# drainer Configuration. # addr (i.e. 'host:port') to listen on for drainer connections # will register this addr into etcd addr = "" # addr(i.e. 'host:port') to advertise to the public advertise-addr = "" # the interval time (in seconds) of detect pumps' status detect-interval = 10 # drainer meta data directory path data-dir = "data.drainer" # a comma separated list of PD endpoints pd-urls = "" # Use the specified compressor to compress payload between pump and drainer compressor = "" #[security] # Path of file that contains list of trusted SSL CAs for connection with cluster components. # ssl-ca = "/path/to/ca.pem" # Path of file that contains X509 certificate in PEM format for connection with cluster components. # ssl-cert = "/path/to/pump.pem" # Path of file that contains X509 key in PEM format for connection with cluster components. # ssl-key = "/path/to/pump-key.pem" # syncer Configuration. [syncer] # Assume the upstream sql-mode. # If this is setted , will use the same sql-mode to parse DDL statment, and set the same sql-mode at downstream when db-type is mysql. # If this is not setted, it will not set any sql-mode. # sql-mode = "STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION" # number of binlog events in a transaction batch txn-batch = 20 # sync ddl to downstream db or not sync-ddl = true # This variable works in dual-a. if it is false, the upstream data will all be synchronized to the downstream, except for the filtered table. # If it is true, the channel value is set at the same time, and the upstream starts with the mark table ID updated, and the channel ID is the same as its channel ID. # this part of data will not be synchronized to the downstream. Therefore, in dual-a scenario,both sides Channel id also needs to be set to the same value loopback-control = false # When loopback control is turned on, the channel ID will work. # In the dual-a scenario, the channel ID synchronized from the downstream to the upstream and the channel ID synchronized from # the upstream to the downstream need to be set to the same value to avoid loopback synchronization channel-id = 1 # work count to execute binlogs # if the latency between drainer and downstream(mysql or tidb) are too high, you might want to increase this # to get higher throughput by higher concurrent write to the downstream worker-count = 16 enable-dispatch = true # safe mode will split update to delete and insert safe-mode = false # downstream storage, equal to --dest-db-type # valid values are "mysql", "file", "tidb", "kafka" db-type = "mysql" # ignore syncing the txn with specified commit ts to downstream ignore-txn-commit-ts = [] # disable sync these schema ignore-schemas = "INFORMATION_SCHEMA,PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA,mysql" ##replicate-do-db priority over replicate-do-table if have same db name ##and we support regex expression , start with '~' declare use regex expression. # #replicate-do-db = ["~^b.*","s1"] [syncer.relay] # directory of relay logs. Empty string indicates disabling relay log. # relay log works only if the downstream is TiDB/MySQL. # log-dir = "" # max file size of each relay log # max-file-size = 10485760 #[[syncer.replicate-do-table]] #db-name ="test" #tbl-name = "log" #[[syncer.replicate-do-table]] #db-name ="test" #tbl-name = "~^a.*" # disable sync these table #[[syncer.ignore-table]] #db-name = "test" #tbl-name = "log" # the downstream mysql protocol database [syncer.to] host = "" user = "root" password = "" # if encrypted_password is not empty, password will be ignored. encrypted_password = "" port = 3306 # 1: SyncFullColumn, 2: SyncPartialColumn # when setting SyncPartialColumn drainer will allow the downstream schema # having more or less column numbers and relax sql mode by removing STRICT_TRANS_TABLES. # sync-mode = 1 # # Uncomment this part if you need TLS to connecting downstream MySQL/TiDB. # You can only specified only `ssl-ca` if there is no client certificate and don't need server to authenticate client. # [syncer.to.security] # Path of file that contains list of trusted SSL CAs. # ssl-ca = "/path/to/ca.pem" # Path of file that contains X509 certificate in PEM format. # ssl-cert = "/path/to/drainer.pem" # Path of file that contains X509 key in PEM format. # ssl-key = "/path/to/drainer-key.pem" [syncer.to.checkpoint] # only support mysql or tidb now, you can uncomment this to control where the checkpoint is saved. # the default way how checkpoint is saved according to db-type is: # mysql/tidb -> the according downstream mysql/tidb # file/kafka -> file in `data-dir` # type = "mysql" # you can uncomment this to change the database to save checkpoint when the checkpoint type is mysql or tidb # schema = "tidb_binlog" # host = "" # user = "root" # if encrypted_password is not empty, password will be ignored. # encrypted_password = "" # password = "" # port = 3306 # Uncomment this if you want to use file as db-type. #[syncer.to] # directory to save binlog file, default same as data-dir(save checkpoint file) if this is not configured. # dir = "data.drainer" # # retention-time = 7 # when db-type is kafka, you can uncomment this to config the down stream kafka, it will be the globle config kafka default #[syncer.to] # only need config one of zookeeper-addrs and kafka-addrs, will get kafka address if zookeeper-addrs is configed. # zookeeper-addrs = "" # kafka-addrs = "" # kafka-version = "" # kafka-max-messages = 1024 # kafka-client-id = "tidb_binlog" # # the topic name drainer will push msg, the default name is _obinlog # be careful don't use the same name if run multi drainer instances # topic-name = ""