{ "name": "Uber", "description": "Request a car from any mobile phone via text message, iPhone and Android apps. Within minutes, a professional driver in a sleek black car will arrive curbside. Automatically charged to your credit card on file, tip included.", "image": "https://d1a3f4spazzrp4.cloudfront.net/web-mobile-client/img/favicons/favicon-196.391b0f.png", "tags": [ "car", "transport" ], "created": "2014-08-21", "modified": "2014-08-21", "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/picsoung/apis.json/master/uber.json", "specificationVersion": "0.14", "apis": [ { "name": "Uber API", "description": "Request a car from any mobile phone via text message, iPhone and Android apps. Within minutes, a professional driver in a sleek black car will arrive curbside. Automatically charged to your credit card on file, tip included.", "image": "https://d1a3f4spazzrp4.cloudfront.net/web-mobile-client/img/favicons/favicon-196.391b0f.png", "humanURL": "https://developer.uber.com/", "baseURL": "https://api.uber.com/v1", "tags": [ "car", "transport" ], "properties": [ { "type": "X-APIReference", "url": "https://developer.uber.com/v1/api-reference/" }, { "type": "X-Tutorial", "url": "https://developer.uber.com/v1/tutorials/" }, { "type": "TermsOfService", "url": "https://developer.uber.com/v1/terms/" } ], "contact": [ { "FN": "Uber", "organizationName":"Uber", "X-twitter": "Uber_API", "X-github": "uber" } ] } ], "include": [], "maintainers": [ { "FN": "Nicolas GreniƩ", "X-twitter": "picsoung", "email": "nicolas@3scale.net", "X-github":"picsoung" } ] }