--- history: true width: 1280 height: 960 margin: 0.05 theme: white slideNumber: true nocite: | @subvimpl bibliography: prosem.bib header-includes: | --- # Procedural Modeling of Cities
Press space to continue ## **Goal**: _Automatic generation of a realistic-looking city
including road structure and buildings_ . . . ### Applications - Entertainment (Movies, Games) - Military training - Land use planning ## Approach 1. Choose/Process input parameters 2. Generate street network 3. Evaluate building blocks 4. Generate building structure and architecture Optional interaction between these steps # Modeling of the street network
@cities2001 ## Initialization - begin with two opposite street segments - greedily continue mostly straight from existing segments ## Branching - branch with some probability at ≈ 90 degrees ## Street hierarchy Primary, secondary, tertiary streets are used in urban planning → Simplified distinction between "highways" and normal streets . . . - highway segments are longer and branch less - normal streets can only branch into normal streets ## Parallel growth New potential segments are evaluated after existing ones _red_ = current step _green_ = next step ## Highway branching Normal streets branching from highways have an additional delay (_blue_) This prevents highways from being cut off by normal streets ## Conflict resolution If a new segment - is near an existing street: Adjust endpoint and create intersection . . . ![@cities2001](img/20151213214559.png) . . . - ends in an obstacle (e.g. water, park): Shorten or rotate segment to fit ## Global goals (1)
Simplex noise
Population map (generated with layered simplex noise): ```javascript function populationAt(x, y) { value1 = simplex2(x / 10, y / 10) / 2 + 0.5; value2 = simplex2(x / 20 + 0.5, y / 20 + 0.5) / 2 + 0.5; value3 = simplex2(x / 20 + 1.0, y / 20 + 1.0) / 2 + 0.5; return Math.pow((value1 * value2 + value3) / 2, 2); } ``` ## Global goals (2) Highways try to connect population centers. Possible new directions are sampled, the one with largest population is chosen ![](img/20151215171754.png) . . . ## Global goals (3) Streets only branch if population is larger than some threshold: ## Global Goals (4) — Street patterns Different patterns found in cities:
- Rectangular raster (≈ 90° angles) - Radial - Branching / random
![[@cities2001]](img/20151213214501.png) ## Street patterns — Examples
![San Francisco](img/sanfran.png)
![Sao Paolo](img/20151215222027.png)
![New Delhi](img/newdelhi.png)
http://maps.stamen.com/ ## Implementation as parametric L-System Original implementation by @cities2001 ``` w: R(0, initialRuleAttr) ?I(initRoadAttr, UNASSIGNED) p1: R(del, ruleAttr) : del<0 -> e p2: R(del, ruleAttr) > ?I(roadAttr,state) : state==SUCCEED { globalGoals(ruleAttr,roadAttr) creates the parameters for: pDel[0-2], pRuleAttr[0-2], pRoadAttr[0-2] } -> +(roadAttr.angle)F(roadAttr.length) B(pDel[1],pRuleAttr[1],pRoadAttr[1]), B(pDel[2],pRuleAttr[2],pRoadAttr[2]), R(pDel[0],pRuleAttr[0]) ?I(pRoadAttr[0],UNASSIGNED)[i] p3: R(del, ruleAttr) > ?I(roadAttr, state) : state==FAILED -> e p4: B(del, ruleAttr, roadAttr) : del>0 -> B(del-1, ruleAttr, roadAttr) p5: B(del, ruleAttr, roadAttr) : del==0 -> [R(del, ruleAttr)?I(roadAttr, UNASSIGNED)] p6: B(del, ruleAttr, roadAttr) : del<0 -> e p7: R(del, ruleAttr) < ?I(roadAttr,state) : del<0 -> e p8: ?I(roadAttr,state) : state==UNASSIGNED { localConstraints(roadAttr) adjusts the parameters for: state, roadAttr} -> ?I(roadAttr, state) p9: ?I(roadAttr,state) : state!=UNASSIGNED -> e ``` → unnecessarily complicated ## Implementation with priority queue originally from @harmful ```javascript function generate() { let Q = new PriorityQueue(); Q.enqueueAll(makeInitialSegments()); let segments = []; while (!Q.empty() && segments.length < SEG_LIMIT) { let minSegment = Q.dequeue(); // resolve conflicts let accepted = applyLocalConstraints(minSegment, segments); if (accepted) { segments.push(minSegment); // create new segments Q.enqueueAll(globalGoalsGenerate(minSegment)); } } } ``` (+ a quadtree in _applyLocalConstraints_) ## Complete demo (10000 segments, not full speed) # Modeling of buildings blocks and architecture ## Input parameters - Street network - Building information (e.g. height / type / age) ## Lot subdivision
@cities2001 #. Recursively divide along the longest edges that are approximately parallel #. Discard all blocks that do not have street access ## Architecture Approaches: - L-systems (see @cities2001) - Split grammars (see Wonka et al. (2003) “Instant Architecture.”) # Alternative Methods ## Tensor fields ![Chen, Guoning, Gregory Esch, Peter Wonka, Pascal Müller, and Eugene Zhang. 2008. “Interactive Procedural Street Modeling.” In ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 Papers, 103:1–103:10. SIGGRAPH ’08. New York, NY, USA: ACM. doi:http://doi.org/10.1145/1399504.1360702.](img/20151215231757.png) ## Time simulation ![Weber, Basil, Pascal Müller, Peter Wonka, and Markus Gross. 2009. “Interactive Geometric Simulation of 4D Cities.” Computer Graphics Forum 28 (2): 481–92. doi:http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8659.2009.01387.x.](img/20151124201337.png) ## References Slides including source code: