paths: /{api:v1}: x-modules: # swagger options, overriding the shared ones from the merged specs (?) - spec: info: version: 1.0.0-beta title: Formulasearchengine REST API description: > This API aims to provide a preview of new features reagarding Math rendering and search, supposed to be integrated to the [wikimedia restbase api]( ### High-volume access - Don't perform more than 500 requests/s to this API. - Set a unique `User-Agent` header that allows us to contact you quickly. Email addresses or URLs of contact pages work well. termsOfService: contact: name: the Wikimedia Services team url: license: name: Apache2 url: securityDefinitions: &wp/content-security/1.0.0 mediawiki_auth: description: Checks permissions using MW api type: apiKey in: header name: cookie x-internal-request-whitelist: - /http:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\.]+\/w\/api\.php/ # Override the base path for host-based (proxied) requests. In our case, # we proxy https://{domain}/api/rest_v1/ to the API. x-host-basePath: /api/rest_v1 x-route-filters: - path: ./lib/normalize_title_filter.js options: redirect_cache_control: '{{options.purged_cache_control}}' paths: /media: x-modules: - path: v1/mathoid.yaml options: '{{options.mathoid}}' /testing: x-modules: - path: ../mathpipe.yaml # options: '{{options.mathoid}}' options: '{{options}}' /{api:sys}: x-modules: - spec: paths: /mathoid: x-modules: - path: sys/mathoid.js options: '{{options.mathoid}}' /table: x-modules: - path: sys/table.js options: conf: '{{options.table}}' /key_value: x-modules: - path: sys/key_value.js /key_rev_value: x-modules: - path: sys/key_rev_value.js /key_rev_latest_value: x-modules: - path: sys/key_rev_latest_value.js /post_data: &sys_post_data x-modules: - path: sys/post_data.js /events: x-modules: - path: sys/events.js options: '{{}}' options: '{{options}}'