# Anypreter - SublimeText2 Plugin Execute selected Code (or the whole document) from many interpreting laguages directly from your SublimeText2 Editor and see the result ### Supported Interpreters * PHP * Python * Ruby ## Installation You have three ways to install the Anypreter: using git, installing it manually or using the SublimeText2 "Package Controll" (Available here: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) ### Install using git To install this Plugin via git, simply browse to your 'Packages' folder like this: for Windows cd %APPDATA%/Sublime Text 2/Packages for OS X cd ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages for Linux cd ~/.Sublime Text 2/Packages for Portable Installations cd PATH_TO_PORTABLE_INSTALLATION/Sublime Text 2/Data/Packages and clone this repository git clone https://github.com/PhilippSchaffrath/Anypreter ### Install manually * Download the files using the GitHub .zip download option * Unzip the files and rename the folder to 'Anypreter' (!IMPORTANT!) * Copy the folder to your Sublime Text 2 'Packages' directory ### Install using Package Control If you are familiar with Package Control you definetly know what to do, if not, go to [SublimeText2 - Package Control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) click on 'Install' and follow the instructions ## Settings The following settings are available and optional, but the default settings should be mostly what you want if you install this plugin { "php_binary_path": "YOUR_PHP_BINARY_PATH", "ruby_binary_path": "YOUR_PHP_BINARY_PATH", "python_binary_path": "YOUR_PHP_BINARY_PATH", "anypreter_stream_output": False, "anypreter_output_inteval": 1 } x_binary_path: The path to your x binary (add your binary paths to your OS-environment-path to avoid problems) anypreter_stream_output: "True" to buffer the output and display it in a specified interval livetime anypreter_output_inteval: the output interval for anypreter_stream_output in seconds (can be float) Streamed output with intervals less then 1 could cause dataloss (its buggy and i dont know why!) ## Usage To use this plugin, be sure to set your binary paths in your user-settings and use one of this ways to run your interpreter: * Ctrl+Shift+X To run the first available Mode for this language * Ctrl+Shift+Y (Quick Panel) and select the Mode you want to run * Rightclick in the document and select "Interpret Code" (only works if language is supported) ## Release Notes Anypreter is designed to work with the latest [development build](http://www.sublimetext.com/dev) of Sublime Text 2 ## Development If this plugin doesn't supports your interpreting language, please contact me with some information how to run code in your language via the command-line and i will try my best to update it. ## Donation Click here to lend your support to: Anypreter (SublimeText 2 Plugin) and make a donation at www.pledgie.com ! If my work makes your work more joyable, feel free to donate a few bucks to say: "hey dude, thanks for your work!"