========================== PHPMD Suppressing Warnings ========================== You can use doc comment annotations to exclude methods or classes from PHPMD or to suppress special rules for some software artifacts. :: /** * This will suppress all the PMD warnings in * this class. * * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD) */ class Bar { function foo() { $baz = 23; } } Or you can suppress one rule with an annotation like this: :: /** * */ class Bar { /** * This will suppress UnusedLocalVariable * warnings in this method * * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedLocalVariable) */ public function foo() { $baz = 42; } } The ``@SuppressWarnings`` annotation of PHPMD also supports some wildcard exclusion, so that you can suppress several warnings with a single annotation. :: /** * Suppress all rules containing "unused" in this * class * * @SuppressWarnings("unused") */ class Bar { private $unusedPrivateField = 42; public function foo($unusedFormalParameter = 23) { $unusedLocalVariable = 17; } private function unusedPrivateMethod() { } } A doc comment can contain multiple ``@SuppressWarnings`` annotations, so that you can exclude multiple rules by name. :: /** * Suppress all warnings from these two rules. * * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.LongVariable) * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedLocalVariable) */ class Bar { public function foo($thisIsALongAndUnusedVariable) { } }