# This example sets up PingCentral using an external MySQL database. # The MySQL database is expected to use a Service named "mysql" accessible to PingCentral. # The mysql.yaml file in this directory contains an example MySQL deployment, not intended for production. # The mysql.yaml example should be deployed directly with kubectl, not with Helm. pingcentral: enabled: true envs: SERVER_PROFILE_URL: https://github.com/pingidentity/pingidentity-server-profiles.git SERVER_PROFILE_PATH: baseline/pingcentral/external-mysql-db PING_CENTRAL_BLIND_TRUST: "true" PING_CENTRAL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME: "false" MYSQL_SERVICE_HOST: mysql MYSQL_SERVICE_PORT: "3306" MYSQL_DATABASE: pingcentral MYSQL_USER: root MYSQL_PASSWORD: 2Federate