define set_ts set $tsrm_ls = $arg0 end document set_ts set the ts resource, it is impossible for gdb to call ts_resource_ex while no process is running, but we could get the resource from the argument of frame info. end define ____executor_globals if basic_functions_module.zts set $tsrm_ls = _tsrm_ls_cache set $eg = ((zend_executor_globals*) (*((void ***) $tsrm_ls))[executor_globals_id-1]) set $cg = ((zend_compiler_globals*) (*((void ***) $tsrm_ls))[compiler_globals_id-1]) set $eg_ptr = $eg else set $eg = executor_globals set $cg = compiler_globals set $eg_ptr = (zend_executor_globals*) &executor_globals end end document ____executor_globals portable way of accessing executor_globals, set $eg this also sets compiler_globals to $cg ZTS detection is automatically based on ext/standard module struct end define print_cvs if $argc == 0 ____executor_globals set $cv_ex_ptr = $eg.current_execute_data else set $cv_ex_ptr = (zend_execute_data *)$arg0 end set $cv_count = $cv_ex_ptr.func.op_array.last_var set $cv = $cv_ex_ptr.func.op_array.vars set $cv_idx = 0 set $callFrameSize = (sizeof(zend_execute_data) + sizeof(zval) - 1) / sizeof(zval) printf "Compiled variables count: %d\n\n", $cv_count while $cv_idx < $cv_count printf "[%d] '%s'\n", $cv_idx, $cv[$cv_idx].val set $zvalue = ((zval *) $cv_ex_ptr) + $callFrameSize + $cv_idx printzv $zvalue set $cv_idx = $cv_idx + 1 end end document print_cvs Prints the compiled variables and their values. If a zend_execute_data pointer is set this will print the compiled variables of that scope. If no parameter is used it will use current_execute_data for scope. usage: print_cvs [zend_execute_data *] end define dump_bt set $ex = $arg0 while $ex printf "[%p] ", $ex set $func = $ex->func if $func if $ex->This->value.obj if $func->common.scope printf "%s->", $func->common.scope->name->val else printf "%s->", $ex->This->value.obj->>val end else if $func->common.scope printf "%s::", $func->common.scope->name->val end end if $func->common.function_name printf "%s(", $func->common.function_name->val else printf "(main" end set $callFrameSize = (sizeof(zend_execute_data) + sizeof(zval) - 1) / sizeof(zval) set $count = $ex->This.u2.num_args set $arg = 0 while $arg < $count if $arg > 0 printf ", " end set $zvalue = (zval *) $ex + $callFrameSize + $arg set $type = $zvalue->u1.v.type if $type == 1 printf "NULL" end if $type == 2 printf "false" end if $type == 3 printf "true" end if $type == 4 printf "%ld", $zvalue->value.lval end if $type == 5 printf "%f", $zvalue->value.dval end if $type == 6 ____print_str $zvalue->value.str->val $zvalue->value.str->len end if $type == 7 printf "array(%d)[%p]", $zvalue->value.arr->nNumOfElements, $zvalue end if $type == 8 printf "object[%p]", $zvalue end if $type == 9 printf "resource(#%d)", $zvalue->value.lval end if $type == 10 printf "reference" end if $type > 10 printf "unknown type %d", $type end set $arg = $arg + 1 end printf ") " else printf "??? " end if $func != 0 if $func->type == 2 printf "%s:%d ", $func->op_array.filename->val, $ex->opline->lineno else printf "[internal function]" end end set $ex = $ex->prev_execute_data printf "\n" end end document dump_bt dumps the current execution stack. usage: dump_bt executor_globals.current_execute_data end define printzv set $ind = 1 ____printzv $arg0 0 end document printzv prints zval contents end define ____printzv_contents set $zvalue = $arg0 set $type = $zvalue->u1.v.type # 15 == IS_INDIRECT if $type > 5 && $type < 12 printf "(refcount=%d) ", $zvalue->value.counted->gc.refcount end if $type == 0 printf "UNDEF" end if $type == 1 printf "NULL" end if $type == 2 printf "bool: false" end if $type == 3 printf "bool: true" end if $type == 4 printf "long: %ld", $zvalue->value.lval end if $type == 5 printf "double: %f", $zvalue->value.dval end if $type == 6 printf "string: %s", $zvalue->value.str->val end if $type == 7 printf "array: " if ! $arg1 set $ind = $ind + 1 ____print_ht $zvalue->value.arr 1 set $ind = $ind - 1 set $i = $ind while $i > 0 printf " " set $i = $i - 1 end end set $type = 0 end if $type == 8 printf "object" ____executor_globals set $handle = $zvalue->value.obj.handle set $handlers = $zvalue->value.obj.handlers set $zobj = $zvalue->value.obj set $cname = $zobj->ce->name->val printf "(%s) #%d", $cname, $handle if ! $arg1 if $handlers->get_properties == &zend_std_get_properties if $zobj->properties printf "\nProperties " set $ht = $zobj->properties set $ind = $ind + 1 ____print_ht $ht 1 set $ind = $ind - 1 set $i = $ind while $i > 0 printf " " set $i = $i - 1 end else printf " {\n" set $ht = &$zobj->ce->properties_info set $k = 0 set $num = $ht->nNumUsed while $k < $num set $p = (Bucket*)($ht->arData + $k) set $name = $p->key set $prop = (zend_property_info*)$p->val.value.ptr set $val = (zval*)((char*)$zobj + $prop->offset) printf "%s => ", $name->val printzv $val set $k = $k + 1 end end end end set $type = 0 end if $type == 9 printf "resource: #%d", $zvalue->value.res->handle end if $type == 10 printf "reference: " ____printzv &$zvalue->value.ref->val $arg1 end if $type == 11 printf "const: %s", $zvalue->value.str->val end if $type == 12 printf "CONSTANT_AST" end if $type == 13 printf "indirect: " ____printzv $zvalue->value.zv $arg1 end if $type == 14 printf "pointer: %p", $zvalue->value.ptr end if $type == 15 printf "_ERROR" end if $type == 16 printf "_BOOL" end if $type == 17 printf "CALLABLE" end if $type == 18 printf "ITERABLE" end if $type == 19 printf "VOID" end if $type == 20 printf "_NUMBER" end if $type > 20 printf "unknown type %d", $type end printf "\n" end define ____printzv ____executor_globals set $zvalue = $arg0 printf "[%p] ", $zvalue set $zcontents = (zval*) $zvalue if $arg1 ____printzv_contents $zcontents $arg1 else ____printzv_contents $zcontents 0 end end define print_global_vars ____executor_globals set $symtable = ((HashTable *)&($eg_ptr->symbol_table)) print_ht $symtable end document print_global_vars Prints the global variables end define print_const_table set $ind = 1 printf "[%p] {\n", $arg0 ____print_ht $arg0 4 printf "}\n" end document print_const_table Dumps elements of Constants HashTable Example: print_const_table executor_globals.zend_constants end define ____print_ht set $ht = (HashTable*)$arg0 set $n = $ind while $n > 0 printf " " set $n = $n - 1 end if $ht->u.v.flags & 4 printf "Packed" else printf "Hash" end printf "(%d)[%p]: {\n", $ht->nNumOfElements, $ht set $num = $ht->nNumUsed set $i = 0 set $ind = $ind + 1 while $i < $num set $p = (Bucket*)($ht->arData + $i) set $n = $ind if $p->val.u1.v.type > 0 while $n > 0 printf " " set $n = $n - 1 end printf "[%d] ", $i if $p->key ____print_str $p->key->val $p->key->len printf " => " else printf "%d => ", $p->h end if $arg1 == 0 printf "%p\n", (zval *)&$p->val end if $arg1 == 1 set $zval = (zval *)&$p->val ____printzv $zval 1 end if $arg1 == 2 printf "%s\n", (char*)$p->val.value.ptr end if $arg1 == 3 set $func = (zend_function*)$p->val.value.ptr printf "\"%s\"\n", $func->common.function_name->val end if $arg1 == 4 set $const = (zend_constant *)$p->val.value.ptr ____printzv $const 1 end end set $i = $i + 1 end set $ind = $ind - 1 printf "}\n" end define print_ht set $ind = 0 ____print_ht $arg0 1 end document print_ht dumps elements of HashTable made of zval end define print_htptr set $ind = 0 ____print_ht $arg0 0 end document print_htptr dumps elements of HashTable made of pointers end define print_htstr set $ind = 0 ____print_ht $arg0 2 end document print_htstr dumps elements of HashTable made of strings end define print_ft set $ind = 0 ____print_ht $arg0 3 end document print_ft dumps a function table (HashTable) end define ____print_inh_class set $ce = $arg0 if $ce->ce_flags & 0x10 || $ce->ce_flags & 0x20 printf "abstract " else if $ce->ce_flags & 0x40 printf "final " end end printf "class %s", $ce->name->val if $ce->parent != 0 printf " extends %s", $ce->parent->name->val end if $ce->num_interfaces != 0 printf " implements" set $tmp = 0 while $tmp < $ce->num_interfaces printf " %s", $ce->interfaces[$tmp]->name->val set $tmp = $tmp + 1 if $tmp < $ce->num_interfaces printf "," end end end set $ce = $ce->parent end define ____print_inh_iface set $ce = $arg0 printf "interface %s", $ce->name->val if $ce->num_interfaces != 0 set $ce = $ce->interfaces[0] printf " extends %s", $ce->name->val else set $ce = 0 end end define print_inh set $ce = $arg0 set $depth = 0 while $ce != 0 set $tmp = $depth while $tmp != 0 printf " " set $tmp = $tmp - 1 end set $depth = $depth + 1 if $ce->ce_flags & 0x80 ____print_inh_iface $ce else ____print_inh_class $ce end printf " {\n" end while $depth != 0 set $tmp = $depth while $tmp != 1 printf " " set $tmp = $tmp - 1 end printf "}\n" set $depth = $depth - 1 end end define print_pi set $pi = (zend_property_info *)$arg0 set $initial_offset = ((uint32_t)(zend_uintptr_t)(&((zend_object*)0)->properties_table[(0)])) set $ptr_to_val = (zval*)((char*)$pi->ce->default_properties_table + $pi->offset - $initial_offset) printf "[%p] {\n", $pi printf " offset = %p\n", $pi->offset printf " ce = [%p] %s\n", $pi->ce, $pi->ce->name->val printf " flags = 0x%x (", $pi->flags if $pi->flags & 0x100 printf "ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC" else if $pi->flags & 0x200 printf "ZEND_ACC_PROTECTED" else if $pi->flags & 0x400 printf "ZEND_ACC_PRIVATE" else if $pi->flags & 0x800 printf "ZEND_ACC_EARLY_BINDING" else if $pi->flags & 0x20000 printf "ZEND_ACC_SHADOW" end end end end end printf ")\n" printf " name = " print_zstr $pi->name printf " default value: " printzv $ptr_to_val printf "}\n" end document print_pi Takes a pointer to an object's property and prints the property information usage: print_pi <ptr> end define ____print_str set $tmp = 0 set $str = $arg0 if $argc > 2 set $maxlen = $arg2 else set $maxlen = 256 end printf "\"" while $tmp < $arg1 && $tmp < $maxlen if $str[$tmp] > 31 && $str[$tmp] < 127 printf "%c", $str[$tmp] else printf "\\%o", $str[$tmp] end set $tmp = $tmp + 1 end if $tmp != $arg1 printf "..." end printf "\"" end define printzn ____executor_globals set $ind = 0 set $znode = $arg0 if $znode->op_type == 1 set $optype = "IS_CONST" end if $znode->op_type == 2 set $optype = "IS_TMP_VAR" end if $znode->op_type == 4 set $optype = "IS_VAR" end if $znode->op_type == 8 set $optype = "IS_UNUSED" end printf "[%p] %s", $znode, $optype if $znode->op_type == 1 printf ": " ____printzv &$znode->u.constant 0 end if $znode->op_type == 2 printf ": " set $tvar = (union _temp_variable *)((char *)$eg.current_execute_data->Ts + $znode->u.var) ____printzv ((union _temp_variable *)$tvar)->tmp_var 0 end if $znode->op_type == 4 printf ": " set $tvar = (union _temp_variable *)((char *)$eg.current_execute_data->Ts + $znode->u.var) ____printzv *$tvar->var.ptr_ptr 0 end if $znode->op_type == 8 printf "\n" end end document printzn print type and content of znode. usage: printzn &opline->op1 end define printzops printf "op1 => " printzn &execute_data->opline.op1 printf "op2 => " printzn &execute_data->opline.op2 printf "result => " printzn &execute_data->opline.result end document printzops dump operands of the current opline end define print_zstr set $zstr = (zend_string *)$arg0 if $argc == 2 set $maxlen = $arg1 else set $maxlen = $zstr->len end printf "string(%d) ", $zstr->len ____print_str $zstr->val $zstr->len $maxlen printf "\n" end document print_zstr print the length and contents of a zend string usage: print_zstr <ptr> [max length] end define zbacktrace ____executor_globals dump_bt $eg.current_execute_data end document zbacktrace prints backtrace. This command is almost a short cut for > (gdb) ____executor_globals > (gdb) dump_bt $eg.current_execute_data end define lookup_root set $found = 0 if gc_globals->roots set $current = gc_globals->roots->next printf "looking ref %p in roots\n", $arg0 while $current != &gc_globals->roots if $current->ref == $arg0 set $found = $current break end set $current = $current->next end if $found != 0 printf "found root %p\n", $found else printf "not found\n" end end end document lookup_root lookup a refcounted in root usage: lookup_root [ptr]. end