{ "basics": { "name": "Philip Johnson", "label": "Professor", "picture": "https://github.com/philipmjohnson/philipmjohnson.github.io/raw/main/img/pmj-headshot.png", "email": "johnson@hawaii.edu", "phone": "808-956-3489", "website": "https://philipmjohnson.github.io", "summary": "I am a Professor of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii and Director of the Collaborative Software Development Laboratory", "location": { "address": "1680 East-West Rd, POST 314E", "postalCode": "96822", "city": "Honolulu", "countryCode": "USA", "region": "Hawaii" }, "profiles": [ { "network": "github", "username": "philipmjohnson", "url": "http://github.com/philipmjohnson" }, { "network": "linkedin", "username": "philipmjohnson", "url": "http://linkedin.com/in/philipmjohnson" } ] }, "interests": [ { "name": "Climate Change" }, { "name": "Food Resiliency" }, { "name": "Software Engineering" }, { "name": "Educational Technology" } ], "education": [ { "institution": "University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA", "area": "Computer Science", "studyType": "Ph.D.", "endDate": "1990-08-01", "gpa": "", "courses": [] }, { "institution": "University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA", "area": "Computer Science", "studyType": "M.S.", "endDate": "1985-06-01", "gpa": "", "courses": [] }, { "institution": "University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI", "area": "Biology, Computer Science", "studyType": "B.S.", "endDate": "1980-05-01", "gpa": "", "courses": [] } ], "work": [ { "company": "University of Hawaii", "position": "Professor", "website": "http://www.ics.hawaii.edu", "startDate": "1990-08-01", "endDate": "Present", "summary": "Department of Information and Computer Sciences", "highlights": [ "Professor, 2001-present", "Associate Chair, 2010-2016", "Director, Collaborative Software Development Laboratory, 1990-present", "Associate Professor, 1995-2001", "Assistant Professor, 1990-1995" ] }, { "company": "Geo Garden Club", "position": "Co-Founder", "website": "https://geogardenclub.com", "startDate": "2021-01-01", "endDate": "Present", "summary": "Co-founder and Chief Flutter Wrangler", "highlights": [] }, { "company": "Open Power Quality", "position": "CEO", "website": "https://openpowerquality.com", "startDate": "2013-01-01", "endDate": "2019-06-01", "summary": "Co-founder and leader of technical development", "highlights": [] }, { "company": "Blekinge Institute of Technology", "position": "Visiting Professor", "website": "https://www.bth.se/eng", "startDate": "2006-08-01", "summary": "School of Engineering", "highlights": [] }, { "company": "University of Queensland", "position": "Senior Research Fellow", "startDate": "1997-05-01", "summary": "Distributed Systems Technology Centre", "highlights": [] } ], "volunteer": [ { "position": "Editorial Boards", "summary": "", "highlights": [ "Journal of Empirical Software Engineering, 2004-2008", "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 2000-2004", "International Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 1997-2004" ] }, { "position": "Industrial Boards", "summary": "", "highlights": [ "Member, Technical Advisory Board, Sixth Sense Analytics, 2006-2009", "Member, Board of Directors, Hawaii Strategic Development Corporation, 2006-2009", "Member, Board of Directors, LavaNet, Inc., 2002-2005", "Member, Board of Directors, High Technology Development Corporation, 2000-2004" ] }, { "position": "Program Chair/Co-Chair", "summary": "", "highlights": [ "International Workshop on In-Process Software Engineering Measurement and Analysis, 2007", "International Workshop on Software Engineering for High Performance Computing System Applications, 2004, 2005", "International Software Engineering Research Network Annual Meeting, 2000", "Software Architectures for Cooperative Systems Workshop, ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 1994", "CSCW Tools and Technologies Workshop, European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 1993", "CSCW Tools and Technologies Workshop, ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 1992" ] }, { "organization": "International Software Engineering Research Network (ISERN)", "position": "Member", "website": "http://isern.iese.de", "startDate": "1996-05-01", "endDate": "2010-06-01", "summary": "", "highlights": [ "Software metrics and software engineering behavioral research." ] } ], "awards": [ { "type": "grant", "title": "Data in Engineering and Society: Converging Applications, Research, and Training Enhancements for Students", "date": "2023-2028", "awarder": "National Science Foundation", "summary": "N. Santhanam, Principal Investigator; N. Tarui, P. Johnson, J. Zhang, Co-Principal Investigators. $3,000,000" }, { "type": "grant", "title": "Change Hawaii: Harnessing the Data Revolution for Island Resilience", "date": "2022-2027", "awarder": "National Science Foundation", "summary": "G. Jacobs, Principal Investigator; T. Giambelluca, P. Johnson, J. Leigh, and H. Turner, Co-Principal Investigators. $20,000,000" }, { "type": "award", "title": "Board of Regents Medal for Excellence in Teaching", "date": "2019", "awarder": "University of Hawaii", "summary": "" }, { "type": "grant", "title": "Using Degree Experience Plans to Improve Engagement, Retention, and Diversity of Undergraduates in Computer Science", "date": "2018-2022", "awarder": "National Science Foundation", "summary": "P. Johnson, Principal Investigator; Peter Leong, Seungoh Paek, Carleton Moore, Co-Principal Investigators $331,208." }, { "type": "grant", "title": "Human centered information integration for the smart grid", "date": "2010-2014", "awarder": "National Science Foundation", "summary": "P. Johnson, Principal Investigator. $413,467." } ], "publications": [ { "name": "Building a Cybertraining program for Climate Scientist in the Pacific to integrate Cyberinfrastructure and Open Science", "type": "conference", "author": "Sean B. Cleveland, Shivani Tanaka, Maria Dumanlang, Alexander Stokes, Jason Leigh, Thomas W. Giambelluca, Philip M. Johnson, Helen Turner, Gwen A. Jacobs", "publisher": "Proceedings of the 2024 Practice and Experiences in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC '24)", "releaseDate": "July, 2024", "website": "http://csdl.ics.hawaii.edu/techreports/2024/24-01/24-01.pdf", "summary": "" }, { "name": "Beyond course work: expanding what's valued in computer science degree programs", "type": "journal", "author": "Seungoh Paek, Peter Leong, Philip M. Johnson, and Carleton A. Moore", "publisher": "Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education", "releaseDate": "September, 2020", "website": "http://csdl.ics.hawaii.edu/techreports/2020/20-08/20-08.pdf", "summary": "" }, { "name": "Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Open Power Quality", "type": "journal", "author": "Anthony J. Christe, Sergey Negrashov, and Philip M. Johnson", "publisher": "Energies 13(15)", "releaseDate": "August, 2020", "website": "http://csdl.ics.hawaii.edu/techreports/2020/20-07/20-07.pdf", "summary": "" }, { "name": "RadGrad: Removing the 'Extra' from Extracurricular to Improve Student Engagement, Retention, and Diversity", "type": "conference", "author": "Philip M. Johnson, Carleton A. Moore, Peter Leong, Seungoh Paek", "publisher": "Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2020)", "releaseDate": "March, 2020", "website": "http://csdl.ics.hawaii.edu/techreports/2019/19-04/19-04.pdf", "summary": "" }, { "name": "Design and evaluation of an athletic approach to software engineering education", "type": "journal", "author": "Philip M. Johnson", "publisher": "ACM Transactions on Computing Education", "releaseDate": "August, 2019", "website": "http://csdl.ics.hawaii.edu/techreports/2019/19-03/19-03.pdf", "summary": "" } ] }