{ "data_format": 1, "project": { "name": "MapComplete Public bookcases", "description": "A public bookcase is a small streetside cabinet, box, old phone booth or some other objects where books are stored", "project_url": "https://mapcomplete.org/bookcases", "doc_url": "https://github.com/pietervdvn/MapComplete/tree/master/assets/themes/", "icon_url": "https://mapcomplete.org/assets/themes/bookcases/bookcase.svg", "contact_name": "Pieter Vander Vennet", "contact_email": "pietervdvn@posteo.net" }, "tags": [ { "key": "amenity", "description": "The MapComplete theme Public bookcases has a layer Bookcases showing features with this tag", "value": "public_bookcase" }, { "key": "id", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows id~.+ with a fixed text, namely 'You just created this element! Thanks for sharing this info with the world and helping people worldwide.' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases') (This is only shown if _backend~.+ & _last_edit:passed_time<300 & (_version_number= | _version_number=1))" }, { "key": "image", "description": "The layer 'Bookcases allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "mapillary", "description": "The layer 'Bookcases allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikidata", "description": "The layer 'Bookcases allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikipedia", "description": "The layer 'Bookcases allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "name", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows and asks freeform values for key 'name' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases')" }, { "key": "noname", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows noname=yes & name= with a fixed text, namely 'This bookcase doesn't have a name' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases')", "value": "yes" }, { "key": "name", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows noname=yes & name= with a fixed text, namely 'This bookcase doesn't have a name' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases') Picking this answer will delete the key name.", "value": "" }, { "key": "capacity", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows and asks freeform values for key 'capacity' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases')" }, { "key": "books", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows and asks freeform values for key 'books' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases')" }, { "key": "books", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows books=children with a fixed text, namely 'Mostly children books' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases')", "value": "children" }, { "key": "books", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows books=adults with a fixed text, namely 'Mostly books for adults' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases')", "value": "adults" }, { "key": "indoor", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows indoor=yes with a fixed text, namely 'This bookcase is located indoors' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases')", "value": "yes" }, { "key": "indoor", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows indoor=no with a fixed text, namely 'This bookcase is located outdoors' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases')", "value": "no" }, { "key": "indoor", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows indoor= with a fixed text, namely 'This bookcase is located outdoors' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases') Picking this answer will delete the key indoor.", "value": "" }, { "key": "access", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows access=yes with a fixed text, namely 'Publicly accessible' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases') (This is only shown if indoor=yes)", "value": "yes" }, { "key": "access", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows access=customers with a fixed text, namely 'Only accessible to customers' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases') (This is only shown if indoor=yes)", "value": "customers" }, { "key": "operator", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows and asks freeform values for key 'operator' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases')" }, { "key": "brand", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows and asks freeform values for key 'brand' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases') (This is only shown if ref=)" }, { "key": "nobrand", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows nobrand=yes with a fixed text, namely 'This public bookcase is not part of a bigger network' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases') (This is only shown if ref=)", "value": "yes" }, { "key": "ref", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows and asks freeform values for key 'ref' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases') (This is only shown if brand~.+)" }, { "key": "nobrand", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows nobrand=yes & brand= & ref= with a fixed text, namely 'This bookcase is not part of a bigger network' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases') (This is only shown if brand~.+)", "value": "yes" }, { "key": "brand", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows nobrand=yes & brand= & ref= with a fixed text, namely 'This bookcase is not part of a bigger network' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases') Picking this answer will delete the key brand. (This is only shown if brand~.+)", "value": "" }, { "key": "ref", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows nobrand=yes & brand= & ref= with a fixed text, namely 'This bookcase is not part of a bigger network' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases') Picking this answer will delete the key ref. (This is only shown if brand~.+)", "value": "" }, { "key": "start_date", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows and asks freeform values for key 'start_date' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases')" }, { "key": "website", "description": "Layer 'Bookcases' shows and asks freeform values for key 'website' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Public bookcases')" } ] }