#!/usr/bin/perl # # flipflip's AlpineQuest (https://www.alpinequest.net/) tools # # Copyright (c) 2017-2024 Philippe Kehl and contributors # # apqtool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU # General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # apqtool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even # the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with apq2gpx. If not, see # . # # See the __DATA__ section at the end of the file or call with '-h' for usage instructions. # # References: # - https://www.alpinequest.net/en/help/v2/landmarks # - https://www.alpinequest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3319 # - https://www.alpinequest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5045 # - https://psyberia.net/res/specs/psyberia_landmarks_files_specs.pdf use strict; use warnings; use utf8; #################################################################################################### # base class package Base { use Data::Dumper; sub new { my ($class, %opts) = @_; my $self = { verbosity => 0, colours => undef }; @{$self}{keys %opts} = values %opts; # enable colours if we're printing to an interactive terminal if (!defined $self->{colours}) { $self->{colours} = -t STDERR ? 1 : 0; } # try loading colour support on Windoze if ($self->{colours} && ($^O =~ m{Win32}i) && !defined $Win32::Console::ANSI::VERSION) { eval "local \$^W = 0; require Win32::Console::ANSI;"; if ($@) { $self->{colours} = 0; } } if ($self->{colours}) { $self->{colours} = { W => "\e[33m", E => "\e[31m", P => "", D => "\e[36m", T => "\e[36m", c => "\e[35m", o => "\e[m", }; } else { $self->{colours} = { W => '', E => '', P => '', D => '', T => '', c => '', o => '' }; } bless($self, $class); return $self; } # debug printing methods sub ERROR { my ($self, @args) = @_; return $self->{verbosity} >= -2 ? $self->_PRINT('E', @args) : 1; } sub WARNING { my ($self, @args) = @_; return $self->{verbosity} >= -1 ? $self->_PRINT('W', @args) : 1; } sub PRINT { my ($self, @args) = @_; return $self->{verbosity} >= 0 ? $self->_PRINT('P', @args) : 1; } sub DEBUG { my ($self, @args) = @_; return $self->{verbosity} >= 1 ? $self->_PRINT('D', @args) : 1; } sub TRACE { my ($self, @args) = @_; return $self->{verbosity} >= 2 ? $self->_PRINT('T', @args) : 1; } sub _PRINT { my ($self, $type, @args) = @_; @args = map { my $str = $_; if (!defined $str) { $str = ''; } elsif (ref($str)) { local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; # local $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1; $str = Data::Dumper::Dumper($_); $str =~ s{\r?\n$}{}s; } #$str =~ s/([^[:print:]\r\n])/"\\x" . sprintf('%02x', ord($1)) . "x"/ge; $str } @args; my $fmt = shift(@args); my $prefix = '?'; my $suffix = ''; if ($type eq 'E') { $prefix = $self->{colours}->{E} . 'ERROR: '; $suffix = $self->{colours}->{o}; } elsif ($type eq 'W') { $prefix = $self->{colours}->{W} . 'WARNING: '; $suffix = $self->{colours}->{o}; } elsif ($type eq 'P') { $prefix = ''; $suffix = ''; } elsif ($type eq 'D') { $prefix = $self->{colours}->{D} . 'D ' . $self->{colours}->{c} . $self->_trace() . $self->{colours}->{D} . ': '; $suffix = $self->{colours}->{o}} elsif ($type eq 'T') { $prefix = $self->{colours}->{T} . 'T ' . $self->{colours}->{c} . $self->_trace(1) . $self->{colours}->{T} . ': '; $suffix = $self->{colours}->{o}} if ($#args > -1) { printf(STDERR "$prefix$fmt$suffix\n", @args); } else { print(STDERR "$prefix$fmt$suffix\n"); } return 1; } sub TRACE_HEXDUMP { my ($self, $data) = @_; if ($self->{verbosity} >= 2) { my $datasize = length($data); for (my $offs = 0; $offs < $datasize; $offs += 16) { my $s = substr($data, $offs, 16); my @b = unpack('C*', $s); my $str = sprintf('0x%04x (%04d)', $offs, $offs); for (my $i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { $str .= ' ' if (($i % 4) == 0); $str .= $i <= $#b ? sprintf(' %02x', $b[$i]) : ' '; } $str .= ' '; for (my $i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) { my $c = ' '; if ($i <= $#b) { $c = chr($b[$i]); $c = '.' if ($c !~ m{[[:print:]]}); } $str .= '|' if (($i % 4) == 0); $str .= $c; } $str .= '|'; $self->TRACE($str); } } return 1; } sub _trace { my ($self, $level) = @_; my @c1 = caller(2); my @c2 = caller(3); return $level ? "$c2[3]() @ $c1[1]:$c1[2]" : "$c2[3]()"; } sub _loadraw { my ($self, $path) = @_; if (!defined $path || ! -r $path) { $self->WARNING("Cannot read '%s'!", $path); return undef; } my $fh; unless (open($fh, '<:raw', $path)) { $self->WARNING("Failed reading '%s': %s", $path, $!); return 0; } my $size = -s $path; my $raw; read($fh, $raw, $size); close($fh); my $rawsize = length($raw); $self->TRACE("Read '%s': %d/%d bytes.", $path, $rawsize, $size); if ($rawsize != $size) { $self->WARNING("Failed reading '%s': filesize %d != raw size %d!", $path, $rawsize); return undef; } return $raw; } }; #################################################################################################### # AlpineQuest Landmark File package ApqFile { use base 'Base'; use MIME::Base64; use Encode; sub new { my ($class, %opts) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%opts); # new(path => ...) if ($self->{path}) { $self->TRACE('new(path => %s)', $self->{path}); if ($self->{path} =~ m{\.(wpt|set|rte|are|trk|ldk)$}i) { $self->{type} = lc($1); my $rawdata = $self->_loadraw($self->{path}); return undef unless (defined $rawdata); $self->{rawdata} = $rawdata; $self->{rawts} = (stat($self->{path}))[9]; } else { $self->ERROR("Unknown file type: %s!", $self->{path}); return undef; } } # new(rawdata => ..., type => ..., rawts => ..., rawname => ...) elsif ($self->{rawdata} && $self->{type} && $self->{rawts} && $self->{rawname}) { if ($self->{type} !~ m{^(wpt|set|rte|are|trk|ldk)$}) { $self->ERROR("Unknown file type: %s!", $self->{type}); return undef; } $self->{path} = $self->{rawname}; } else { $self->ERROR("Illegal parameters!"); return undef; } $self->{rawsize} = length($self->{rawdata}); $self->{rawoffs} = 0; if ($self->{verbosity} >= 3) { $self->TRACE_HEXDUMP($self->{rawdata}); } my $res = 0; $self->{data} = {}; $self->{version} = 0; if ($self->{type} eq 'wpt') { $res = $self->_parseWpt(); } elsif ($self->{type} eq 'set') { $res = $self->_parseSet(); } elsif ($self->{type} eq 'rte') { $res = $self->_parseRte(); } elsif ($self->{type} eq 'are') { $res = $self->_parseAre(); } elsif ($self->{type} eq 'trk') { $res = $self->_parseTrk(); } elsif ($self->{type} eq 'ldk') { $res = $self->_parseLdk(); } if ($self->_tell() != $self->_size()) { $self->DEBUG('Unused data, done at 0x%04x/0x%04x.', $self->_tell(), $self->_size()); } if (!$res) { $self->ERROR("Failed parsing data!"); return undef; } return $self; } sub type { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{type} } sub data { my ($self) = @_; my $data = {}; $data->{ts} = $self->{rawts}; $data->{type} = $self->{type}; $data->{path} = $self->{path}; $data->{file} = $self->{path}; $data->{file} =~ s{.*/}{}; if ($self->{type} eq 'wpt') { $data->{meta} = $self->{meta}; $data->{location} = $self->{location}; } elsif ($self->{type} eq 'set') { $data->{meta} = $self->{meta}; $data->{waypoints} = $self->{waypoints}; } elsif ($self->{type} eq 'rte') { $data->{meta} = $self->{meta}; $data->{waypoints} = $self->{waypoints}; } elsif ($self->{type} eq 'are') { $data->{meta} = $self->{meta}; $data->{locations} = $self->{locations}; } elsif ($self->{type} eq 'trk') { $data->{meta} = $self->{meta}; $data->{waypoints} = $self->{waypoints}; $data->{segments} = $self->{segments}; } elsif ($self->{type} eq 'ldk') { $data->{root} = $self->{root}; } return $data; } # waypoint sub _parseWpt { my ($self) = @_; # legacy version 2, new version 1 (+100) # - int file version # - int header size (size of data to before {Waypoint}) # - {Waypoint} # - {Metadata} # - {Location} # header my $headerSize = $self->_checkHeader(2, 101); return 0 unless (defined $headerSize); # skip header (it may or may not be present) $self->_seek( $self->_tell() + $headerSize ); # meta data $self->{meta} = $self->_getMetadata(); # location $self->{location} = $self->_getLocation(); return $self->{meta} && $self->{location} ? 1 : 0; } sub _parseSet { my ($self) = @_; # legacy version 2 # - int file version # - int header size (size of data to before {Metadata}) # - int number of waypoints # - coordinate longitude of first waypoint # - coordinate latitude of first waypoint # - {Metadata} (version 2) # - {Waypoints} # new version 1 # - int file version # - int header size (size of data to before {Waypoints}) # - {Metadata} technical metadata # - {Metadata} user metadata # - {Waypoints} # header my $headerSize = $self->_checkHeader(2, 101); return 0 unless (defined $headerSize); # skip header (it may or may not be present) if ($self->{version} < 100) { $self->_seek( $self->_tell() + $headerSize ); } # new files technical metadata are not interesting, discard those if ($self->{version} > 100) { $self->_getMetadata(); } # get traditional or user meta data $self->{meta} = $self->_getMetadata(); # waypoints $self->{waypoints} = $self->_getWaypoints(); return $self->{meta} && $self->{waypoints} ? 1 : 0; } sub _parseRte { my ($self) = @_; # legacy version 2 # - int file version # - int header size (size of data to before {Metadata}) # - int number of waypoints # - coordinate longitude of first waypoint # - coordinate latitude of first waypoint # - timestamp time of first waypoint # - double total route length (in m) # - double total route length due to elevation changes (in m) # - double total route elevation gain (in m), FIXME: always NaN it seems # - long total route time (in s) # - {Metadata} (version 2) # - {Waypoints} # new version 1 # - int file version # - int header size (size of data to before {Waypoints}) # - {Metadata} technical metadata # - {Metadata} user metadata # - {Waypoints} # header my $headerSize = $self->_checkHeader(2, 101); return 0 unless (defined $headerSize); # skip header (it may or may not be present) if ($self->{version} < 100) { $self->_seek( $self->_tell() + $headerSize ); } # new files technical metadata are not interesting, discard those if ($self->{version} > 100) { $self->_getMetadata(); } # get traditional or user meta data $self->{meta} = $self->_getMetadata(); # waypoints $self->{waypoints} = $self->_getWaypoints(); return $self->{meta} && $self->{waypoints} ? 1 : 0; } sub _parseAre { my ($self) = @_; # legacy version 2 # - int file version # - int header size (size of data to before {Metadata}) # - int number of locations # - coordinate longitude of first location # - coordinate latitude of first location # - double total area length (in m) # - double total area area (in m2) # - {Metadata} (version 2) # - {Locations} # header my $headerSize = $self->_checkHeader(2); return 0 unless (defined $headerSize); # skip header (it may or may not be present) $self->_seek( $self->_tell() + $headerSize ); my $metadataVersion = 2; # metadata $self->{meta} = $self->_getMetadata(); # locations $self->{locations} = $self->_getLocations(); return $self->{meta} && $self->{locations} ? 1 : 0; } sub _parseTrk { my ($self) = @_; # legacy version 3 (version 2 is the same but uses a different {Metadata} and {Segments} struct # - int file version # - int header size (size of data to before {Metadata} # - int number of locations # - int number of segments # - int number of waypoints # - coordinate longitude of first location # - coordinate latitude of first location # - timestamp time of first location # - double total track length (in m) # - double total track length due to elevation changes (in m) # - double total track elevation gain (in m) # - long total track time (in s) # - {Metadata} (version 2) # - {Waypoints} # - {Segments} (version 2) # legacy version 2 is the same but version 1 {Metadata} and {Segment} structs # - ... # new version 1 (+100) # - int header size (bytes before {Waypoints}) # - {Metadata} technical metadata # - {Metadata} user metadata # - {Waypoints} waypoints # - {TrackSegments} segments # header my $headerSize = $self->_checkHeader(2, 3, 101); return 0 unless (defined $headerSize); # skip header (it may or may not be present) if ($self->{version} < 100) { $self->_seek( $self->_tell() + $headerSize ); } # new files technical metadata are not interesting, discard those if ($self->{version} > 100) { $self->_getMetadata(); } # get traditional or user meta data $self->{meta} = $self->_getMetadata(); # waypoints $self->{waypoints} = $self->_getWaypoints(); # segments $self->{segments} = $self->_getSegments(); return $self->{meta} && $self->{waypoints} && $self->{segments} ? 1 : 0; } sub _parseLdk { my ($self) = @_; # - int application specific magic number # - int archive version # - pointer {Node} position of the root node (always with list entries) # - double reserved # - double reserved # - double reserved # - double reserved # header my $hdr = $self->_getvalmulti(magic => 'int', archVersion => 'int', rootOffset => 'pointer', res1 => 'long', res2 => 'long', res3 => 'long', res4 => 'long'); return 0 unless (defined $hdr->{res4}); my $expectedMagic = 0x4c444b3a; if ($hdr->{magic} != $expectedMagic) { $self->WARNING('Unknown magic 0x%08x (expected 0x%08x).', $hdr->{magic}, $expectedMagic); return 0; } my $expectedArchVersion = 1; if ($hdr->{archVersion} != $expectedArchVersion) { $self->WARNING('Unknown archive version %d (expected %d.', $hdr->{archVersion}, $expectedArchVersion); return 0; } # root node $self->{root} = $self->_getNode($hdr->{rootOffset}); $self->_debugDumpNode($self->{root}); # debug dump return defined $self->{root} ? 1 : 0; } sub _debugDumpNode { my ($self, $node) = @_; $self->DEBUG('%s: %s', $self->{path}, $node->{path}); foreach my $file (sort { $a->{order} <=> $b->{order} } @{$node->{files}}) { $self->DEBUG('%s: %s (%d bytes)', $self->{path}, "$node->{path}$file->{name}", $file->{size}); } foreach (sort { $a->{order} <=> $b->{order} } @{$node->{nodes}}) { $self->_debugDumpNode($_); } return 1; } sub _getNode { my ($self, $offset, $path, $uid) = @_; $self->DEBUG('***** node at 0x%04x *****', $offset); $self->_seek($offset); # {Node} # - int magic number of the node (0x00015555) # - int flags # - pointer {Metadata} position of node metadata # - double reserved # - {NodeEntries} entries of the nod my $hdr = $self->_getvalmulti(magic => 'int', flags => 'int', metaOffset => 'pointer', res1 => 'long'); return undef unless (defined $hdr->{res1}); my $expectedMagic = 0x00015555; if ($hdr->{magic} != $expectedMagic) { $self->WARNING('Unknown magic 0x%08x (expected 0x%08x).', $hdr->{magic}, $expectedMagic); return undef; } my $entriesOffset = $self->_tell(); $self->DEBUG('metaOffset=0x%04x entriesOffset=0x%04x', $hdr->{metaOffset}, $entriesOffset); # FIXME: it's 0x20 later it seems my $offs = $self->_tell(); $self->_seek($hdr->{metaOffset} + 0x20); my $meta = $self->_getMetadata(); $self->_seek($offs); # root node? if (!$path && !$uid) { $path = '/'; } # add node name or UID to path else { if ($meta->{name}) { $path .= $meta->{name} . '/'; } else { $path .= sprint('UID%08X', $uid); } $self->DEBUG('node path=%s', $path); } # {NodeEntries} # - int magic number of the entries (0x00025555 or 0x00045555) # - {NodeEntriesAsList} or {NodeEntriesAsTable}, depending on magic my $nodeEntriesMagic = $self->_getval('int'); $self->DEBUG('path=%s nodeEntriesMagic=0x%08x', $path, $nodeEntriesMagic); my $node = { path => $path, nodes => [], files => [], meta => $meta }; my $nChild = 0; my $nEmpty = 0; my $nData = 0; # {NodeEntriesAsList} # - int total number of entries # - int number of child node entrie # - int number of data entries # - pointer {NodeEntriesAsList} position of additional entries (0 for no additional entries) # - {NodeEntry}* child entries (n = number of child node entries) # - {NodeEntry}* empty space (n = total number of entries - number of child node entries - number of data entries) # - {NodeEntry}* data entries (n = number of data entries) if ($nodeEntriesMagic == 0x00025555) { my $list = $self->_getvalmulti(nTotal => 'int', nChild => 'int', nData => 'int', addOffset => 'pointer'); $nChild = $list->{nChild}; $nData = $list->{nData}; $nEmpty = $list->{nTotal} - $nChild - $nData; } # {NodeEntriesAsTable} # - int number of child node entries # - int number of data entries # - {NodeEntry}* child entries (n = number of child node entries) # - {NodeEntry}* data entries (n = number of data entries elsif ($nodeEntriesMagic == 0x00045555) { my $list = $self->_getvalmulti(nChild => 'int', nData => 'int'); $nChild = $list->{nChild}; $nData = $list->{nData}; $nEmpty = 0; } # illegal magic else { $self->WARNING('Illegal node entries magic 0x%08x.', $nodeEntriesMagic); return undef; } # {NodeEntry} # - pointer {Node}/{Data} position of the child node or data # - int uid of the child node or data # child entries (nodes, directories) $self->DEBUG('nChild=%d', $nChild); my @childEntries = (); for (my $ix = 0; $ix < $nChild; $ix++) { my $child = $self->_getvalmulti(offset => 'pointer', uid => 'int'); $child->{_ix} = $ix; push(@childEntries, $child); } # empty entries $self->DEBUG('nEmpty=%d', $nEmpty); $self->_seek( $self->_tell() + ($nEmpty * (8 + 4)) ); #for (my $ix = 0; $ix < $nEmpty; $ix++) #{ # my $empty = $self->_getvalmulti(offset => 'pointer', uid => 'int'); # $self->TRACE('empty[%03d]: offset=0x%04x uid=%i', $ix, $empty->{offset}, $empty->{uid}); #} # data entries (files) $self->DEBUG('nData=%d', $nData); my @dataEntries = (); for (my $ix = 0; $ix < $nData; $ix++) { my $data = $self->_getvalmulti(offset => 'pointer', uid => 'int'); $data->{_ix} = $ix; push(@dataEntries, $data); } # debug foreach (@childEntries) { $self->TRACE('childEntry[%03d]: offset=0x%04x uid=0x%08x', $_->{_ix}, $_->{offset}, $_->{uid}); } foreach (@dataEntries) { $self->TRACE('dataEntry[%03d]: offset=0x%04x uid=0x%08x', $_->{_ix}, $_->{offset}, $_->{uid}); } # get child nodes foreach my $entry (@childEntries) { my $child = $self->_getNode($entry->{offset}, $path, $entry->{uid}); return undef unless ($child); $child->{order} = $entry->{_ix}; push(@{$node->{nodes}}, $child); } # get all files for this node foreach my $entry (@dataEntries) { my $data = $self->_getNodeData($entry); return undef unless (defined $data); # the first byte seems to be the file type my $fileType = substr($data, 0, 1); my $fileData = substr($data, 1); my $fileData64 = MIME::Base64::encode_base64($fileData, ''); my $dataSize = length($fileData); my $type = unpack('C', $fileType); my %typeMap = ( 0x65 => 'wpt', 0x66 => 'set', 0x67 => 'rte', 0x68 => 'trk', 0x69 => 'are' ); my $typeStr = $typeMap{$type} ? $typeMap{$type} : 'bin'; my $base1 = substr($self->{path}, 0, -4); # strip '.ldk' my $base2 = $path; $base2 =~ s{/}{_}g; my $fileName = sprintf('%s%sUID%08X.%s', $base1, $base2, $entry->{uid}, $typeStr); push(@{$node->{files}}, { name => $fileName, data => $fileData64, type => $typeStr, size => $dataSize, order => $entry->{_ix} }); } foreach (@{$node->{nodes}}) { $self->DEBUG('child %s', $_->{path}); } foreach (@{$node->{files}}) { $self->DEBUG('file %s (%d bytes)', $node->{path} . $_->{name}, $_->{size}); } return $node; } sub _getNodeData { my ($self, $def) = @_; my $data = ''; $self->TRACE('offset=0x%04x uid=0x%08x', $def->{offset}, $def->{uid}); # {Data} # - int magic number of the data block 0x00105555 # - int flags # - long total size of data in bytes # - long size of the main data block in bytes # - pointer {DataAdditionalBlock} position of the next additional data block # - * byte data # header $self->_seek($def->{offset}); my $hdr = $self->_getvalmulti(magic => 'int', flags => 'int', totalSize => 'long', size => 'long', addOffset => 'pointer'); return undef unless (defined $hdr->{addOffset}); my $expectedMagic = 0x00105555; if ($hdr->{magic} != $expectedMagic) { $self->WARNING('Illegal data magic 0x%08x (expected 0x%08x).', $hdr->{magic}, $expectedMagic); return undef; } # data $data .= $self->_getval('bin', $hdr->{size}); # additional data? if ($hdr->{addOffset}) { my $addData = $self->_getNodeAdditionalData($hdr->{addOffset}); return undef unless (defined $addData); $data .= $addData; } return $data; } sub _getNodeAdditionalData { my ($self, $offset) = @_; my $data = ''; # {DataAdditionalBlock} # - int magic number of the additional data block 0x00205555 # - long size of the additional data block in bytes # - pointer {DataAdditionalBlock} position of the next additional data block # - * byte data # header #$self->_seek($offset); # FIXME: maybe required? See https://github.com/phkehl/apq2gpx/pull/3 my $hdr = $self->_getvalmulti(magic => 'int', size => 'long', addOffset => 'pointer'); return undef unless (defined $hdr->{addOffset}); my $expectedMagic = 0x00205555; if ($hdr->{magic} != $expectedMagic) { $self->WARNING('Illegal additional data magic 0x%08x (expected 0x%08x).', $hdr->{magic}, $expectedMagic); return undef; } # additional data my $addData = $self->_getval('bin', $hdr->{size}); return undef unless (defined $addData); $data .= $addData; # more? if ($hdr->{addOffset}) { my $moreData = $self->_getNodeAdditionalData($hdr->{addOffset}); return undef unless (defined $moreData); $data .= $moreData; } return $data; } sub _tell { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{rawoffs}; } sub _seek { my ($self, $offs) = @_; $self->TRACE('seek 0x%04x %+i = 0x%04x', $self->{rawoffs}, $offs - $self->{rawoffs}, $offs); return $self->{rawoffs} = $offs; } sub _size { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{rawsize}; } sub _getval { my ($self, $type, $arg) = @_; # FIXME: more error handling (e.g. not enough raw data left) if ($self->{rawoffs} >= $self->{rawsize}) { $self->DEBUG("No more '%s' data at offset 0x%04x/0x%04x!", $type, $self->{rawoffs}, $self->{rawsize}); return undef; } my $value = undef; my $raw = ''; if ($type eq 'int') # 4 bytes, big endian, signed { $raw = substr($self->{rawdata}, $self->{rawoffs}, 4); $value = unpack('l>', $raw); $self->{rawoffs} += 4; } elsif ($type eq 'bool') # 1 byte, boolean { $raw = substr($self->{rawdata}, $self->{rawoffs}, 1); $value = unpack('c', $raw); $self->{rawoffs} += 1; } elsif ($type eq 'byte') # 1 byte { $raw = substr($self->{rawdata}, $self->{rawoffs}, 1); $value = unpack('c', $raw); $self->{rawoffs} += 1; } elsif ($type eq 'long') # 8 bytes, big-endian, signed { $raw = substr($self->{rawdata}, $self->{rawoffs}, 8); $value = unpack('q>', $raw); $self->{rawoffs} += 8; } elsif ($type eq 'pointer') # 8 bytes, big-endian, unsigned (?) { $raw = substr($self->{rawdata}, $self->{rawoffs}, 8); $value = unpack('Q>', $raw); $self->{rawoffs} += 8; } elsif ($type eq 'double') # 8 bytes, IEEE754 { $raw = substr($self->{rawdata}, $self->{rawoffs}, 8); $value = unpack('d>', $raw); $self->{rawoffs} += 8; } elsif ($type eq 'int+raw') # size int + "raw" data, return data as base64 encoded { my $size = $self->_getval('int'); $raw = substr($self->{rawdata}, $self->{rawoffs}, $size); $value = MIME::Base64::encode_base64($raw, ''); $self->{rawoffs} += $size; } elsif ($type eq 'raw') # "raw" binary data of given size, return data as base64 encoded { my $size = $arg; $raw = substr($self->{rawdata}, $self->{rawoffs}, $size); $value = MIME::Base64::encode_base64($raw, ''); $self->{rawoffs} += $size; } elsif ($type eq 'bin') # binary data of given size, return data as-is { my $size = $arg; $raw = substr($self->{rawdata}, $self->{rawoffs}, $size); $value = $raw; $self->{rawoffs} += $size; } elsif ($type eq 'string') # string of given length { my $size = $arg; $raw = substr($self->{rawdata}, $self->{rawoffs}, $size); $raw = Encode::decode('UTF-8', $raw, Encode::FB_QUIET); $value = $raw; $self->{rawoffs} += $size; } elsif ($type eq 'coordinate') # int, scale 1e-7 { $value = $self->_getval('int'); $value *= 1e-7; } elsif ($type eq 'height') # int, scale 1e-3 { $value = $self->_getval('int'); if ($value == -999999999) { $value = undef; } else { $value *= 1e-3; } } elsif ($type eq 'timestamp') # long, scale 1e-3 { $value = $self->_getval('long'); if ($value == 0) { $value = undef; } else { $value *= 1e-3; } } elsif ($type eq 'accuracy') # int [m] { $value = $self->_getval('int'); if ($value == 0) { $value = undef; } } elsif ($type eq 'accuracy2') # int, scale 1e-2 [m] { $value = $self->_getval('int'); if ($value == 0) { $value = undef; } else { $value *= 1e-2; } } elsif ($type eq 'pressure') # int, scale 1e-3 { $value = $self->_getval('int'); if ($value == 999999999) { $value = undef; } else { $value *= 1e-3; } } else { $self->WARNING("Illegal type '%s'!", $type); return undef; } my $size = length($raw); my $oldRawoffs = $self->{rawoffs} - $size; if ($oldRawoffs < $self->{rawsize}) { $self->TRACE('%-10s at 0x%04x (%04d) [%02d] %s = %s', $type, $oldRawoffs, $oldRawoffs, $size, join(' ', map { sprintf('%02x', $_) } unpack('C*', substr($self->{rawdata}, $oldRawoffs, $size))), $type =~ m{raw|bin} ? '<...>' : $value); } return $value; } # sub _peekval # { # my ($self, $type, $arg) = @_; # my $rawoffs = $self->{rawoffs}; # my $val = $self->_getval($type, $arg); # $self->{rawoffs} = $rawoffs; # return $val; # } sub _getvalmulti { my ($self, @pairs) = @_; my $data = { _order => [] }; while ($#pairs > 0) { my $key = shift(@pairs); my $type = shift(@pairs); $data->{$key} = $self->_getval($type); push(@{$data->{_order}}, $key); } $self->DEBUG(join(' ', map { "$_=" . ($data->{$_} // '') } @{$data->{_order}})); return $data; } sub _checkHeader { my ($self, @expectedFileVersions) = @_; my $fileVersion = $self->_getval('int'); # New files magic, get version number and offset by 100, otherwise it's a legacy file version if ( ($fileVersion & 0x50500000) == 0x50500000 ) { $fileVersion = ($fileVersion & 0xff) + 100; } my $headerSize = $self->_getval('int'); $self->DEBUG('fileVersion=%s headerSize=%s', $fileVersion, $headerSize); my %okayFileVersions = map { $_, 1 } @expectedFileVersions; if (!defined $fileVersion || !$okayFileVersions{$fileVersion}) { $self->WARNING('Unknown file version %s (expected %s).', $fileVersion, join(' or ', @expectedFileVersions)); return undef; } $self->{version} = $fileVersion; return $headerSize; } sub _getMetadata { my ($self, $meta) = @_; # This is what the specs say: # # - {Metadata} # - {MetadataContent} main metadata content # - int number of extended metadata contents (-1 for none) -- seems to be -1 always # - {MetadataContentExt}* extended metadata contents # - {MetadataContent} # - int size of entries # - {MetadataContentEntry} # - {MetadataContentExt} # - string name of extention # - {MetadataContent} # - {MetadataContentEntry} # - string entry name # - int type of entry # -1 = bool (1 byte), -2 = long (8 bytes), -3 = double (8 bytes), # -4 = raw (int with size of data + data), >= 0 = string # - * data (size depends on the type of entry) # - int unknown (not documented in spec), always 0xffffffff (-1) it seems # # This is what I think it is (which may or may not be the same as above...): # # - {MetadataContent} # - int number of {MetadataContentEntry} structs # - {MetadataContentEntry} # - int length of name string # - string name string # - int type of entry (see above) # - * data # - {MetadataContentExt} # - int number of {MetadataContentExt} -- always -1 it seems # - {MetadataContentExt} # - string name of extension, FIXME: probably also int length + string bytes # - {MetadataContent} same as above?! # # Modern files # - {MetadataContent} # - int number of metadata entries, or -1 if none # - {MetadataContentEntry} # - int length of name string # - string name string # - int type of entry (see above) # - * data # - [int] metadata version, only is number if metadata entries >= 0 # - [MetadataExtensions] # - int number of {MetadataContentExt} -- always -1 it seems # - {MetadataContentExt} # - string name of extension, FIXME: probably also int length + string bytes # - {MetadataContent} same as above?! my $metadataVersion = 1; if ($self->{version} > 100) { $metadataVersion = 3; } elsif ($self->{type} eq 'trk') { $metadataVersion = $self->{version} == 3 ? 2 : 1; } else { $metadataVersion = $self->{version} == 2 ? 2 : 1; } my $nMetaEntries = $self->_getval('int'); $self->DEBUG('nMetaEntries=%d metadataVersion=%s', $nMetaEntries, $metadataVersion); $meta //= { _order => [], _types => [] }; for (my $ix = 0; $ix < $nMetaEntries; $ix++) { my $nameLen = $self->_getval('int'); my $name = $self->_getval('string', $nameLen); my $dataLen = $self->_getval('int') // return undef;; my $data = undef; my $type = undef; if ($dataLen == -1) { $type = 'bool'; $data = $self->_getval($type); } elsif ($dataLen == -2) { $type = 'long'; $data = $self->_getval($type); } elsif ($dataLen == -3) { $type = 'double'; $data = $self->_getval($type); } elsif ($dataLen == -4) { $type = 'int+raw'; $data = $self->_getval($type); } elsif ($dataLen >= 0) { $type = 'string'; $data = $self->_getval($type, $dataLen); } else { $self->WARNING('Illegal meta data entry type %d.', $dataLen); return undef; } $meta->{$name} = $data; push(@{$meta->{_order}}, $name); push(@{$meta->{_types}}, $type); } if ( ($metadataVersion == 3) && ($nMetaEntries >= 0) ) { my $dummy = $self->_getval('int'); } if ($metadataVersion >= 2) { my $nMetaExt = $self->_getval('int'); $self->DEBUG('nMetaExt=%d', $nMetaExt); if ($nMetaExt > 0) # typically -1 in most files, typically 0 in LDK files { $self->WARNING("Extended metadata entries not implemented (nMetaExt=%d).", $nMetaExt); return undef; } } for (my $ix = 0; $ix <= $#{$meta->{_order}}; $ix++) { my $key = $meta->{_order}->[$ix]; $self->DEBUG('meta %2d: %-15s %-10s = %s', $ix + 1, $key, "($meta->{_types}->[$ix])", $meta->{$key}); } return $meta; } sub _getLocation { my ($self) = @_; # {Location} version 1 # - int structure size (bytes) # - coordinate longitude # - coordinate latitude # - height elevation # - timestamp time # - [accuracy] accuracy (optional, depending on structure size) # - [pressure] pressure (optional, depending on structure size) # {Location} version 2 (new files) # - int structure size (bytes) # - coordinate longitude # - coordinate latitude # - {LocationValue}* # - byte value type # - variable value my $locationVersion = $self->{version} > 100 ? 2 : 1; my $location = { lat => undef, lon => undef, alt => undef, ts => undef, acc => undef, bar => undef, batt => undef, cell => { gen => undef, prot => undef, sig => undef }, numsv => { tot => undef, unkn => undef, G => undef, S => undef, R => undef, J => undef, C => undef, E => undef, I => undef} }; my $size = $self->_getval('int') // return undef; $location->{lon} = $self->_getval('coordinate'); $location->{lat} = $self->_getval('coordinate'); if ($locationVersion == 1) { $location->{alt} = $self->_getval('height'); $location->{ts} = $self->_getval('timestamp'); if ($size > 20) { $location->{acc} = $self->_getval('accuracy'); } if ($size > 24) { $location->{bar} = $self->_getval('pressure'); } } else { $size -= 4 + 4; while ($size > 0) { my $type = $self->_getval('byte'); $size -= 1; if ($type == 0x61) { $location->{acc} = $self->_getval('accuracy2'); $size -= 4; } elsif ($type == 0x65) { $location->{alt} = $self->_getval('height'); $size -= 4; } elsif ($type == 0x70) { $location->{bar} = $self->_getval('pressure'); $size -= 4; } elsif ($type == 0x74) { $location->{ts} = $self->_getval('timestamp'); $size -= 8; } elsif ($type == 0x62) { $location->{batt} = $self->_getval('byte'); $size -= 1; } elsif ($type == 0x6e) { my $gen_prot = $self->_getval('byte'); $location->{cell}->{gen} = int($gen_prot / 10); $location->{cell}->{prot} = $gen_prot % 10; $location->{cell}->{sig} = $self->_getval('byte'); $size -= 2; } elsif ($type == 0x73) { $location->{numsv}->{unkn} = $self->_getval('byte'); $location->{numsv}->{G} = $self->_getval('byte'); $location->{numsv}->{S} = $self->_getval('byte'); $location->{numsv}->{R} = $self->_getval('byte'); $location->{numsv}->{J} = $self->_getval('byte'); $location->{numsv}->{C} = $self->_getval('byte'); $location->{numsv}->{E} = $self->_getval('byte'); $location->{numsv}->{I} = $self->_getval('byte'); $location->{numsv}->{tot} += $location->{numsv}->{$_} for(qw(unkn G S R J C E I)); $size -= 8; } elsif ($type == 0x76) { $location->{acc_v} = $self->_getval('accuracy2'); $size -= 4; } else { # put back type byte $self->_seek($self->_tell() - 1); $size += 1; last; } } if ($size > 0) { $self->WARNING("Ignoring spurious data (size=$size) in location!"); $self->TRACE_HEXDUMP(substr($self->{rawdata}, $self->_tell(), $size)); $self->_seek( $self->_tell() + $size ); } } foreach (qw(lat lon alt ts acc bar)) { delete $location->{$_} unless (defined $location->{$_}); } $self->DEBUG('location: llh = %12.8f %11.8f %8s, ts = %s, acc = %s, bar = %s', $location->{lon}, $location->{lat}, defined $location->{alt} ? sprintf('%8.3f', $location->{alt}) : 'n/a', $location->{ts}, $location->{acc} // 'n/a', $location->{bar} // 'n/a'); return $location; } sub _getWaypoints { my ($self) = @_; # {Waypoints} # - int number of waypoints # - {Waypoint}* # - {Metadata} # - {Location} my @waypoints = (); my $nWaypoints = $self->_getval('int') // return undef; $self->DEBUG('nWaypoints=%s', $nWaypoints); for (my $ix = 0; $ix < $nWaypoints; $ix++) { # meta data my $meta = $self->_getMetadata(); # location my $location = $self->_getLocation(); if (!$meta || !$location) { return undef; } push(@waypoints, { meta => $meta, location => $location }); } return \@waypoints; } sub _getLocations { my ($self) = @_; # {Locations} # - int number of locations # - {Location}* my @locations = (); my $nLocations = $self->_getval('int') // return undef; $self->DEBUG('nLocations=%s', $nLocations); for (my $ix = 0; $ix < $nLocations; $ix++) { # location my $location = $self->_getLocation(); if (!$location) { return undef; } push(@locations, $location); } return \@locations; } sub _getSegments { my ($self) = @_; # {Segments} / {TrackSegments} # - int number of segments # - {Segment}* / {TrackSegment}* my @segments = (); my $nSegments = $self->_getval('int') // return undef; $self->DEBUG('nSegments=%s', $nSegments); for (my $ix = 0; $ix < $nSegments; $ix++) { # segment my $segment = $self->_getSegment(); if (!$segment) { return undef; } push(@segments, $segment); } return \@segments; } sub _getSegment { my ($self) = @_; # {Segment} version 1 # - int unknown (not documented in spec), always 0x00000000 (0) it seems # - int number of locations # - {Location}* # {Segment} version 2 # - {Metadata} # - int number of locations # - {Location}* my $segmentVersion = $self->{version} >= 3 ? 2 : 1; # trk files only my @locations = (); if ($segmentVersion < 2) { $self->_getval('int'); } else { my $meta = $self->_getMetadata(); } my $nLocations = $self->_getval('int') // return undef; $self->DEBUG('nLocations=%s segmentVersion=%s', $nLocations, $segmentVersion); for (my $ix = 0; $ix < $nLocations; $ix++) { # location my $location = $self->_getLocation(); if (!$location) { return undef; } push(@locations, $location); } return \@locations; } }; #################################################################################################### # application base class package AppBase { use base 'Base'; use feature 'state'; sub run { my ($self, $tool) = @_; $self->help('apqtool'); return 1; } sub help { my ($self, $section) = @_; state @help = ; my $inSection = 0; $self->TRACE("help($section)"); foreach my $line (@help) { if ($line =~ m{^#}) { next; } elsif ($line =~ m{^\\section\{$section\}}) { $inSection = 1; } elsif ($inSection && ($line =~ m{^\\include\{(.+)\}})) { $self->help($1); } elsif ($line =~ m{^\\end}) { $inSection = 0; } elsif ($inSection) { print(STDERR $line); } } return 1; } sub _writeFile { my ($self, $file, $data) = @_; if ($file eq '-') { print($data); return 1; } else { my $fh; if (open($fh, '>', $file)) { binmode($fh); print($fh $data); close($fh); return 1; } else { $self->WARNING("Failed writing: %s", $!); return 0; } } } sub _readFile { my ($self, $file) = @_; my $data; my $fh; if (open($fh, '<', $file)) { binmode($fh); do { local $/ = undef; $data = <$fh>; }; close($fh); } else { $self->WARNING("Failed readin: %s", $!); } return $data; } }; #################################################################################################### # apq2gpx application package AppApqToGpx { use base 'AppBase'; use JSON::PP; use Geo::Gpx; use XML::LibXML; use List::Util qw(); use MIME::Base64 qw(); use Clone qw(); #use DateTime; sub new { my ($class, $argv, %opts) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%opts); $self->{files} = []; $self->{dojson} = 0; $self->{dogpx} = 0; $self->{dobin} = 0; $self->{domerge} = 0; $self->{overwrite} = 0; $self->{outbase} = ''; while (my $arg = shift(@{$argv})) { if ($arg eq '-v') { $self->{verbosity}++; } elsif ($arg eq '-q') { $self->{verbosity}--; } elsif ($arg eq '-j') { $self->{dojson}++; } elsif ($arg eq '-g') { $self->{dogpx}++; } elsif ($arg eq '-b') { $self->{dobin}++; } elsif ($arg eq '-m') { $self->{domerge}++; } elsif ($arg eq '-f') { $self->{overwrite} = 1; } elsif ($arg eq '-o') { $self->{outbase} = shift(@{$argv}); } elsif (-f $arg) { push(@{$self->{files}}, $arg); } elsif ($arg eq '-h') { $self->{files} = []; $self->help('apq2gpx'); return $self; } else { $self->ERROR("Illegal argument '%s'!", $arg); return undef; } } $self->TRACE('files=%s', $self->{files}); if ($#{$self->{files}} < 0) { return undef; } return $self; } sub run { my ($self) = @_; $self->TRACE('run()'); my $errors = 0; my @allDatas = (); foreach my $file (@{$self->{files}}) { $self->PRINT("Loading: %s", $file); my $apq = ApqFile->new(path => $file, verbosity => $self->{verbosity}); if (!$apq) { $errors++; next; } my @datas = (); # in case of a LDK file we want to process the contents individually if ($apq->type() eq 'ldk') { my $data = $apq->data(); push(@datas, $data); if ($self->{dobin}) { my $binBase = $data->{path}; $binBase =~ s{\.ldk$}{}i; if (!$self->_writeBin($self->{outbase} || $binBase, $data)) { $errors++; } } if ($self->{dojson} || $self->{dogpx}) { my @ldkDatas = $self->_loadNodes($data->{root}, $data->{path}); return undef unless ($#ldkDatas > -1); push(@datas, @ldkDatas); } } else { push(@datas, $apq->data()); } # merge? if ($self->{domerge}) { push(@allDatas, @datas); } # generate individual output else { if (!$self->_procDatas(@datas)) { $errors++; } } } if ($self->{domerge}) { my $data = $self->_combineDatas(@allDatas); if (!$self->_procDatas($data)) { $errors++; } } return $errors ? 0 : 1; } sub _procDatas { my ($self, @datas) = @_; my $errors = 0; foreach my $data (@datas) { my $base = $data->{path}; $base =~ s{\.[^.]+$}{}; if ($self->{outbase}) { if (index($base, '/') > -1) { $base =~ s{^.*/}{$self->{outbase}}; } else { $base =~ s{^}{$self->{outbase}}; } } if ($self->{dojson}) { if (!$self->_writeJson($self->{outbase} eq '-' ? '-' : "$base.json", $data)) { $errors++; } } if ($self->{dogpx} && ($data->{type} ne 'ldk')) { if (!$self->_writeGpx($self->{outbase} eq '-' ? '-' : "$base.gpx", $data)) { $errors++; } } } return $errors ? 0 : 1; } sub _writeJson { my ($self, $file, $data) = @_; if (-f $file && !$self->{overwrite}) { $self->WARNING("File already exists: %s", $file); return 0; } $self->PRINT('Writing: %s', $file); my $json = JSON::PP->new()->utf8()->pretty($self->{dojson} > 1 ? 1 : 0)->canonical(1)->encode($data); return $self->_writeFile($file, $json); } sub _writeGpx { my ($self, $file, $data) = @_; if (-f $file && !$self->{overwrite}) { $self->WARNING("File already exists: %s", $file); return 0; } $self->PRINT('Writing: %s', $file); my $gpx = Geo::Gpx->new(); $gpx->time( $self->_gpx_time($data->{ts}) ); # global meta data my $globalMeta = $data->{meta} // {}; # waypoint if ($data->{type} eq 'wpt') { #$self->_gpx_set_meta($gpx, $globalMeta); my $wpt = $self->_gpx_loc2wpt($data->{location}, $globalMeta); $gpx->waypoints([ $wpt ]); $gpx->time( $self->_gpx_time($data->{location}->{ts}) ) if ($data->{location}->{ts}); } # set of waypoints elsif ($data->{type} eq 'set') { $self->_gpx_set_meta($gpx, $globalMeta); my @ts = (); my @wpts = (); foreach my $waypoint (@{$data->{waypoints}}) { my $wpt = $self->_gpx_loc2wpt($waypoint->{location}, $waypoint->{meta}); push(@wpts, $wpt); push(@ts, $waypoint->{location}->{ts}) if ($waypoint->{location}->{ts}); } $gpx->waypoints(\@wpts); $gpx->time($self->_gpx_time(List::Util::min(@ts))) if ($#ts > -1); } # area elsif ($data->{type} eq 'are') { $self->_gpx_set_meta($gpx, $globalMeta); my @wpts = (); foreach my $location (@{$data->{locations}}) { my $wpt = $self->_gpx_loc2wpt($location); push(@wpts, $self->_gpx_loc2wpt($location)); } push(@wpts, $wpts[0]) if ($#wpts > 1); my $route = {}; $route->{name} = $globalMeta->{name} || 'Area'; $route->{points} = \@wpts; $gpx->routes([ $route ]); } # route elsif ($data->{type} eq 'rte') { $self->_gpx_set_meta($gpx, $globalMeta); my @ts = (); my @wpts = (); foreach my $waypoint (@{$data->{waypoints}}) { my $wpt = $self->_gpx_loc2wpt($waypoint->{location}, $waypoint->{meta}); push(@wpts, $wpt); push(@ts, $waypoint->{location}->{ts}) if ($waypoint->{location}->{ts}); } $gpx->waypoints(\@wpts); $gpx->time($self->_gpx_time(List::Util::min(@ts))) if ($#ts > -1); } # track elsif ( ($data->{type} eq 'trk') || ($data->{type} eq 'all') ) { $self->_gpx_set_meta($gpx, $globalMeta); my @ts = (); my @wpts = (); foreach my $waypoint (@{$data->{waypoints}}) { my $wpt = $self->_gpx_loc2wpt($waypoint->{location}, $waypoint->{meta}); push(@wpts, $wpt); push(@ts, $waypoint->{location}->{ts}) if ($waypoint->{location}->{ts}); } $gpx->waypoints(\@wpts); my @segments = (); foreach my $segment (@{$data->{segments}}) { my @points = (); foreach my $location (@{$segment}) { my $wpt = $self->_gpx_loc2wpt($location); push(@points, $wpt); push(@ts, $location->{ts}) if ($location->{ts}); } push(@segments, { points => \@points }); } my $track = {}; $track->{name} = $globalMeta->{name} || 'Track'; $track->{segments} = \@segments; $gpx->tracks([ $track ]); $gpx->time($self->_gpx_time(List::Util::min(@ts))) if ($#ts > -1); } # pointless.. elsif ($data->{type} eq 'ldk') { return 1; } # unhandled else { $self->ERROR('WTF?! type=%s', $data->{type}); return 0; } # render XML my $xml = $gpx->xml('1.1'); if ($self->{dogpx} > 1) { my $doc = XML::LibXML->load_xml(string => $xml, { no_blanks => 1 }); $xml = $doc->toString(1); } # AlpineQuest doesn't like the 'yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+00:00' timezone specifier, it wants 'Z' instead of '+00:00' #$xml =~ s{\+00:00<}{Z<}gms; # bug filed: https://www.alpinequest.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3326 return $self->_writeFile($file, $xml); } sub _gpx_set_meta { my ($self, $gpx, $meta) = @_; if ($meta->{comment}) { $gpx->desc($meta->{comment}); } if ($meta->{name}) { $gpx->name($meta->{name}); } if ($meta->{keywords}) { $gpx->keywords([ split(/\s+/, $meta->{keywords}) ]); } return 1; } sub _gpx_loc2wpt { my ($self, $location, $meta) = @_; #$self->TRACE('loc2wpt: %s %s', $location, $meta); my $wpt = {}; $wpt->{lon} = $location->{lon}; $wpt->{lat} = $location->{lat}; $wpt->{ele} = $location->{alt} if (defined $location->{alt}); $wpt->{time} = $self->_gpx_time($location->{ts}) if (defined $location->{ts}); $wpt->{sym} = $meta->{sym} if ($meta && $meta->{icon}); # better use "type" field? $wpt->{name} = $meta->{name} if ($meta && $meta->{name}); $wpt->{desc} = $meta->{comment} if ($meta && $meta->{comment}); if ($location->{numsv}->{tot}) { $wpt->{sat} = $location->{numsv}->{tot}; } my @cmt = (); push(@cmt, "acc=$location->{acc}") if ($location->{acc}); push(@cmt, "bar=$location->{bar}") if ($location->{bar}); push(@cmt, "batt=$location->{batt}") if ($location->{batt}); if ($#cmt > -1) { $wpt->{cmt} = join(', ', @cmt); } return $wpt; } sub _gpx_time { my ($self, $ts) = @_; #return DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $ts, time_zone => 'UTC'); return $ts; } sub _writeBin { my ($self, $base, $data) = @_; if ($base eq '-') { $self->WARNING('Cannot write %s type contents to standard output.', uc($data->{type})); return 0; } if ($data->{type} eq 'ldk') { return $self->_writeNodeFiles($data->{root}, $base); } else { $self->WARNING('Cannot write %s type files.', uc($data->{type})); return 0; } } sub _writeNodeFiles { my ($self, $node, $base) = @_; foreach my $file (sort { $a->{order} <=> $b->{order} } @{$node->{files}}) { my $outFile = $node->{path} . $file->{name}; $outFile =~ s{/+}{_}g; $outFile = $base . $outFile; if (-f $outFile && !$self->{overwrite}) { $self->WARNING("File already exists: %s", $outFile); } else { $self->PRINT('Writing: %s', $outFile); my $data = MIME::Base64::decode_base64($file->{data}); if (!$self->_writeFile($outFile, $data)) { return 0; } } } foreach (sort { $a->{order} <=> $b->{order} } @{$node->{nodes}}) { if (!$self->_writeNodeFiles($_, $base)) { return 0; } } return 1; } sub _loadNodes { my ($self, $node, $ldkFile) = @_; my @datas = (); foreach my $file (sort { $a->{order} <=> $b->{order} } @{$node->{files}}) { $self->PRINT('Loading: %s:%s%s', $ldkFile, $node->{path}, $file->{name}); my $data = MIME::Base64::decode_base64($file->{data}); my $apq = ApqFile->new(rawdata => $data, rawname => $file->{name}, type => $file->{type}, rawts => time(), verbosity => $self->{verbosity}); return undef unless ($apq); push(@datas, $apq->data()); } foreach (sort { $a->{order} <=> $b->{order} } @{$node->{nodes}}) { my @moreDatas = $self->_loadNodes($_, $ldkFile); return undef unless ($#moreDatas > -1); push(@datas, @moreDatas); } return @datas; } sub _combineDatas { my ($self, @datas) = @_; my $all = { waypoints => [], segments => [], meta => { _order => [], _types => [] } }; my @metaComments = (); foreach my $data (@datas) { $self->DEBUG('combine %s: %s', $data->{path}, $data); if ($data->{type} eq 'wpt') { push(@{$all->{waypoints}}, { location => $data->{location}, meta => $data->{meta} }); push(@metaComments, $data->{file} . ($data->{meta}->{name} ? " ($data->{meta}->{name})" : '')); } elsif ($data->{type} eq 'set') { foreach my $wpt (@{$data->{waypoints}}) { $wpt->{meta} = $self->_mergeMeta($data->{meta}, $wpt->{meta}); push(@{$all->{waypoints}}, $wpt); } push(@metaComments, $data->{file} . ($data->{meta}->{name} ? " ($data->{meta}->{name})" : '')); } elsif ($data->{type} eq 'are') { my $nLocations = $#{$data->{locations}} + 1; for (my $ix = 0; $ix < $nLocations; $ix++) { my $wpt = $data->{locations}->[$ix]; my $meta = { _order => [ 'name' ], _types => [ 'string' ], name => sprintf('location %d/%d', $ix + 1, $nLocations) }; $wpt->{meta} = $self->_mergeMeta($data->{meta}, $meta); push(@{$all->{waypoints}}, $wpt); } push(@metaComments, $data->{file} . ($data->{meta}->{name} ? " ($data->{meta}->{name})" : '')); } elsif ($data->{type} eq 'rte') { my $nWaypoints = $#{$data->{waypoints}} + 1; for (my $ix = 0; $ix < $nWaypoints; $ix++) { my $wpt = $data->{locations}->[$ix]; if (!$wpt->{meta}->{name}) { $wpt->{meta}->{name} = sprintf('waypoint %d/%d', $ix + 1, $nWaypoints); push(@{$wpt->{meta}->{_order}}, 'name'); push(@{$wpt->{meta}->{_types}}, 'string'); } $wpt->{meta} = $self->_mergeMeta($data->{meta}, $wpt->{meta}); push(@{$all->{waypoints}}, $wpt); } push(@metaComments, $data->{file} . ($data->{meta}->{name} ? " ($data->{meta}->{name})" : '')); } elsif ($data->{type} eq 'trk') { push(@{$all->{segments}}, @{$data->{segments}}); push(@metaComments, $data->{file} . ($data->{meta}->{name} ? " ($data->{meta}->{name})" : '')); } elsif ($data->{type} eq 'ldk') { # ignore } } push(@{$all->{meta}->{_order}}, 'comment'); push(@{$all->{meta}->{_types}}, 'string'); $all->{meta}->{comment} = join("\n", "Combination of:", @metaComments); $all->{type} = 'all'; $all->{file} = 'merged.all'; $all->{path} = $all->{file}; return $all; } sub _mergeMeta { my ($self, $meta1, $meta2) = @_; my $meta = Clone::clone($meta1); for (my $ix = 0; $ix <= $#{$meta2->{_order}}; $ix++) { my $key = $meta2->{_order}->[$ix]; if ($meta2->{$key}) { if (!$meta->{$key}) { push(@{$meta->{_order}}, $key); push(@{$meta->{_types}}, $meta2->{_types}->[$ix]); } if ($meta->{$key} ne $meta2->{$key}) { $meta->{$key} .= ', ' . $meta2->{$key}; } } } return $meta; } }; #################################################################################################### # places2apq application package AppPlacesToApq { use base 'AppBase'; use JSON::PP; sub new { my ($class, $argv, %opts) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%opts); $self->{setfile} = ''; $self->{files} = []; while (my $arg = shift(@{$argv})) { if ($arg eq '-v') { $self->{verbosity}++; } elsif ($arg eq '-q') { $self->{verbosity}--; } elsif ($arg eq '-s') { $self->{setfile} = shift(@{$argv}); } elsif (-f $arg) { push(@{$self->{files}}, $arg); } elsif ($arg eq '-h') { $self->help('places2apq'); return $self; } else { $self->ERROR("Illegal argument '%s'!", $arg); return undef; } } $self->TRACE('setfile=%s files=%s', $self->{setfile}, $self->{files}); if (!$self->{setfile} || ($#{$self->{files}} < 0)) { return undef; } return $self; } sub run { my ($self) = @_; $self->TRACE('run()'); my $errors = 0; my @locations = (); foreach my $file (@{$self->{files}}) { $self->PRINT("Loading: %s", $file); my $data; eval { $data = JSON::PP->new()->decode( $self->_readFile($file) ); }; if ($@) { my $e = "$@"; $e =~ s{\r?\n}{}g; $self->ERROR("Error: $e"); $errors++; next; } # some sanity checks.. unless (UNIVERSAL::isa($data, 'HASH') && $data->{type} && ($data->{type} eq 'FeatureCollection') && $data->{features} && UNIVERSAL::isa($data->{features}, 'ARRAY')) { $self->ERROR('Error: file does not look like a suitable GeoJSON!'); $errors++; next; } my $nFound = 0; my $nSkipOld = 0; my $nSkipNoloc = 0; my $nSkipNoname = 0; foreach my $feature (@{$data->{features}}) { # mostly: # { # 'geometry' => { 'coordinates' => [ 'lon', 'lat' ], 'type' => 'Point' # 'properties' => { # 'Google Maps URL' => 'http://maps.google.com/...', # 'Location' => { 'Address' => "...", 'Business Name' => "...", 'Country Code' => '..', # 'Geo Coordinates' => { 'Latitude' => '...', 'Longitude' => '...' }. # 'Published' => '2012-03-25T15:01:49Z', 'Updated' => '2012-03-25T15:01:49Z' # 'Title' => "..." }, # 'type' => 'Feature' # } # sometimes: # { # 'geometry' => { 'coordinates' => [ 'lon', 'lat' ], 'type' => 'Point' # 'properties' => { # 'Google Maps URL' => 'http://maps.google.com/?cid=3897277001522922387', # 'Location' => { 'Latitude' => '...', 'Longitude' => '...' # no address # 'Published' => '2012-03-16T20:22:14Z', 'Updated' => '2012-03-16T20:22:14Z' # 'Review Comment' => "...", 'Star Rating' => 5 }, # 'Title' => '...' }, # 'type' => 'Feature' # } # and: # { # 'geometry' => { 'coordinates' => [ 0, 0 ], 'type' => 'Point' }, # place no longer exists (?) # 'properties' => { # 'Comment' => 'No location information is available for this review', # 'Google Maps URL' => '...', # 'Published' => '2013-07-20T16:48:50.925Z', # 'Review Comment' => "...", 'Star Rating' => 5 }, # 'type' => 'Feature' # } # FIXME: more sanity checking... my $geometry = $feature->{geometry}; my $properties = $feature->{properties}; my $location = $properties->{Location}; if ( ($geometry->{coordinates}->[0] == 0) && ($geometry->{coordinates}->[1] == 0) ) { $self->TRACE('Skipping (old place): %s', $feature); $nSkipOld++; next; } my $loc = { type => '', uid => '', lat => 0, lon => 0, name => '', comment => '', url => '' }; if ($location->{Latitude}) { $loc->{lat} = $location->{Latitude}; $loc->{lon} = $location->{Longitude}; } elsif ($location->{'Geo Coordinates'}) { $loc->{lat} = $location->{'Geo Coordinates'}->{Latitude}; $loc->{lon} = $location->{'Geo Coordinates'}->{Longitude}; } else { $self->TRACE('Skipping (no coordinates): %s', $feature); $nSkipNoloc++; next; } $loc->{uid} = sprintf('%+013.9f/%+014.9f', $loc->{lat}, $loc->{lon}); if ($location->{'Business Name'}) { $loc->{name} = $location->{'Business Name'}; } elsif ($properties->{Title}) { $loc->{name} = $location->{Title}; } else { $self->TRACE('Skippin (no name): %s', $feature); $nSkipNoname++; } $loc->{url} = $properties->{'Google Maps URL'}; if ($location->{Address}) { $loc->{comment} = $location->{Address}; } if ($properties->{'Review Comment'}) { $loc->{type} = 'review'; $loc->{comment} .= ($loc->{comment} ? "\nReview: " : '') . $properties->{'Review Comment'}; $loc->{name} .= ' (' . ('*' x $properties->{'Star Rating'}) . ')'; } else { $loc->{type} = 'star'; } push(@locations, $loc); $nFound++; } $self->PRINT("Loaded $nFound, skipped $nSkipOld old places, $nSkipNoloc places without coordinates and $nSkipNoname places without a name."); } # remove duplicates my %locByUid = (); foreach my $loc (@locations) { push(@{$locByUid{$loc->{uid}}}, $loc); } @locations = sort { lc($a->{name}) cmp lc($b->{name}) } map { # prefer reviews over starred, keep only first ( grep { $_->{type} eq 'review' } @{$locByUid{$_}}, grep { $_->{type} eq 'star' } @{$locByUid{$_}} )[0] } keys %locByUid; $self->PRINT("Have now %d locations.", $#locations + 1); $self->TRACE(\@locations); return $errors ? 0 : 1; } }; #################################################################################################### # instantiate application and run it package main; use strict; use warnings; my $app; my $tool = ''; if ($0 =~ m{\bapq2gpx\b}) { $tool = 'apq2gpx'; } elsif ($0 =~ m{\bplaces2apq\b}) { $tool = 'places2apq'; } elsif ($#ARGV > -1) { $tool = shift(@ARGV); } if ($tool eq '-h') { $app = AppBase->new(); } elsif ($tool eq 'apq2gpx') { $app = AppApqToGpx->new(\@ARGV); } elsif ($tool eq 'places2apq') { $app = AppPlacesToApq->new(\@ARGV); } if ($app && $app->run()) { exit(0); } else { print(STDERR "Try '$0 -h'.\n"); exit(1); } __DATA__ " #################################################################################################### \section{header} # flipflip's AlpineQuest (https://www.alpinequest.net/) Tools \end # # #################################################################################################### \section{copyright} # Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Philippe Kehl See source code for details. \end # # #################################################################################################### \section{apqtool} \include{header} \include{copyright} Usage: apqtools.pl [args..] Where is one of: apq2gpx -- AlpineQuest files to GPX converter places2apq -- Google Maps 'your places' to AlpineQuest set (of waypoints) file Use -h to get more help. For example: apqtools.pl apq2gpx -h Alternatively, symlink apqtools.pl to .pl to run the command directly. For example: ln -s apqtools.pl apq2gpx.pl apq2gpx.pl -h \end # # #################################################################################################### \section{apq2gpx} \include{header} \include{copyright} apq2gpx -- AplineQuest files to GPX converter This tool can read the following AlpineQuest for Android version 2.2.8 file formats and convert them to GPX and JSON files: - WPT: waypoint file (.wpt files) - SET: set (of waypoints) file (.set files) - RTE: route file (.rte files) - ARE: area file (.are files) -- only old simple versions are supported - TRK: track (a.k.a. path) file (.trk files) - LDK: landmark (container) file (.ldk files) -- limited and experimental support Note that data from earlier or later version of the app may or may not work. YMMV. Usage: apqtools.pl apq2gpx [-v] [-q] [-j] [-g] [-b] [-f] ... Where: -v / -q increases / decrease verbosity -j generate JSON output (add second -j for pretty-printing the JSON data), note that any binary data in JSON output is base64 encoded -g generate GPX output (add second -g for pretty-printing the XML/GPX data) -b write LDK contents to individual files (only for .ldk input files) -m merge all input files into a single output file instead of individual files -f overwrite already existing (.json, .gpx) files -o ... output base name (default input file path and base name) or '-' for standard output one or more input files (see above) Examples: Convert the track in some/dir/track.trk to a JSON version of it in some/dir/track.json: apq2gpx.pl -j -g some/dir/track.trk Convert the track in some/dir/track.trk to a pretty-printed GPX version of it in ./track.gpx: apq2gpx.pl -g -g -o ./ ./some/dir/track.trk Pretty-print the JSON representation of the waypoint in waypoint.wpt to the screen: apq2gpx -j -j -o - waypoint.wpt Extract all files in the landmark container file foo.ldk and store as individual .wpt etc. files: apq2gpx -b foo.ldk Convert all files in the landmark container file foo.ldk and store as individual .gpx. files: apq2gpx -g foo.ldk Merge data from several files into foobar_merged.json and foobar_merged.gpx files: apq2gpx -g -g -j -j -o foobar_ -m waypoints.set route1.rte track1.trk track2.trk \end # # #################################################################################################### \section{places2apq} \include{header} \include{copyright} places2apq -- Google Maps 'your places' to AlpineQuest set (of waypoints) file This tool can read the GeoJSON files from Google Maps (your places) Takout and convert the locations to an AlpineQuest set (of waypoints) (.SET) file. To obtain your Google Maps starred location go to https://takeout.google.com/, deselect all options and select the 'Maps (your places)' data. You will get a .zip file that contains GeoJSON files with your starred locations ('Saved Places.json') and your reviews ('Reviews.json'). Then call: apqtools.pl places2apq [-v] [-q] ... Where: -v / -q increases / decrease verbosity \end ####################################################################################################