######################################################################################## # # Common Settings # ######################################################################################## # (Mandatory) # The redirect_uri for this OpenID Connect client; this is a vanity URL # that must ONLY point to a path on your server protected by this module # but it must NOT point to any actual content that needs to be served. # You can use a relative URL like /protected/redirect_uri if you want to # support multiple vhosts that belong to the same security domain in a dynamic way #OIDCRedirectURI https://www.example.com/protected/redirect_uri # (Mandatory) # Set a password for crypto purposes, this is used for: # - encryption of the (temporary) state cookie # - encryption of cache entries, that may include the session cookie, see: OIDCCacheEncrypt and OIDCSessionType # Note that an encrypted cache mechanism can be shared between servers if they use the same OIDCCryptoPassphrase # If the value begins with exec: the resulting command will be executed and the # first line returned to standard output by the program will be used as the password, e.g.: # OIDCCryptoPassphrase "exec:/bin/bash -c \"head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 32\"" # (notice that the above typically only works in non-clustered environments) # The command may be absolute or relative to the web server root. # # A second value can be used temporarily in case of passphrase rollover: the first (i.e. new) passphrase # will be used for encryption of new values (including a "kid" in the JWEs during the time 2 values are defined), # both values will be used for verification (leveraging the "kid" if present); for seamless rollover one should # (at minimum) wait for OIDCSessionInActivityTimeout seconds before removing the 2nd (i.e. old) passprase again. #OIDCCryptoPassphrase [ | "exec:/path/to/otherProgram arg1" ] [ | "exec:/path/to/otherProgram arg2" ] # # All other entries below this are optional though some may be required in a # particular setup e.g. OAuth 2.0 Resource Server vs. OpenID Connect Relying Party # # When using multiple OpenID Connect Providers, possibly combined with Dynamic Client # Registration and account-based OP Discovery. # Specifies the directory that holds metadata files (must be writable for the Apache process/user). # When not specified, it is assumed that we use a single statically configured provider as # described under the section "OpenID Connect Provider" below, most likely using OIDCProviderMetadataURL. #OIDCMetadataDir /var/cache/apache2/mod_auth_openidc/metadata ######################################################################################## # # OpenID Connect Provider # # For configuration of a single static provider, not using OpenID Connect Provider Discovery. # ######################################################################################## # URL where OpenID Connect Provider metadata can be found (e.g. https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration) # The obtained metadata will be cached and refreshed every 24 hours. # If set, individual entries below will not have to be configured but can be used to add # extra entries/endpoints to settings obtained from the metadata. # If OIDCProviderMetadataURL is not set, the entries below it will have to be configured for a single # static OP configuration or OIDCMetadataDir will have to be set for configuration of multiple OPs. #OIDCProviderMetadataURL # OpenID Connect Provider issuer identifier (e.g. https://localhost:9031 or https://accounts.google.com) # Used when OIDCProviderMetadataURL is not defined or the metadata obtained from that URL does not set it. #OIDCProviderIssuer # OpenID Connect Provider Authorization Endpoint URL (e.g. https://localhost:9031/as/authorization.oauth2) # Used when OIDCProviderMetadataURL is not defined or the metadata obtained from that URL does not set it. #OIDCProviderAuthorizationEndpoint # OpenID Connect Provider JWKS URL (e.g. https://localhost:9031/pf/JWKS) # i.e. the URL on which the signing keys for this OP are hosted, in JWK formatting # Used when OIDCProviderMetadataURL is not defined or the metadata obtained from that URL does not set jwks_uri. #OIDCProviderJwksUri # OpenID Connect Provider Signed JWKS URL (e.g. https://localhost:9031/pf/JWKS) followed by the verification key set # formatted as either JWK or JWKS. The verification key set is used to verify the provided JWKs value. # Specifying multiple keys allows the OP rotate the key used for signing the JWKs. # I.e. this is the URL on which the ID Token signing keys for this OP are hosted, in verifiable JWT formatting # rather than relying on TLS for authentication and integrity protection. # Used when OIDCProviderMetadataURL is not defined or the metadata obtained from that URL does not set signed_jwks_uri. # When defined it takes precedence over OIDCProviderJwksUri # Examples: # OIDCProviderSignedJwksUri https://localhost:9031/pf/JWKS "{\"kty\":\"oct\", \"k\":\"AyM1SysPpbyDfgZld3umj1qzKObwVMkoqQ-EstJQLr_T-1qS0gZH75aKtMN3Yj0iPS4hcgUuTwjAzZr1Z9CAow\"}" # OIDCProviderSignedJwksUri https://localhost:9031/pf/JWKS "{\"keys\":[{\"kty\":\"oct\", \"k\":\"AyM1SysPpbyDfgZld3umj1qzKObwVMkoqQ-EstJQLr_T-1qS0gZH75aKtMN3Yj0iPS4hcgUuTwjAzZr1Z9CAow\"}]}" # NB: for multi-OP setups: # the 1st parameter is not used, it needs to be set anyhow (e.g. to "") if you wish to use the 2nd parameter # the 2nd parameter is the default verification JWK for content pulled from the signed_jwks_uri for all providers and # and its can be overridden with a per-provider key in the .conf file using the key: signed_jwks_uri_key #OIDCProviderSignedJwksUri [ | ] # The fully qualified names of the files that contain the X.509 certificates with the RSA/EC public # keys that can be used for ID Token verification. # NB: this is one or more key tuples where a key tuple consists of: # ["sig:"|"enc:"][#] # and the key identifier part is required when the ID Token contains a "kid" in its header. # Specify the prefix "sig:" or "enc:" to indicate a key is specifically to be used for signing or encryption. # When not defined, ID Token validation key material has to be obtained through OIDCProviderJwksUri or OIDCProviderMetadataURL #OIDCProviderVerifyCertFiles (["sig:"|"enc:"][#])+ # OpenID Connect Provider Token Endpoint URL (e.g. https://localhost:9031/as/token.oauth2) # Used when OIDCProviderMetadataURL is not defined or the metadata obtained from that URL does not set it. #OIDCProviderTokenEndpoint # Authentication method for the OpenID Connect Provider Token Endpoint. # When "private_key_jwt" is used, OIDCPrivateKeyFiles and OIDCPublicKeyFiles must have been set before this directive is applied. # When not defined the default method from the specification is used, i.e. "client_secret_basic". # Used when OIDCProviderMetadataURL is not defined or the metadata obtained from that URL does not set it. # NB: this can be overridden for dynamic client registration on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: token_endpoint_auth #OIDCProviderTokenEndpointAuth [ client_secret_basic | client_secret_post | client_secret_jwt | private_key_jwt | none ] # Extra parameters that need to be passed in the POST request to the Token Endpoint. # Parameter names and values need to be provided in URL-encoded form. # When not defined no extra parameters will be passed. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: token_endpoint_params #OIDCProviderTokenEndpointParams =[&=]* # OpenID Connect Provider UserInfo Endpoint URL (e.g. https://localhost:9031/idp/userinfo.openid) # When not defined no claims will be resolved from such endpoint. # Used when OIDCProviderMetadataURL is not defined or the metadata obtained from that URL does not set it. #OIDCProviderUserInfoEndpoint # OpenID OP Check Session iFrame URL, for Session Management purposes. # When not defined, no Session Management will be applied. # Used when OIDCProviderMetadataURL is not defined or the metadata obtained from that URL does not set it. #OIDCProviderCheckSessionIFrame # OpenID OP End Session Endpoint URL, for Single Logout (Session Management) purposes. # When not defined, no logout to the OP will be performed. # Used when OIDCProviderMetadataURL is not defined or the metadata obtained from that URL does not set it. #OIDCProviderEndSessionEndpoint # Extra parameters that will be sent along with the Logout Request. # These must be URL-query-encoded as in: "client_id=myclient&prompt=none". # This is used against a statically configured (single) OP or serves as the default for discovered OPs. # The default is to not add extra parameters. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: logout_request_params #OIDCLogoutRequestParams # The RFC 7009 Token Revocation Endpoint URL. # When defined, the refresh token and access token stored in an OIDC session will be revoked on logout. # Used when OIDCProviderMetadataURL is not defined or the metadata obtained from that URL does not set it. #OIDCProviderRevocationEndpoint # The RFC 9126 Pushed Authorization Request endpoint URL. # When not defined, PAR cannot be used to send authentication requests, see also OIDCProviderAuthRequestMethod # Used when OIDCProviderMetadataURL is not defined or the metadata obtained from that URL does not set it. #OIDCProviderPushedAuthorizationRequestEndpoint # Define whether the OP supports OpenID Connect Back Channel Logout. # According to: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-backchannel-1_0.html # Used when OIDCProviderMetadataURL is not defined or the metadata obtained from that URL does not set it. #OIDCProviderBackChannelLogoutSupported [On|Off] # Extra JSON parameters that need to be passed in the registration request to the Registration Endpoint. # This setting serves as a default value for multiple OPs only. # Parameter names and values need to be provided in JSON form and will be merged in to the request. # When not defined no extra parameters will be passed. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: registration_endpoint_json #OIDCProviderRegistrationEndpointJson # Define the OpenID Connect scope that is requested from the OP (e.g. "openid email profile"). # When not defined, the bare minimal scope "openid" is used. # NB: multiple scope values must be enclosed in a single pair of double quotes # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: scope #OIDCScope "" # Extra parameters that will be sent along with the Authorization Request. # These must be URL-query-encoded as in: "display=popup&prompt=consent" or # specific for Google's implementation: "approval_prompt=force". # This is used against a statically configured (single) OP or serves as the default for discovered OPs. # As an alternative to this option, one may choose to add the parameters as # part of the URL set in OIDCProviderAuthorizationEndpoint or "authorization_endpoint" # in the .provider metadata (though that would not work with Discovery OPs). # # One can pass on query parameters from the request to the authorization request by adding # e.g. "foo=#" which will dynamically pull in the query parameter value from the # request query parameter and add it to the authentication request to the OP. # # The default is to not add extra parameters. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: auth_request_params #OIDCAuthRequestParams # Require a valid SSL server certificate when communicating with the OP. # (i.e. on token endpoint, UserInfo endpoint and Dynamic Client Registration endpoint) # When not defined, the default value is "On". # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: ssl_validate_server #OIDCSSLValidateServer [On|Off] # Sets the path to the CA bundle to be used by cURL # When not defined, the default bundle for libcurl is used as provided by the platform. #OIDCCABundlePath # Require configured issuer to match the issuer returned in id_token. # (Disable to support Microsoft Entra ID / Azure AD multi-tenant applications.) # When not defined, the default value is "On". #OIDCValidateIssuer [On|Off] # The refresh interval in seconds for the claims obtained from the userinfo endpoint # When not defined the claims are retrieved only once, at session creation time. # If refreshing fails, it is assumed that the access token is expired and an attempt will be made # to refresh the access token using the refresh token grant, after which a second attempt is made # to obtain claims from the userinfo endpoint with the new access token. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: userinfo_refresh_interval # The optional logout_on_error flag will make the user logout the current local session if the userinfo request fails. # The optional authenticate_on_error flag sends the user for authentication when the userinfo request fails. #OIDCUserInfoRefreshInterval [ logout_on_error | authenticate_on_error | 502_on_error ] # The refresh interval in seconds for the JWKs key set obtained from the jwks_uri and signed_jwks_uri. # When not defined the default is 3600 seconds. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: jwks_refresh_interval # NB: this refresh interval is shared with OIDCOAuthVerifyJwksUri #OIDCJWKSRefreshInterval # Defines the way in which the access token will be presented to the userinfo endpoint # "authz_header" means that the token will be presented in an "Authorization: Bearer" header using HTTP GET # "post_param" means that the token will be presented a form-encoded POST parameter using HTTP POST # When not defined the default is "authz_header". # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: userinfo_token_method #OIDCUserInfoTokenMethod [authz_header|post_param] # Defines the HTTP method used to pass the parameters in the Authentication Request to the Authorization Endpoint. # "GET" means that the parameters will be passed as query parameters in an HTTP GET # "POST" means that the parameters will be passed as form-post parameters in an HTTP POST # "PAR" means that parameters will be sent to the Pushed Authorization Endpoint # When not defined the default is "GET". # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: auth_request_method #OIDCProviderAuthRequestMethod [ GET | POST | PAR ] # The fully qualified names of the files that contain the PEM-formatted RSA/EC Public key or a X.509 certificates # that contain the RSA/EC public keys to be used for JWT (OP state/id_token) encryption by the OP. # One of these keys must correspond to the private keys defined in OIDCPrivateKeyFiles. # When not defined no encryption will be requested. # You can also prefix with a JWK key identifier to manually override the automatically # generated "kid" that will be used for this key in the JWKs derived from this certificate and # published at OIDCClientJwksUri. # Specify the prefix "sig:" or "enc:" to indicate a key is specifically to be used for signing or encryption. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key "keys" whose value is a JWK set/array (use=sign) #OIDCPublicKeyFiles (["sig:"|"enc:"][#])+ # The fully qualified names of the files that contain the PEM-formatted RSA/EC private # keys that can be used to decrypt content sent to us by the OP. # These keys must correspond to the public keys defined in OIDCPublicKeyFiles. # When not defined no decryption will be possible. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key "keys" whose value is a JWK set/array (use=enc) #OIDCPrivateKeyFiles (["sig:"|"enc:"][#])+ ######################################################################################## # # OpenID Connect Client # # Settings used by the client in communication with the OpenID Connect Provider(s), # i.e. in Authorization Requests, Dynamic Client Registration and UserInfo Endpoint access. # These settings are used when a single static provider is configured and serve as defaults # when multiple providers are configured. # ######################################################################################## # The response type (or OpenID Connect Flow) used (this serves as default value for discovered OPs too) # When not defined the "code" response type is used. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: response_type #OIDCResponseType ["code"|"id_token"|"id_token token"|"code id_token"|"code token"|"code id_token token"] # The response mode used (this serves as default value for discovered OPs too) # When not defined the default response mode for the requested flow (OIDCResponseType) is used. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: response_mode #OIDCResponseMode [fragment|query|form_post] # Only used for a single static provider has been configured, see below in OpenID Connect Provider. # Client identifier used in calls to the statically configured OpenID Connect Provider. #OIDCClientID # Only used for a single static provider has been configured, see below in OpenID Connect Provider. # Client secret used in calls to the statically configured OpenID Connect Provider. # (not used/required in the Implicit Client Profile, i.e. when OIDCResponseType is "id_token") # If the value begins with exec: the resulting command will be executed and the # first line returned to standard output by the program will be used as the # secret. The command may be absolute or relative to the web server root. #OIDCClientSecret [ | "exec:/path/to/otherProgram argument1" ] # Filename with the PEM-formatted client certificate used to authenticate the Client in calls to the # token endpoint of the OAuth 2.0 Authorization server. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: token_endpoint_tls_client_cert #OIDCClientTokenEndpointCert # Filename with the PEM-formatted private key that belongs to the client certificate used to authenticate the # Client in calls to the token endpoint of the OAuth 2.0 Authorization server. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: token_endpoint_tls_client_key #OIDCClientTokenEndpointKey # Password for the PEM-formatted private key that belongs to the client certificate used to authenticate the # Client in calls to the token endpoint of the OAuth 2.0 Authorization server. # If the value begins with exec: the resulting command will be executed and the # first line returned to standard output by the program will be used as the password. # The command may be absolute or relative to the web server root. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: token_endpoint_tls_client_key_pwd #OIDCClientTokenEndpointKeyPassword [ | "exec:/path/to/otherProgram arg1" ] # The client name that the client registers in dynamic registration with the OP. # When not defined, no client name will be sent with the registration request. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: client_name #OIDCClientName # The contacts that the client registers in dynamic registration with the OP. # Must be formatted as e-mail addresses by specification. # Single value only; when not defined, no contact e-mail address will be sent with the registration request. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: client_contact #OIDCClientContact # The PKCE method used (this serves as default value for multi-provider OPs too) # When not defined S256 is used. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: pkce_method #OIDCPKCEMethod [ S256 | plain | |none ] # The DPoP mode used (this serves as default value for multi-provider OPs too) # off: no DPoP token is requested from the OP # optional: a DPoP token is requested from the OP but we'll continue even if the returned token is Bearer # required: a DPoP token is requested from the OP and we'll fail if the returned token type is not DPoP # When not defined "off" is used. # To be able to request a DPoP token, OIDCPrivateKeyFiles/OIDCPublicKeyFiles settings require a RSA/EC private signing key. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: dpop_mode # The 2nd parameter is used to optionally enable an API for creating DPoP proofs on: # ?dpop=&url=[&method=] # When not defined "off" is used. #OIDCDPoPMode [off|optional|required] [on|off] # (used only in dynamic client registration) # Define the Client JWKs URL (e.g. https://localhost/protected/?jwks=rsa)") that will be # used during client registration to point to the JWK set with public keys for this client. # If not defined the default ?jwks=rsa will be used, on which a JWK set # is automatically published based on the OIDCPublicKeyFiles setting so normally you don't # need to touch this unless this client is on a (test) host that is not reachable from the internet. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: client_jwks_uri #OIDCClientJwksUri # The algorithm that the OP should use to sign the id_token. # When not defined the default that the OP should use by spec is RS256. # (ES??? algorithms only supported when using OpenSSL >= 1.0) # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: id_token_signed_response_alg #OIDCIDTokenSignedResponseAlg [RS256|RS384|RS512|PS256|PS384|PS512|HS256|HS384|HS512|ES256|ES384|ES512] # The algorithm that the OP should use to encrypt the Content Encryption Key that is used to encrypt the id_token. # When not defined the default (by spec) is that the OP does not encrypt the id_token. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: id_token_encrypted_response_alg #OIDCIDTokenEncryptedResponseAlg [RSA1_5|A128KW|A256KW|RSA-OAEP] # The algorithm that the OP should use to encrypt to the id_token with the Content Encryption Key. # If OIDCIDTokenEncryptedResponseAlg is specified, the default for this value is A128CBC-HS256. # When OIDCIDTokenEncryptedResponseEnc is included, OIDCIDTokenEncryptedResponseAlg MUST also be provided. # (A256GCM algorithm only supported when using OpenSSL >= 1.0.1) # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: id_token_encrypted_response_enc #OIDCIDTokenEncryptedResponseEnc [A128CBC-HS256|A256CBC-HS512|A256GCM] # The accepted value(s) of the "aud" claim in the ID token, restricted to only those values that have been defined here. # The convenience value "@" can be used to refer to the configured client id (i.e. in case of dynamic client registration). # When not defined the default is to accept any list of values (or a single string value) that includes value of OIDCClientID. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: id_token_aud_values with the value set to a JSON array of strings. #OIDCIDTokenAudValues + # The algorithm that the OP should use to sign the UserInfo response # When not defined the default (by spec) is that the OP does not sign the response. # (ES??? algorithms only supported when using OpenSSL >= 1.0) # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: userinfo_signed_response_alg #OIDCUserInfoSignedResponseAlg RS256|RS384|RS512|PS256|PS384|PS512|HS256|HS384|HS512|ES256|ES384|ES512] # The algorithm that the OP should use to encrypt the Content Encryption Key that is used to encrypt the UserInfo response. # When not defined the default (by spec) is that the OP does not encrypt the response. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: userinfo_encrypted_response_alg #OIDCUserInfoEncryptedResponseAlg [RSA1_5|A128KW|A256KW|RSA-OAEP] # The algorithm that the OP should use to encrypt to encrypt the UserInfo response with the Content Encryption Key # If OIDCUserInfoEncryptedResponseAlg is specified, the default for this value is A128CBC-HS256. # When OIDCUserInfoEncryptedResponseEnc is included, OIDCUserInfoEncryptedResponseAlg MUST also be provided. # (A256GCM algorithm only supported when using OpenSSL >= 1.0.1) # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: userinfo_encrypted_response_enc #OIDCUserInfoEncryptedResponseEnc [A128CBC-HS256|A256CBC-HS512|A256GCM] # The OpenID Connect (client) profile to adhere to, which configures settings for: # - Authentication Request method # - DPoP # - PKCE # - ID token aud values # - token endpoint JWT authentication "aud" values, # - "iss" parameter requirement in authentication reponses # FAPI20: configures settings for the FAPI 2.0 Security Profile i.e : # Auth Request Method: PAR, DPoP: Required, PKCE: S256, aud: client_id, aud: iss, iss: true # OIDC10: adheres to the core OpenID Connect spec v1.0 # When not default the default is OIDC10 #OIDCProfile [ OIDC10 | FAPI20 ] ######################################################################################## # # WARNING: # # THE OAUTH 2.0 RESOURCE SERVER FUNCTIONALITY IS DEPRECATED NOW AND SUPERSEDED # BY A SEPARATE MODULE, SEE: https://github.com/OpenIDC/mod_oauth2 # # OAuth 2.0 Resource Server Settings # # Used when this module functions as a Resource Server against an OAuth 2.0 Authorization # Server, introspecting/validating bearer Access Tokens. # ######################################################################################## # URL where Authorization Provider Provider metadata can be found (e.g. https://example.com/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server) # as defined in RFC 8414. The obtained metadata will be cached and refreshed every 24 hours. # If set, individual entries below will not have to be configured but can be used to add # extra entries/endpoints to settings obtained from the metadata. # If OIDCOAuthServerMetadataURL is not set, the endpoint entries below it will have to be configured. #OIDCOAuthServerMetadataURL # (Mandatory when introspecting opaque access tokens, Optional when performing local JWT access token validation) # OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server token introspection endpoint (e.g. https://localhost:9031/as/token.oauth2) #OIDCOAuthIntrospectionEndpoint # Client identifier used in token introspection calls to the OAuth 2.0 Authorization server. #OIDCOAuthClientID # Client secret used in token introspection calls to the OAuth 2.0 Authorization server. #OIDCOAuthClientSecret # Authentication method for the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server introspection endpoint, # Used to authenticate the client to the introspection endpoint e.g. with a client_id/client_secret # when OIDCOAuthClientID and OIDCOAuthClientSecret have been set and "client_secret_basic" or "client_secret_post" # has been configured. # When "private_key_jwt" is used, OIDCPrivateKeyFiles and OIDCPublicKeyFiles must have been set. # When not defined "client_secret_basic" is used. #OIDCOAuthIntrospectionEndpointAuth [ client_secret_basic | client_secret_post | client_secret_jwt | private_key_jwt | bearer_access_token | none ] # Used when "OIDCOAuthIntrospectionEndpointAuth bearer_access_token" is configured. # Specifies a static token to be used for authorizing the call to the introspection endpoint. # If empty, the introspected token will be used for authorization as well. #OIDCOAuthIntrospectionClientAuthBearerToken [ a-static-bearer-token | ] # Filename that contains the PEM-formatted client certificate used to authenticate the # caller in token introspection calls to the OAuth 2.0 Authorization server. #OIDCOAuthIntrospectionEndpointCert # Filename that contains the PEM-formatted private key that belongs to the client certificate used # to authenticate the caller in token introspection calls to the OAuth 2.0 Authorization server. #OIDCOAuthIntrospectionEndpointKey # Password for the PEM-formatted private key that belongs to the client certificate used to authenticate the # Client in calls to the token introspection endpoint of the OAuth 2.0 Authorization server. # If the value begins with exec: the resulting command will be executed and the # first line returned to standard output by the program will be used as the password. # The command may be absolute or relative to the web server root. #OIDCOAuthIntrospectionEndpointKeyPassword [ | "exec:/path/to/otherProgram arg1" ] # Define the HTTP method to use for the introspection call. Must be GET or POST. # When not defined the default is POST. #OIDCOAuthIntrospectionEndpointMethod [POST|GET] # Extra parameters that need to be passed in the POST request to the Introspection Endpoint. # Parameter names and values need to be provided in URL-encoded form. # When not defined no extra parameters will be passed. #OIDCOAuthIntrospectionEndpointParams =[&=]* # Name of the parameter whose value carries the access token value in a validation request to the token introspection endpoint. # When not defined the default "token" is used. #OIDCOAuthIntrospectionTokenParamName # Defines the name of the claim that contains the token expiry timestamp, whether it is absolute (seconds since # 1970), relative (seconds from now after which the token will expire), and whether it is optional. # If the claim is optional and not found in the response, the introspection result will not be cached. # (which means that the overall performance may suffer) # # Only applies when the "active" claim is not found in the introspection response, which is interpreted as # an introspection method that does not conform to draft-ietf-oauth-introspection, but is custom. # # When not defined the default "expires_in" is used, the expiry is "relative" and mandatory, matching # Google and PingFederate's introspection behavior. #OIDCOAuthTokenExpiryClaim [absolute|relative] [mandatory|optional] # Define the interval in seconds after which a cached and introspected access token needs # to be refreshed by introspecting (and validating) it again against the Authorization Server. # (can be configured on a per-path basis) # When not defined the value is 0, which means it only expires after the `exp` (or alternative, # see OIDCOAuthTokenExpiryClaim) hint as returned by the Authorization Server. # When set to -1, caching of the introspection results is disabled and the token will be introspected # on each request presenting it. #OIDCOAuthTokenIntrospectionInterval # Require a valid SSL server certificate when communicating with the Authorization Server # on the token introspection endpoint. When not defined, the default value is "On". #OIDCOAuthSSLValidateServer [On|Off] # The symmetric shared key(s) that can be used for local JWT access token validation. # NB: this is one or more key tuples where a key tuple consists of: # ["sig:"|"enc:"]plain|b64|hex#[]# # Specify the prefix "sig:" or "enc:" to indicate a key is specifically to be used for signing or encryption. # When not defined, no access token validation with shared keys will be performed. # Examples: # - a plaintext secret and a key identifier (kid) # plain#1#mysecret # - a base64 encoded secret, no key identifier provided # b64##AF515DE== # - a hex encoded secret, no key identifier provided # hex##ede012 #OIDCOAuthVerifySharedKeys (["sig:"|"enc:"]plain|b64|hex#[#])+ # The fully qualified names of the files that contain the X.509 certificates with the RSA/EC public # keys that can be used for local JWT access token verification. # NB: this is one or more key tuples where a key tuple consists of: # ["sig:"|"enc:"][#] # and the key identifier part is required when the JWT access token contains a "kid" in its header. # Specify the prefix "sig:" or "enc:" to indicate a key is specifically to be used for signing or encryption. # When not defined, no access token validation with statically configured certificates will be performed. #OIDCOAuthVerifyCertFiles (["sig:"|"enc:"][#])+ # The JWKs URL on which the Authorization Server publishes the keys used to sign its JWT access tokens. # When not defined local validation of JWTs can still be done using statically configured keys, # by setting OIDCOAuthVerifyCertFiles and/or OIDCOAuthVerifySharedKeys. #OIDCOAuthVerifyJwksUri # The claim that is used when setting the REMOTE_USER variable on OAuth 2.0 protected paths. # When not defined the default "sub" is used. # # An optional regular expression can be added as a 2nd parameter that will be applied to the # claim value from the 1st parameter and the first match returned from that expression will # be set as the REMOTE_USER. E.g. to strip a domain from an e-mail style address you'd use ^(.*)@ # # An optional 3rd parameter can be added that would contain string with number backreferences. # Backreferences must be in the form $1, $2.. etc. # E.g. to extract username in the form DOMAIN\userid from e-mail style address you may use # ^(.*)@([^.]+)\..+$ $2\\$1 #OIDCOAuthRemoteUserClaim [] [substitution-string] # Define the way(s) in which bearer OAuth 2.0 access tokens can be passed to this Resource Server. # Must be one or several of: # "header" : an "Authorization: bearer" header # "post" : an HTTP Post parameter called "access_token" # "query" : as an HTTP query parameter called "access_token" # "cookie" : as a cookie header called "PA.global" or using the name specified after ":" # "basic": as a HTTP Basic Auth (RFC2617, section 2) password, with any username # When not defined the default "header" is used. #OIDCOAuthAcceptTokenAs [header|post|query|cookie[:|basic]+ ######################################################################################## # # Cookie Settings # ######################################################################################## # Define the cookie path for the "state" and "session" cookies. # When not defined the default is a server-wide "/". #OIDCCookiePath # Specify the domain for which the "state" and "session" cookies will be set. # This must match the OIDCRedirectURI and the URL on which you host your protected # application. Use the literal value of the domain name that will end up in the "Domain" # attribute value for the Set-Cookie header, no leading dot required. # Example domain- (instead of default host-)wide cookie: # OIDCCookieDomain example.org # When not defined the default is the server hostname that is currently accessed. #OIDCCookieDomain # Define the cookie name for the session cookie. # When not defined the default is "mod_auth_openidc_session". #OIDCCookie # OpenID Connect session cookie chunk size. # When using "OIDCSessionType client-cookie" the session cookie may become quite large if a lot of session # data needs to be stored, typically the size depends on the "scopes" of information you request. To work # around cookie size limitations for most web browsers (usually 4096 bytes), the "client-cookie" will be split # over a number of "chunked" cookies if the resulting session data is over a certain number of bytes, # If you want to prevent splitting the session cookie regardless of its size, set the value to 0. # When not defined the default chunk size is 4000 bytes #OIDCSessionCookieChunkSize # Defines whether the HttpOnly flag will be set on cookies. # When not defined the default is On. #OIDCCookieHTTPOnly [On|Off] # Defines the SameSite flag that will be set on cookies. # # When set to "On" (default) or "Lax" the following will apply: # session cookie: Lax # state cookie: Lax # x_csrf discovery: Lax # # When set to "Strict" the following will apply: # session cookie: Strict (first time: Lax) # state cookie: Lax # x_csrf discovery: Strict # # When set to "Off" or "None" the following will apply: # session cookie: None # state cookie: None # x_csrf discovery: None # # When set to "Disabled" no SameSite flag will be appended. # # The configured SameSite cookie appendix on `Set-Cookie` response headers can be # conditionally overridden using an environment variable in the Apache config as in: # SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*IOS.*" OIDC_SET_COOKIE_APPEND=; # # When not defined the default is On (Lax). #OIDCCookieSameSite [ On | Off | Strict | Lax | None | Disabled ] # Specify the names of cookies to pick up from the browser and send along on backchannel # calls to the OP and AS endpoints. This can be used for load-balancing purposes. # When not defined, no such cookies are sent. #OIDCPassCookies []+ # Specify the names of cookies to strip from the incoming request so they are not passed # on to the target application(s). This may prevent a large set of chunked session cookies to # be sent to the backend. In that case you'd set it to (when using the default OIDCCookie setting): # mod_auth_openidc_session mod_auth_openidc_session_chunks mod_auth_openidc_session_0 mod_auth_openidc_session_1 # When not defined, no cookies are stripped. #OIDCStripCookies []+ # Specify the maximum number of state cookies, i.e. the maximum number of parallel outstanding # authentication requests. See: https://github.com/OpenIDC/mod_auth_openidc/issues/331 # Setting this to 0 means unlimited, until the browser or server gives up which is the # behavior of mod_auth_openidc < 2.3.8, which did not have this configuration option. # # The optional second boolean parameter if the oldest state cookie(s) will be deleted, # even if still valid; see #399. # # When not defined, the default is 7 and "false", thus the oldest cookie(s) will not be deleted. #OIDCStateMaxNumberOfCookies [false|true] # Define the cookie prefix for the state cookie. # When not defined the default is "mod_auth_openidc_state_". #OIDCStateCookiePrefix ######################################################################################## # # Session Settings (only relevant in an OpenID Connect Relying Party setup) # ######################################################################################## # Interval in seconds after which the session will be invalidated when no interaction has occurred. # When not defined, the default is 300 seconds. #OIDCSessionInactivityTimeout # Maximum duration of the application session # When not defined the default is 8 hours (3600 * 8 seconds). # When set to 0, the session duration will be set equal to the expiry time of the ID token. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: session_max_duration #OIDCSessionMaxDuration # OpenID Connect session storage type. # "server-cache" server-side caching storage. # "client-cookie" uses browser-side sessions stored in a cookie; see also OIDCSessionCookieChunkSize next # A suffix ":persistent" can be added if you want to use a persistent cookie that survives browser restarts # instead of a session cookie that is tied to the lifetime of the browser session. # The "expires" value of the persistent cookie is controlled by the OIDCSessionInactivityTimeout setting. # A suffix ":store_id_token" can be added to "client-cookie" if you want the id_token to be stored # in the session to be used as id_token_hint in a logout request to the OP later. # When not defined the default "server-cache" is used. #OIDCSessionType server-cache[:persistent] | client-cookie[:persistent | :store_id_token | :persistent:store_id_token ] # Fallback to "OIDCSessionType client-cookie" when "OIDCSessionType server-cache" is set and the primary # cache mechanism (e.g. memcache or redis) fails. Note that this will come at a cost of: # a) performance # 1) since on each subsequent request the primary cache will still be polled and # failback will happen as soon as the primary cache is available again # 2) information other than sessions cannot be cached, e.g. resolved access tokens or metadata; see: OIDCCacheType # b) security, since nonce's and jti's are not cached, see: OIDCCacheType # c) (prototype) functionality, since request_uri's won't work anymore # When not defined the default is "Off". #OIDCSessionCacheFallbackToCookie [On|Off] ######################################################################################## # # Cache Settings # ######################################################################################## # Cache type, used for temporary storage that is shared across Apache processes/servers for: # - authenticated user session state # - nonce values from authorization requests (to prevent replay attacks) # - validated OAuth 2.0 access tokens # - refresh tokens during their usage in a refresh token request i.e. refreshing an access token and possible the refresh token itself # - JWK sets that have been retrieved from jwk_uri's (to validate id_token, logout_token, JWT access_token and JWT userinfo response) # - resolved OP metadata when using OIDCProviderMetadataUrl and/or OIDCOAuthServerMetadataURL # - jti values from logout_token when receiving Backchannel Logout requests # - temporary state associated with Request URI's # - signed JWTs when using OIDCPassUserInfoAs signed_jwt and environment variable OIDC_USERINFO_SIGNED_JWT_CACHE_TTL # - JQ filter results when using OIDCFilterClaimsExpr and/or OIDCUserInfoClaimsExpr and/or Require claims_expr # must be one of \"shm\", \"memcache\", \"file\" or, if Redis/Valkey support is compiled in, \"redis\" # When not defined, "shm" (shared memory) is used. #OIDCCacheType [shm|memcache|file[|redis]] # Indicate whether data in the cache backend should be encrypted. # When not defined the default is "Off" for the "shm" backend and "On" for all other cache backends #OIDCCacheEncrypt [On|Off] # When using OIDCCacheType "shm": # Specifies the maximum number of name/value pair entries that can be cached. # When caching a large number of entries, the cache size limit may be reached and the # least recently used entry will be overwritten. If this happens within 1 hour, # errors will be displayed in the error.log and the OIDCCacheShmMax value may be increased. # When not specified, a default of 10000 entries is used. #OIDCCacheShmMax # When using OIDCCacheType "shm": # Specifies the maximum size for a single cache entry in bytes with a minimum of 8736 bytes. # The value must a multiple of 8 bytes. # When caching large values such as numbers of attributes in a session or large metadata documents the # entry size limit may be overrun, in which case errors will be displayed in the error.log # and the OIDCCacheShmEntrySizeMax value has to be increased. # When not specified, a default entry size of 16928 bytes (16384 value + 512 key + 32 overhead) is used. #OIDCCacheShmEntrySizeMax # When using OIDCCacheType "file": # Directory that holds cache files; must be writable for the Apache process/user. # When not specified a system defined temporary directory (/tmp) will be used. #OIDCCacheDir /var/cache/apache2/mod_auth_openidc/cache # When using OIDCCacheType "file": # Cache file clean interval in seconds (only triggered on writes). # When not specified a default of 60 seconds is used. #OIDCCacheFileCleanInterval # Required when using OIDCCacheType "memcache": # Specifies the memcache servers used for caching as a space separated list of [:] tuples. #OIDCMemCacheServers "([:])+" # Minimum number of connections to each Memcache server per process. Defaults to # OIDCMemCacheConnectionsHMax. #OIDCMemCacheConnectionsMin # All connections above this limit will be closed if they have been idle for # more than OIDCMemCacheConnectionsTTL. Defaults to OIDCMemCacheConnectionsHMax. #OIDCMemCacheConnectionsSMax # Maximum number of connections to each Memcache server per process. Defaults to # ThreadsPerChild or if mod_http2 is loaded to ThreadsPerChild - 1 + H2MaxWorkers. #OIDCMemCacheConnectionsHMax # Maximum time in seconds a connection to a Memcache server can be idle before # being closed. Defaults to 60 seconds. # Only for Apache >= 2.4.x: By adding a postfix of ms, the timeout can be also # set in milliseconds. Defaults to 60 seconds. #OIDCMemCacheConnectionsTTL # Required if Redis/Valkey support is compiled in and when using OIDCCacheType "redis": # Specifies the Redis/Valkey server used for caching as a [:] tuple. #OIDCRedisCacheServer [:] # Password to be used if the Redis/Valkey server requires authentication: http://redis.io/commands/auth # When not specified, no authentication is performed. #OIDCRedisCachePassword # Username to be used if the Redis/Valkey server requires authentication: http://redis.io/commands/auth # NB: this can only be used with Redis/Valkey 6 (ACLs) or later. # When not specified, the implicit user "default" is used. #OIDCRedisCacheUsername # Logical database to select on the Redis/Valkey server: https://redis.io/commands/select # When not defined the default database 0 is used. #OIDCRedisCacheDatabase # Timeout (in seconds) for connecting to the Redis/Valkey server. # An optional 2nd parameter can be supplied to set the keepalive interval (in seconds) on the # TCP connection to the Redis/Valkey server. 0 disables keepalive. # NB: the interval setting only works when compiled and running with hiredis >= 1.2.0 # when compiled and running with hiredis < 1.2.0 any value > 0 will apply the default interval # When not defined the default connect timeout is 5 seconds and the default hiredis keepalive (15s) is applied. #OIDCRedisCacheConnectTimeout [0|] # Timeout waiting for a response of the Redis/Valkey server after a request was sent. # When not defined, the default timeout is 5 seconds. #OIDCRedisCacheTimeout ######################################################################################## # # Advanced Settings # ######################################################################################## # Defines an external OP Discovery page. That page will be called with: # ?oidc_callback= # additional parameters may be added, i.e. `target_link_uri`, `x_csrf` and `method`. # # An Issuer selection can be passed back to the callback URL as in: # ?iss=[${issuer}|${domain}|${e-mail-style-account-name}][parameters][&login_hint=][&scopes=][&auth_request_params=] # where the parameter contains the URL-encoded issuer value of # the selected Provider, or a URL-encoded account name for OpenID # Connect Discovery purposes (aka. e-mail style identifier), or a domain name. # [parameters] contains the additional parameters that were passed in on the discovery request (e.g. target_link_uri=&x_csrf=&method=&scopes=) # # When not defined the bare-bones internal OP Discovery page is used. #OIDCDiscoverURL # Defines a default URL to be used in case of 3rd-party-init-SSO when no explicit target_link_uri # has been provided. The user is also redirected to this URL in case an invalid authorization # response was received. # The default is to not redirect the browser to any URL but return an HTTP/HTML error to the user. #OIDCDefaultURL # Defines a default URL where the user is sent to after logout, which may be overridden explicitly during logout. # When not defined and no URL was passed explicitly, a default internal page will be shown. #OIDCDefaultLoggedOutURL # Define the OpenID Connect scope(s) that is requested from the OP (e.g. "admin edit") # on a per-path basis in addition to the per-provider configured scopes (OIDCScope). # Multiple scope values must be enclosed in a single pair of double quotes. # Apache expressions can be used to pass dynamic runtime determined values. # The default is to not add extra scopes. #OIDCPathScope "" # Extra parameters that will be sent along with the Authorization Request. # These must be URL-query-encoded as in: "display=popup&prompt=consent". # This can be configured on a per-path basis across all configured Providers. # One can pass on query parameters from the request to the authorization request by adding # e.g. "foo=#" which will dynamically pull in the query parameter value from the # request query parameter and add it to the authentication request to the OP. # Apache expressions can be used to pass dynamic runtime determined values. # The default is to not add extra parameters. #OIDCPathAuthRequestParams # Acceptable offset (before and after) for checking the \"iat\" (= issued at) timestamp in the id_token. # When not defined the default is 600 seconds. # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: idtoken_iat_slack #OIDCIDTokenIatSlack # The prefix to use when setting claims (openid-connect or oauth20) in the HTTP headers/environment variables. # This prefix should not be set to "" except when combined with OIDCWhiteListedClaims to maintain a secure setup. # When not defined, the default "OIDC_CLAIM_" is used. #OIDCClaimPrefix # The delimiter to use when setting multi-valued claims (openid-connect or oauth20) in the HTTP headers/environment variables. # When not defined the default "," is used. #OIDCClaimDelimiter # The claim that is used when setting the REMOTE_USER variable on OpenID Connect protected paths. # If the claim name is post-fixed with a \"@\", the claim value will be post-fixed with the # \"iss\" value (with leading "https://" stripped) to make this value unique across different OPs. # When not defined the default "sub@" is used. # # An optional regular expression can be added as a 2nd parameter that will be applied to the # resulting value from the 1st parameter and the first match returned from that expression will # be set as the REMOTE_USER. E.g. to strip a domain from an e-mail style address you'd use ^(.*)@ # # An optional 3rd parameter can be added that would contain string with number backreferences. # Backreferences must be in the form $1, $2.. etc. # E.g. to extract username in the form DOMAIN\userid from e-mail style address you may use # ^(.*)@([^.]+)\..+$ $2\\$1 #OIDCRemoteUserClaim [@] [] [substitution-string] # Define the way(s) in which the id_token contents are passed to the application according to OIDCPassClaimsAs. # Must be one or several of: # "claims" : the claims in the id_token are passed in individual headers/environment variables # "payload" : the payload of the id_token is passed as a JSON object in the "OIDC_id_token_payload" header/environment variable # "serialized" : the complete id_token is passed in compact serialized format in the "OIDC_id_token" header/environment variable # Note that when OIDCSessionType client-cookie is set, the id_token itself is not stored in the session/cookie (unless explicitly # configured to do so) and as such the header for the "serialized" option will not be set. # Can be configured on a per Directory/Location basis. When not defined the default "claims" is used.. #OIDCPassIDTokenAs [claims|payload|serialized]+ # Define the way(s) in which the claims resolved from the userinfo endpoint are passed to the application according to OIDCPassClaimsAs. # Must be one or several of: # "claims" : # the userinfo claims are passed in individual headers/environment variables # "json[: header/environment variable # "jwt[: header/environment variable # "signed_jwt[: header/environment variable # - requires OIDCPrivateKeyFiles/OIDCPublicKeyFiles set with an RSA key (RS256) or a prime256v1 Elliptic Curve key(s) (ES256), # the first RSA/EC signing key in the configured list will be used # - the "expires_in" hint from the access_token is used in the "exp" claim; defaults to 60 seconds if not returned by the OP. # - caching of the signed JWT - use with care only - can be configured using: # SetEnvIfExpr true OIDC_USERINFO_SIGNED_JWT_CACHE_TTL= # or for the duration of the - possibly processed - "exp" claim when set to "0" # Can be configured on a per Directory/Location basis. When not defined the default "claims" is used.. #OIDCPassUserInfoAs [claims|json[:]|jwt[:]|signed_jwt[:]]+ # Only when compiled in with libjq (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/) support: process the claims # returned from the userinfo endpoint with a JQ-based expression before propagating them according # to OIDCPassUserInfoAs claims|json|signed_jwt (i.e. it does not work for "OIDCPassUserInfoAs jwt") # # Overwrite the default (provider) "iss" claim, and delete the default "aud" and "name" claims: # '. + { iss: "https://myissuer.com" } | del(.aud, .name)' # Add new claim with a variable value obtained from an Apache expression https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/expr.html: # (be aware that when used with "OIDCPassUserInfoAs signed_jwt" it results in a cached JWT per-user/per-path) # '. + { path: "%{REQUEST_URI}" }' # Keep sub only: # '{ sub: .sub }' # Filter out all elements in the "groups" array of strings that contain "DC=Company" : # '. + { groups: (.groups - (.groups | map(select(contains("DC=Company"))))) }' # Filter out all elements in the "groups" array of strings that match regular expression ^CN=test-.* : # '. + { groups: (.groups - (.groups | map(select(match("^CN=test-.*"; "g"))))) }' # Can be configured on a per Directory/Location basis. When not defined no processing will be applied. #OIDCUserInfoClaimsExpr # Only when compiled in with libjq (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/) support: applies # a JQ filter to claims in the both the id_token and claims returned from the userinfo endpoint # before storing them in the session after applying (optional) top-level blacklisting/whitelisting # with OIDCBlackListedClaims/OIDCWhiteListedClaims, e.g.: # filter out all elements in the "groups" array of strings that match regular expression ^CN=test-.* # '. + { groups: (.groups - (.groups | map(select(match("^CN=test-.*"; "g"))))) }' # whitelist only "name" and "sub" claims: # '{name, sub}' # delete "groups", "exp" and "iat" # 'del(.groups,.exp,.iat)' # When not defined no processing will be applied and all claims will be stored in the session. #OIDCFilterClaimsExpr # Define the way in which the (processed) claims and tokens are passed to the application environment: # "none": no claims/tokens are passed # "environment": claims/tokens are passed as environment variables # "headers": claims/tokens are passed in headers (also useful in reverse proxy scenario's) # "both": claims/tokens are passed as both headers as well as environment variables (default) # # A second parameter can be specified that defines the encoding applied to all values passed in headers # and environment variables: # "latin1" applies ISO-8859-1 encoding: this may result in out of bound characters converted to the "?" character. # "base64url" applies base64url encoding # "none" applies no encoding and copies literal values from the claims into the headers/environment variables # When not defined the default is "both" and "latin1" encoding is applied to the header/environment values. # # The access token is passed in OIDC_access_token; the access token expiry is passed in OIDC_access_token_expires. # The refresh token is only passed in OIDC_refresh_token if enabled for that specific directory/location (see: OIDCPassRefreshToken) #OIDCPassClaimsAs [none|headers|environment|both] [latin1|base64url|none] # Specify the HTTP header variable name to set with the name of the authenticated user, # i.e. copy what is set in REMOTE_USER and configured in OIDCRemoteUserClaim or OIDCOAuthRemoteUserClaim. # When not defined no such header is added. # This setting can be configured for both the "openid-connect" and "oauth20" AuthType on # a server-wide or directory level. #OIDCAuthNHeader # Timeout in seconds for long duration HTTP calls. This defines the maximum duration that a request make take to # to complete and is used for most requests to remote endpoints/servers. # The optional parameter specifies the connect timeout in seconds, as part of the overall request timeout. # The optional parameter specifies the number of retry attempts in case of connectivity errors. # When not defined the default of 30 seconds is used, with a 10 second connect timeout, using 1 retry after # an interval of 500ms. #OIDCHTTPTimeoutLong [] [[:]] # Timeout in seconds for short duration HTTP calls. This defines the maximum duration that a request may take to # to complete and is used for Client Registration and OP Discovery requests. # The optional parameter specifies the connect timeout in seconds, as part of the overall request timeout. # The optional parameter specifies the number of retry attempts in case of connectivity errors. # When not defined the default of 5 seconds is used, with a 2 second connect timeout, using 1 retry with # an interval of 500ms. #OIDCHTTPTimeoutShort [] [[:]] # Time to live in seconds for state parameter, i.e. the interval in which the authorization request # and the corresponding response need to be processed. When not defined the default of 300 seconds is used. #OIDCStateTimeout # Specify an outgoing proxy for your network. When running on a platform with a recent version of # libcurl you can also specify the network protocol, see: https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_PROXY.html # When not defined no outgoing proxy is used. #OIDCOutgoingProxy [://][:] [:] [basic|digest|negotiate|ntlm|any] # Defines the action to be taken when an unauthenticated request is made. # # "auth" means that the user is redirected to the OpenID Connect Provider or Discovery page. # "401" means that HTTP 401 Unauthorized is returned. # "407" means that HTTP 407 Proxy Authentication Required is returned # "410" means that HTTP 410 Gone is returned # "pass" means that an unauthenticated request will pass but claims will still be passed when a user happens to be authenticated already # # Useful in Location/Directory/Proxy path contexts that serve AJAX/Javascript calls and for "anonymous access" # # When not defined the default is "auth" with auto-detection of requests that would not be able to complete # an authentication round trip to the OpenID Connect Provider, which would receive a 401. # The default auto-detection algorithm looks for the "X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest" header/value, or # the presence of a Sec-Fetch-Mode header with a value that is not equal to "navigate", or the presence of # a Sec-Fetch-Dest header with a value that is not equal to "document" or the absence of # an "Accept" header with any of the values "text/html" "application/xhtml+xml" or "*/*" # and returns 401 for such non-auth-capable requests, e.g. XML HTTP Requests, image loading requests etc. # that would create a state cookie but never return to delete it. # See: https://github.com/OpenIDC/mod_auth_openidc/wiki/Cookies#tldr # # Only for Apache >= 2.4.x: # Since version 2.4.4 a boolean Apache expression as the second parameter to specify which requests # need to match to return the configured value in the first parameter to override the default "auth". # See also: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/expr.html. # E.g. to only return 401 for cURL-based user agents and "auth" for any other browsers/user agents: # OIDCUnAuthAction 401 "%{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ /curl/" # to effectively override the default XML request detection algorithm by ignoring the Sec-Fetch-Mode, # Sec-Fetch-Dest and Accept headers: # OIDCUnAuthAction 401 "%{HTTP:X-Requested-With} == 'XMLHttpRequest'" # to return 401 for all user agents that do not send an Accept header that includes a "text/html" value: # OIDCUnAuthAction 401 "%{HTTP_ACCEPT} !~ m#text/html#" # or as a more complex example, which equals the default XML request detection algorithm: # OIDCUnAuthAction 401 "%{HTTP:X-Requested-With} == 'XMLHttpRequest' \ # || ( -n %{HTTP:Sec-Fetch-Mode} && %{HTTP:Sec-Fetch-Mode} != 'navigate' ) \ # || ( -n %{HTTP:Sec-Fetch-Dest} && %{HTTP:Sec-Fetch-Dest} != 'document' ) \ # || ( ( %{HTTP_ACCEPT} !~ m#text/html# ) \ # && ( %{HTTP_ACCEPT} !~ m#application/xhtml\+xml# ) \ # && ( %{HTTP_ACCEPT} !~ m#\*/\*# ) )" # To enable authentication in an iframe you need to change the Sec-Fetch-Dest part above in: # || ( -n %{HTTP:Sec-Fetch-Dest} && %{HTTP:Sec-Fetch-Dest} != 'iframe' && %{HTTP:Sec-Fetch-Dest} != 'document') \ # To disable auto-detection of XML HTTP request altogether and unconditionally return "auth" for all clients: # OIDCUnAuthAction auth true # Note that actually *any* expression value in "OIDCUnAuthAction auth " will *always* render "auth" # (even when set to "false"...) because of the default, so using an value (other than "true") only # makes sense in combination with one of the values other than "auth". #OIDCUnAuthAction [auth|pass|401|407|410] [] # Defines the action to be taken when an unauthorized request is made, i.e. the user is authenticated but # does not meet the `Require claim <>` directives or similar. # "401" return HTTP 401 Unauthorized with optional text message if specified in # "403" return HTTP 403 Forbidden with optional text message; NB: for Apache 2.4 this is controlled by the AuthzSendForbiddenOnFailure directive! # "302" redirect to the URL specified in the parameter # "auth" redirect the user to the OpenID Connect Provider or Discovery page for authentication ( is unused) # Useful in Location/Directory/Proxy path contexts that need to do step-up authentication # Be aware that this will only work in combination with a single Require statement or RequireAll, # so using RequireAny and multiple Require statements is not supported. # Also for "auth", the expression argument for OIDCUnAuthAction is re-used here to detect XHR requests. # When not defined the default "403" is used. However Apache 2.4 will change this to 401 unless you set "AuthzSendForbiddenOnFailure on" #OIDCUnAutzAction [401|403|302|auth] [] # Indicates whether POST data will be preserved across authentication requests (and discovery in case of multiple OPs). # This is designed to prevent data loss when a session timeout occurs in a (long) user filled HTML form. # It cannot handle arbitrary payloads for security (DOS) reasons, merely form-encoded user data. # Preservation is done via HTML 5 session storage: note that this can lead to private data exposure on shared terminals. # The default is "Off" (for security reasons). Can be configured on a per Directory/Location basis. #OIDCPreservePost [On|Off] # POST preserve and restore templates to be used with OIDCPreservePost # template needs to contain two "%s" characters # the first for the JSON formatted POST data, the second for the URL to redirect to after preserving # template needs to contain one "%s" # which contains the (original) URL to POST the restored data to # The default is to use internal templates #OIDCPreservePostTemplates # Indicates whether the access token and access token expiry will be passed to the application in a header/environment variable, according # to the OIDCPassClaimsAs directive. # Can be configured on a per Directory/Location basis. The default is "On". #OIDCPassAccessToken [On|Off] # # Indicates whether the refresh token will be passed to the application in a header/environment variable, according # to the OIDCPassClaimsAs directive. # Can be configured on a per Directory/Location basis. The default is "Off". #OIDCPassRefreshToken [On|Off] # Request Object/URI settings expressed as a string that is a "double-quote-escaped" JSON object. For example: # "{ \"copy_from_request\": [ \"claims\", \"response_type\", \"response_mode\", \"login_hint\", \"id_token_hint\", \"nonce\", \"state\", \"redirect_uri\", \"scope\", \"client_id\" ], \"static\": { \"some\": \"value\", \"some_nested\": { \"some_array\": [ 1,2,3] } }, \"crypto\": { \"sign_alg\": \"HS256\", \"crypt_alg\": \"A256KW\", \"crypt_enc\": \"A256CBC-HS512\" }, \"url\": \"https://www.openidc.com/protected/\", \"request_object_type\" : \"request\" }" # Parameters: # copy_from_request (array) : array of query parameter names copied from request # copy_and_remove_from_request (array) : array of parameter names copied from request and removed as query parameter # static (object) : parameter value is merged to the request object # ttl (number) : number of seconds before the request object expires (default is 30 seconds) # translates to the `exp` claim in the request object # crypto (object) : defines cryptography used to create request object # sign_alg (string) : algorithm used to sign request object (JWS alg parameter) # crypt_alg (string) : algorithm used to encrypt CEK of request object (JWE alg parameter) # crypt_enc (string) : algorithm used to encrypt request object (JWE enc parameter) # url (string) : use this url instead of redirect_uri for request_uri # request_object_type (string) : parameter used for sending authorization request object # "request_uri" (default) or "request" # NB: this can be overridden on a per-OP basis in the .conf file using the key: request_object #OIDCRequestObject # Provider metadata refresh interval for the metadata in a multi-provider setup (with OIDCMetadataDir). # When not defined the default is 0 seconds, i.e. it is never refreshed. # Also used in a single provider setup with OIDCProviderMetadatURL but 0 then means the default of 1 day. #OIDCProviderMetadataRefreshInterval # Define the data that will be returned upon calling the info hook. # The data can be JSON formatted using ?info=json, or HTML formatted, using ?info=html. # iat (int) : Unix timestamp indicating when this data was created # access_token (string) : the access token # access_token_expires (int) : the Unix timestamp which is a hint about when the access token will expire (as indicated by the OP) # id_token (object) : the claims presented in the ID token # id_token_hint (string) : the serialized ID token # userinfo (object) : the claims resolved from the UserInfo endpoint # refresh_token (string) : the refresh token (if returned by the OP) # exp (int) : the maximum session lifetime (Unix timestamp in seconds) # timeout (int) : the session inactivity timeout (Unix timestamp in seconds) # remote_user (string) : the remote user name # session (object) : (for debugging) mod_auth_openidc specific session data such as "remote user", "session expiry", "session id" and a "state" object # Note that when using "ProxyPass /" you may have to add a proxy exception for the Redirect URI # for this to work, e.g. "ProxyPass /redirect_uri !" # When not defined the session hook will not return any data but a HTTP 404. #OIDCInfoHook [iat|access_token|access_token_expires|id_token|id_token_hint|userinfo|refresh_token|exp|timeout|remote_user|session]+ # Specify metrics that you wish to collect and keep in shared memory for retrieval. # Supported metrics classes are: # authtype Request counter, overall and per AuthType: openid-connect, oauth20 and auth-openidc. # authn Authentication request creation and response processing. # authz Authorization errors per OIDCUnAutzAction (per Require statement, not overall). # require.claim Match/failure count of Require claim directives (per Require statement, not overall). # claim.* ID token / Userinfo claim name/value at login and refresh. # provider Requests to the provider [token, userinfo, metadata] endpoints. # session Existing session processing. # cache Cache read/write timings and errors. # redirect_uri Requests to the Redirect URI, per type. # content Requests to the content handler, per type of request: info, metrics, jwks, etc. # When not defined no metrics will be recorded. #OIDCMetricsData [ authtype | authn | authz | require.claim | claim.id_token.* | claim.userinfo.* | requests | session | cache | redirect_uri | content ]+ # Specify the path where metrics are published and can be consumed. # The format parameter can be passed to specify the format in which the collected data is returned. # format=prometheus Prometheus text-based exporter # format=json (non-standard) JSON with descriptions and names # format=status short text-based status message "OK" plus optional counter (&vhost=&counter=) # format=internal internal terse JSON for debugging purposes # The default is "prometheus". # Protect this path (e.g. Require host localhost) or serve it on an internal co-located vhost/port. # When not defined, no metrics will be published on the enclosing vhost. #OIDCMetricsPublish # Set a traceparent HTTP header on outgoing requests to the provider and proxied requests. # propagate: propagate any existing traceparent header on requests to the Provider (it's proxied as it is) # generate: generate a traceparent header, possibly overwriting an existing one # The default is "off": do not propagate, add (or overwrite) a traceparent header. #OIDCTraceParent off | generate | propagate # Specify claims that should be removed from the userinfo and/or id_token before storing them in the session. # Note that OIDCBlackListedClaims takes precedence over OIDCWhiteListedClaims # When not defined no claims are blacklisted and all claims are stored except when OIDCWhiteListedClaims is used. #OIDCBlackListedClaims []+ # Specify claims from the userinfo and/or id_token that should be stored in the session (all other claims will be discarded). # Note that OIDCBlackListedClaims takes precedence over OIDCWhiteListedClaims # When not defined no claims are whitelisted and all claims are stored except when blacklisted with OIDCBlackListedClaims. #OIDCWhiteListedClaims []+ # Specify the minimum time-to-live for the access token stored in the OIDC session. # When the access token expiry timestamp (at least the hint given to that) is less than this value, # an attempt will be made to refresh the access token using the refresh token grant type towards the OP. # This only has an effect if a refresh token was actually returned from the OP and an "expires_in" hint # was returned as part of the authorization response and subsequent refresh token responses. # When not defined no attempt is made to refresh the access token (unless implicitly through OIDCUserInfoRefreshInterval) # The optional logout_on_error flag makes the refresh logout the current local session if the refresh fails. # The optional authenticate_on_error flag sends the user for authentication when the refresh fails. #OIDCRefreshAccessTokenBeforeExpiry [logout_on_error | authenticate_on_error | 502_on_error] # Defines which headers will be used as the "state" input for calculating the fingerprint of the browser # during authentication. When not defined the default "user-agent" is used. #OIDCStateInputHeaders [user-agent|x-forwarded-for|both|none] # Define one or more regular expressions that specify URLs (or domains) allowed for post logout and # other redirects such as the "return_to" value on refresh token requests, the "login_uri" value # on session management-based logins through the OP iframe, and the "target_link_uri" parameter in # 3rd-party initiated logins, e.g.: # OIDCRedirectURLsAllowed ^https://www\.example\.com ^https://(\w+)\.example\.org ^https://example\.net/app # or: # OIDCRedirectURLsAllowed ^https://www\.example\.com/logout$ ^https://www\.example\.com/app/return_to$ # When not defined, the default is to match the hostname in the URL redirected to against # the hostname in the current request. #OIDCRedirectURLsAllowed []+ # Defines the value of the X-Frame-Options header returned on OIDC front-channel logout requests. # See also https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/X-Frame-Options. # For example: # OIDCLogoutXFrameOptions: sameorigin # or: # OIDCLogoutXFrameOptions: allow-from https://provider.example.com/ # When not defined the default is "DENY". #OIDCLogoutXFrameOptions # Define the X-Forwarded-* or Forwarded headers that will be considered as set by a reverse proxy # in front of mod_auth_openidc. Must be one or more of: # X-Forwarded-Host # X-Forwarded-Port # X-Forwarded-Proto # Forwarded # none # When not defined or "none", such headers will be ignored. #OIDCXForwardedHeaders