CS 432/532 Web Science Spring 2017 http://phonedude.github.io/cs532-s17/ Assignment #6 Due: 11:59pm March 23 1. D3 graphing (10 points) Use D3 to visualize your Twitter followers. Use my twitter account ("@phonedude_mln") if you do not have >= 50 followers. For example, @hvdsomp follows me, as does @mart1nkle1n. They also follow each other, so they would both have links to me and links to each other. To see if two users follow each other, see: https://dev.twitter.com/rest/reference/get/friendships/show and https://dev.twitter.com/rest/reference/get/users/lookup Attractiveness of the graph counts! Nodes should be labeled (avatar images are even better), and edge types (follows, following) should be marked. Note: for getting GitHub to serve HTML (and other media types), see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6551446/can-i-run-html-files-directly-from-github-instead-of-just-viewing-their-source Be sure to include the URI(s) for your D3 graph in your report. Extra credit: (5 points) 2. Gender homophily in your Twitter graph Take the Twitter graph you generated in question #1 and test for male-female homophily. For the purposes of this question you can consider the graph as undirected (i.e., no distinction between "follows" and "following"). Use the twitter name (not "screen name"; for example "Michael L. Nelson" and not "@phonedude_mln") and programatically determine if the user is male or female. Some sites that might be useful: https://genderize.io/ https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gender-detector/0.0.4 Create a table of Twitter users and their likely gender. List any accounts that can't be determined and remove them from the graph. Perform the homophily test as described in slides 11-16, Week 8. Does your Twitter graph exhibit gender homophily? Extra credit: (3 points) 3. Using D3, create a graph of the Karate club before and after the split. - Weight the edges with the data from: http://vlado.fmf.uni-lj.si/pub/networks/data/ucinet/zachary.dat - Have the transition from before/after the split occur on a mouse click. This is a toggle, so the graph will go back and forth beween connected and disconnected.