{ "data_format": 1, "project": { "name": "MapComplete Sport pitches", "description": "A map showing sport pitches", "project_url": "https://mapcomplete.org/sport_pitches", "doc_url": "https://github.com/pietervdvn/MapComplete/tree/master/assets/themes/", "icon_url": "https://mapcomplete.org/assets/layers/sport_pitch/table_tennis.svg", "contact_name": "Pieter Vander Vennet", "contact_email": "pietervdvn@posteo.net" }, "tags": [ { "key": "leisure", "description": "The MapComplete theme Sport pitches has a layer Sport pitches showing features with this tag", "value": "pitch" }, { "key": "id", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows id~.+ with a fixed text, namely 'You just created this element! Thanks for sharing this info with the world and helping people worldwide.' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches') (This is only shown if _backend~.+ & _last_edit:passed_time<300 & (_version_number= | _version_number=1))" }, { "key": "image", "description": "The layer 'Sport pitches allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "mapillary", "description": "The layer 'Sport pitches allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikidata", "description": "The layer 'Sport pitches allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "wikipedia", "description": "The layer 'Sport pitches allows to upload images and adds them under the 'image'-tag (and image:0, image:1, ... for multiple images). Furhtermore, this layer shows images based on the keys image, wikidata, wikipedia, wikimedia_commons and mapillary" }, { "key": "sport", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows and asks freeform values for key 'sport' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')" }, { "key": "sport", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows sport=basketball with a fixed text, namely 'Basketball is played here' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "basketball" }, { "key": "sport", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows sport=soccer with a fixed text, namely 'Soccer is played here' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "soccer" }, { "key": "sport", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows sport=table_tennis with a fixed text, namely 'This is a pingpong table' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "table_tennis" }, { "key": "sport", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows sport=tennis with a fixed text, namely 'Tennis is played here' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "tennis" }, { "key": "sport", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows sport=korfball with a fixed text, namely 'Korfball is played here' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "korfball" }, { "key": "sport", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows sport=basket with a fixed text, namely 'Basketball is played here' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "basket" }, { "key": "sport", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows sport=skateboard with a fixed text, namely 'This is a skatepark' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "skateboard" }, { "key": "hoops", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows hoops=1 with a fixed text, namely 'This basketball pitch has a single hoop' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches') (This is only shown if sport~^((^|.*;)basketball(;.*|$))$)", "value": "1" }, { "key": "hoops", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows hoops=2 with a fixed text, namely 'This basketball pitch has two hoops' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches') (This is only shown if sport~^((^|.*;)basketball(;.*|$))$)", "value": "2" }, { "key": "hoops", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows hoops=4 with a fixed text, namely 'This basketball pitch has four hoops' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches') (This is only shown if sport~^((^|.*;)basketball(;.*|$))$)", "value": "4" }, { "key": "hoops", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows hoops~.+ with a fixed text, namely 'This basketball pitch has {hoops} hoops' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches') (This is only shown if sport~^((^|.*;)basketball(;.*|$))$)" }, { "key": "surface", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows and asks freeform values for key 'surface' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')" }, { "key": "surface", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows surface=grass with a fixed text, namely 'The surface is grass' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "grass" }, { "key": "surface", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows surface=sand with a fixed text, namely 'The surface is sand' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "sand" }, { "key": "surface", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows surface=paving_stones with a fixed text, namely 'The surface is paving stones' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "paving_stones" }, { "key": "surface", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows surface=asphalt with a fixed text, namely 'The surface is asphalt' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "asphalt" }, { "key": "surface", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows surface=concrete with a fixed text, namely 'The surface is concrete' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "concrete" }, { "key": "surface", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows surface=fine_gravel with a fixed text, namely 'The surface is fine gravel' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "fine_gravel" }, { "key": "surface", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows surface=tartan with a fixed text, namely 'The surface of this track is Tartan, a synthetic, slightly springy, porous surface' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "tartan" }, { "key": "access", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows access=yes with a fixed text, namely 'Public access' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "yes" }, { "key": "access", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows access=limited with a fixed text, namely 'Limited access (e.g. only with an appointment, during certain hours, …)' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "limited" }, { "key": "access", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows access=members with a fixed text, namely 'Only accessible for members of the club' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "members" }, { "key": "access", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows access=private with a fixed text, namely 'Private - not accessible to the public' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "private" }, { "key": "access", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows access=public with a fixed text, namely 'Public access' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')", "value": "public" }, { "key": "reservation", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows reservation=required with a fixed text, namely 'Making an appointment is obligatory to use this sport pitch' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches') (This is only shown if access!=public & access!=private & access!=members)", "value": "required" }, { "key": "reservation", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows reservation=recommended with a fixed text, namely 'Making an appointment is recommended when using this sport pitch' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches') (This is only shown if access!=public & access!=private & access!=members)", "value": "recommended" }, { "key": "reservation", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows reservation=yes with a fixed text, namely 'Making an appointment is possible, but not necessary to use this sport pitch' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches') (This is only shown if access!=public & access!=private & access!=members)", "value": "yes" }, { "key": "reservation", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows reservation=no with a fixed text, namely 'Making an appointment is not possible' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches') (This is only shown if access!=public & access!=private & access!=members)", "value": "no" }, { "key": "phone", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows and asks freeform values for key 'phone' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')" }, { "key": "email", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows and asks freeform values for key 'email' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches')" }, { "key": "opening_hours", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows and asks freeform values for key 'opening_hours' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches') (This is only shown if access~.+)" }, { "key": "opening_hours", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows opening_hours= with a fixed text, namely 'Always accessible' (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches') Picking this answer will delete the key opening_hours. (This is only shown if access~.+)", "value": "" }, { "key": "opening_hours", "description": "Layer 'Sport pitches' shows opening_hours=24/7 with a fixed text, namely 'Always accessible' and allows to pick this as a default answer (in the mapcomplete.org theme 'Sport pitches') (This is only shown if access~.+)", "value": "24/7" } ] }