#/etc/khal/khal.conf.sample [calendars] [[home]] path = ~/.khal/calendars/home/ color = dark blue [[work]] path = ~/.khal/calendars/work/ readonly = True [sqlite] path = ~/.khal/khal.db [locale] local_timezone = Europe/Berlin default_timezone = America/New_York # If you use certain characters (e.g. commas) in these formats you may need to # enclose them in "" to ensure that they are loaded as strings. timeformat = %H:%M dateformat = %d.%m. longdateformat = %d.%m.%Y datetimeformat = %d.%m. %H:%M longdatetimeformat = %d.%m.%Y %H:%M firstweekday = 0 monthdisplay = firstday [default] default_calendar = home timedelta = 2d # the default timedelta that list uses highlight_event_days = True # the default is False enable_mouse = True # mouse is enabled by default in interactive mode