Sublime SwapStrings [![Build Status](]( =================== A Sublime Text 2/3 Plugin which allows swapping of arbitrary strings within a selection. A common usecase is swapping of single and double quotation marks: ![]( But it is also possible to choose other strings to swap, e.g.: ![]( The command is called ```swap_strings``` and can be parameterized with stringA and stringB. The default keybinding is: - ```ctrl/super+shift+alt+s``` for the generic ```swap_strings``` command - ```ctrl+shift+alt+c``` for ```swap_strings``` parameterized with " and ' for stringA and stringB The command will be executed on the current selection. If nothing is selected, the current line will be used for the command. ## Installation Either use [Package Control]( and search for `SwapStrings` or clone this repository into Sublime Text's "Packages" directory.