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application/json: schema: type: array items: type: object examples: "0": value: >- [] "404": description: Not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NpmError" examples: "0": value: >- { "error": "Not Found", "statusCode": 404 } /{packageName}: get: description: This endpoint responds with the package metadata document, sometimes informally called a "packument" or "doc.json". parameters: - in: path name: packageName required: true description: The name of the package schema: type: string nullable: false responses: "200": description: Package Metadata content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PackageMetadata" examples: "0": value: >- { "_id": "minimize-json", "_rev": "1-f600a1ed036cd786c80fbfbd11570a8e", "name": "minimize-json", "dist-tags": { "latest": "1.0.1" }, "versions": { "1.0.0": { "name": "minimize-json", "description": "Minimize your JSON files without making a bundle", "author": { "name": "Lorenzo Pichilli", "email": "", "url": 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\n\n# Minimize JSON\n\n### Minimize your JSON files without making a bundle\n\n[![NPM](](\n
\n\n[![NPM Version](](\n[![license](](/LICENSE)\n[![Donate to this project using Paypal](](\n\n## Getting started\n\nTo get started with this library, you need to install it and add it to your project.\n\n### Installation\n\nMinimize JSON is available as an npm package.\n\n```bash\n# npm\nnpm install minimize-json -D\n\n# yarn\nyarn add minimize-json -D\n```\n\n## Usage\n\nThe code snippet below shows how to put into action `minimize-json` and lets you minimize your files inside a directory.\n\n```bash\nminimize-json \n```\n\n## Contributors\n\nAny contribution is appreciated. You can get started with the steps below:\n\n1. Fork [this repository]( (learn how to do this [here](\n\n2. Clone the forked repository.\n\n3. Make your changes and create a pull request ([learn how to do this](\n\n4. I will attend to your pull request and provide some feedback.\n\n## License\n\nThis repository is licensed under the [ISC](LICENSE) License.\n\nThis project is strongly inspired by the [minimize-js](\n", "readmeFilename": "" } "404": description: Package not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NpmError" examples: "0": value: >- { "error": "Not found" } /{packageName}/{version}: get: description: This endpoint responds with the package metadata document for a specific version. parameters: - in: path name: packageName required: true description: The name of the package schema: type: string nullable: false - in: path name: version required: true description: a version number or "latest" schema: type: string nullable: false responses: "200": description: Package Metadata of a specific version content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PackageVersionMetadata" examples: "0": value: >- { "license": "Apache-2.0", "private": false, "author": { "name": "OpenAPI Tools", "email": "", "url": "" }, "contributors": [ { "name": "Kay Schecker", "email": "", "url": "" } ], "homepage": "", "bugs": { "url": "" }, "funding": { "type": "opencollective", "url": "" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git+" }, "publishConfig": { "registry": "" }, "keywords": [ "rest-api", "rest-client", "sdk", "generator", "restful-api", "api", "api-client", "api-server", "openapi3", "openapi", "oas", "rest" ], "engines": { "node": ">=10.0.0" }, "collective": { "type": "opencollective", "url": "", "donation": { "text": "Please sponsor OpenAPI Generator." } }, "version": "2.5.2", "name": "@openapitools/openapi-generator-cli", "description": "A npm package wrapper for OpenAPI Generator (, generates which API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)", "scripts": { "postinstall": "opencollective || exit 0" }, "bin": { "openapi-generator-cli": "main.js" }, "dependencies": { "@nestjs/common": "8.4.4", "@nestjs/core": "8.4.4", "@nuxtjs/opencollective": "0.3.2", "chalk": "4.1.2", "commander": "8.3.0", "compare-versions": "4.1.3", "concurrently": "6.5.1", "console.table": "0.10.0", "fs-extra": "10.0.1", "glob": "7.1.6", "inquirer": "8.2.2", "lodash": "4.17.21", "reflect-metadata": "0.1.13", "rxjs": "7.5.5", "tslib": "2.0.3" }, "_id": "@openapitools/openapi-generator-cli@2.5.2", "_nodeVersion": "16.17.0", "_npmVersion": "6.14.8", "dist": { "integrity": "sha512-FLgkjzpDiHVsH821db0VDSElDoA6TcspGyq3RD4zLBJaJhbSsRwr4u87sNoyuHKBg4OMJbZMT4iJxAhkosKrzw==", "shasum": "727a0f29fec1f91ffb467003d0d12ef35554e0ef", "tarball": "", "fileCount": 4, "unpackedSize": 110633, "signatures": [ { "keyid": "SHA256:jl3bwswu80PjjokCgh0o2w5c2U4LhQAE57gj9cz1kzA", "sig": "MEQCICRDtk3lPYqlZ3CAKVr54OSY+BoiYlE2qMADa5Zfwm1EAiBUcl0dnThsTZlk75hjeB+Yt6QzykxM0oTzOtumG/DbKg==" } ], "npm-signature": "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\r\nVersion: OpenPGP.js v4.10.10\r\nComment:\r\n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\r\nmSjGdR/OwSPJwFSUnp0KhnxprBGx74k2o60=\r\n=cyNg\r\n-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\r\n" }, "_npmUser": { "name": "kschecker", "email": "" }, "directories": {}, "maintainers": [ { "name": "wing328", "email": "" }, { "name": "ackintosh", "email": "" }, { "name": "jimschubert", "email": "" }, { "name": "kschecker", "email": "" } ], "_npmOperationalInternal": { "host": "s3://npm-registry-packages", "tmp": "tmp/openapi-generator-cli_2.5.2_1662373424944_0.664368769528217" }, "_hasShrinkwrap": false } "404": description: Package not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/NpmError" examples: "0": value: >- { "error": "Not found" } /-/v1/search: get: description: >- This endpoint responds with the search result. Special search qualifiers can be provided in the full-text query: - author:bcoe: Show/filter results in which bcoe is the author - maintainer:bcoe: Show/filter results in which bcoe is qualifier as a maintainer - keywords:batman: Show/filter results that have batman in the keywords - separating multiple keywords with - , acts like a logical OR - + acts like a logical AND - ,- can be used to exclude keywords - not:unstable: Exclude packages whose version is < 1.0.0 - not:insecure: Exclude packages that are insecure or have vulnerable dependencies (based on the nsp registry) - is:unstable: Show/filter packages whose version is < 1.0.0 - is:insecure: Show/filter packages that are insecure or have vulnerable dependencies (based on the nsp registry) - boost-exact:false: Do not boost exact matches, defaults to true Note: the values of quality, popularity, and maintenance are normalized into a unit-vector provide values between 0 - 1 for each to modify weightings, e.g., to return results based solely on quality, set quality=1.0, maintenance=0.0, popularity=0.0. parameters: - in: query name: text description: Full-text search to apply allowEmptyValue: true required: false schema: type: string nullable: true - in: query name: size description: How many results should be returned (default 20, max 250) allowEmptyValue: true required: false schema: type: integer nullable: true minimum: -1 maximum: 250 - in: query name: from description: Offset to return results from allowEmptyValue: true required: false schema: type: integer nullable: true minimum: -1 - in: query name: quality description: How much of an effect should quality have on search results allowEmptyValue: true required: false schema: type: number nullable: true - in: query name: popularity description: How much of an effect should popularity have on search results allowEmptyValue: true required: false schema: type: number nullable: true - in: query name: maintenance description: How much of an effect should maintenance have on search results allowEmptyValue: true required: false schema: type: number nullable: true responses: "200": description: Package Metadata content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SearchResults" example: >- { "objects": [ { "package": { "name": "yargs", "version": "6.6.0", "description": "yargs the modern, pirate-themed, successor to optimist.", "keywords": [ "argument", "args", "option", "parser", "parsing", "cli", "command" ], "date": "2016-12-30T16:53:16.023Z", "links": { "npm": "", "homepage": "", "repository": "", "bugs": "" }, "publisher": { "username": "bcoe", "email": "" }, "maintainers": [ { "username": "bcoe", "email": "" }, { "username": "chevex", "email": "" }, { "username": "nexdrew", "email": "" }, { "username": "nylen", "email": "" } ] }, "score": { "final": 0.9237841281241451, "detail": { "quality": 0.9270640902288084, "popularity": 0.8484861649808381, "maintenance": 0.9962706951777409 } }, "searchScore": 100000.914 } ], "total": 1, "time": "Wed Jan 25 2017 19:23:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)" } /downloads/point/{period}: get: description: Gets the downloads per day for a given period for all packages. parameters: - in: path name: period required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Registry downloads metadata info content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RegistryDownloads" examples: "0": value: >- { "downloads": [ { "day": "2014-02-27", "downloads": 1904088 }, { "day": "2014-03-04", "downloads": 7904294 } ], "start": "2014-02-25", "end": "2014-03-04", "package": "somepackage" } /downloads/point/{period}/{packageName}: get: description: Gets the downloads per day for a given period for a specific package. parameters: - in: path name: period required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: packageName required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Package downloads metadata info content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PackageDownloads" examples: "0": value: >- { "downloads": 31623, "start": "2014-01-01", "end": "2014-01-31", "package": "jquery" } /downloads/range/{period}: get: description: Gets the downloads per day for a given period for all packages. parameters: - in: path name: period required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Registry downloads metadata info content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DailyRegistryDownloads" examples: "0": value: >- { "downloads": [ { "day": "2014-02-27", "downloads": 1904088 }, { "day": "2014-03-04", "downloads": 7904294 } ], "start": "2014-02-25", "end": "2014-03-04" } /downloads/range/{period}/{packageName}: get: description: Gets the downloads per day for a given period for a specific package. parameters: - in: path name: period required: true schema: type: string - in: path name: packageName required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Package downloads metadata info content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DailyPackageDownloads" examples: "0": value: >- { "start": "2022-09-25", "end": "2022-10-01", "package": "jquery", "downloads": [ { "downloads": 214190, "day": "2022-09-25" }, { "downloads": 1146822, "day": "2022-09-26" }, { "downloads": 1115359, "day": "2022-09-27" }, { "downloads": 1094660, "day": "2022-09-28" }, { "downloads": 1065723, "day": "2022-09-29" }, { "downloads": 894018, "day": "2022-09-30" }, { "downloads": 220794, "day": "2022-10-01" } ] } /versions/{packageName}/last-week: get: description: >- Download count for specific versions of a package. It's only available for the previous 7 days. Note: for scoped packages, the `/` needs to be percent encoded. (`@slack/client` -> `@slack%2Fclient`). parameters: - in: path name: packageName required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Package download count for specific versions. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PackageVersionsDownloadCount" examples: "0": value: >- { "package": "fastify", "downloads": { "3.1.1": 1409, "3.27.2": 7670, "2.14.1": 2824, "3.24.0": 4475, "4.0.0": 652, "3.20.1": 18007, "3.28.0": 48612, "4.3.0": 23722 } } /-/user/org.couchdb.user:{user}: put: description: User login endpoint parameters: - in: path name: user required: true schema: type: string nullable: false - in: header name: 'npm-otp' description: One time password schema: type: string requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LoginRequest" examples: "0": value: >- { "name": "username", "password": "password" } responses: "201": description: Successful authentication with Bearer Token. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LoginResponse" examples: "0": value: >- { "ok": true, "id": "org.couchdb.user:undefined", "rev": "_we_dont_use_revs_any_more", "token": "BEARER TOKEN HERE" } "401": description: Authentication was unsuccessful. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LegacyStatus" examples: "0": value: >- { "ok": false } /-/npm/v1/user: get: description: User detail endpoint security: - bearerAuth: [] responses: "200": description: User detail. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Profile" examples: "0": value: >- { "tfa": { "pending": false, "mode": "auth-and-writes" }, "name": "pichillilorenzo", "email": "", "email_verified": true, "created": "2018-06-22T20:36:58.619Z", "updated": "2022-09-28T15:20:05.334Z", "cidr_whitelist": null, "fullname": "Lorenzo Pichilli", "twitter": "LorenzoPichilli", "github": "pichillilorenzo" } post: description: User login endpoint security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - in: header name: 'npm-otp' description: One time password schema: type: string requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProfileUpdateRequest" examples: "0": value: >- { "email": "", "github": "new_github_name" } responses: "200": description: User profile updated with success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Profile" examples: "0": value: >- { "tfa": { "pending": false, "mode": "auth-and-writes" }, "name": "pichillilorenzo", "email": "", "email_verified": true, "created": "2018-06-22T20:36:58.619Z", "updated": "2022-09-28T15:20:05.334Z", "cidr_whitelist": null, "fullname": "Lorenzo Pichilli", "twitter": "LorenzoPichilli", "github": "pichillilorenzo" } /-/npm/v1/tokens: get: description: User's token list endpoint security: - bearerAuth: [] responses: "200": description: User's token list. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TokenPage" examples: "0": value: >- { "objects": [ { "cidr_whitelist": null, "readonly": false, "automation": false, "created": "2022-10-03T14:37:38.493Z", "updated": "2022-10-03T14:37:38.493Z", "key": "48297953007cfb44e3451902d39c5bacf7a4f49369591e511de9f174afa90288f35b4a940a54dfe9f110ac30634443f24667c673fb65ef771954236c51e9b036", "token": "npm_y7" }, { "cidr_whitelist": null, "readonly": false, "automation": false, "created": "2022-10-03T14:37:27.154Z", "updated": "2022-10-03T14:37:27.154Z", "key": "fa06877427ed1fd75abd41c2fe12fa12b100e93b4dd00df46f653fa67de8b9ec38dd6982401adf360c3d380af432f619434b30199ec92332b96e42ce2802a0c9", "token": "npm_zL" } ], "total": 24, "urls": { "next": "/-/npm/v1/tokens?page=1" }, "userHasOldFormatToken": true } post: description: Token create endpoint security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - in: header name: 'npm-otp' description: One time password schema: type: string requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TokenCreationRequest" examples: "0": value: >- { "password": "some-password" } responses: "200": description: Token created with success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Token" examples: "0": value: >- { "token": "b4dc4fe3-30f1-43ea-bf32-87349e3b8cb5", "key": "48297953007cfb44e3451902d39c5bacf7a4f49369591e511de9f174afa90288f35b4a940a54dfe9f110ac30634443f24667c673fb65ef771954236c51e9b036", "cidr_whitelist": null, "readonly": false, "created": "2017-08-15T07:42:40.811Z", "updated": "2017-08-15T07:42:40.811Z" } /-/npm/v1/tokens/token/{uuid}: delete: description: Token delete endpoint security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - in: path name: uuid description: Key (UUID) of the Token to delete required: true schema: type: string nullable: false - in: header name: 'npm-otp' description: One time password schema: type: string responses: "204": description: Token deleted with success /-/user/token/{token}: delete: description: Token delete endpoint security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - in: path name: token description: Token to delete required: true schema: type: string nullable: false - in: header name: 'npm-otp' description: One time password schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Token deleted with success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LegacyStatus" examples: "0": value: >- { "ok": true } /-/npm/v1/hooks: get: description: Hook list endpoint. security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - in: query name: package description: Filter by package name; regexp patterns are not parsed. schema: type: string nullable: false - in: query name: limit description: Return at most N hooks. schema: type: integer nullable: false - in: query name: offset description: Start at the Nth hook (use with limit for pagination). schema: type: integer nullable: false responses: "200": description: Hook list. content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/HookSearchResults" examples: "0": value: >- { "total": 1, "objects": [ { "id": "i2344e1m", "username": "pichillilorenzo", "name": "@npmcorp", "endpoint": "", "secret": "this is certainly very secret", "type": "scope", "created": "2022-10-03T22:23:45.942Z", "updated": "2022-10-03T22:23:45.942Z", "delivered": false, "last_delivery": null, "response_code": 0, "status": "active" } ] } /-/npm/v1/hooks/hook: post: description: Hook create endpoint. security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - in: header name: 'npm-otp' description: One time password schema: type: string requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/HookCreateRequest" examples: "0": value: >- { "type": "scope", "name": "@npmcorp", "endpoint": "", "secret": "this is certainly very secret" } responses: "200": description: Hook created with success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Hook" examples: "0": value: >- { "id": "115c73m8", "username": "pichillilorenzo", "name": "@npmcorp", "endpoint": "", "secret": "this is certainly very secret", "type": "scope", "created": "2022-10-03T22:10:52.760Z", "updated": "2022-10-03T22:10:52.760Z", "delivered": false, "last_delivery": null, "response_code": 0, "status": "active" } /-/npm/v1/hooks/hook/{id}: get: description: Get Hook endpoint. security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - in: path name: id description: Hook id required: true schema: type: string nullable: false responses: "200": description: Hook found content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Hook" examples: "0": value: >- { "id": "115c73m8", "username": "pichillilorenzo", "name": "@npmcorp", "endpoint": "", "secret": "this is certainly very secret", "type": "scope", "created": "2022-10-03T22:10:52.760Z", "updated": "2022-10-03T22:10:52.760Z", "delivered": false, "last_delivery": null, "response_code": 0, "status": "active" } put: description: Hook update endpoint security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - in: path name: id description: Hook id required: true schema: type: string nullable: false - in: header name: 'npm-otp' description: One time password schema: type: string requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/HookUpdateRequest" examples: "0": value: >- { "endpoint": "", "secret": "this is certainly very secret" } responses: "201": description: Hook updated with success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Hook" examples: "0": value: >- { "id": "115c73m8", "username": "pichillilorenzo", "name": "@npmcorp", "endpoint": "", "secret": "this is certainly very secret", "type": "scope", "created": "2022-10-03T22:10:52.760Z", "updated": "2022-10-03T22:10:52.760Z", "delivered": false, "last_delivery": null, "response_code": 0, "status": "active" } delete: description: Hook delete endpoint security: - bearerAuth: [] parameters: - in: path name: id description: Hook id required: true schema: type: string nullable: false - in: header name: 'npm-otp' description: One time password schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Hook deleted with success content: application/json: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Hook" examples: "0": value: >- { "id": "115c73m8", "username": "pichillilorenzo", "name": "@npmcorp", "endpoint": "", "secret": "this is certainly very secret", "type": "scope", "created": "2022-10-03T22:10:52.760Z", "updated": "2022-10-03T22:10:52.760Z", "delivered": false, "last_delivery": null, "response_code": 0, "status": "active" } components: securitySchemes: bearerAuth: type: http scheme: bearer schemas: NpmError: description: Generic NpmError type: object properties: error: type: string description: Error message readOnly: true code: type: string readOnly: true message: type: string description: Error message readOnly: true statusCode: type: integer description: HTTP Status Code readOnly: true PackageVersionsDownloadCount: type: object description: Package download count for specific versions. required: - package - downloads properties: package: type: string description: Package name nullable: false readOnly: true downloads: type: object description: A map containing the package version as key and the download count as value. additionalProperties: type: integer nullable: false ProfileTfa: type: object required: - mode - pending properties: mode: type: string nullable: false readOnly: true pending: type: boolean nullable: false readOnly: true Profile: type: object required: - name - email - email_verified - created - upadted properties: tfa: description: User Two-Factor authentication settings readOnly: true name: type: string description: User name nullable: false readOnly: true email: type: string description: User email nullable: false readOnly: true email_verified: type: boolean description: Email verification status nullable: false readOnly: true created: type: string format: date-time description: When the account was created nullable: false readOnly: true updated: type: string format: date-time description: When the account was updated nullable: false readOnly: true cidr_whitelist: type: array items: type: string nullable: false description: CIDR whitelist readOnly: true fullname: type: string description: User full name readOnly: true homepage: type: string format: uri description: User homepage url readOnly: true freenode: type: string readOnly: true twitter: type: string description: Twitter username readOnly: true github: type: string description: GitHub username readOnly: true PasswordUpdateRequest: type: object required: - old - new properties: old: type: string nullable: false new: type: string nullable: false ProfileUpdateRequest: type: object properties: tfa: description: User Two-Factor authentication settings password: description: Password change request data $ref: '#/components/schemas/PasswordUpdateRequest' email: type: string description: User email fullname: type: string description: User full name homepage: type: string format: uri description: User homepage url freenode: type: string twitter: type: string description: Twitter username github: type: string description: GitHub username PageUrls: type: object description: Urls to navigate results properties: next: type: string format: uri description: Url of the next results readOnly: true prev: type: string format: uri description: Url of the previous results readOnly: true Page: type: object description: A container object for pages of lists. required: - objects - urls properties: total: type: integer description: Number of total items readOnly: true objects: type: array items: type: object additionalProperties: true nullable: false readOnly: true nullable: false readOnly: true urls: description: Urls to navigate results $ref: '#/components/schemas/PageUrls' TokenPage: description: Objects containing the list of user's tokens allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Page" - type: object required: - userHasOldFormatToken properties: userHasOldFormatToken: type: boolean nullable: false Token: type: object required: - token - key - automation - created - updated - readonly properties: token: type: string description: \[REDACTED\] on subsequent display. The "Bearer" token. nullable: false readOnly: true key: type: string description: sha512 hash of the token UUID nullable: false readOnly: true automation: type: boolean nullable: false readOnly: true cidr_whitelist: type: array items: type: string nullable: false readOnly: true created: type: string format: date-time nullable: false readOnly: true updated: type: string format: date-time nullable: false readOnly: true readonly: type: boolean nullable: false readOnly: true TokenCreationRequest: type: object required: - password properties: password: type: string description: NPM User password nullable: false readonly: type: boolean cidr_whitelist: type: array items: type: string nullable: false LegacyStatus: type: object required: - ok properties: ok: type: boolean description: If operation succeded. nullable: false readOnly: true HookType: type: string description: Type of object being watched; `package`, `scope`, or `owner`. enum: - package - scope - owner HookCreateRequest: type: object description: Hook creation request object required: - type - name - endpoint - secret properties: type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/HookType' nullable: false name: type: string description: Name of package or organization/user scope to watch, e.g, `@scope` or `package`. nullable: false endpoint: type: string format: uri description: Full uri of the endpoint to post the notification to. nullable: false secret: type: string description: A secret shared between the registry & you; used to sign the payload. nullable: false HookUpdateRequest: type: object description: Hook update request object required: - endpoint - secret properties: endpoint: type: string format: uri description: Full uri of the endpoint to post the notification to. nullable: false secret: type: string description: A secret shared between the registry & you; used to sign the payload. nullable: false Hook: type: object description: Hook object required: - id - username - name - endpoint - secret - type - created - updated - delivered - response_code - status properties: id: type: string description: Hook id nullable: false readOnly: true username: type: string description: NPM user name. nullable: false readOnly: true name: type: string description: Name of package or organization/user scope to watch, e.g, `@scope` or `package`. nullable: false readOnly: true endpoint: type: string format: uri description: Full uri of the endpoint to post the notification to. nullable: false readOnly: true secret: type: string description: A secret shared between the registry & you; used to sign the payload. nullable: false readOnly: true type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/HookType' nullable: false readOnly: true created: type: string format: date-time description: Hook creation date nullable: false readOnly: true updated: type: string format: date-time description: Hook update date nullable: false readOnly: true delivered: type: boolean nullable: false readOnly: true last_delivery: type: string format: date-time description: Hook last delivery date readOnly: true response_code: type: integer description: Response code readOnly: true status: type: string description: Hook status nullable: false readOnly: true deleted: type: boolean description: If the Hook has been deleted readOnly: true HookSearchResults: description: It contains the results returned by the hook search. type: object required: - objects - total properties: objects: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Hook" readOnly: true nullable: false total: type: integer description: Total number of search results corresponding to a query; may be higher than the number of `objects` nullable: false readOnly: true LoginRequest: type: object required: - name - password properties: name: type: string nullable: false description: NPM username. password: type: string nullable: false description: NPM user password. readonly: type: boolean cidr_whitelist: type: array items: type: string nullable: false LoginResponse: type: object properties: token: type: string description: Bearer token readOnly: true ok: type: boolean description: If login succeded nullable: false readOnly: true RegistryMetadataOther: type: object required: - data_size properties: data_size: type: number nullable: false readOnly: true RegistryMetadataSizes: type: object required: - external - file - active properties: external: type: number nullable: false readOnly: true file: type: number nullable: false readOnly: true active: type: number nullable: false readOnly: true RegistryMetadata: description: Registry Metadata type: object required: - data_size - doc_count - other - update_seq - disk_size - disk_format_version - doc_del_count - uuid - instance_start_time - committed_update_seq - compacted_seq - db_name - purge_seq - sizes - engine properties: data_size: type: number nullable: false readOnly: true doc_count: type: integer nullable: false readOnly: true other: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RegistryMetadataOther' nullable: false readOnly: true update_seq: type: number nullable: false readOnly: true disk_size: type: number nullable: false readOnly: true disk_format_version: type: integer nullable: false readOnly: true doc_del_count: type: integer nullable: false readOnly: true uuid: type: string nullable: false readOnly: true instance_start_time: type: string nullable: false readOnly: true committed_update_seq: type: integer nullable: false readOnly: true compacted_seq: type: integer nullable: false readOnly: true db_name: type: string nullable: false readOnly: true purge_seq: type: integer nullable: false readOnly: true sizes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RegistryMetadataSizes' nullable: false readOnly: true engine: type: string nullable: false readOnly: true Person: description: >- Represents a person associated to a package. It has at least one of the following fields defined: - name: a freeform string name - email: an email address - url: a url for a web page with more information about the author Historically no validation has been performed on those fields; they are generated by parsing user-provided data in package.json at publication time. example: >- { "email": "", "name": "Ben The Example" } type: object properties: name: type: string description: "A freeform string name" readOnly: true email: type: string format: email description: "An email address" readOnly: true url: type: string format: uri description: "A url for a web page with more information about the author" readOnly: true DistInfo: description: >- The dist object is generated by npm and may be relied upon. Each dist object has at least two fields: - tarball: the url of the tarball containing the payload for this package - shasum: the SHA-1 sum of the tarball - integrity: since Apr 2017, string in the format `-`, refer the Subresource Integrity and cacache package for more - fileCount: since Feb 2018, the number of files in the tarball, folder excluded - unpackedSize: since Feb 2018, the total byte of the unpacked files in the tarball - npm-signature: since Apr 2018, a PGP signature of `@:`, refer the npm blog and doc for more (in the future) a SHA-2 512 sum of the tarball example: >- { "shasum": "bbf102d5ae73afe2c553295e0fb02230216f65b1", "tarball": "" } type: object required: - tarball - shasum properties: tarball: type: string format: uri description: "The url of the tarball containing the payload for this package" readOnly: true nullable: false shasum: type: string description: "The SHA-1 sum of the tarball" readOnly: true nullable: false integrity: type: string description: "Since Apr 2017, string in the format `-`, refer the Subresource Integrity and cacache package for more" readOnly: true fileCount: type: integer description: "Since Feb 2018, the number of files in the tarball, folder excluded" readOnly: true unpackedSize: type: integer description: "Since Feb 2018, the total byte of the unpacked files in the tarball" readOnly: true npm-signature: type: string description: "PGP signature of `@:`" readOnly: true signatures: type: array readOnly: true items: type: object nullable: false required: - keyid - sig properties: keyid: type: string readOnly: true nullable: false sig: type: string readOnly: true nullable: false Repository: description: >- An object specifying the repository where the source for this package might be found. example: >- { "type": "git", "url": "git://" } type: object required: - url properties: type: type: string description: Repository type (for example, `git`) readOnly: true url: type: string format: uri description: Url of the repository readOnly: true nullable: false directory: type: string description: Specific directory in the repository containing the package (for example, a directory in a monorepo) readOnly: true Funding: description: >- An object specifying the funding info for this package. example: >- { "type": "individual", "url" : "" } type: object required: - url properties: type: type: string description: Funding type readOnly: true url: type: string format: uri description: Url of the funding readOnly: true nullable: false BugTracker: description: It represents the bug tracking methods. type: object properties: url: type: string format: uri readOnly: true description: >- The url of the project's issue tracker. email: type: string format: email readOnly: true description: >- The email address to which issues should be reported. BasicPackage: description: "Base Package metadata object containing the basic package information. Extended By Version and PackageMetadata" type: object additionalProperties: true required: - _id - name properties: _id: type: string description: "The package name, used as an ID in CouchDB" readOnly: true nullable: false name: type: string readOnly: true nullable: false description: The package name author: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Person" readOnly: true bugs: $ref: "#/components/schemas/BugTracker" description: Bug tracker readOnly: true contributors: type: array description: List of package contributors items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Person" readOnly: true description: type: string description: A short description of the package readOnly: true homepage: type: string format: uri description: The url of the project homepage. readOnly: true keywords: type: array description: Array of string keywords items: type: string readOnly: true license: type: string description: The SPDX identifier of the package's license readOnly: true maintainers: type: array description: Array of person objects for people with permission to publish this package; not authoritative but informational items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Person" readOnly: true readme: type: string description: The first 64K of the README data for the most-recently published version of the package readOnly: true readmeFilename: type: string description: The name of the file from which the readme data was taken. readOnly: true repository: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Repository" description: Repository containing the package's source readOnly: true PackageVersionMetadata: description: Objects containing the information needed to install that version allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/BasicPackage" - type: object required: - version - dist - _npmUser properties: version: type: string nullable: false description: The version string for this version readOnly: true deprecated: type: string description: The deprecation warnings message of this version readOnly: true dependencies: type: object description: A mapping of other packages this version depends on to the required semver ranges additionalProperties: type: string readOnly: true optionalDependencies: type: object description: An object mapping package names to the required semver ranges of optional dependencies additionalProperties: type: string readOnly: true devDependencies: type: object description: A mapping of package names to the required semver ranges of development dependencies additionalProperties: type: string readOnly: true bundleDependencies: type: array description: An array of dependencies bundled with this version items: type: string readOnly: true peerDependencies: type: object description: A mapping of package names to the required semver ranges of development dependencies additionalProperties: type: string readOnly: true overrides: type: object description: A mapping of dependency package names to be replaced with another version, or another package entirely additionalProperties: type: string readOnly: true bin: type: object description: A mapping of bin commands to set up for this version additionalProperties: type: string readOnly: true directories: type: array description: An array of directories included by this version items: type: string readOnly: true dist: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DistInfo" nullable: false readOnly: true engines: type: object readOnly: true additionalProperties: type: string properties: node: type: string description: The node engines required for this version to run, if specified npm: type: string description: The npm engines required for this version to run, if specified example: >- { "engines": { "node": ">=0.10.3 <15 "npm": "~1.0.20" } } _hasShrinkwrap: type: boolean description: >- `true` if this version is known to have a shrinkwrap that must be used to install it; false if this version is known not to have a shrinkwrap. If this field is `undefined`, the client must determine through other means if a shrinkwrap exists. readOnly: true _nodeVersion: type: string description: The version of node used to publish the package readOnly: true _npmUser: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Person" description: User who published this package version readOnly: true nullable: false _npmVersion: type: string description: The version of the npm client used to publish the package readOnly: true gitHead: type: string description: Commit hash corresponding to the published version readOnly: true main: type: string description: The package's entry point (e.g., index.js or main.js) readOnly: true browser: type: string description: The package's entry point (e.g., index.js or main.js) if the module is meant to be used client-side readOnly: true scripts: type: object description: The "scripts" property is a dictionary containing script commands that are run at various times in the lifecycle of your package. The key is the lifecycle event, and the value is the command to run at that point. additionalProperties: type: string readOnly: true config: type: object description: A "config" object can be used to set configuration parameters used in package scripts that persist across upgrades. additionalProperties: type: string readOnly: true publishConfig: type: object description: A set of config values that will be used at publish-time additionalProperties: type: string readOnly: true funding: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Funding" files: type: array description: An array of file patterns that describes the entries to be included when the package is installed as a dependency. items: type: string os: type: array description: An array of operating systems the package will run on items: type: string example: >- [ "darwin", "linux" ] readOnly: true cpu: type: array description: If the package code only runs on certain cpu architectures items: type: string example: >- [ "x64", "ia32" ] readOnly: true private: type: boolean description: If the package is private or not readOnly: true workspaces: type: array description: An array of file patterns that describes locations within the local file system that the install client should look up to find each workspace that needs to be symlinked to the top level node_modules folder. items: type: string readOnly: true _npmOperationalInternal: description: Internal npm data $ref: "#/components/schemas/NpmOperationalInternal" readOnly: true NpmOperationalInternal: description: Internal npm data type: object required: - host - tmp properties: host: type: string nullable: false readOnly: true tmp: type: string nullable: false readOnly: true DistTags: description: A mapping of dist tags to the versions they point to. type: object required: - latest properties: latest: type: string description: Latest version number nullable: false readOnly: true additionalProperties: type: string description: Mapping of distribution tags to version numbers readOnly: true PackageMetadata: description: "Package metadata describes a package for its consumers: who wrote it, where its repository is, and what versions of it have been published. It also contains a description of each version of a package present in the registry, listing its dependencies, giving the url of its tarball, and so on. Package metadata is useful for finding packages and for installing them." allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/BasicPackage" - type: object required: - _rev - modified - dist-tags - versions - time properties: _rev: type: string description: The revision number of this version of the document in CouchDB. nullable: false readOnly: true modified: type: string format: date-time description: ISO string of the last time this package was modified. readOnly: true nullable: false dist-tags: description: Final and detailed search score values $ref: "#/components/schemas/DistTags" nullable: false readOnly: true versions: type: object description: A mapping of version numbers to objects containing the information needed to install that version. additionalProperties: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PackageVersionMetadata" readOnly: true readOnly: true nullable: false time: description: Mapping of version numbers to publishing timestamps $ref: "#/components/schemas/VersionsToTimestamps" readOnly: true nullable: false users: type: object description: An object whose keys are the npm user names of people who have starred the package. additionalProperties: type: boolean readOnly: true VersionsToTimestamps: type: object description: An object mapping versions to the time published, along with created and modified timestamps. required: - created - modified additionalProperties: type: string format: date-time description: ISO string of when the version was published. readOnly: true nullable: false properties: created: type: string format: date-time description: ISO string of when the package was created. readOnly: true nullable: false modified: type: string format: date-time description: ISO string of the last time this package was modified. readOnly: true nullable: false SearchResults: description: It contains the results returned by the registry for a query. type: object required: - objects - total - time properties: objects: type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SearchResult" readOnly: true nullable: false total: type: integer description: Total number of search results corresponding to a query; may be higher than the number of `objects` nullable: false readOnly: true time: type: string description: Date at which the search happened nullable: false readOnly: true SearchResult: description: It contains the search result for a single package and its search score. type: object required: - package - totscoreal - searchScore properties: package: description: Abbreviated package metadata $ref: "#/components/schemas/PackageSearchResult" nullable: false readOnly: true score: description: Final and detailed search score values $ref: "#/components/schemas/SearchScore" nullable: false readOnly: true searchScore: type: number description: Search score value; may be different from `` nullable: false readOnly: true flags: description: Flag attributes for the package $ref: "#/components/schemas/PackageFlags" readOnly: true PackageSearchResult: description: It contains abbreviated package metadata returned by searching the registry for packages. type: object required: - name - version - date - links - publisher properties: name: type: string nullable: false description: The package name readOnly: true version: type: string nullable: false description: Latest package version number readOnly: true scope: type: string description: The scope of the package readOnly: true description: type: string description: A short description of the package readOnly: true keywords: type: array description: "Array of string keywords" items: type: string readOnly: true date: type: string description: Publishing timestamp for the latest version format: date-time readOnly: true nullable: false links: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PackageLinks" description: Links for pages associated to the package readOnly: true nullable: false publisher: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Person" description: The package publisher readOnly: true nullable: false author: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Person" description: The package author readOnly: true maintainers: type: array description: Array of person objects for people with permission to publish this package; not authoritative but informational items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Person" PackageLinks: description: It contains a collection of links of pages associated to the package. type: object additionalProperties: type: string format: uri readOnly: true properties: npm: type: string format: uri description: The NPM url of the package readOnly: true homepage: type: string format: uri description: The url of the project homepage. readOnly: true repository: type: string format: uri description: The url of the project repository. readOnly: true bugs: type: string format: uri description: >- The url of the project's issue tracker and / or the email address to which issues should be reported. readOnly: true SearchScore: description: It contains the final and detailed search score values. type: object required: - final - detail properties: final: type: number description: Final search score value, computed from the detailed scores nullable: false readOnly: true detail: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SearchScoreDetail" description: Detailed search score values readOnly: true nullable: false SearchScoreDetail: description: It contains the search score values for the quality, popularity and maintenance categories. type: object required: - quality - popularity - maintenance properties: quality: type: number description: Package quality score value nullable: false readOnly: true popularity: type: number description: Package popularity score value nullable: false readOnly: true maintenance: type: number description: Package maintenance score value nullable: false readOnly: true PackageFlags: description: It contains flag attributes categorizing the package. type: object properties: unstable: type: boolean description: If true, package version is `<1.0.0` readOnly: true insecure: type: boolean description: If true, package is insecure or has vulnerable dependencies readOnly: true RegistryDownloads: description: Lists the number of downloads for the registry in a given time period. type: object required: - downloads - start - end properties: downloads: type: integer description: Total number of downloads nullable: false readOnly: true start: type: string format: date description: Date of the first day (inclusive) nullable: false readOnly: true end: type: string format: date description: Date of the last day (inclusive) nullable: false readOnly: true PackageDownloads: description: Lists the number of downloads for a package in a given time period. allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/RegistryDownloads" - type: object required: - package properties: package: type: string description: Package name nullable: false readOnly: true DownloadsPerDay: description: Lists the number of downloads in a given day. type: object required: - downloads - day properties: downloads: type: integer nullable: false readOnly: true day: type: string format: date nullable: false readOnly: true DailyRegistryDownloads: description: Lists the number of downloads for a package for each day in a given time period. type: object required: - downloads - start - end properties: downloads: type: array description: Download counts per day nullable: false readOnly: true items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DownloadsPerDay' start: type: string format: date description: Date of the first day (inclusive) nullable: false readOnly: true end: type: string format: date description: Date of the last day (inclusive) nullable: false readOnly: true DailyPackageDownloads: description: Lists the number of downloads for a package for each day in a given time period. allOf: - $ref: "#/components/schemas/DailyRegistryDownloads" - type: object required: - package properties: package: type: string description: Package name nullable: false readOnly: true