{ "data_format": 1, "project": { "name": "MapComplete Etymology - what is a place named after?", "description": "What is the origin of a toponym?", "project_url": "https://mapcomplete.org/etymology", "doc_url": "https://github.com/pietervdvn/MapComplete/tree/master/assets/themes/", "icon_url": "https://mapcomplete.org/assets/layers/etymology/logo.svg", "contact_name": "Pieter Vander Vennet", "contact_email": "pietervdvn@posteo.net" }, "tags": [ { "key": "name:etymology:wikidata", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Has etymology showing features with this tag" }, { "key": "name:etymology", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Has etymology showing features with this tag" }, { "key": "id", "description": "Layer 'Has etymology' shows id~.+ with a fixed text, namely 'You just created this element! Thanks for sharing this info with the world and helping people worldwide.' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if _backend~.+ & _last_edit:passed_time<300 & (_version_number= | _version_number=1))" }, { "key": "image", "description": "The layer 'Has etymology shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "mapillary", "description": "The layer 'Has etymology shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikidata", "description": "The layer 'Has etymology shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikipedia", "description": "The layer 'Has etymology shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "name:etymology:wikidata", "description": "Layer 'Has etymology' shows and asks freeform values for key 'name:etymology:wikidata' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology!=unknown)" }, { "key": "name:etymology", "description": "Layer 'Has etymology' shows and asks freeform values for key 'name:etymology' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology~.+ | name:etymology:wikidata=)" }, { "key": "name:etymology", "description": "Layer 'Has etymology' shows name:etymology=unknown with a fixed text, namely 'The origin of this name is unknown in all literature' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology~.+ | name:etymology:wikidata=)", "value": "unknown" }, { "key": "image", "description": "The layer 'Has etymology allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "mapillary", "description": "The layer 'Has etymology allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikidata", "description": "The layer 'Has etymology allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikipedia", "description": "The layer 'Has etymology allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "name", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Streets without etymology information showing features with this tag" }, { "key": "highway", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Streets without etymology information showing features with this tag" }, { "key": "id", "description": "Layer 'Streets without etymology information' shows id~.+ with a fixed text, namely 'You just created this element! Thanks for sharing this info with the world and helping people worldwide.' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if _backend~.+ & _last_edit:passed_time<300 & (_version_number= | _version_number=1))" }, { "key": "image", "description": "The layer 'Streets without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "mapillary", "description": "The layer 'Streets without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikidata", "description": "The layer 'Streets without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikipedia", "description": "The layer 'Streets without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "name:etymology:wikidata", "description": "Layer 'Streets without etymology information' shows and asks freeform values for key 'name:etymology:wikidata' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology!=unknown)" }, { "key": "name:etymology", "description": "Layer 'Streets without etymology information' shows and asks freeform values for key 'name:etymology' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology~.+ | name:etymology:wikidata=)" }, { "key": "name:etymology", "description": "Layer 'Streets without etymology information' shows name:etymology=unknown with a fixed text, namely 'The origin of this name is unknown in all literature' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology~.+ | name:etymology:wikidata=)", "value": "unknown" }, { "key": "image", "description": "The layer 'Streets without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "mapillary", "description": "The layer 'Streets without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikidata", "description": "The layer 'Streets without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikipedia", "description": "The layer 'Streets without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "name", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Parks and forests without etymology information showing features with this tag" }, { "key": "leisure", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Parks and forests without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "park" }, { "key": "landuse", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Parks and forests without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "forest" }, { "key": "id", "description": "Layer 'Parks and forests without etymology information' shows id~.+ with a fixed text, namely 'You just created this element! Thanks for sharing this info with the world and helping people worldwide.' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if _backend~.+ & _last_edit:passed_time<300 & (_version_number= | _version_number=1))" }, { "key": "image", "description": "The layer 'Parks and forests without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "mapillary", "description": "The layer 'Parks and forests without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikidata", "description": "The layer 'Parks and forests without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikipedia", "description": "The layer 'Parks and forests without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "name:etymology:wikidata", "description": "Layer 'Parks and forests without etymology information' shows and asks freeform values for key 'name:etymology:wikidata' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology!=unknown)" }, { "key": "name:etymology", "description": "Layer 'Parks and forests without etymology information' shows and asks freeform values for key 'name:etymology' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology~.+ | name:etymology:wikidata=)" }, { "key": "name:etymology", "description": "Layer 'Parks and forests without etymology information' shows name:etymology=unknown with a fixed text, namely 'The origin of this name is unknown in all literature' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology~.+ | name:etymology:wikidata=)", "value": "unknown" }, { "key": "image", "description": "The layer 'Parks and forests without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "mapillary", "description": "The layer 'Parks and forests without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikidata", "description": "The layer 'Parks and forests without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikipedia", "description": "The layer 'Parks and forests without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "name", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Education institutions without etymology information showing features with this tag" }, { "key": "amenity", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Education institutions without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "school" }, { "key": "amenity", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Education institutions without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "kindergarten" }, { "key": "amenity", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Education institutions without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "university" }, { "key": "amenity", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Education institutions without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "college" }, { "key": "landuse", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Education institutions without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "education" }, { "key": "id", "description": "Layer 'Education institutions without etymology information' shows id~.+ with a fixed text, namely 'You just created this element! Thanks for sharing this info with the world and helping people worldwide.' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if _backend~.+ & _last_edit:passed_time<300 & (_version_number= | _version_number=1))" }, { "key": "image", "description": "The layer 'Education institutions without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "mapillary", "description": "The layer 'Education institutions without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikidata", "description": "The layer 'Education institutions without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikipedia", "description": "The layer 'Education institutions without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "name:etymology:wikidata", "description": "Layer 'Education institutions without etymology information' shows and asks freeform values for key 'name:etymology:wikidata' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology!=unknown)" }, { "key": "name:etymology", "description": "Layer 'Education institutions without etymology information' shows and asks freeform values for key 'name:etymology' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology~.+ | name:etymology:wikidata=)" }, { "key": "name:etymology", "description": "Layer 'Education institutions without etymology information' shows name:etymology=unknown with a fixed text, namely 'The origin of this name is unknown in all literature' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology~.+ | name:etymology:wikidata=)", "value": "unknown" }, { "key": "image", "description": "The layer 'Education institutions without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "mapillary", "description": "The layer 'Education institutions without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikidata", "description": "The layer 'Education institutions without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikipedia", "description": "The layer 'Education institutions without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "name", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Cultural places without etymology information showing features with this tag" }, { "key": "amenity", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Cultural places without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "arts_centre" }, { "key": "amenity", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Cultural places without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "cinema" }, { "key": "amenity", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Cultural places without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "community_centre" }, { "key": "amenity", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Cultural places without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "library" }, { "key": "amenity", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Cultural places without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "theatre" }, { "key": "id", "description": "Layer 'Cultural places without etymology information' shows id~.+ with a fixed text, namely 'You just created this element! Thanks for sharing this info with the world and helping people worldwide.' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if _backend~.+ & _last_edit:passed_time<300 & (_version_number= | _version_number=1))" }, { "key": "image", "description": "The layer 'Cultural places without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "mapillary", "description": "The layer 'Cultural places without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikidata", "description": "The layer 'Cultural places without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikipedia", "description": "The layer 'Cultural places without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "name:etymology:wikidata", "description": "Layer 'Cultural places without etymology information' shows and asks freeform values for key 'name:etymology:wikidata' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology!=unknown)" }, { "key": "name:etymology", "description": "Layer 'Cultural places without etymology information' shows and asks freeform values for key 'name:etymology' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology~.+ | name:etymology:wikidata=)" }, { "key": "name:etymology", "description": "Layer 'Cultural places without etymology information' shows name:etymology=unknown with a fixed text, namely 'The origin of this name is unknown in all literature' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology~.+ | name:etymology:wikidata=)", "value": "unknown" }, { "key": "image", "description": "The layer 'Cultural places without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "mapillary", "description": "The layer 'Cultural places without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikidata", "description": "The layer 'Cultural places without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikipedia", "description": "The layer 'Cultural places without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "name", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Touristic places without etymology information showing features with this tag" }, { "key": "tourism", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Touristic places without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "aquarium" }, { "key": "tourism", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Touristic places without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "museum" }, { "key": "tourism", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Touristic places without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "theme_park" }, { "key": "tourism", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Touristic places without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "zoo" }, { "key": "id", "description": "Layer 'Touristic places without etymology information' shows id~.+ with a fixed text, namely 'You just created this element! Thanks for sharing this info with the world and helping people worldwide.' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if _backend~.+ & _last_edit:passed_time<300 & (_version_number= | _version_number=1))" }, { "key": "image", "description": "The layer 'Touristic places without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "mapillary", "description": "The layer 'Touristic places without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikidata", "description": "The layer 'Touristic places without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikipedia", "description": "The layer 'Touristic places without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "name:etymology:wikidata", "description": "Layer 'Touristic places without etymology information' shows and asks freeform values for key 'name:etymology:wikidata' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology!=unknown)" }, { "key": "name:etymology", "description": "Layer 'Touristic places without etymology information' shows and asks freeform values for key 'name:etymology' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology~.+ | name:etymology:wikidata=)" }, { "key": "name:etymology", "description": "Layer 'Touristic places without etymology information' shows name:etymology=unknown with a fixed text, namely 'The origin of this name is unknown in all literature' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology~.+ | name:etymology:wikidata=)", "value": "unknown" }, { "key": "image", "description": "The layer 'Touristic places without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "mapillary", "description": "The layer 'Touristic places without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikidata", "description": "The layer 'Touristic places without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikipedia", "description": "The layer 'Touristic places without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "name", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Health and social places without etymology information showing features with this tag" }, { "key": "amenity", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Health and social places without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "clinic" }, { "key": "amenity", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Health and social places without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "hospital" }, { "key": "amenity", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Health and social places without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "social_facility" }, { "key": "id", "description": "Layer 'Health and social places without etymology information' shows id~.+ with a fixed text, namely 'You just created this element! Thanks for sharing this info with the world and helping people worldwide.' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if _backend~.+ & _last_edit:passed_time<300 & (_version_number= | _version_number=1))" }, { "key": "image", "description": "The layer 'Health and social places without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "mapillary", "description": "The layer 'Health and social places without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikidata", "description": "The layer 'Health and social places without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikipedia", "description": "The layer 'Health and social places without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "name:etymology:wikidata", "description": "Layer 'Health and social places without etymology information' shows and asks freeform values for key 'name:etymology:wikidata' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology!=unknown)" }, { "key": "name:etymology", "description": "Layer 'Health and social places without etymology information' shows and asks freeform values for key 'name:etymology' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology~.+ | name:etymology:wikidata=)" }, { "key": "name:etymology", "description": "Layer 'Health and social places without etymology information' shows name:etymology=unknown with a fixed text, namely 'The origin of this name is unknown in all literature' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology~.+ | name:etymology:wikidata=)", "value": "unknown" }, { "key": "image", "description": "The layer 'Health and social places without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "mapillary", "description": "The layer 'Health and social places without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikidata", "description": "The layer 'Health and social places without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikipedia", "description": "The layer 'Health and social places without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "name", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Sport places without etymology information showing features with this tag" }, { "key": "leisure", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Sport places without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "sports_centre" }, { "key": "leisure", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Sport places without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "stadium" }, { "key": "leisure", "description": "The MapComplete theme Etymology - what is a place named after? has a layer Sport places without etymology information showing features with this tag", "value": "swimming_pool" }, { "key": "id", "description": "Layer 'Sport places without etymology information' shows id~.+ with a fixed text, namely 'You just created this element! Thanks for sharing this info with the world and helping people worldwide.' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if _backend~.+ & _last_edit:passed_time<300 & (_version_number= | _version_number=1))" }, { "key": "image", "description": "The layer 'Sport places without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "mapillary", "description": "The layer 'Sport places without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikidata", "description": "The layer 'Sport places without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikipedia", "description": "The layer 'Sport places without etymology information shows images based on the keys image, image:0, image:1,... and wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "name:etymology:wikidata", "description": "Layer 'Sport places without etymology information' shows and asks freeform values for key 'name:etymology:wikidata' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology!=unknown)" }, { "key": "name:etymology", "description": "Layer 'Sport places without etymology information' shows and asks freeform values for key 'name:etymology' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology~.+ | name:etymology:wikidata=)" }, { "key": "name:etymology", "description": "Layer 'Sport places without etymology information' shows name:etymology=unknown with a fixed text, namely 'The origin of this name is unknown in all literature' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Etymology - what is a place named after?') (This is only shown if name:etymology~.+ | name:etymology:wikidata=)", "value": "unknown" }, { "key": "image", "description": "The layer 'Sport places without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "mapillary", "description": "The layer 'Sport places without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikidata", "description": "The layer 'Sport places without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikipedia", "description": "The layer 'Sport places without etymology information allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" } ] }