#!/bin/bash set -e php_build_version="build2" # Check for required variables: if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then echo "Must pass argument 1: the name of the action currently running" exit 1 fi echo "Running php-build $1" >> output.log 2>&1 if [ -z "$GITHUB_ACTOR" ] then echo "Error: GITHUB_ACTOR variable not set" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" ] then echo "Error: GITHUB_REPOSITORY variable not set" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$ACTION_TOKEN" ] then echo "Error: ACTION_TOKEN variable not set" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$ACTION_PHP_VERSION" ] then echo "Error: ACTION_PHP_VERSION variable not set" exit 1 fi # The dockerfile is created in-memory and written to disk at the end of this script. # Below, depending on the Action's inputs, more lines may be written to this dockerfile. # Zip and git are required for Composer to work correctly. base_image="php:" if [ "$ACTION_PHP_VERSION" != "latest" ] then base_image="${base_image}${ACTION_PHP_VERSION}-" fi base_image="${base_image}cli-alpine" dockerfile="FROM ${base_image} RUN apk add --update --no-cache zip git bash openssh" base_repo="$1" # We log into the Github docker repository on behalf of the user that is # running the action (this could be anyone, outside of the php-actions organisation). echo "${ACTION_TOKEN}" | docker login docker.pkg.github.com -u "${GITHUB_ACTOR}" --password-stdin >> output.log 2>&1 # If there are any extensions to be installed, we do this using the # install-php-extensions tool. If there are not extensions required, we don't # need to install this tool at all. if [ -n "$ACTION_PHP_EXTENSIONS" ] then dockerfile="${dockerfile} ADD https://github.com/mlocati/docker-php-extension-installer/releases/latest/download/install-php-extensions /usr/local/bin/" dockerfile="${dockerfile} RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/install-php-extensions && sync && install-php-extensions" fi # For each extension installed, we add the name to the end of the # dockerfile_unique variable, which is used to tag the Docker image. dockerfile_unique="php-${ACTION_PHP_VERSION}" for ext in $ACTION_PHP_EXTENSIONS do dockerfile="${dockerfile} $ext" dockerfile_unique="${dockerfile_unique}-${ext}" done dockerfile_unique="${dockerfile_unique}-${php_build_version}" # Remove illegal characters and make lowercase: GITHUB_REPOSITORY="${GITHUB_REPOSITORY,,}" dockerfile_unique="${dockerfile_unique// /_}" dockerfile_unique="${dockerfile_unique,,}" repo_without_org=$(echo "$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" | sed "s/[^\/]*\///") # This tag will be used to identify the built dockerfile. Once it is built, # it should not need to be built again, so after the first Github Actions run # the build should be very quick. # Note: The GITHUB_REPOSITORY is the repo where the action is running, nothing # to do with the php-actions organisation. This means that the image is pushed # onto a user's Github profile (currently not shared between other users). docker_tag="docker.pkg.github.com/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/php-actions_${base_repo}_${repo_without_org}:${dockerfile_unique}" echo "$docker_tag" > ./docker_tag # Attempt to pull the existing Docker image, if it exists. If the image has # been pushed previously, this image should take preference and a new image # will not need to be built. echo "Pulling $docker_tag" >> output.log 2>&1 # No need to continue building the image if the pull was successful. if docker pull "$docker_tag" >> output.log 2>&1; then exit fi echo "Building PHP $ACTION_PHP_VERSION with extensions: $ACTION_PHP_EXTENSIONS ..." # Save the dockerfile to a physical file on disk, then build the image, tagging # it with the unique tag. If the layers are already built, there should be no # need to re-build, and the `docker build` step should use the cached layers of # what has just been pulled. echo "$dockerfile" > Dockerfile-php-build echo "Dockerfile:" >> output.log 2>&1 echo "$dockerfile" >> output.log 2>&1 docker build --tag "$docker_tag" --cache-from "$docker_tag" --file Dockerfile-php-build . >> output.log 2>&1 # Update the user's repository with the customised docker image, ready for the # next Github Actions run. docker push "$docker_tag" >> output.log 2>&1