#!/usr/bin/env sh # shellcheck disable=SC1091 # PADD # A more advanced version of the chronometer provided with Pihole # SETS LOCALE # Issue 5: https://github.com/jpmck/PADD/issues/5 # Updated to en_US to support # export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 > /dev/null 2>&1 || export LC_ALL=en_GB.UTF-8 > /dev/null 2>&1 || export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 > /dev/null 2>&1 LC_ALL=C LC_NUMERIC=C # creates a new local temp directory /tmp/padd_uid tmpdir=$(dirname "$(mktemp -u)") mkdir -p "$tmpdir/padd_$(id -u)/" # change into the newly created directory oldpath=$(pwd) cd "$tmpdir/padd_$(id -u)/" > /dev/null || { EC=$? echo >&2 "Could not chdir to the temp directory (exit code $EC)" exit $EC } ############################################ VARIABLES ############################################# # VERSION padd_version="v3.7.1" # DATE today=$(date +%Y%m%d) # CORES core_count=1 core_count=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/kernel_max 2> /dev/null)+1 # Get Config variables . /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf piHoleVersion_file="./piHoleVersion" # COLORS CSI="$(printf '\033')[" red_text="${CSI}91m" # Red green_text="${CSI}92m" # Green yellow_text="${CSI}93m" # Yellow blue_text="${CSI}94m" # Blue magenta_text="${CSI}95m" # Magenta cyan_text="${CSI}96m" # Cyan reset_text="${CSI}0m" # Reset to default # STYLES bold_text="${CSI}1m" blinking_text="${CSI}5m" dim_text="${CSI}2m" # CHECK BOXES check_box_good="[${green_text}✓${reset_text}]" # Good check_box_bad="[${red_text}✗${reset_text}]" # Bad check_box_question="[${yellow_text}?${reset_text}]" # Question / ? check_box_info="[${yellow_text}i${reset_text}]" # Info / i # PICO STATUSES pico_status_ok="${check_box_good} Sys. OK" pico_status_update="${check_box_info} Update" pico_status_hot="${check_box_bad} Sys. Hot!" pico_status_off="${check_box_bad} Offline" pico_status_ftl_down="${check_box_info} FTL Down" pico_status_dns_down="${check_box_bad} DNS Down" pico_status_unknown="${check_box_question} Stat. Unk." # MINI STATUS mini_status_ok="${check_box_good} System OK" mini_status_update="${check_box_info} Update avail." mini_status_hot="${check_box_bad} System is hot!" mini_status_off="${check_box_bad} Pi-hole off!" mini_status_ftl_down="${check_box_info} FTL down!" mini_status_dns_down="${check_box_bad} DNS off!" mini_status_unknown="${check_box_question} Status unknown" # REGULAR STATUS full_status_ok="${check_box_good} System is healthy." full_status_update="${check_box_info} Updates are available." full_status_hot="${check_box_bad} System is hot!" full_status_off="${check_box_bad} Pi-hole is offline" full_status_ftl_down="${check_box_info} FTL is down!" full_status_dns_down="${check_box_bad} DNS is off!" full_status_unknown="${check_box_question} Status unknown!" # MEGA STATUS mega_status_ok="${check_box_good} Your system is healthy." mega_status_update="${check_box_info} Updates are available." mega_status_hot="${check_box_bad} Your system is hot!" mega_status_off="${check_box_bad} Pi-hole is offline." mega_status_ftl_down="${check_box_info} FTLDNS service is not running." mega_status_dns_down="${check_box_bad} Pi-hole's DNS server is off!" mega_status_unknown="${check_box_question} Unable to determine Pi-hole status." # TINY STATUS tiny_status_ok="${check_box_good} System is healthy." tiny_status_update="${check_box_info} Updates are available." tiny_status_off="${check_box_bad} Pi-hole is offline" tiny_status_ftl_down="${check_box_info} FTL is down!" tiny_status_dns_down="${check_box_bad} DNS is off!" tiny_status_unknown="${check_box_question} Status unknown!" # Text only "logos" padd_text="${green_text}${bold_text}PADD${reset_text}" # PADD logos - regular and retro padd_logo_1="${bold_text}${green_text} __ __ __ ${reset_text}" padd_logo_2="${bold_text}${green_text}|__) /\\ | \\| \\ ${reset_text}" padd_logo_3="${bold_text}${green_text}| /--\\|__/|__/ ${reset_text}" padd_logo_retro_1="${bold_text} ${yellow_text}_${green_text}_ ${blue_text}_${magenta_text}_ ${yellow_text}_${green_text}_ ${reset_text}" padd_logo_retro_2="${bold_text}${yellow_text}|${green_text}_${blue_text}_${cyan_text}) ${red_text}/${yellow_text}\\ ${blue_text}| ${red_text}\\${yellow_text}| ${cyan_text}\\ ${reset_text}" padd_logo_retro_3="${bold_text}${green_text}| ${red_text}/${yellow_text}-${green_text}-${blue_text}\\${cyan_text}|${magenta_text}_${red_text}_${yellow_text}/${green_text}|${blue_text}_${cyan_text}_${magenta_text}/ ${reset_text}" ############################################# GETTERS ############################################## GetFTLData() { ftl_port=$(cat /run/pihole-FTL.port 2> /dev/null) if [ -n "$ftl_port" ]; then # Send command to FTL and ask to quit when finished echo ">$1 >quit" | nc "${ftl_port}" else echo "0" fi } GetSummaryInformation() { summary=$(GetFTLData "stats") cache_info=$(GetFTLData "cacheinfo") clients=$(echo "${summary}" | grep "unique_clients" | grep -Eo "[0-9]+$") blocking_status=$(echo "${summary}" | grep "status" | grep -Eo "enabled|disabled|unknown" ) domains_being_blocked_raw=$(echo "${summary}" | grep "domains_being_blocked" | grep -Eo "[0-9]+$") domains_being_blocked=$(printf "%.f" "${domains_being_blocked_raw}") dns_queries_today_raw=$(echo "$summary" | grep "dns_queries_today" | grep -Eo "[0-9]+$") dns_queries_today=$(printf "%.f" "${dns_queries_today_raw}") ads_blocked_today_raw=$(echo "$summary" | grep "ads_blocked_today" | grep -Eo "[0-9]+$") ads_blocked_today=$(printf "%.f" "${ads_blocked_today_raw}") ads_percentage_today_raw=$(echo "$summary" | grep "ads_percentage_today" | grep -Eo "[0-9.]+$") ads_percentage_today=$(printf "%.1f" "${ads_percentage_today_raw}") cache_size=$(echo "$cache_info" | grep "cache-size" | grep -Eo "[0-9.]+$") cache_deletes=$(echo "$cache_info" | grep "cache-live-freed" | grep -Eo "[0-9.]+$") cache_inserts=$(echo "$cache_info"| grep "cache-inserted" | grep -Eo "[0-9.]+$") latest_blocked=$(GetFTLData recentBlocked) top_blocked=$(GetFTLData "top-ads (1)" | awk '{print $3}') top_domain=$(GetFTLData "top-domains (1)" | awk '{print $3}') top_client_raw=$(GetFTLData "top-clients (1)" | awk '{print $4}') if [ -z "${top_client_raw}" ]; then top_client=$(GetFTLData "top-clients (1)" | awk '{print $3}') else top_client="${top_client_raw}" fi if [ "$1" = "pico" ] || [ "$1" = "nano" ] || [ "$1" = "micro" ]; then ads_blocked_bar=$(BarGenerator "$ads_percentage_today" 10 "color") elif [ "$1" = "mini" ]; then ads_blocked_bar=$(BarGenerator "$ads_percentage_today" 20 "color") if [ ${#latest_blocked} -gt 30 ]; then latest_blocked=$(echo "$latest_blocked" | cut -c1-27)"..." fi if [ ${#top_blocked} -gt 30 ]; then top_blocked=$(echo "$top_blocked" | cut -c1-27)"..." fi elif [ "$1" = "tiny" ]; then ads_blocked_bar=$(BarGenerator "$ads_percentage_today" 30 "color") if [ ${#latest_blocked} -gt 38 ]; then latest_blocked=$(echo "$latest_blocked" | cut -c1-38)"..." fi if [ ${#top_blocked} -gt 38 ]; then top_blocked=$(echo "$top_blocked" | cut -c1-38)"..." fi if [ ${#top_domain} -gt 38 ]; then top_domain=$(echo "$top_domain" | cut -c1-38)"..." fi if [ ${#top_client} -gt 38 ]; then top_client=$(echo "$top_client" | cut -c1-38)"..." fi elif [ "$1" = "regular" ] || [ "$1" = "slim" ]; then ads_blocked_bar=$(BarGenerator "$ads_percentage_today" 40 "color") else ads_blocked_bar=$(BarGenerator "$ads_percentage_today" 30 "color") fi } GetSystemInformation() { # System uptime if [ "$1" = "pico" ] || [ "$1" = "nano" ] || [ "$1" = "micro" ]; then system_uptime=$(uptime | awk -F'( |,|:)+' '{if ($7=="min") m=$6; else {if ($7~/^day/){if ($9=="min") {d=$6;m=$8} else {d=$6;h=$8;m=$9}} else {h=$6;m=$7}}} {print d+0,"days,",h+0,"hours"}') else system_uptime=$(uptime | awk -F'( |,|:)+' '{if ($7=="min") m=$6; else {if ($7~/^day/){if ($9=="min") {d=$6;m=$8} else {d=$6;h=$8;m=$9}} else {h=$6;m=$7}}} {print d+0,"days,",h+0,"hours,",m+0,"minutes"}') fi # CPU temperature if [ -f /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp ]; then cpu=$(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp) elif [ -f /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input ]; then cpu=$(cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input) else cpu=0 fi # Convert CPU temperature to correct unit if [ "${TEMPERATUREUNIT}" = "F" ]; then temperature="$(printf %.1f "$(echo "${cpu}" | awk '{print $1 * 9 / 5000 + 32}')")°F" elif [ "${TEMPERATUREUNIT}" = "K" ]; then temperature="$(printf %.1f "$(echo "${cpu}" | awk '{print $1 / 1000 + 273.15}')")°K" # Addresses Issue 1: https://github.com/jpmck/PAD/issues/1 else temperature="$(printf %.1f "$(echo "${cpu}" | awk '{print $1 / 1000}')")°C" fi # CPU load, heatmap cpu_load_1=$(awk '{print $1}' < /proc/loadavg) cpu_load_5=$(awk '{print $2}' < /proc/loadavg) cpu_load_15=$(awk '{print $3}' < /proc/loadavg) cpu_load_1_heatmap=$(HeatmapGenerator "${cpu_load_1}" "${core_count}") cpu_load_5_heatmap=$(HeatmapGenerator "${cpu_load_5}" "${core_count}") cpu_load_15_heatmap=$(HeatmapGenerator "${cpu_load_15}" "${core_count}") cpu_percent=$(printf %.1f "$(echo "${cpu_load_1} ${core_count}" | awk '{print ($1 / $2) * 100}')") # CPU temperature heatmap # If we're getting close to 85°C... (https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/introducing-turbo-mode-up-to-50-more-performance-for-free/) if [ ${cpu} -gt 80000 ]; then temp_heatmap=${blinking_text}${red_text} pico_status="${pico_status_hot}" mini_status_="${mini_status_hot} ${blinking_text}${red_text}${temperature}${reset_text}" full_status_="${full_status_hot} ${blinking_text}${red_text}${temperature}${reset_text}" mega_status="${mega_status_hot} ${blinking_text}${red_text}${temperature}${reset_text}" elif [ ${cpu} -gt 70000 ]; then temp_heatmap=${magenta_text} elif [ ${cpu} -gt 60000 ]; then temp_heatmap=${blue_text} else temp_heatmap=${cyan_text} fi # Memory use, heatmap and bar memory_percent=$(awk '/MemTotal:/{total=$2} /MemFree:/{free=$2} /Buffers:/{buffers=$2} /^Cached:/{cached=$2} END {printf "%.1f", (total-free-buffers-cached)*100/total}' '/proc/meminfo') memory_heatmap=$(HeatmapGenerator "${memory_percent}") # Bar generations if [ "$1" = "mini" ]; then cpu_bar=$(BarGenerator "${cpu_percent}" 20) memory_bar=$(BarGenerator "${memory_percent}" 20) elif [ "$1" = "tiny" ]; then cpu_bar=$(BarGenerator "${cpu_percent}" 7) memory_bar=$(BarGenerator "${memory_percent}" 7) else cpu_bar=$(BarGenerator "${cpu_percent}" 10) memory_bar=$(BarGenerator "${memory_percent}" 10) fi } GetNetworkInformation() { # Get pi IPv4 address pi_ip4_addrs="$(ip addr | grep 'inet ' | grep -v '' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/' |wc -l)" if [ "${pi_ip4_addrs}" -eq 0 ]; then # No IPv4 address available pi_ip4_addr="N/A" elif [ "${pi_ip4_addrs}" -eq 1 ]; then # One IPv4 address available pi_ip4_addr="$(ip addr | grep 'inet ' | grep -v '' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/' | head -n 1)" else # More than one IPv4 address available pi_ip4_addr="$(ip addr | grep 'inet ' | grep -v '' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/' | head -n 1)+" fi # Get pi IPv6 address pi_ip6_addrs="$(ip addr | grep 'inet6 ' | grep -v '::1/128' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/' | wc -l)" if [ "${pi_ip6_addrs}" -eq 0 ]; then # No IPv6 address available pi_ip6_addr="N/A" elif [ "${pi_ip6_addrs}" -eq 1 ]; then # One IPv6 address available pi_ip6_addr="$(ip addr | grep 'inet6 ' | grep -v '::1/128' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/' | head -n 1)" else # More than one IPv6 address available pi_ip6_addr="$(ip addr | grep 'inet6 ' | grep -v '::1/128' | awk '{print $2}' | cut -f1 -d'/' | head -n 1)+" fi # Get hostname and gateway pi_hostname=$(hostname) pi_gateway=$(ip r | grep 'default' | awk '{print $3}') full_hostname=${pi_hostname} # does the Pi-hole have a domain set? if [ -n "${PIHOLE_DOMAIN+x}" ]; then # is Pi-hole acting as DHCP server? if [ "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" = "true" ]; then count=${pi_hostname}"."${PIHOLE_DOMAIN} count=${#count} if [ "${count}" -lt "18" ]; then full_hostname=${pi_hostname}"."${PIHOLE_DOMAIN} fi fi fi # Get the DNS count (from pihole -c) dns_count="0" [ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_1}" ] && dns_count=$((dns_count+1)) [ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_2}" ] && dns_count=$((dns_count+1)) [ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_3}" ] && dns_count=$((dns_count+1)) [ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_4}" ] && dns_count=$((dns_count+1)) [ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_5}" ] && dns_count=$((dns_count+1)) [ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_6}" ] && dns_count=$((dns_count+1)) [ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_7}" ] && dns_count=$((dns_count+1)) [ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_8}" ] && dns_count=$((dns_count+1)) [ -n "${PIHOLE_DNS_9}" ] && dns_count=$((dns_count+1)) # if there's only one DNS server if [ ${dns_count} -eq 1 ]; then if [ "${PIHOLE_DNS_1}" = "" ]; then dns_information="1 server (Cloudflared)" elif [ "${PIHOLE_DNS_1}" = "${pi_gateway}#53" ]; then dns_information="1 server (gateway)" else dns_information="1 server" fi elif [ ${dns_count} -gt 8 ]; then dns_information="8+ servers" else dns_information="${dns_count} servers" fi # Is Pi-Hole acting as the DHCP server? if [ "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" = "true" ]; then dhcp_status="Enabled" dhcp_info=" Range: ${DHCP_START} - ${DHCP_END}" dhcp_heatmap=${green_text} dhcp_check_box=${check_box_good} # Is DHCP handling IPv6? # DHCP_IPv6 is set in setupVars.conf # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ "${DHCP_IPv6}" = "true" ]; then dhcp_ipv6_status="Enabled" dhcp_ipv6_heatmap=${green_text} dhcp_ipv6_check_box=${check_box_good} else dhcp_ipv6_status="Disabled" dhcp_ipv6_heatmap=${red_text} dhcp_ipv6_check_box=${check_box_bad} fi else dhcp_status="Disabled" dhcp_heatmap=${red_text} dhcp_check_box=${check_box_bad} # if the DHCP Router variable isn't set # Issue 3: https://github.com/jpmck/PADD/issues/3 if [ -z ${DHCP_ROUTER+x} ]; then DHCP_ROUTER=$(/sbin/ip route | awk '/default/ { printf "%s\t", $3 }') fi dhcp_info=" Router: ${DHCP_ROUTER}" dhcp_heatmap=${red_text} dhcp_check_box=${check_box_bad} dhcp_ipv6_status="N/A" dhcp_ipv6_heatmap=${yellow_text} dhcp_ipv6_check_box=${check_box_question} fi # DNSSEC if [ "${DNSSEC}" = "true" ]; then dnssec_status="Enabled" dnssec_heatmap=${green_text} else dnssec_status="Disabled" dnssec_heatmap=${red_text} fi # Conditional forwarding if [ "${CONDITIONAL_FORWARDING}" = "true" ] || [ "${REV_SERVER}" = "true" ]; then conditional_forwarding_status="Enabled" conditional_forwarding_heatmap=${green_text} else conditional_forwarding_status="Disabled" conditional_forwarding_heatmap=${red_text} fi } GetPiholeInformation() { # Get FTL status ftlPID=$(pidof pihole-FTL) if [ -z ${ftlPID+x} ]; then ftl_status="Not running" ftl_heatmap=${yellow_text} ftl_check_box=${check_box_info} pico_status=${pico_status_ftl_down} mini_status_=${mini_status_ftl_down} tiny_status_=${tiny_status_ftl_down} full_status_=${full_status_ftl_down} mega_status=${mega_status_ftl_down} else ftl_status="Running" ftl_heatmap=${green_text} ftl_check_box=${check_box_good} ftl_cpu="$(ps -p "${ftlPID}" -o %cpu | tail -n1 | tr -d '[:space:]')" ftl_mem_percentage="$(ps -p "${ftlPID}" -o %mem | tail -n1 | tr -d '[:space:]')" fi # Get Pi-hole (blocking) status ftl_dns_port=$(GetFTLData "dns-port") # ${ftl_dns_port} == 0 DNS server part of dnsmasq disabled, ${ftl_status} == "Not running" no ftlPID found if [ "${ftl_dns_port}" = 0 ] || [ "${ftl_status}" = "Not running" ]; then pihole_status="DNS Offline" pihole_heatmap=${red_text} pihole_check_box=${check_box_bad} pico_status=${pico_status_dns_down} mini_status_=${mini_status_dns_down} tiny_status_=${tiny_status_dns_down} full_status_=${full_status_dns_down} mega_status=${mega_status_dns_down} else if [ "${blocking_status}" = "enabled" ]; then pihole_status="Active" pihole_heatmap=${green_text} pihole_check_box=${check_box_good} fi if [ "${blocking_status}" = "disabled" ]; then pihole_status="Blocking disabled" pihole_heatmap=${red_text} pihole_check_box=${check_box_bad} pico_status=${pico_status_off} mini_status_=${mini_status_off} tiny_status_=${tiny_status_off} full_status_=${full_status_off} mega_status=${mega_status_off} fi if [ "${blocking_status}" = "unknown" ]; then pihole_status="Unknown" pihole_heatmap=${yellow_text} pihole_check_box=${check_box_question} pico_status=${pico_status_unknown} mini_status_=${mini_status_unknown} tiny_status_=${tiny_status_unknown} full_status_=${full_status_unknown} mega_status=${mega_status_unknown} fi fi } GetVersionInformation() { # Check if version status has been saved if [ -f "$piHoleVersion_file" ]; then # the file exists... # the file exits, use it # shellcheck source=./piHoleVersion . "$piHoleVersion_file" # Today is today=$(date +%Y%m%d) # was the last check today? # last_check is read from ./piHoleVersion # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ "${today}" != "${last_check}" ]; then # no, it wasn't today # Remove the Pi-hole version file... rm -f "$piHoleVersion_file" fi else # the file doesn't exist, create it... # Gather core version information... core_version=$(pihole -v -p | awk '{print $4}' | tr -d '[:alpha:]') core_version_latest=$(pihole -v -p | awk '{print $6}' | tr -d ')') if [ "${core_version_latest}" = "ERROR" ]; then core_version_heatmap=${yellow_text} else core_version_latest=$(echo "${core_version_latest}" | tr -d '\r\n[:alpha:]') # is core up-to-date? if [ "${core_version}" != "${core_version_latest}" ]; then out_of_date_flag="true" core_version_heatmap=${red_text} else core_version_heatmap=${green_text} fi fi # Gather web version information... if [ "$INSTALL_WEB_INTERFACE" = true ]; then web_version=$(pihole -v -a | awk '{print $4}' | tr -d '[:alpha:]') web_version_latest=$(pihole -v -a | awk '{print $6}' | tr -d ')') if [ "${web_version_latest}" = "ERROR" ]; then web_version_heatmap=${yellow_text} else web_version_latest=$(echo "${web_version_latest}" | tr -d '\r\n[:alpha:]') # is web up-to-date? if [ "${web_version}" != "${web_version_latest}" ]; then out_of_date_flag="true" web_version_heatmap=${red_text} else web_version_heatmap=${green_text} fi fi else # Web interface not installed web_version_heatmap=${red_text} web_version="$(printf '\x08')" # Hex 0x08 is for backspace, to delete the leading 'v' web_version="${web_version}N/A" # N/A = Not Available fi # Gather FTL version information... ftl_version=$(pihole -v -f | awk '{print $4}' | tr -d '[:alpha:]') ftl_version_latest=$(pihole -v -f | awk '{print $6}' | tr -d ')') if [ "${ftl_version_latest}" = "ERROR" ]; then ftl_version_heatmap=${yellow_text} else ftl_version_latest=$(echo "${ftl_version_latest}" | tr -d '\r\n[:alpha:]') # is ftl up-to-date? if [ "${ftl_version}" != "${ftl_version_latest}" ]; then out_of_date_flag="true" ftl_version_heatmap=${red_text} else ftl_version_heatmap=${green_text} fi fi # PADD version information... padd_version_latest="$(curl --silent https://api.github.com/repos/pi-hole/PADD/releases/latest | grep '"tag_name":' | awk -F \" '{print $4}')" # is PADD up-to-date? if [ "${padd_version_latest}" = "" ]; then padd_version_heatmap=${yellow_text} else if [ "${padd_version}" != "${padd_version_latest}" ]; then padd_out_of_date_flag="true" padd_version_heatmap=${red_text} else padd_version_heatmap=${green_text} fi fi # was any portion of Pi-hole out-of-date? # yes, pi-hole is out of date if [ "${out_of_date_flag}" = "true" ]; then version_status="Pi-hole is out-of-date!" version_heatmap=${red_text} version_check_box=${check_box_bad} pico_status=${pico_status_update} mini_status_=${mini_status_update} tiny_status_=${tiny_status_update} full_status_=${full_status_update} mega_status=${mega_status_update} else # but is PADD out-of-date? if [ "${padd_out_of_date_flag}" = "true" ]; then version_status="PADD is out-of-date!" version_heatmap=${red_text} version_check_box=${check_box_bad} pico_status=${pico_status_update} mini_status_=${mini_status_update} tiny_status_=${tiny_status_update} full_status_=${full_status_update} mega_status=${mega_status_update} # else, everything is good! else version_status="Pi-hole is up-to-date!" version_heatmap=${green_text} version_check_box=${check_box_good} pico_status=${pico_status_ok} mini_status_=${mini_status_ok} tiny_status_=${tiny_status_ok} full_status_=${full_status_ok} mega_status=${mega_status_ok} fi fi # write it all to the file echo "last_check=${today}" > "$piHoleVersion_file" { echo "core_version=$core_version" echo "core_version_latest=$core_version_latest" echo "core_version_heatmap=$core_version_heatmap" echo "web_version=$web_version" echo "web_version_latest=$web_version_latest" echo "web_version_heatmap=$web_version_heatmap" echo "ftl_version=$ftl_version" echo "ftl_version_latest=$ftl_version_latest" echo "ftl_version_heatmap=$ftl_version_heatmap" echo "padd_version=$padd_version" echo "padd_version_latest=$padd_version_latest" echo "padd_version_heatmap=$padd_version_heatmap" echo "version_status=\"$version_status\"" echo "version_heatmap=$version_heatmap" echo "version_check_box=\"$version_check_box\"" echo "pico_status=\"$pico_status\"" echo "mini_status_=\"$mini_status_\"" echo "tiny_status_=\"$tiny_status_\"" echo "full_status_=\"$full_status_\"" echo "mega_status=\"$mega_status\"" } >> "$piHoleVersion_file" # there's a file now fi } ############################################# PRINTERS ############################################# # terminfo clr_eol (clears to end of line to erase artifacts after resizing smaller) ceol=$(tput el) # wrapper - echo with a clear eol afterwards to wipe any artifacts remaining from last print CleanEcho() { echo "${ceol}$1" } # wrapper - printf CleanPrintf() { # tput el # disabling shellcheck here because we pass formatting instructions within `"${@}"` # shellcheck disable=SC2059 printf "$@" } PrintLogo() { # Screen size checks if [ "$1" = "pico" ]; then CleanEcho "p${padd_text} ${pico_status}" elif [ "$1" = "nano" ]; then CleanEcho "n${padd_text} ${mini_status_}" elif [ "$1" = "micro" ]; then CleanEcho "µ${padd_text} ${mini_status_}" CleanEcho "" elif [ "$1" = "mini" ]; then CleanEcho "${padd_text}${dim_text}mini${reset_text} ${mini_status_}" CleanEcho "" elif [ "$1" = "tiny" ]; then CleanEcho "${padd_text}${dim_text}tiny${reset_text} Pi-hole® ${core_version_heatmap}v${core_version}${reset_text}, Web ${web_version_heatmap}v${web_version}${reset_text}, FTL ${ftl_version_heatmap}v${ftl_version}${reset_text}" CleanPrintf " PADD ${padd_version_heatmap}${padd_version}${reset_text} ${tiny_status_}${reset_text}\e[0K\\n" elif [ "$1" = "slim" ]; then CleanEcho "${padd_text}${dim_text}slim${reset_text} ${full_status_}" CleanEcho "" # For the next two, use printf to make sure spaces aren't collapsed elif [ "$1" = "regular" ] || [ "$1" = "slim" ]; then CleanPrintf "${padd_logo_1}\e[0K\\n" CleanPrintf "${padd_logo_2}Pi-hole® ${core_version_heatmap}v${core_version}${reset_text}, Web ${web_version_heatmap}v${web_version}${reset_text}, FTL ${ftl_version_heatmap}v${ftl_version}${reset_text}\e[0K\\n" CleanPrintf "${padd_logo_3}PADD ${padd_version_heatmap}${padd_version}${reset_text} ${full_status_}${reset_text}\e[0K\\n" CleanEcho "" # normal or not defined else CleanPrintf "${padd_logo_retro_1}\e[0K\\n" CleanPrintf "${padd_logo_retro_2} Pi-hole® ${core_version_heatmap}v${core_version}${reset_text}, Web ${web_version_heatmap}v${web_version}${reset_text}, FTL ${ftl_version_heatmap}v${ftl_version}${reset_text}, PADD ${padd_version_heatmap}${padd_version}${reset_text}\e[0K\\n" CleanPrintf "${padd_logo_retro_3} ${pihole_check_box} Core ${ftl_check_box} FTL ${mega_status}${reset_text}\e[0K\\n" CleanEcho "" fi } PrintNetworkInformation() { if [ "$1" = "pico" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}NETWORK ============${reset_text}" CleanEcho " Hst: ${pi_hostname}" CleanEcho " IP: ${pi_ip4_addr}" CleanEcho " DHCP ${dhcp_check_box} IPv6 ${dhcp_ipv6_check_box}" elif [ "$1" = "nano" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}NETWORK ================${reset_text}" CleanEcho " Host: ${pi_hostname}" CleanEcho " IP: ${pi_ip4_addr}" CleanEcho " DHCP: ${dhcp_check_box} IPv6: ${dhcp_ipv6_check_box}" elif [ "$1" = "micro" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}NETWORK ======================${reset_text}" CleanEcho " Host: ${full_hostname}" CleanEcho " IP: ${pi_ip4_addr}" CleanEcho " DHCP: ${dhcp_check_box} IPv6: ${dhcp_ipv6_check_box}" elif [ "$1" = "mini" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}NETWORK ================================${reset_text}" CleanPrintf " %-9s%-19s\e[0K\\n" "Host:" "${full_hostname}" CleanPrintf " %-9s%-19s\e[0K\\n" "IP:" "${pi_ip4_addr}" CleanPrintf " %-9s%-10s\e[0K\\n" "DNS:" "${dns_information}" if [ "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" = "true" ]; then CleanPrintf " %-9s${dhcp_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text} %-9s${dhcp_ipv6_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text}\e[0K\\n" "DHCP:" "${dhcp_status}" "IPv6:" ${dhcp_ipv6_status} fi elif [ "$1" = "tiny" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}NETWORK ============================================${reset_text}" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-16s %-8s%-16s\e[0K\\n" "Hostname:" "${full_hostname}" "IP: " "${pi_ip4_addr}" CleanPrintf " %-6s%-39s\e[0K\\n" "IPv6:" "${pi_ip6_addr}" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-16s %-8s%-16s\e[0K\\n" "DNS:" "${dns_information}" "DNSSEC:" "${dnssec_heatmap}${dnssec_status}${reset_text}" if [ "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" = "true" ]; then CleanPrintf " %-10s${dhcp_heatmap}%-16s${reset_text} %-8s${dhcp_ipv6_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text}\e[0K\\n" "DHCP:" "${dhcp_status}" "IPv6:" ${dhcp_ipv6_status} CleanPrintf "%s\e[0K\\n" "${dhcp_info}" fi elif [ "$1" = "regular" ] || [ "$1" = "slim" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}NETWORK ===================================================${reset_text}" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-19s %-10s%-19s\e[0K\\n" "Hostname:" "${full_hostname}" "IP:" "${pi_ip4_addr}" CleanPrintf " %-6s%-19s\e[0K\\n" "IPv6:" "${pi_ip6_addr}" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-19s %-10s%-19s\e[0K\\n" "DNS:" "${dns_information}" "DNSSEC:" "${dnssec_heatmap}${dnssec_status}${reset_text}" if [ "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" = "true" ]; then CleanPrintf " %-10s${dhcp_heatmap}%-19s${reset_text} %-10s${dhcp_ipv6_heatmap}%-19s${reset_text}\e[0K\\n" "DHCP:" "${dhcp_status}" "IPv6:" ${dhcp_ipv6_status} CleanPrintf "%s\e[0K\\n" "${dhcp_info}" fi else CleanEcho "${bold_text}NETWORK =======================================================================${reset_text}" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-19s\e[0K\\n" "Hostname:" "${full_hostname}" CleanPrintf " %-6s%-19s %-10s%-29s\e[0K\\n" "IPv4:" "${pi_ip4_addr}" "IPv6:" "${pi_ip6_addr}" CleanEcho "DNS ===========================================================================" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-39s\e[0K\\n" "Servers:" "${dns_information}" CleanPrintf " %-10s${dnssec_heatmap}%-19s${reset_text} %-20s${conditional_forwarding_heatmap}%-9s${reset_text}\e[0K\\n" "DNSSEC:" "${dnssec_status}" "Conditional Fwding:" "${conditional_forwarding_status}" CleanEcho "DHCP ==========================================================================" CleanPrintf " %-10s${dhcp_heatmap}%-19s${reset_text} %-10s${dhcp_ipv6_heatmap}%-9s${reset_text}\e[0K\\n" "DHCP:" "${dhcp_status}" "IPv6 Spt:" "${dhcp_ipv6_status}" CleanPrintf "%s\e[0K\\n" "${dhcp_info}" fi } PrintPiholeInformation() { # size checks if [ "$1" = "pico" ]; then : elif [ "$1" = "nano" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}PI-HOLE ================${reset_text}" CleanEcho " Up: ${pihole_check_box} FTL: ${ftl_check_box}" elif [ "$1" = "micro" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}PI-HOLE ======================${reset_text}" CleanEcho " Status: ${pihole_check_box} FTL: ${ftl_check_box}" elif [ "$1" = "mini" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}PI-HOLE ================================${reset_text}" CleanPrintf " %-9s${pihole_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text} %-9s${ftl_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text}\e[0K\\n" "Status:" "${pihole_status}" "FTL:" "${ftl_status}" elif [ "$1" = "tiny" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}PI-HOLE ============================================${reset_text}" CleanPrintf " %-10s${pihole_heatmap}%-16s${reset_text} %-8s${ftl_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text}\e[0K\\n" "Status:" "${pihole_status}" "FTL:" "${ftl_status}" elif [ "$1" = "regular" ] || [ "$1" = "slim" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}PI-HOLE ===================================================${reset_text}" CleanPrintf " %-10s${pihole_heatmap}%-19s${reset_text} %-10s${ftl_heatmap}%-19s${reset_text}\e[0K\\n" "Status:" "${pihole_status}" "FTL:" "${ftl_status}" else return fi } PrintPiholeStats() { # are we on a reduced screen size? if [ "$1" = "pico" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}PI-HOLE ============${reset_text}" CleanEcho " [${ads_blocked_bar}] ${ads_percentage_today}%" CleanEcho " ${ads_blocked_today} / ${dns_queries_today}" elif [ "$1" = "nano" ]; then CleanEcho " Blk: [${ads_blocked_bar}] ${ads_percentage_today}%" CleanEcho " Blk: ${ads_blocked_today} / ${dns_queries_today}" elif [ "$1" = "micro" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}STATS ========================${reset_text}" CleanEcho " Blckng: ${domains_being_blocked} domains" CleanEcho " Piholed: [${ads_blocked_bar}] ${ads_percentage_today}%" CleanEcho " Piholed: ${ads_blocked_today} / ${dns_queries_today}" elif [ "$1" = "mini" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}STATS ==================================${reset_text}" CleanPrintf " %-9s%-29s\e[0K\\n" "Blckng:" "${domains_being_blocked} domains" CleanPrintf " %-9s[%-20s] %-5s\e[0K\\n" "Piholed:" "${ads_blocked_bar}" "${ads_percentage_today}%" CleanPrintf " %-9s%-29s\e[0K\\n" "Piholed:" "${ads_blocked_today} out of ${dns_queries_today}" CleanPrintf " %-9s%-29s\e[0K\\n" "Latest:" "${latest_blocked}" if [ "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" != "true" ]; then CleanPrintf " %-9s%-29s\\n" "Top Ad:" "${top_blocked}" fi elif [ "$1" = "tiny" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}STATS ==============================================${reset_text}" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-29s\e[0K\\n" "Blocking:" "${domains_being_blocked} domains" CleanPrintf " %-10s[%-30s] %-5s\e[0K\\n" "Pi-holed:" "${ads_blocked_bar}" "${ads_percentage_today}%" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-39s\e[0K\\n" "Pi-holed:" "${ads_blocked_today} out of ${dns_queries_today}" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-39s\e[0K\\n" "Latest:" "${latest_blocked}" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-39s\e[0K\\n" "Top Ad:" "${top_blocked}" if [ "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" != "true" ]; then CleanPrintf " %-10s%-39s\e[0K\\n" "Top Dmn:" "${top_domain}" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-39s\e[0K\\n" "Top Clnt:" "${top_client}" fi elif [ "$1" = "regular" ] || [ "$1" = "slim" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}STATS =====================================================${reset_text}" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-49s\e[0K\\n" "Blocking:" "${domains_being_blocked} domains" CleanPrintf " %-10s[%-40s] %-5s\e[0K\\n" "Pi-holed:" "${ads_blocked_bar}" "${ads_percentage_today}%" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-49s\e[0K\\n" "Pi-holed:" "${ads_blocked_today} out of ${dns_queries_today} queries" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-39s\e[0K\\n" "Latest:" "${latest_blocked}" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-39s\e[0K\\n" "Top Ad:" "${top_blocked}" if [ "${DHCP_ACTIVE}" != "true" ]; then CleanPrintf " %-10s%-39s\e[0K\\n" "Top Dmn:" "${top_domain}" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-39s\e[0K\\n" "Top Clnt:" "${top_client}" fi else CleanEcho "${bold_text}STATS =========================================================================${reset_text}" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-19s %-10s[%-40s] %-5s\e[0K\\n" "Blocking:" "${domains_being_blocked} domains" "Piholed:" "${ads_blocked_bar}" "${ads_percentage_today}%" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-30s%-29s\e[0K\\n" "Clients:" "${clients}" " ${ads_blocked_today} out of ${dns_queries_today} queries" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-39s\e[0K\\n" "Latest:" "${latest_blocked}" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-39s\e[0K\\n" "Top Ad:" "${top_blocked}" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-39s\e[0K\\n" "Top Dmn:" "${top_domain}" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-39s\e[0K\\n" "Top Clnt:" "${top_client}" CleanEcho "FTL ===========================================================================" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-9s %-10s%-9s %-10s%-9s\e[0K\\n" "PID:" "${ftlPID}" "CPU Use:" "${ftl_cpu}%" "Mem. Use:" "${ftl_mem_percentage}%" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-69s\e[0K\\n" "DNSCache:" "${cache_inserts} insertions, ${cache_deletes} deletions, ${cache_size} total entries" fi } PrintSystemInformation() { if [ "$1" = "pico" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}CPU ================${reset_text}" printf "%b" "${ceol} [${cpu_load_1_heatmap}${cpu_bar}${reset_text}] ${cpu_percent}%" elif [ "$1" = "nano" ]; then CleanEcho "${ceol}${bold_text}SYSTEM =================${reset_text}" CleanEcho " Up: ${system_uptime}" printf "%b" "${ceol} CPU: [${cpu_load_1_heatmap}${cpu_bar}${reset_text}] ${cpu_percent}%" elif [ "$1" = "micro" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}SYSTEM =======================${reset_text}" CleanEcho " Uptime: ${system_uptime}" CleanEcho " Load: [${cpu_load_1_heatmap}${cpu_bar}${reset_text}] ${cpu_percent}%" printf "%b" "${ceol} Memory: [${memory_heatmap}${memory_bar}${reset_text}] ${memory_percent}%" elif [ "$1" = "mini" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}SYSTEM =================================${reset_text}" CleanPrintf " %-9s%-29s\\n" "Uptime:" "${system_uptime}" CleanEcho " Load: [${cpu_load_1_heatmap}${cpu_bar}${reset_text}] ${cpu_percent}%" printf "%b" "${ceol} Memory: [${memory_heatmap}${memory_bar}${reset_text}] ${memory_percent}%" elif [ "$1" = "tiny" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}SYSTEM =============================================${reset_text}" CleanPrintf " %-10s%-29s\e[0K\\n" "Uptime:" "${system_uptime}" CleanPrintf " %-10s${temp_heatmap}%-17s${reset_text} %-8s${cpu_load_1_heatmap}%-4s${reset_text}, ${cpu_load_5_heatmap}%-4s${reset_text}, ${cpu_load_15_heatmap}%-4s${reset_text}\e[0K\\n" "CPU Temp:" "${temperature}" "Load:" "${cpu_load_1}" "${cpu_load_5}" "${cpu_load_15}" # Memory and CPU bar CleanPrintf " %-10s[${memory_heatmap}%-7s${reset_text}] %-6s %-8s[${cpu_load_1_heatmap}%-7s${reset_text}] %-5s" "Memory:" "${memory_bar}" "${memory_percent}%" "CPU:" "${cpu_bar}" "${cpu_percent}%" # else we're not elif [ "$1" = "regular" ] || [ "$1" = "slim" ]; then CleanEcho "${bold_text}SYSTEM ====================================================${reset_text}" # Uptime CleanPrintf " %-10s%-39s\e[0K\\n" "Uptime:" "${system_uptime}" # Temp and Loads CleanPrintf " %-10s${temp_heatmap}%-20s${reset_text}" "CPU Temp:" "${temperature}" CleanPrintf " %-10s${cpu_load_1_heatmap}%-4s${reset_text}, ${cpu_load_5_heatmap}%-4s${reset_text}, ${cpu_load_15_heatmap}%-4s${reset_text}\e[0K\\n" "CPU Load:" "${cpu_load_1}" "${cpu_load_5}" "${cpu_load_15}" # Memory and CPU bar CleanPrintf " %-10s[${memory_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text}] %-6s %-10s[${cpu_load_1_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text}] %-5s" "Memory:" "${memory_bar}" "${memory_percent}%" "CPU Load:" "${cpu_bar}" "${cpu_percent}%" else CleanEcho "${bold_text}SYSTEM ========================================================================${reset_text}" # Uptime and memory CleanPrintf " %-10s%-39s %-10s[${memory_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text}] %-6s\\n" "Uptime:" "${system_uptime}" "Memory:" "${memory_bar}" "${memory_percent}%" # CPU temp, load, percentage CleanPrintf " %-10s${temp_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text} %-10s${cpu_load_1_heatmap}%-4s${reset_text}, ${cpu_load_5_heatmap}%-4s${reset_text}, ${cpu_load_15_heatmap}%-7s${reset_text} %-10s[${memory_heatmap}%-10s${reset_text}] %-6s" "CPU Temp:" "${temperature}" "CPU Load:" "${cpu_load_1}" "${cpu_load_5}" "${cpu_load_15}" "CPU Load:" "${cpu_bar}" "${cpu_percent}%" fi } ############################################# HELPERS ############################################## # Provides a color based on a provided percentage # takes in one or two parameters HeatmapGenerator () { # if one number is provided, just use that percentage to figure out the colors if [ -z "$2" ]; then load=$(printf "%.0f" "$1") # if two numbers are provided, do some math to make a percentage to figure out the colors else load=$(printf "%.0f" "$(echo "$1 $2" | awk '{print ($1 / $2) * 100}')") fi # Color logic # |<- green ->| yellow | red -> # 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 if [ "${load}" -lt 75 ]; then out=${green_text} elif [ "${load}" -lt 90 ]; then out=${yellow_text} else out=${red_text} fi echo "$out" } # Provides a "bar graph" # takes in two or three parameters # $1: percentage filled # $2: max length of the bar # $3: colored flag, if "color" backfill with color BarGenerator() { # number of filled in cells in the bar barNumber=$(printf %.f "$(echo "$1 $2" | awk '{print ($1 / 100) * $2}')") frontFill=$(for i in $(seq "$barNumber"); do printf "%b" "■"; done) # remaining "unfilled" cells in the bar backfillNumber=$(($2-barNumber)) # if the filled in cells is less than the max length of the bar, fill it if [ "$barNumber" -lt "$2" ]; then # if the bar should be colored if [ "$3" = "color" ]; then # fill the rest in color backFill=$(for i in $(seq $backfillNumber); do printf "%b" "■"; done) out="${red_text}${frontFill}${green_text}${backFill}${reset_text}" # else, it shouldn't be colored in else # fill the rest with "space" backFill=$(for i in $(seq $backfillNumber); do printf "%b" "·"; done) out="${frontFill}${reset_text}${backFill}" fi # else, fill it all the way else out=$(for i in $(seq "$2"); do printf "%b" "■"; done) fi echo "$out" } # Checks the size of the screen and sets the value of padd_size SizeChecker(){ # Below Pico. Gives you nothing... if [ "$console_width" -lt "20" ] || [ "$console_height" -lt "10" ]; then # Nothing is this small, sorry clear printf "%b" "${check_box_bad} Error!\\n PADD isn't\\n for ants!\n" exit 1 # Below Nano. Gives you Pico. elif [ "$console_width" -lt "24" ] || [ "$console_height" -lt "12" ]; then padd_size="pico" # Below Micro, Gives you Nano. elif [ "$console_width" -lt "30" ] || [ "$console_height" -lt "16" ]; then padd_size="nano" # Below Mini. Gives you Micro. elif [ "$console_width" -lt "40" ] || [ "$console_height" -lt "18" ]; then padd_size="micro" # Below Tiny. Gives you Mini. elif [ "$console_width" -lt "53" ] || [ "$console_height" -lt "20" ]; then padd_size="mini" # Below Slim. Gives you Tiny. elif [ "$console_width" -lt "60" ] || [ "$console_height" -lt "21" ]; then padd_size="tiny" # Below Regular. Gives you Slim. elif [ "$console_width" -lt "80" ] || [ "$console_height" -lt "26" ]; then if [ "$console_height" -lt "22" ]; then padd_size="slim" else padd_size="regular" fi # Mega else padd_size="mega" fi } CheckConnectivity() { connectivity="false" connection_attempts=1 wait_timer=1 while [ $connection_attempts -lt 9 ]; do if nc -zw1 google.com 443 2>/dev/null; then if [ "$1" = "pico" ] || [ "$1" = "nano" ] || [ "$1" = "micro" ]; then echo "Attempt #${connection_attempts} passed..." elif [ "$1" = "mini" ]; then echo "Attempt ${connection_attempts} passed." else echo " - Attempt ${connection_attempts} passed... " fi connectivity="true" connection_attempts=11 else connection_attempts=$((connection_attempts+1)) inner_wait_timer=$((wait_timer*1)) # echo "$wait_timer = $inner_wait_timer" while [ $inner_wait_timer -gt 0 ]; do if [ "$1" = "pico" ] || [ "$1" = "nano" ] || [ "$1" = "micro" ]; then printf "%b" "Attempt #${connection_attempts} failed...\\r" elif [ "$1" = "mini" ] || [ "$1" = "tiny" ]; then printf "%b" "- Attempt ${connection_attempts} failed, wait ${inner_wait_timer} \\r" else printf "%b" " - Attempt ${connection_attempts} failed... waiting ${inner_wait_timer} seconds... \\r" fi sleep 1 inner_wait_timer=$((inner_wait_timer-1)) done # echo -ne "Attempt $connection_attempts failed... waiting $wait_timer seconds...\\r" # sleep $wait_timer wait_timer=$((wait_timer*2)) fi done if [ "$connectivity" = "false" ]; then if [ "$1" = "pico" ] || [ "$1" = "nano" ] || [ "$1" = "micro" ]; then echo "Check failed..." elif [ "$1" = "mini" ] || [ "$1" = "tiny" ]; then echo "- Connectivity check failed." else echo " - Connectivity check failed..." fi else if [ "$1" = "pico" ] || [ "$1" = "nano" ] || [ "$1" = "micro" ]; then echo "Check passed..." elif [ "$1" = "mini" ] || [ "$1" = "tiny" ]; then echo "- Connectivity check passed." else echo " - Connectivity check passed..." fi fi } ########################################## MAIN FUNCTIONS ########################################## OutputJSON() { GetSummaryInformation echo "{\"domains_being_blocked\":${domains_being_blocked_raw},\"dns_queries_today\":${dns_queries_today_raw},\"ads_blocked_today\":${ads_blocked_today_raw},\"ads_percentage_today\":${ads_percentage_today_raw},\"clients\": ${clients}}" cd "$oldpath" > /dev/null || exit } StartupRoutine(){ if [ "$1" = "pico" ] || [ "$1" = "nano" ] || [ "$1" = "micro" ]; then PrintLogo "$1" printf "%b" "START-UP ===========\n" printf "%b" "Checking connection.\n" CheckConnectivity "$1" printf "%b" "Starting PADD...\n" printf "%b" " [■·········] 10%\\r" # Check for updates printf "%b" " [■■········] 20%\\r" if [ -f "$piHoleVersion_file" ]; then rm -f "$piHoleVersion_file" printf "%b" " [■■■·······] 30%\\r" else printf "%b" " [■■■·······] 30%\\r" fi # Get our information for the first time printf "%b" " [■■■■······] 40%\\r" GetSystemInformation "$1" printf "%b" " [■■■■■·····] 50%\\r" GetSummaryInformation "$1" printf "%b" " [■■■■■■····] 60%\\r" GetPiholeInformation "$1" printf "%b" " [■■■■■■■···] 70%\\r" GetNetworkInformation "$1" printf "%b" " [■■■■■■■■··] 80%\\r" GetVersionInformation "$1" printf "%b" " [■■■■■■■■■·] 90%\\r" printf "%b" " [■■■■■■■■■■] 100%\\n" elif [ "$1" = "mini" ]; then PrintLogo "$1" echo "START UP =====================" echo "Checking connectivity." CheckConnectivity "$1" echo "Starting PADD." # Check for updates echo "- Checking for version file." if [ -f "$piHoleVersion_file" ]; then echo " - Found and deleted." rm -f "$piHoleVersion_file" else echo " - Not found." fi # Get our information for the first time echo "- Gathering system info." GetSystemInformation "mini" echo "- Gathering Pi-hole info." GetSummaryInformation "mini" echo "- Gathering network info." GetNetworkInformation "mini" echo "- Gathering version info." GetVersionInformation "mini" echo " - Core v$core_version, Web v$web_version" echo " - FTL v$ftl_version, PADD $padd_version" echo " - $version_status" else printf "%b" "${padd_logo_retro_1}\n" printf "%b" "${padd_logo_retro_2}Pi-hole® Ad Detection Display\n" printf "%b" "${padd_logo_retro_3}A client for Pi-hole\n\n" if [ "$1" = "tiny" ]; then echo "START UP ============================================" else echo "START UP ===================================================" fi printf "%b" "- Checking internet connection...\n" CheckConnectivity "$1" # Check for updates echo "- Checking for PADD version file..." if [ -f "$piHoleVersion_file" ]; then echo " - PADD version file found... deleting." rm -f "$piHoleVersion_file" else echo " - PADD version file not found." fi # Get our information for the first time echo "- Gathering system information..." GetSystemInformation "$1" echo "- Gathering Pi-hole information..." GetSummaryInformation "$1" GetPiholeInformation "$1" echo "- Gathering network information..." GetNetworkInformation "$1" echo "- Gathering version information..." GetVersionInformation "$1" echo " - Pi-hole Core v$core_version" echo " - Web Admin v$web_version" echo " - FTL v$ftl_version" echo " - PADD $padd_version" echo " - $version_status" fi printf "%s" "- Starting in " for i in 3 2 1 do printf "%s..." "$i" sleep 1 done } NormalPADD() { while true; do console_width=$(tput cols) console_height=$(tput lines) # Sizing Checks SizeChecker # Move the cursor to top left of console to redraw tput cup 0 0 # Output everything to the screen PrintLogo ${padd_size} PrintPiholeInformation ${padd_size} PrintPiholeStats ${padd_size} PrintNetworkInformation ${padd_size} PrintSystemInformation ${padd_size} # Clear to end of screen (below the drawn dashboard) tput ed pico_status=${pico_status_ok} mini_status_=${mini_status_ok} tiny_status_=${tiny_status_ok} # Start getting our information GetVersionInformation ${padd_size} GetSummaryInformation ${padd_size} GetPiholeInformation ${padd_size} GetNetworkInformation ${padd_size} GetSystemInformation ${padd_size} # Sleep for 5 seconds sleep 5 done } DisplayHelp() { cat << EOM ::: PADD displays stats about your piHole! ::: ::: Note: If no option is passed, then stats are displayed on screen, updated every 5 seconds ::: ::: Options: ::: -j, --json output stats as JSON formatted string ::: -h, --help display this help text EOM exit 0 } if [ $# = 0 ]; then # Turns off the cursor # (From Pull request #8 https://github.com/jpmck/PADD/pull/8) setterm -cursor off trap "{ setterm -cursor on ; echo "" ; exit 0 ; }" INT TERM EXIT clear console_width=$(tput cols) console_height=$(tput lines) SizeChecker StartupRoutine ${padd_size} # Run PADD clear NormalPADD cd "$oldpath" > /dev/null || exit fi for var in "$@"; do case "$var" in "-j" | "--json" ) OutputJSON;; "-h" | "--help" ) DisplayHelp;; * ) exit 1;; esac done