerPage') if type==1: res = getProgramVideos(id, page, elPerPage, loadAll) elif type==2: res = getDateVideos(id) elif type==3: res = getCategoryVideos(id, elPerPage) elif type==4: res = getPicksVideos(elPerPage) if res: for ep in res: ep['mediatype']='video' kodiutils.addListItem(ep['title'], params={"id": ep['id'], "mode": "video" }, thumb=ep['image'], videoInfo=ep, isFolder=False) if type == 1 and (not loadAll) and len(getProgramVideos(id, int(page)+1, elPerPage))>0: kodiutils.addListItem(kodiutils.LANGUAGE(32011), params={"id": id, "mode": "program", "page": int(page) + 1}) kodiutils.endScript() # This function create a list of live sports to show in Kodi. Every live sport entry contains a title, a thumb image URL and params (mode and url). def addSport(): kodiutils.setContent('videos') liveSportList = getLiveSportLink() if liveSportList: for live in liveSportList: kodiutils.addListItem(live['title'], params={"mode": "watch_sport", "url": live['url'] }, thumb=live['thumbURL'], videoInfo={'mediatype': 'video'}, isFolder=False) kodiutils.endScript() # This function get a dictionary with the live events ongoing containing the URL of the HLS stream, the image URL and the title of the event. def getLiveSportLink(): # Get today date. today = datetime.datetime.strftime(,'%Y-%m-%d') # Get tomorrow date. tomorrow = datetime.datetime.strftime( + datetime.timedelta(1),'%Y-%m-%d') # Get list of live sport events for today. resp = webutils.getJson('{today}&to={tomorrow}'.format(today=today,tomorrow=tomorrow)) # If there are no response, return. if not resp: return False # If there is no events field return. if not 'events' in resp: return False # If the lenght of events is empty, return. if len(resp['events'])==0: return False # List where the live sport events will be stored. liveSports = [] # Iterate through all the events for event in resp['events']: # Save only the present (ongoing) events. if event['category'] == 'present': # Create an empty dict. live = {} # Extract the hls streaming link. hls = event['hls'] # Save the url (trunc before the "?" character) in the dict. live['url'] = hls.split("?")[0] # Save the title in the dict. live['title'] = event['title'] # Save the image URL in the dict. live['thumbURL'] = event['imageUrl'] # Append the dict to the events list. liveSports.append(live) # Return the list of live events. return liveSports # This function plays a sport video given the HLS stream URL. def watchLiveSport(url): # Get the HMAC token to authorize the stream. auth = getAuthString(url) # If the token request was successful, play the video URL. if auth: subs = [] kodiutils.setResolvedUrl('{url}?{auth}|User-Agent={ua}'.format(url=url,auth=auth,ua=quote_plus(useragent)), subs=subs) kodiutils.setResolvedUrl("",solved=False) def watchVideo(id): links = getVideoLinks(id) neededQ = "" if kodiutils.getSettingAsBool('PreferHD'): neededQ = 'HD' else: neededQ = 'SD' fUrl = '' for url in links: if url['protocol'] == 'HTTP-HLS': fUrl = url['url'] if url['quality'] == neededQ: break if fUrl: auth = getAuthString(fUrl) if auth: subs = [] if kodiutils.getSettingAsBool('parseSubs'): for url in links: if url['protocol'] == 'TTMLUrl': subpath = ttmlToSrt(url['url']) if subpath: subs.append(subpath) kodiutils.setResolvedUrl('{url}?{auth}|User-Agent={ua}'.format(url=fUrl,auth=auth,ua=quote_plus(useragent)), subs=subs) kodiutils.setResolvedUrl("",solved=False) #main params = staticutils.getParams() if not params or 'mode' not in params: loadList() else: if params['mode'] == "programs": addProgramsItems() elif params['mode'] == "program": addVideosItems(params['id'], type=1, page=params.get('page', 1)) elif params['mode'] == "live": addLive() elif params['mode'] == "dates": addDates() elif params['mode'] == "date": addVideosItems(params['id'], type=2) elif params['mode'] == "year": addYear(params['year']) elif params['mode'] == "month": addMonth(params['month'], params['year']) elif params['mode'] == "categories": addCategories() elif params['mode'] == "category": addVideosItems(params['id'], type=3) elif params['mode'] == "picks": addVideosItems(type=4) elif params['mode'] == "video": watchVideo(params['id']) elif params['mode'] == "sport": addSport() elif params['mode'] == "watch_sport": watchLiveSport(params['url']) else: loadList()