#!/usr/bin/env bash docker ps | grep phpbenchmarks_benchmark-kit > /dev/null if [ "$?" == 0 ]; then containerStarted=true else containerStarted=false fi function exitScript() { if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo -e "\e[41m Error, script canceled. \e[0m" fi } set -e trap exitScript EXIT readonly ROOT_DIR=$(realpath $(dirname $(realpath $0))) readonly CONTAINER_NAME="phpbenchmarks_benchmark-kit" readonly SELFUPDATE_CONTAINER_NAME="${CONTAINER_NAME}_selfupdate" readonly DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH="/tmp/phpbenchmarkkit.default.sh" readonly DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME="phpbenchmarks/benchmark-kit:4" readonly BENCHMARK_KIT_PATH="/var/benchmark-kit" function addHost() { local HOST="$1" if [ "$(cat /etc/hosts | grep -c $HOST)" -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "Add host \e[32m$HOST\e[0m." sudo /bin/sh -c "echo \" $HOST\" >> /etc/hosts" fi } function startContainer() { local defaultHostSourceCodePath=$(pwd) local defaultNginxPort="8080" if [ -f "$DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH" ]; then source $DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH fi if [ "$hostSourceCodePath" == "" ]; then echo -en "\e[44m Benchmark source code path [$defaultHostSourceCodePath]? \e[0m " read hostSourceCodePath if [ "$hostSourceCodePath" == "" ]; then hostSourceCodePath=$defaultHostSourceCodePath fi else echo -e "Source code: \e[32m$hostSourceCodePath\e[0m." fi if [ ! -d "$hostSourceCodePath" ]; then echo -e "\e[41m Benchmark source code path $hostSourceCodePath is not a redirectory. \e[0m" exit 1 fi if [ "$nginxPort" == "" ]; then echo -en "\e[44m Nginx port [$defaultNginxPort]? \e[0m " read nginxPort if [ "$nginxPort" == "" ]; then nginxPort=$defaultNginxPort fi else echo -e "Nginx port: \e[32m$nginxPort\e[0m." fi echo "#!/usr/bin/env bash" > $DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH echo "defaultHostSourceCodePath=$hostSourceCodePath" >> $DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH echo "defaultNginxPort=$nginxPort" >> $DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH if [ $kitAsVolume == true ]; then kitAsVolumeDockerRunParameter="-v $ROOT_DIR:$BENCHMARK_KIT_PATH" else kitAsVolumeDockerRunParameter="" fi echo -e "Start \e[32m$CONTAINER_NAME\e[0m container." docker run \ $ttyParameter \ -d \ --name=$CONTAINER_NAME \ --rm \ -p$nginxPort:$nginxPort \ -v $hostSourceCodePath:/var/www/benchmark \ $kitAsVolumeDockerRunParameter \ $DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME \ > /dev/null docker exec -it $CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash -c "echo NGINX_PORT=$nginxPort > $BENCHMARK_KIT_PATH/.env.local" docker exec -it $CONTAINER_NAME /bin/bash -c "echo HOST_SOURCE_CODE_PATH=$hostSourceCodePath >> $BENCHMARK_KIT_PATH/.env.local" containerStarted=true } function updatePhpBenchKitScript() { set +e docker stop phpbenchmarks_benchmark-kit_selfupdate > /dev/null 2>&1 set -e docker run \ -it \ -d \ --name=$SELFUPDATE_CONTAINER_NAME \ --rm \ $DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME local binPath="$ROOT_DIR/$(basename $0)" echo -en "\e[43m sudo password could be asked to update $binPath \e[0m\n" sudo docker cp $SELFUPDATE_CONTAINER_NAME:$BENCHMARK_KIT_PATH/phpbenchkit.sh "$binPath" docker stop $SELFUPDATE_CONTAINER_NAME } function stopContainer() { if [ $containerStarted == true ]; then echo -e "Stop \e[32m$CONTAINER_NAME\e[0m container." set +e docker kill $CONTAINER_NAME set -e fi } stopContainer=false restartContainer=false kitAsVolume=false consoleParams="" selfUpdate=false hostSourceCodePath="" nginxPort="" tty=true for param in "$@"; do if [ "$param" == "--stop" ]; then stopContainer=true elif [ "$param" == "--restart" ]; then restartContainer=true elif [ "$param" == "--dev" ]; then kitAsVolume=true elif [ "$param" == "--selfupdate" ]; then selfUpdate=true elif [ "${param:0:9}" == "--source=" ]; then hostSourceCodePath=${param:9} restartContainer=true elif [ "${param:0:13}" == "--nginx-port=" ]; then nginxPort=${param:13} restartContainer=true elif [ "$param" == "--no-tty" ]; then tty=false else consoleParams="$consoleParams $param" fi done if [ $tty == true ]; then ttyParameter="-it" else ttyParameter="-t" fi if [ $selfUpdate == true ]; then stopContainer set +e docker rmi --force $(docker images --format '{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}' | grep phpbenchmarks/benchmark-kit) set -e updatePhpBenchKitScript exit 0 fi if [ $stopContainer == true ]; then stopContainer exit 0 fi if [ $restartContainer == true ]; then stopContainer startContainer fi if [ "$containerStarted" == false ]; then startContainer fi addHost "benchmark-kit.loc" addHost "phpinfo.benchmark-kit.loc" addHost "statistics.benchmark-kit.loc" addHost "preload-generator.benchmark-kit.loc" docker exec $ttyParameter --user=phpbenchmarks $CONTAINER_NAME phpbenchkit $consoleParams