============= Release 1.1.1 ============= :Author: Manuel Pichler :Copyright: All rights reserved :Description: This document describes the news features and bugfixes of the next release 1.1.1 of PHPMD. This version fixes a critical bug in PHPMD's package file that causes the Pyrus installer to fail. :Keywords: Release, Version, Features, Bugfixes, Pyrus Version 1.1.1 of PHPMD is a pure Bugfix release that fixes an issue in PHPMD's package manifest. This bug prevents Pyrus the PEAR2 installer from installing PHPMD. Version 1.1.1 was released on June the 30th 2011. Bugfixes -------- - Fixed: Bug in PHPMD's package manifest file. Download -------- You can download release 1.1.0 as a `Phar archive`__ __ http://static.phpmd.org/php/1.1.0/phpmd.phar