/* jshint indent: false, maxlen: false */ // return buttons to Pinterest Red (function (w, d, n, a) { var $ = (w[a.k] = { w: w, d: d, n: n, a: a, s: {}, f: (function () { return { // an empty array for callbacks to be added later callback: [], // console.log only if debug is on debug: function (obj) { if ($.v.config.debug) { if ($.w.console && $.w.console.log) { $.w.console.log(obj); } } }, // add and remove event listeners in a cross-browser fashion listen: function (el, ev, fn, detach) { if (!detach) { // add listener if (typeof $.w.addEventListener !== "undefined") { el.addEventListener(ev, fn, false); } else if (typeof $.w.attachEvent !== "undefined") { el.attachEvent("on" + ev, fn); } } else { // remove listener if (typeof el.removeEventListener !== "undefined") { el.removeEventListener(ev, fn, false); } else if (typeof el.detachEvent !== "undefined") { el.detachEvent("on" + ev, fn); } } }, // find an event's target element // via PPK (http://www.quirksmode.org/js/events_properties.html) getEl: function (e) { var el = null; if (e.target) { el = e.target.nodeType === 3 ? e.target.parentNode : e.target; } else { el = e.srcElement; } return el; }, // add or remove a class changeClass: function (el, delta) { // delta of {foo: true, bar: false } will add foo and remove bar var remove = function (str) { var target = new RegExp(str, "ig"); el.className = el.className .replace(target, "") .replace(/ +/g, " "); }; for (var k in delta) { var selector = $.a.k + "_" + k; // always remove any possible existing incidences remove(selector); // are we adding? if (delta[k] === true) { el.className = el.className + " " + selector; } } }, // get a DOM property or text attribute get: function (el, att) { var v = ""; if (typeof el[att] === "string") { v = el[att]; } else { v = el.getAttribute(att); } return v; }, loadFont: function (font) { // this assumes $.v.ourStyles exists; the timeout is suspenders-and-belt $.w.setTimeout(function () { $.v.ourStyles.sheet.insertRule( '@font-face { font-family: "' + font.name + '"; src: url("' + font.url + '"); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; }' ); }, 1); }, // get a data: attribute getData: function (el, att) { att = $.a.dataAttributePrefix + att; return $.f.get(el, att); }, // set a DOM property or text attribute set: function (el, att, string) { if (typeof el[att] === "string") { el[att] = string; } else { el.setAttribute(att, string); } }, // create a DOM element make: function (obj) { var el = false, tag, att; for (tag in obj) { if (obj[tag] && obj[tag].hasOwnProperty) { el = $.d.createElement(tag); for (att in obj[tag]) { if (obj[tag][att] && obj[tag][att].hasOwnProperty) { if (typeof obj[tag][att] === "string") { $.f.set(el, att, obj[tag][att]); } } } break; } } return el; }, // remove a DOM element kill: function (obj) { if (typeof obj === "string") { obj = $.d.getElementById(obj); } if (obj && obj.parentNode) { obj.parentNode.removeChild(obj); } }, // replace one DOM element with another replace: function (before, after) { if (typeof before === "object" && typeof after === "object") { $.w.setTimeout(function () { before.parentNode.insertBefore(after, before); $.w.setTimeout(function () { $.f.kill(before); }, 1); }, 1); } }, // parse an URL, return values for specified keys in the query string parse: function (str, keys) { var query, pair, part, i, n, v, ret; ret = {}; // remove url hash, split to find query query = str.split("#")[0].split("?"); // found query? if (query[1]) { // split to pairs pair = query[1].split("&"); // loop through pairs for (i = 0, n = pair.length; i < n; i = i + 1) { // split on equals part = pair[i].split("="); // found exactly two parts? if (part.length === 2) { // first part is key; do we have a match in keys? if (keys[part[0]]) { // attempt to decode this try { v = decodeURIComponent(part[1]); } catch (e) { v = part[1]; } // yes: set return value for key to second part, which is value ret[part[0]] = v; } } } } return ret; }, // stop the default event action preventDefault: function (v) { if (v.preventDefault) { v.preventDefault(); } else { v.returnValue = false; } }, // return moz, webkit, ms, etc getVendorPrefix: function () { var x = /^(moz|webkit|ms)(?=[A-Z])/i; var r = ""; for (var p in $.d.b.style) { if (x.test(p)) { r = "-" + p.match(x)[0].toLowerCase() + "-"; break; } } return r; }, // call an API endpoint; fire callback if specified call: function (url, callback) { var n, id, tag, msg, sep = "?"; // $.f.callback starts as an empty array n = $.f.callback.length; // new SCRIPT tags get IDs so we can find them, query them, and delete them later id = $.a.k + ".f.callback[" + n + "]"; // the callback will fire only when the API returns $.f.callback[n] = function (r) { // do we have output? if (r) { // send the original call back with the callback so we can munge href URLs if needed r.theCall = url; // do we need to log an error? if (r.status && r.status === "failure") { // some errors don't have messages; fall back to status msg = r.message || r.status; // has the site operator specified a callback? if (typeof $.v.config.error === "string") { // does the callback function actually exist? if (typeof $.w[$.v.config.error] === "function") { $.w[$.v.config.error](msg); } } // scope gotcha: recreate id string from n instead of relying on it already being in id tag = $.d.getElementById($.a.k + ".f.callback[" + n + "]"); // found it? if (tag) { // does it have a src attribute? if (tag.src) { // log only the URL part $.f.log( "&event=api_error&code=" + r.code + "&msg=" + msg + "&url=" + encodeURIComponent(tag.src.split("?")[0]) ); } } } } // if a callback exists, pass the API output if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(r, n); } // clean up the SCRIPT tag after it's run $.f.kill(id); }; // some calls may come with a query string already set if (url.match(/\?/)) { sep = "&"; } // make and call the new SCRIPT tag $.d.b.appendChild( $.f.make({ SCRIPT: { id: id, type: "text/javascript", charset: "utf-8", src: url + sep + "callback=" + id } }) ); }, // super-light base-64 encoder; guaranteed to choke on Unicode // via Dave Chambers (https://github.com/davidchambers/Base64.js) btoa: function (s) { var d = "data:image/svg+xml;base64,"; if ($.w.btoa) { d = d + $.w.btoa(s); } else { for ( var a = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", b, c, i = 0; s.charAt(i | 0) || ((a = "="), i % 1); d = d + a.charAt(63 & (b >> (8 - (i % 1) * 8))) ) { c = s.charCodeAt((i += 0.75)); b = (b << 8) | c; } } return d; }, // turn a path and some values into an SVG makeSVG: function (obj, fill) { var i, n, svg; // start svg svg = ''; // height and width svg = svg.replace(/%h%/, obj.h); svg = svg.replace(/%w%/, obj.w); // view box defaults to 0, 0, w, h but can be overriden (side count bubble) svg = svg.replace(/%x1%/, obj.x1 || "0"); svg = svg.replace(/%y1%/, obj.y1 || "0"); svg = svg.replace(/%x2%/, obj.x2 || obj.w); svg = svg.replace(/%y2%/, obj.y2 || obj.h); // compute svg data for each path (round Pinterest logo has two) for (i = 0, n = obj.p.length; i < n; i = i + 1) { // start the path svg = svg + '"; } // end svg svg = svg + ""; return $.f.btoa(svg); }, // build stylesheet buildStyleSheet: function () { var css, rules, k, re, repl; css = $.f.make({ STYLE: { type: "text/css" } }); rules = $.v.css; // each rule has our randomly-created key at its root to minimize style collisions rules = rules.replace(/\._/g, "." + a.k + "_"); // strings to replace in CSS rules var repl = { "%prefix%": $.f.getVendorPrefix(), // css directives "%thinShadow%": "0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.5)", "%widgetBorderRadius%": "16px", "%buttonBorderRadius%": "3px", "%buttonBorderRadiusTall%": "3px", "%saveButtonBackgroundColor%": "#e60023", // SVG replacements "%play%": $.f.makeSVG($.a.svg.play), "%pause%": $.f.makeSVG($.a.svg.pause), "%forward%": $.f.makeSVG($.a.svg.forward), "%backward%": $.f.makeSVG($.a.svg.backward), "%above%": $.f.makeSVG($.a.svg.above), "%beside%": $.f.makeSVG($.a.svg.beside), "%logo%": $.f.makeSVG($.a.svg.logo), "%lockup%": $.f.makeSVG($.a.svg.lockup), "%pinit_en_red%": $.f.makeSVG($.a.svg.pinit_en), "%pinit_en_white%": $.f.makeSVG($.a.svg.pinit_en, "fff"), "%pinit_ja_red%": $.f.makeSVG($.a.svg.pinit_ja), "%pinit_ja_white%": $.f.makeSVG($.a.svg.pinit_ja, "fff") }; $.f.makeSVG($.a.svg.pinit_en, "fff"); // replace everything in repl throughout rules for (k in repl) { if (repl[k].hasOwnProperty) { // re = new RegExp(k, 'g'); rules = rules.replace(new RegExp(k, "g"), repl[k]); } } // add rules to stylesheet if (css.styleSheet) { css.styleSheet.cssText = rules; } else { css.appendChild($.d.createTextNode(rules)); } // add stylesheet to page if ($.d.h) { $.d.h.appendChild(css); } else { $.d.b.appendChild(css); } $.v.ourStyles = css; }, // recursive function to make rules out of a Sass-like object presentation: function (obj, str) { // make CSS rules var name, i, k, pad, key, rules = "", selector = str || ""; for (k in obj) { if (obj[k].hasOwnProperty) { // found a rule if (typeof obj[k] === "string") { rules = rules + "\n " + k + ": " + obj[k] + ";"; } } } // add selector and rules to stylesheet if (selector && rules) { $.v.css = $.v.css + selector + " { " + rules + "\n}\n"; } // any children we need to handle? for (k in obj) { if (obj[k].hasOwnProperty) { if (typeof obj[k] === "object") { // replace & with parent selector // var key = k.replace(/&/g, selector); key = selector + " " + k; key = key.replace(/ &/g, ""); key = key.replace(/,/g, ", " + selector); $.f.presentation(obj[k], key); } } } // if this is our root, remove from current context and make stylesheet if (obj === $.a.styles) { $.w.setTimeout(function () { $.f.buildStyleSheet(); }, 1); } }, // send logging information log: function (str) { // don't log from our networks if ( !$.v.here.url.match(/^https?:\/\/(.*?\.|)(pinterest|pinadmin)\.com\//) ) { // query always starts with type=pidget&guid=something var query = "?type=pidget&guid=" + $.v.guid, ping = new Image(); // add test version if found if ($.a.tv) { query = query + "&tv=" + $.a.tv; } // add optional string &foo=bar if (str) { query = query + str; } // add user-specified logging tag, if present if ($.v.config.tag) { query = query + "&tag=" + $.v.config.tag; } // add the page we're looking at right now query = query + "&via=" + encodeURIComponent($.v.here.url); // did we derive via from an alternate to document.URL if ($.v.here.src !== 'doc') { // pin, canonical, or og query = query + "&viaSrc=" + $.v.here.src; } // did we modify this URL due to a forbidden parameter? if ($.v.here.mod) { query = query + "&viaMod=1"; } // debug what we're about to send $.f.debug("Logging: " + query); ping.src = $.a.endpoint.log + query; } }, // build a query buildQuery: function (params) { var query = ""; for (var key in params) { if (params.hasOwnProperty(key) && params[key]) { if (query) { query = query + "&"; } query = query + key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[key]); } } return query; }, // things that happen on click, exposed for site operators to call if needed util: { // story pin video controls control: function (me) { // default play var directive = "play"; // if we're pausing, set it to pause if (me.el.className.match("_pause")) { directive = "pause"; } // get our pin var top = me.el.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; // get the first video in the pin and pause or play it top.getElementsByTagName("video")[0][directive](); // find our play and pause controls var controls = { play: me.el.parentNode.getElementsByClassName($.a.k + "_play")[0], pause: me.el.parentNode.getElementsByClassName($.a.k + "_pause")[0] } // show them both controls.play.style.display = controls.pause.style.display = "block"; // hide the one we just clicked controls[directive].style.display = "none"; }, // story pin no-op (so we don't open the pin when someone clicks where nav has just disappeared) noop: function () {}, // story pin navigation navigate: function (me) { var dir = $.f.getData(me.el, "log").split("_").pop(); // get our pin var top = me.el.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; // get the current index var current = $.f.get(top, "data-pin-current") - 0; // get the pages var pages = top.getElementsByClassName($.a.k + "_page"); // stop playing video if (pages[current].className.match("hazVideo")) { var video = pages[current].getElementsByTagName("video"); if (video[0]) { video[0].pause(); } // if we are moving off page zero, hide pause/play controls if (!current) { var controls = me.el.parentNode.getElementsByClassName($.a.k + "_controls")[0]; controls.style.display = "none"; // reset controls so Pause isn't showing when we go back controls.getElementsByClassName($.a.k + "_play")[0].style.display = "block"; controls.getElementsByClassName($.a.k + "_pause")[0].style.display = "none"; } } // move the current page into the past or future if (dir === "forward") { // move the present page into the past $.f.changeClass(pages[current], { past: true }); // increment current current = current + 1; } else { // move the present page into the future $.f.changeClass(pages[current], { future: true }); // increment current current = current - 1; // are we on the first page? if (!current) { // do we have a video? if (pages[current].className.match("hazVideo")) { $.w.setTimeout(function () { me.el.parentNode.getElementsByClassName($.a.k + "_controls")[0].style.display = "block"; // wait .25s so the animation can finish before throwing up the controller }, 250); } } } // set the new index $.f.set(top, "data-pin-current", current); // update progress dots var dots = top.getElementsByClassName($.a.k + "_indicator"); for (i = 0; i < dots.length; i = i + 1) { $.f.changeClass(dots[i], { current: i === current }); } // move the new page into the present if (dir === "forward") { // we've gone forward so we are no longer at the beginning $.f.changeClass(top, { atStart: false }); // move the future page into the present $.f.changeClass(pages[current], { future: false }); // hide the forward arrow if (current === pages.length - 1) { // we're at the end $.f.changeClass(top, { atEnd: true }); } } else { // we've gone backward so we are no longer at the end $.f.changeClass(top, { atEnd: false }); // move the past page into the present $.f.changeClass(pages[current], { past: false }); // hide the forward arrow if (current === 0) { // we're at the beginning $.f.changeClass(top, { atStart: true }); } } // start playing if we are not on page 0, which has a player control if (pages[current].className.match("hazVideo") && current) { var video = pages[current].getElementsByTagName("video"); if (video[0]) { video[0].play(); } } }, // open an URL open: function (me) { $.w.open(me.href, "_blank"); }, // open pinmarklet pinAny: function () { $.f.debug("opening the grid"); $.d.b.appendChild( $.f.make({ SCRIPT: { type: "text/javascript", charset: "utf-8", pinMethod: "button", guid: $.v.guid, src: $.a.endpoint.bookmark + "?guid=" + $.v.guid } }) ); }, // pin an image pinOne: function (o) { if (o.href) { // parsing an URL, pinning var q = $.f.parse(o.href, { url: true, media: true, description: true }); // found valid URLs? if ( q.url && q.url.match(/^http/i) && q.media && q.media.match(/^http/i) ) { // log an error for Pin It buttons that don't have default descriptions if (!q.description) { q.description = $.d.title; } // don't pass more than 500 characters to the board picker if (q.description.length > 500) { q.description = q.description.substring(0, 500); } // pop the pin form $.w.open( o.href, "pin" + new Date().getTime(), $.a.pop.base.replace("%dim%", $.a.pop.size) ); } else { // fire up the bookmarklet and hope for the best $.f.util.pinAny(); } } else { // we're pinning an image if (o.media) { if (!o.url) { o.url = $.v.here.url; } if (!o.description) { o.description = $.d.title; } // don't pass more than 500 characters to the board picker if (o.description.length > 500) { o.description = o.description.substring(0, 500); } // pop the pin form $.f.log("&event=button_pinit_custom"); o.href = $.v.config.pinterest + "/pin/create/button/?guid=" + $.v.guid + "&url=" + encodeURIComponent(o.url) + "&media=" + encodeURIComponent(o.media) + "&description=" + encodeURIComponent(o.description); $.w.open( o.href, "pin" + new Date().getTime(), $.a.pop.base.replace("%dim%", $.a.pop.size) ); } else { // no media $.f.util.pinAny(); } } if (o.v && o.v.preventDefault) { o.v.preventDefault(); } else { $.w.event.returnValue = false; } }, // open repin dialog from hoverbutton repinHoverButton: function (id) { $.f.util.repin(id, true); }, // open repin dialog repin: function (data, fromHover) { var href, logType, pinId; if (typeof data === "object") { if (data.href) { pinId = data.href.split("/")[4]; } } else { pinId = data; } if (parseInt(pinId)) { var href = $.v.config.pinterest + $.a.path.repin.replace("%s", pinId) + "?guid=" + $.v.guid; $.w.open( href, "pin" + new Date().getTime(), $.a.pop.base.replace("%dim%", $.a.pop.size) ); } else { $.f.debug($.v.config.util + ".repin requires an integer pinId"); } }, // open follow dialog follow: function (o) { $.w.open( o.href, "pin" + new Date().getTime(), $.a.pop.base.replace("%dim%", $.a.pop.size) ); }, // send a log request log: function (params) { if (params) { $.f.log("&" + $.f.buildQuery(params)); } else { $.f.debug($.v.config.util + ".log requires valid query params"); } } }, // build a complex element from a JSON template buildOne: function (obj, el) { if (!el) { var opts = {}; // Add links to buttons for SEO. if (obj.tagName === "A" && obj.href) { opts.A = { className: $.a.k + "_" + obj.className.replace(/ /g, " " + $.a.k + "_"), href: obj.href }; } else { opts.SPAN = { className: $.a.k + "_" + obj.className.replace(/ /g, " " + $.a.k + "_") }; } var root = $.f.make(opts); $.f.buildOne(obj, root); // return a pointer to the object that will eventually contain the entire built structure return root; } else { if (obj && obj.length) { // do we have an array of children to build? for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i = i + 1) { $.f.buildOne(obj[i], el); } } else { // check keys; set attributes if they're strings for (var key in obj) { if (typeof obj[key] === "string") { // set an attribute var value = obj[key]; // set text if (key === "text") { el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML + value; } // add calss names if (key === "addClass") { var classesToAdd = value.split(" "); for (var i = 0; i < classesToAdd.length; i = i + 1) { el.className = el.className + " " + $.a.k + "_" + classesToAdd[i]; } } // only some style attributes are allowed if ($.a.build.setStyle[key]) { if (key === "backgroundImage") { el.style[key] = "url(" + value + ")"; } else { el.style[key] = value; } } // only some data attributes are allowed if ($.a.build.setData[key]) { $.f.set(el, "data-pin-" + key, value); } } else { // we have an object if (key !== "video") { // create a new container for the child element var child = $.f.make({ SPAN: { className: $.a.k + "_" + key.replace(/ /g, " " + $.a.k), // where we go on click "data-pin-href": $.f.getData(el, "href"), // what we log (and potentially what we do) on click "data-pin-log": $.f.getData(el, "log") } }); // append the child to our current element el.appendChild(child); // check for grandchildren $.f.buildOne(obj[key], child); } else { // we have a video (currently only available in story pins) var addVideoClass = ""; if (obj.video.addClass) { addVideoClass = " " + $.a.k + "_" + obj.video.addClass; } var myVideo = $.f.make({ VIDEO: { poster: obj.video.poster, preload: "auto", loop: "loop", playsinline: "playsinline", class: $.a.k + "_video" + addVideoClass } }); // append the mp4 first or Firefox will complain in console about m3u8 not being supported if (obj.video.mp4) { myVideo.appendChild( $.f.make({ SOURCE: { src: obj.video.mp4, type: "video/mp4" } }) ); } // do the right thing for Webkit browsers if (obj.video.m3u8) { myVideo.appendChild( $.f.make({ SOURCE: { src: obj.video.m3u8, type: "video/m3u8" } }) ); } // append the video el.appendChild(myVideo); } } } } } }, // a click! click: function (v) { v = v || $.w.event; var el, log, x, pinId, href; el = $.f.getEl(v); if (el) { log = $.f.getData(el, "log"); // custom buttons with child nodes may not pass clicks; check one level up if (!log && el.parentNode) { el = el.parentNode; log = $.f.getData(el, "log"); } // is it one of ours? if (log) { x = $.f.getData(el, "x") || ""; href = $.f.getData(el, "href"); if (x) { // sticky and hoverbuttons will pass in &tall=1&round=1 // embedded pin widget will show a naked value so report &x=value if (x.substr(0, 1) !== "&") { x = "&x=" + encodeURIComponent(x); } } $.f.log( "&event=click&target=" + log + "&lang=" + $.v.lang + "&sub=" + $.v.sub + x + "&href=" + encodeURIComponent(href) ); if (typeof $.f.util[$.a.util[log]] === "function") { // got a special utility handler? run it $.f.util[$.a.util[log]]({ el: el, href: href, v: v }); } else { if (href) { // some elements are controls, like pause/play and menu toggle; they won't open new pages $.w.open(href, "_blank"); } } } } }, // BEGIN HOVERBUTTON-RELATED STUFF // return the selected text, if any getSelection: function () { return ( "" + ($.w.getSelection ? $.w.getSelection() : $.d.getSelection ? $.d.getSelection() : $.d.selection.createRange().text) ).replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, ""); }, // return current style property for element // via PPK (http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/getstyles.html) getStyle: function (el, prop, getNum) { var r = null; // modern browsers if ($.w.getComputedStyle) { r = $.w.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue(prop); } else { // IE browsers if (el.currentStyle) { r = el.currentStyle[prop]; } } // if we only want the numeric part, shave off px if (r && getNum) { r = parseInt(r) || 0; } return r; }, // get position of an element getPos: function (el) { var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { top: rect.top + $.w.scrollY, left: rect.left + $.w.scrollX, bottom: rect.bottom + $.w.scrollY, right: rect.right + $.w.scrollX }; }, // show hoverbuttons and stickybuttons showHoverButton: function (el, sticky) { // always try to kill it $.f.kill($.s.hoverButton); // get config options var c = { id: $.f.getData(el, "id"), url: $.f.getData(el, "url"), media: $.f.getData(el, "media"), description: $.f.getData(el, "description"), height: $.f.getData(el, "height") || $.v.config.height || "20", color: $.f.getData(el, "color") || $.v.config.color || "gray", shape: $.f.getData(el, "shape") || $.v.config.shape || "rect", lang: $.f.getLang($.f.getData(el, "lang") || $.v.config.lang || $.v.lang), // new params tall: $.f.getData(el, "tall") || $.v.config.tall, round: $.f.getData(el, "round") || $.v.config.round }; // legacy translations if (c.height === "28") { c.tall = true; } if (c.shape === "round") { c.round = true; } var h, w; if (sticky) { // default round buttons to tall if (c.round) { c.tall = true; } // use actual image dimensions because they may be scaled below 120x120 h = el.naturalHeight; w = el.naturalWidth; } else { // use rendered height/width so we don't wind up with hoverbuttons over scaled-down icons h = el.height; w = el.width; } // size > 120x120? if (h > $.a.hoverButtonMinImgSize && w > $.a.hoverButtonMinImgSize) { var x = "", impressionLogExtras = "&lang=" + c.lang + "&sub=" + $.v.sub; // make it fresh each time; this pays attention to individual image config options var buttonClass = $.a.k + "_button_pin"; if (c.round) { buttonClass = buttonClass + " " + $.a.k + "_round"; x = "&round=1"; } else { buttonClass = buttonClass + " " + $.a.k + "_save"; } if (c.tall) { buttonClass = buttonClass + " " + $.a.k + "_tall"; x = x + "&tall=1"; } impressionLogExtras = impressionLogExtras + x; // get position, start href var p = $.f.getPos(el), href, log; var log, href; if (c.id) { impressionLogExtras = impressionLogExtras + "&id=" + c.id; href = $.v.config.pinterest + $.a.path.repin.replace(/%s/, c.id); if (sticky) { log = "button_pinit_sticky_repin"; } else { log = "button_pinit_floating_repin"; } } else { // set the button href href = $.v.config.pinterest + $.a.path.create + "guid=" + $.v.guid; href = href + "&url=" + encodeURIComponent(c.url || $.v.here.url); href = href + "&media=" + encodeURIComponent(c.media || el.src); href = href + "&description=" + encodeURIComponent( $.f.getSelection() || c.description || el.title || $.d.title ); if (sticky) { log = "button_pinit_sticky"; } else { log = "button_pinit_floating"; } } $.s.hoverButton = $.f.make({ SPAN: { className: buttonClass, "data-pin-log": log, "data-pin-href": href } }); // add round=1 or tall=1 so we know on click if (x) { $.f.set($.s.hoverButton, "data-pin-x", x); } // save button? use translated string if (!c.round) { $.s.hoverButton.innerHTML = $.a.strings[c.lang].save; } // add ID if we're repinning if (c.id) { $.f.set($.s.hoverButton, "data-pin-id", c.id); } // log impressions after a button has actually rendered if (!$.v.hazLoggedHoverButton) { if (sticky) { $.f.log("&event=impression_sticky" + impressionLogExtras); } else { $.f.log("&event=impression_floating" + impressionLogExtras); } $.v.hazLoggedHoverButton = true; } // set height and position $.s.hoverButton.style.position = "absolute"; $.s.hoverButton.style.top = p.top + $.a.hoverButtonOffsetTop + "px"; $.s.hoverButton.style.left = p.left + $.a.hoverButtonOffsetLeft + "px"; $.s.hoverButton.style.zIndex = "8675309"; $.d.b.appendChild($.s.hoverButton); } }, // mouse over; only active if we have hoverbuttons over: function (v) { var t, el, src; t = v || $.w.event; el = $.f.getEl(t); if ($.f.canHazButton(el)) { // we are inside an image if (!$.v.hazHoverButton) { // show the hoverbutton $.v.hazHoverButton = true; } $.f.showHoverButton(el); } else { // we are outside an image. Do we need to hide the hoverbutton? if ($.v.hazHoverButton) { // don't hide the hoverbutton if we are over it if (el !== $.s.hoverButton) { // hide it $.v.hazHoverButton = false; $.f.kill($.s.hoverButton); } } } }, // END HOVERBUTTON-RELATED STUFF // turn a raw number into a shortened pin count formatCount: function (n) { if (!n) { n = "0"; } else { if (n > 999) { if (n < 1000000) { n = parseInt(n / 1000, 10) + "K+"; } else { if (n < 1000000000) { n = parseInt(n / 1000000, 10) + "M+"; } else { n = "++"; } } } } n = n + ""; return n; }, // each kind of widget has its own structure structure: { buttonPin: function (r, options) { $.v.countButton = $.v.countButton + 1; var template, formatCount, formattedCount, sep; template = { className: "button_pin", log: options.log }; if (options.id) { template.id = options.id; } if (options.log === "button_pinit") { template.tagName = "A"; template.href = $.v.config.pinterest + "/pin/create/button/?guid=" + $.v.guid + "-" + $.v.countButton + "&url=" + encodeURIComponent(options.url) + "&media=" + encodeURIComponent(options.media) + "&description=" + encodeURIComponent(options.description); } if (options.log === "button_pinit_bookmarklet") { template.href = $.v.config.pinterest + "/pin/create/button/"; } if (options.log === "button_pinit_repin") { template.href = $.v.config.pinterest + "/pin/" + options.id + "/repin/x/?guid=" + $.v.guid; } else { if (options.count) { // show count if positive, or configured to show above, or configured to show beside with data-pin-zero set if ( r.count || options.count === "above" || (options.count === "beside" && options.zero) ) { formattedCount = $.f.formatCount(r.count); template.className = template.className + " " + options.count; // data-pin-x will log as an extra parameter when the button is clicked template.x = formattedCount; template.count = { text: formattedCount, // data-pin-x needed here too because counts are clickable x: formattedCount }; } } } // round buttons require no innerHTML if (options.round) { template.className = template.className + " round"; } else { // data-pin-save="false" gets a Pin It button // instead of data-pin-save="true" getting a Save button (breaking change, 20171003) if (options.save !== "false") { template.className = template.className + " save"; template.text = $.a.strings[options.lang].save || $.a.strings[$.v.config.lang].save; } else { // we're going to make an old-school Pin It button if (options.lang === "ja") { template.className = template.className + " ja"; } if (options.color === "red") { template.className = template.className + " red"; } if (options.color === "white") { template.className = template.className + " white"; } } } if (options.padded) { template.className = template.className + " padded"; } if (options.tall) { template.className = template.className + " tall"; } return $.f.buildOne(template); }, buttonFollow: function (r, options) { var template = { className: "button_follow", log: "button_follow", text: r.name }; if (options.tall) { template.className = template.className + " tall"; } if (r.id.match(/\//)) { // found a forward-slash? follow a board template.href = $.v.config.pinterest + "/" + r.id + "/follow/?guid=" + $.v.guid; } else { // no forward-slash? follow a pinner template.href = $.v.config.pinterest + "/" + r.id + "/pins/follow/?guid=" + $.v.guid; } $.v.countFollow = $.v.countFollow + 1; return $.f.buildOne(template); }, embedGrid: function (r, options) { var p, template, colHeight, i, pin, minValue, minIndex, j, buttonUrl, buttonLog, boardUrl, str, tt, labelClass, labelContent, profileUrl; if (r.data) { p = r.data; if ( !options.columns || options.columns < 1 || options.columns > 10 ) { options.columns = 5; } if (options.height < 200) { options.height = 340; } // profileUrl is not internationalized by API; fix inline profileUrl = $.v.config.pinterest + "/" + p.user.profile_url.split("pinterest.com/")[1]; template = { className: "embed_grid c" + options.columns, log: "embed_grid", href: $.v.config.pinterest, hd: { href: profileUrl, img: { backgroundImage: p.user.image_small_url.replace( /30x30_/, "60x60_" ) }, pinner: { text: p.user.full_name } }, bd: { height: options.height - 110 + "px", ct: [] }, ft: { log: "embed_user_ft", href: profileUrl + "pins/follow/?guid=" + $.v.guid, button: {} } }; if (options.noscroll) { template.className = template.className + " noscroll"; } if (options.width) { template.width = options.width + "px"; } // masonry layout colHeight = []; for (i = 0; i < options.columns; i = i + 1) { template.bd.ct.push({ col: [] }); colHeight[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < p.pins.length; i = i + 1) { pin = p.pins[i]; minValue = colHeight[0]; minIndex = 0; for (j = 0; j < options.columns; j = j + 1) { if (colHeight[j] < minValue) { minIndex = j; minValue = colHeight[j]; } } template.bd.ct[minIndex].col.push({ img: { href: $.v.config.pinterest + "/pin/" + pin.id, backgroundImage: pin.images["237x"].url, backgroundColor: pin.dominant_color, paddingBottom: (pin.images["237x"].height / pin.images["237x"].width) * 100 + "%" } }); colHeight[minIndex] = colHeight[minIndex] + pin.images["237x"].height; } // follow button if (p.board) { // it's a board template.className = template.className + " board"; boardUrl = $.v.config.pinterest + p.board.url; template.hd.board = { text: p.board.name, href: boardUrl }; buttonUrl = boardUrl + "follow/?guid=" + $.v.guid; if (r.data.section) { template.hd.board = { text: r.data.section.title, href: boardUrl + r.theCall.split("/pins/")[0].split("/").pop() + "/" }; buttonLog = "embed_section_ft"; $.v.countSection = $.v.countSection + 1; } else { buttonLog = "embed_board_ft"; template.ft.href = buttonUrl; $.v.countBoard = $.v.countBoard + 1; } } else { // it's a profile buttonUrl = profileUrl + "pins/follow?guid=" + $.v.guid; buttonLog = "embed_user_ft"; $.v.countProfile = $.v.countProfile + 1; } // follow button label str = $.a.strings[options.lang].followOn; tt = str.split("%s"); // if class is "bottom" break text above button at narrow widths labelClass = "bottom"; labelContent = '' + tt[0] + ''; if (tt[0] === "") { // if class is "top" break text below button at narrow widths labelClass = "top"; labelContent = '' + tt[1] + ""; } // render HTML outside of buildOne -- dangerous but necessary template.ft.button.label = { addClass: labelClass, text: labelContent }; return $.f.buildOne(template); } }, embedPin: function (r, options) { var i, j, p, t, pin, page, template, width = "", widthMod = "", fontMod, adjusted, myImages, sizeFix = { small: 1, medium: 345 / 237, large: 600 / 237 }; if (!options.width) { options.width = "small"; } if (r.data && r.data[0]) { if (r.data[0].error) { // we can't build this Pin $.f.log( "&event=api_error&code=embed_pin_not_found&pin_id=" + r.data[0].id ); return false; } else { // we're ready to build a Pin switch (options.width) { case "large": $.v.countPinLarge = $.v.countPinLarge + 1; imgWidth = "600x"; width = " large"; widthMod = "_large"; fontMod = 1; lineHeight = "1.11em"; break; case "medium": $.v.countPinMedium = $.v.countPinMedium + 1; imgWidth = "345x"; width = " medium"; widthMod = "_medium"; fontMod = .8; lineHeight = "1.23em"; break; default: $.v.countPin = $.v.countPin + 1; imgWidth = "237x"; fontMod = .6; lineHeight = "1.24em"; } pin = r.data[0]; var myDescription = (pin.description || {}).trim(); template = { href: "https://www.pinterest.com/pin/" + pin.id + "/", addClass: "", className: "embed_pin" + width, id: pin.id, log: "embed_pin", pages: { // default height for story pins paddingBottom: "178%", overlay: { addClass: "", // Pin It button repin: { // log a different value for button log: "embed_pin_repin" + widthMod, id: pin.id, text: $.a.strings[options.lang].save } } } }; var seekTitle = function (pages) { var p = pages || []; for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i = i + 1) { for (var j = 0; j < p[i].blocks.length; j = j + 1) { if (p[i].blocks[j].type && p[i].blocks[j].text) { if (p[i].blocks[j].type === "story_pin_heading_block") { return p[i].blocks[j].text; } } } } return null; }; var makeStaticPin = function () { // make an empty block var block = { height: "100%", width: "100%", image: { height: "100%", width: "100%", addClass: "coverMe", backgroundImage: pin.images["237x"].url.replace( /\/237x\//, "/" + imgWidth + "/" ) } } // do we have a native video? Swap it in for the image var videoList = ((pin.videos ||{}).video_list); if (videoList) { delete block.image; block.video = { addClass: "isNative", m3u8: videoList.V_HLSV4.url, mp4: videoList.V_720P.url, poster: videoList.V_HLSV4.thumbnail || videoList.V_720P.thumbnail } } // this is a static pin, so it will have one page with one block template.pages = { paddingBottom: ~~( (pin.images["237x"].height / pin.images["237x"].width) * 10000 ) / 100 + "%", page: { blocks: { block: block } }, // we've already rendered the overlay overlay: template.pages.overlay }; // add the controller and the className that will allow it to show if (videoList) { template.addClass = template.addClass + " hazVideo"; // we have a video on page 0, so add controls template.pages.overlay.controls = { pause: { log: "embed_story_pause" }, play: { log: "embed_story_play" } }; } }; // story pin versions we know about var knownStoryPinVersions = { "0.1.0": true, "0.3.0": true, "0.4.0": true, "0.7.0": true, "0.8.0": true, "0.9.0": true, "0.10.0": true }; // do we have a known story pin version and story pin data? if ( pin.story_pin_data && pin.story_pin_data.metadata && knownStoryPinVersions[pin.story_pin_data.metadata.version] ) { var metadata = pin.story_pin_data.metadata; $.f.debug( "Story pin version: " + metadata.version + " ID: " + pin.id ); // if we can tell it's a recipe, get rid of page 2 if (metadata.template_type === 1 && pin.story_pin_data.pages.length > 1) { var vv = metadata.version.split('.'); if (vv[0] === '0') { // if we're below 0.10, remove the second page if (vv[1] && (vv[1] - 0) < 10) { pin.story_pin_data.pages.splice(1, 1); } } } if (pin.story_pin_data.page_count) { var progressIndicator = {}; if (pin.story_pin_data.page_count > 1) { template.pages.overlay.forward_noop = { addClass: "nav", log: "embed_story_noop" }; template.pages.overlay.forward = { addClass: "nav", log: "embed_story_forward" }; template.pages.overlay.backward_noop = { addClass: "nav", log: "embed_story_noop" }; template.pages.overlay.backward = { addClass: "nav", log: "embed_story_back" }; } // show the forward arrow template.className = template.className + " atStart"; var pagesFound = 0; for ( i = 0; i < pin.story_pin_data.pages.length; i = i + 1 ) { page = pin.story_pin_data.pages[i]; t = { addClass: "page " }; // change this to block if ((page.style || {}).background_color) { t.backgroundColor = page.style.background_color; } canHazPage = false; // 0.1.0 if (metadata.version === "0.1.0") { canHazPage = true; t.blocks = { "0": { addClass: "block", height: "100%", width: "100%" } }; if (page.image) { t.blocks["0"].image = { addClass: "containMe", height: "100%", width: "100%", backgroundImage: page.image.images.originals.url.replace( /\/originals\//, "/" + imgWidth + "/" ), backgroundColor: page.image.dominant_color || "#888" }; } if (!i) { // always stretch the cover image t.blocks["0"].image.addClass = "coverMe"; } } // v0.3.0 if (metadata.version === "0.3.0") { canHazPage = true; t.blocks = { "0": { addClass: "block", height: "100%", width: "100%" } }; if (page.image) { t.blocks["0"].image = { addClass: "containMe", height: "100%", width: "100%", backgroundImage: page.image.images[ "originals" ].url.replace( /\/originals\//, "/" + imgWidth + "/" ), backgroundColor: page.image.dominant_color || "#888" }; if (!i) { // always stretch the cover image t.blocks["0"].image.addClass = "coverMe"; } } else { if (page.video) { var myVideo = page.video.video_list.V_HLSV3_MOBILE; var hackMP4 = myVideo.url .replace(/\/hls\//, "/720p/") .replace(/\.m3u8/, ".mp4"); if (myVideo.url) { t.blocks["0"].container = { addClass: "video", video: { height: "100%", width: "100%", mp4: hackMP4 } }; t.addClass = t.addClass + "hazVideo "; } else { if (myVideo.thumbnail) { t.blocks["0"].image = { height: "100%", width: "100%", backgroundImage: myVideo.thumbnail[ "originals" ].url.replace( /\/originals\//, "/" + imgWidth + "/" ) }; } } } } } // v0.4.0 if (metadata.version === "0.4.0") { canHazPage = true; t.blocks = { "0": { addClass: "block", height: "100%", width: "100%" } }; if (page.image) { t.blocks["0"].image = { addClass: "containMe", height: "100%", width: "100%", backgroundImage: page.image.images[ "originals" ].url.replace( /\/originals\//, "/" + imgWidth + "/" ), backgroundColor: page.image.dominant_color || "#888" }; if (!i) { // always stretch the cover image t.blocks["0"].image.addClass = "coverMe"; } } else { if (page.video) { var myVideo = page.video.video_list.V_HLSV3_MOBILE; var hackMP4 = myVideo.url .replace(/\/v2\/hls\//, "/720p/") .replace(/_mobile\.m3u8/, ".mp4"); if (myVideo.url) { t.blocks["0"].video = { height: "100%", width: "100%", mp4: hackMP4 }; t.addClass = t.addClass + "hazVideo "; } else { if (myVideo.thumbnail) { t.blocks["0"].image = { height: "100%", width: "100%", backgroundImage: myVideo.thumbnail[ "originals" ].url.replace( /\/originals\//, "/" + imgWidth + "/" ) }; } } } } } // v0.7.0 if (metadata.version === "0.7.0") { // filter story pin supply block page if (page.image_adjusted && page.image_adjusted.images) { canHazPage = true; t.blocks = { "0": { addClass: "block", height: "100%", width: "100%", image: { addClass: "containMe", height: "100%", width: "100%", backgroundImage: page.image_adjusted.images[ "originals" ].url.replace( /\/originals\//, "/" + imgWidth + "/" ), backgroundColor: page.image_adjusted.dominant_color || "#888" } } }; if (!i) { // always stretch the cover image t.blocks["0"].image.addClass = "coverMe"; } } } // v0.8.0 and up if ( metadata.version === "0.8.0" || metadata.version === "0.9.0" || metadata.version === "0.10.0" ) { canHazPage = true; // it's a page we can build if (page.blocks) { t.blocks = {}; var blocksFound = 0; for (j = 0; j < page.blocks.length; j = j + 1) { var block = page.blocks[j]; var blockStyle = block.block_style; var style = block.style || {}; if (blockStyle) { var myBlock = { addClass: "block", top: blockStyle.y_coord + "%", left: blockStyle.x_coord + "%", height: blockStyle.height + "%", width: blockStyle.width + "%" }; if (style.font) { // see if we need to add var key = style.font.key; if (!$.v.fonts[key]) { $.v.fonts[key] = { name: style.font.name, url: style.font.url }; $.f.loadFont($.v.fonts[key]); } myBlock.fontFamily = style.font.name; } if (block.type === "story_pin_heading_block") { block.backgroundColor = blockStyle.highlight_color; // default values for text alignment var vAlign = "top"; var hAlign = "left"; // horizontal alignment if (style.alignment) { if (style.alignment === 1) { hAlign = "center"; } } // vertical alignment if (style.vertical_alignment) { if (style.vertical_alignment === 1) { vAlign = "middle"; } if (style.vertical_alignment === 2) { vAlign = "bottom"; } } // block is styled inline; container is 100% x 100% and aligns text vertically and horizontally myBlock.container = { addClass: hAlign + " " + vAlign, paragraph: { // font size is set in CSS backgroundColor: style.highlight_color || "", color: style.hex_color || "", // some strings have multiple newlines; only supply one
for these text: block.text.replace(/(\n+)/g, "
") } }; } if (block.type === "story_pin_image_block") { myBlock.height = blockStyle.height + "%"; myBlock.width = blockStyle.width + "%"; myBlock.image = { addClass: "containMe", height: "100%", width: "100%", backgroundImage: block.image.images[ "originals" ].url.replace( /\/originals\//, "/" + imgWidth + "/" ), backgroundColor: block.image.dominant_color || "#888" }; // partial-height blocks should cover their images instead of containing if (blockStyle.height !== "100") { myBlock.image.addClass = "coverMe"; } } if (block.type === "story_pin_video_block") { var mp4 = block.video.video_list.V_720P; var hlsv4 = block.video.video_list.V_HLSV4; // poster should show until video plays var poster = block.video.video_list.V_720P.thumbnail || block.video.video_list.V_HLSV4.thumbnail; if (mp4.url && hlsv4.url) { myBlock.container = { addClass: "video", video: { mp4: mp4.url, m3u8: hlsv4.url, poster: poster } }; if (!i) { // we have a video on page 0, so add controls template.pages.overlay.controls = { pause: { log: "embed_story_pause" }, play: { log: "embed_story_play" } } } t.addClass = t.addClass + "hazVideo "; } } if (block.type === "story_pin_paragraph_block") { block.backgroundColor = blockStyle.highlight_color; // default values for text alignment var vAlign = "top"; var hAlign = "left"; // horizontal alignment if (style.alignment) { if (style.alignment === 1) { hAlign = "center"; } } // vertical alignment if (style.vertical_alignment) { if (style.vertical_alignment === 1) { vAlign = "middle"; } if (style.vertical_alignment === 2) { vAlign = "bottom"; } } // block is styled inline; container is 100% x 100% and aligns text vertically and horizontally myBlock.container = { addClass: hAlign + " " + vAlign, paragraph: { backgroundColor: style.highlight_color || "", color: style.hex_color || "", // block.style.font_size is set for 450px width; fontMods are for 345 and 236 fontSize: style.font_size * fontMod + "px", // lineHeight has been set in ems already lineHeight: lineHeight, // some strings have multiple newlines; only supply one
for these text: block.text.replace(/(\n+)/g, "
") } }; // see if we have a hint that this may be a crowded block if (style.font && style.font.min_size) { if ( style.font.min_size < style.font_size - 1 ) { // let's give ourselves some more horizontal space myBlock.left = "2%"; myBlock.width = "96%"; } } } t.blocks["" + blocksFound] = myBlock; blocksFound = blocksFound + 1; } } } } if (canHazPage) { template.pages["" + pagesFound] = t; myProgress = { addClass: "indicator" }; if (!pagesFound) { myProgress.addClass = myProgress.addClass + " current"; } progressIndicator["" + pagesFound] = myProgress; if (pagesFound) { t.addClass = t.addClass + "future "; } pagesFound = pagesFound + 1; } } if (pagesFound) { template.pages.overlay.progress = progressIndicator; } } } else { makeStaticPin(); } var myFooter, myTitle; // native pin if (pin.native_creator) { // story pins 0.10.0 and up have a pin_title field myTitle = (((pin.story_pin_data || {}).metadata || {}).pin_title) || // dig through pages seekTitle((pin.story_pin_data || {}).pages) || // when all else fails, fall back to about-this-creator line pin.native_creator.about; // replace all space-ish characters (including hard returns, soft returns, and tabs) with true spaces myTitle = myTitle.replace(/\s/g, ' ') // ... and then replace all multiple spaces with a single space .replace(/ +/g, ' '); myFooter = { native: true, url: pin.native_creator.profile_url, // might be a story pin; might also be another kind of native pin title: myTitle, avatar: pin.native_creator.image_small_url, credit: $.a.strings[options.lang].publishedBy, name: pin.native_creator.full_name }; } else { // rich pin if (pin.rich_metadata) { if (pin.rich_metadata.products) { if (typeof pin.rich_metadata.products[0] === "object") { if ( pin.rich_metadata.products[0].offer_summary && pin.rich_metadata.products[0].offer_summary.price ) { template.pages.overlay.price = { text: pin.rich_metadata.products[0].offer_summary.price, log: "embed_pin_price" }; } } } myFooter = { title: pin.rich_metadata.title, avatar: pin.rich_metadata.favicon_images.orig, credit: pin.rich_metadata.site_name, name: myDescription }; // authors are missing for rich pins // if we can find the author from attribution, use it if ((pin.attribution || {}).author_name) { myFooter.credit = $.a.strings[options.lang]["by"].replace( /%s/, pin.attribution.author_name ); } } else { // legacy pin myFooter = { href: "https://www.pinterest.com/" + pin.pinner.profile_url, title: myDescription, avatar: pin.pinner.image_small_url, credit: pin.pinner.full_name, name: pin.board.name }; } } template.footer = { log: "embed_pin_follow", href: myFooter.url, container: { title: { text: myFooter.title }, avatar: { backgroundImage: myFooter.avatar }, deets: { topline: { text: myFooter.credit }, bottomline: { text: myFooter.name } } } }; if (!template.footer.container.deets.bottomline.text) { // hide the second line template.footer.addClass = "uno"; } else { if (myFooter.native) { // swap the boldface in the footer template.footer.addClass = "native"; } } var built = $.f.buildOne(template); // add the "fresh" className, showing overlay until first mouse over $.f.changeClass(built, { fresh: true }); // remove "fresh" className, hiding overlay after first mouse over $.f.listen(built, "mouseover", function () { $.f.changeClass(built, { fresh: false }); }); $.f.set(built, "data-pin-current", "0"); return built; } } } }, getLegacy: { grid: function (a, o) { var scaleHeight = parseInt($.f.getData(a, "scale-height")); var scaleWidth = parseInt($.f.getData(a, "scale-width")); var boardWidth = parseInt($.f.getData(a, "board-width")); // don't force the board to be wider than the containing parent if (boardWidth > a.parentNode.offsetWidth) { boardWidth = ""; } // scaleHeight is the height of the grid container in legacy // to make it full height, add 110 if (scaleHeight) { o.height = scaleHeight + 110; } if (scaleWidth && boardWidth) { // operator has specified column width and grid width, so we can get column count if (scaleWidth > 59 && scaleWidth < 238) { o.columns = Math.floor(boardWidth / scaleWidth); // o.width will be set as max-width on the main container o.width = boardWidth + 20; } } }, buttonPin: function (a, o) { // seek legacy attributes var c = { zero: $.f.getData(a, "zero") || $.v.config.zero, pad: $.f.getData(a, "count-pad"), height: $.f.getData(a, "height"), shape: $.f.getData(a, "shape"), config: $.f.getData(a, "config"), // check for inline overrides tall: $.f.getData(a, "tall"), round: $.f.getData(a, "round"), // here we use $.f.get because it's count-layout, not data-pin-count-layout countLayout: $.f.get(a, "count-layout") }; // operator has specifically told us to show zero counts if (c.zero) { o.zero = true; } if (o.count) { // operator is using new count position, so always pad and show zero counts o.padded = true; o.zero = true; } else { if (c.pad) { // operator has specifically told us to pad under count bubbles o.padded = true; } // find count position -- elderly buttons may have data-pin-config or count-layout if (c.config === "beside" || c.countLayout === "horizontal") { o.count = "beside"; } else { if (c.config === "above" || c.countLayout === "vertical") { o.count = "above"; } } } // translate valid shapes into round = true if (c.shape === "round") { o.round = true; } // translate valid tall heights into tall = true if (c.height === "28" || c.height === "32") { o.tall = true; } // inline overrides if (c.tall) { o.tall = true; if (c.tall === "false") { o.tall = false; } } if (c.round) { o.round = true; if (c.round === "false") { o.round = false; } } } }, seek: { buttonPin: function (a) { var p, o, k, cf; // community-generated standard: data-pin-do="none" means "don't render a button here" if ($.a.noneParam[$.f.getData(a, "do")] === true) { $.f.debug( 'Found a link to pin create form with data-pin-do="none"' ); return; } // can we parse the href and get url, media, and description? if (a.href) { p = $.f.parse(a.href, { url: true, media: true, description: true }); } cf = $.f.getData(a, "custom"); // get all the things o = { do: $.f.getData(a, "do"), id: $.f.getData(a, "id"), url: $.f.getData(a, "url") || p.url || $.v.here.url, media: $.f.getData(a, "media") || p.media, description: $.f.getData(a, "description") || p.description || $.d.title, custom: cf || $.v.config.custom, count: $.f.getData(a, "count") || $.v.config.count, color: $.f.getData(a, "color") || $.v.config.color, round: $.f.getData(a, "round") || $.v.config.round, tall: $.f.getData(a, "tall") || $.v.config.tall, lang: $.f.getLang($.f.getData(a, "lang") || $.v.config.lang || $.v.lang), save: $.f.getData(a, "save") || $.v.config.save }; // add global custom flag to log if ($.v.config.custom) { $.v.log.customGlobal = 1; } // add local custom flag to log if (cf) { $.v.log.customLocal = 1; } // change save flag to pinit (breaking change, 20171003) if ($.v.config.save === "false") { $.v.log.pinit = 1; } // how to tell what kind of button we need to make if (o.media) { // it's a properly-configured Any Image button o.log = "button_pinit"; } else { if (o.id) { // it's a repin button o.log = "button_pinit_repin"; } else { // it's a bookmark button o.log = "button_pinit_bookmarklet"; } } // custom button: remove href, listen for click if (o.custom) { // increment here so we count custom buttons $.v.countButton = $.v.countButton + 1; // remove href, prevent default behavior a.removeAttribute("href"); // tell us what to log $.f.set(a, "data-pin-log", "button_pinit"); // o.url, o.media, and o.description have already been parsed and set $.f.set( a, "data-pin-href", $.v.config.pinterest + "/pin/create/button" + "?guid=" + $.v.guid + "-" + $.v.countButton + "&url=" + encodeURIComponent(o.url) + "&media=" + encodeURIComponent(o.media) + "&description=" + encodeURIComponent(o.description) ); $.f.debug('Found a link with data-pin-custom="true"'); $.f.debug(a); return; } else { $.f.getLegacy.buttonPin(a, o); k = false; if (o.count === "above" || o.count === "beside") { k = true; if (o.url) { // get a count from the url argument $.f.call( $.a.endpoint.count.replace(/%s/, encodeURIComponent(o.url)), function (r) { $.f.replace(a, $.f.structure.buttonPin(r, o)); } ); } } // we have not made a call to count.json; build now if (!k) { var s = $.f.structure.buttonPin(a, o); $.f.replace(a, s); } } }, buttonBookmark: function (a) { if ($.f.getData(a, "custom")) { $.f.set(a, "data-pin-log", "button_pinit_bookmarklet"); $.f.set( a, "data-pin-href", $.v.config.pinterest + "/pin/create/button/" ); a.removeAttribute("href"); return; } else { // send it over to buttonPin, which will know it's a bookmark button $.f.seek.buttonPin(a); } }, buttonFollow: function (a) { var p, o, r, href; r = {}; o = { custom: $.f.getData(a, "custom"), tall: $.f.getData(a, "tall"), lang: $.f.getLang($.f.getData(a, "lang") || $.v.config.lang || $.v.lang) }; p = $.f.getPath(a.href); if (p.length) { r.name = a.textContent; r.id = p[0]; // shall we follow a board? if (p[0] && p[1]) { r.id = p[0] + "/" + p[1]; } if (o.custom) { if (r.id.match(/\//)) { // found a forward-slash? follow a board href = $.v.config.pinterest + "/" + r.id + "/follow/?guid=" + $.v.guid; } else { // no forward-slash? follow a pinner href = $.v.config.pinterest + "/" + r.id + "/pins/follow/?guid=" + $.v.guid; } $.f.set(a, "data-pin-href", href); $.f.set(a, "data-pin-log", "button_follow"); $.w.setTimeout(function () { a.removeAttribute("href"); }, 1); $.f.debug('Found a link with data-pin-custom="true"'); return; } else { $.f.replace(a, $.f.structure.buttonFollow(r, o)); } } }, embedBoard: function (a, href, sectionLevelError) { var boardOrSection, p, u, o, bs; p = $.f.getPath(href); // let's remove the empty string if (p[p.length - 1] === "") { p.pop(); } // if we received an error from the Section level, so let's the Board if (sectionLevelError) { p.pop(); } if (p.length > 1) { o = { columns: $.f.getData(a, "columns") || $.v.config.grid.columns, height: $.f.getData(a, "height") - 0 || $.v.config.grid.height, width: $.f.getData(a, "width") || null, noscroll: $.f.getData(a, "noscroll") || null, lang: $.f.getLang($.f.getData(a, "lang") || $.v.config.lang || $.v.lang) }; // is it a Board? if (p.length === 2) { u = p[0] + "/" + p[1]; boardOrSection = "board"; } // is it a Section? and does the Section have value? if (p.length === 3 && p[2]) { u = p[0] + "/" + p[1] + "/" + p[2]; boardOrSection = "section"; } // there were no Pins in the Section or we received an error from the section so let's make a call to the Boards if (sectionLevelError) { boardOrSection = "board"; } $.f.getLegacy.grid(a, o); bs = ""; if ($.w.location.protocol === "https:") { bs = "&base_scheme=https"; } $.f.call( $.a.endpoint[boardOrSection].replace(/%s/, u) + "?sub=" + $.v.sub + bs, function (r) { if (r.status === "success") { if (boardOrSection === "board") { $.f.replace(a, $.f.structure.embedGrid(r, o)); } if (boardOrSection === "section") { if (r.data.pins.length) { // we found Pins in the Section $.f.replace(a, $.f.structure.embedGrid(r, o)); } else { // we have a Section, but the Section has no Pins, so let's show the Board level $.f.seek.embedBoard(a, href, true); } } } if (r.status === "failure") { if (boardOrSection === "board") { // Board does not exist - do nothing } if (boardOrSection === "section") { // API returned an error when checking for the Section level i.e. Section does not exist, so let's show the Board level if it exists $.f.seek.embedBoard(a, href, true); } } } ); } }, embedUser: function (a, href) { var p, o, bs; p = $.f.getPath(href); if (p.length) { o = { columns: $.f.getData(a, "columns") || $.v.config.grid.columns, height: $.f.getData(a, "height") - 0 || $.v.config.grid.height, width: $.f.getData(a, "width") || null, noscroll: $.f.getData(a, "noscroll") || null, lang: $.f.getLang($.f.getData(a, "lang") || $.v.config.lang || $.v.lang) }; $.f.getLegacy.grid(a, o); bs = ""; if ($.w.location.protocol === "https:") { bs = "&base_scheme=https"; } $.f.call( $.a.endpoint.user.replace(/%s/, p[0]) + "?sub=" + $.v.sub + bs, function (r) { $.f.replace(a, $.f.structure.embedGrid(r, o)); } ); } }, embedPin: function (a) { var p, o, bs; p = $.f.getPath(a.href); if (p.length) { // carry on embedding a regular Pin o = { width: $.f.getData(a, "width") || null, terse: $.f.getData(a, "terse") || null, lang: $.f.getLang($.f.getData(a, "lang") || $.v.config.lang || $.v.lang), endpoint: $.a.endpoint.pin, // any value passed to internal will set it internal: $.f.getData(a, "internal") || null, }; // are we trying to connect to an internal endpoint? if (o.internal === 'true') { o.endpoint = 'https://api.pinadmin.com/internal/pins/info/'; } bs = ""; if ($.w.location.protocol === "https:") { bs = "&base_scheme=https"; } $.f.call( o.endpoint + "?pin_ids=" + p[1] + "&sub=" + $.v.sub + bs, function (r) { $.f.replace(a, $.f.structure.embedPin(r, o)); } ); } } }, // return the path part of a Pinterest URL getPath: function (url) { // remove hash and query, then split into path components var path = url.split("#")[0].split("?")[0].split("/"); if (path.length > 2) { // remove http path.shift(); // remove empty space between forward-slashes path.shift(); // remove server.pinterest.tld path.shift(); } else { path = []; } return path; }, // find elements that need to be turned into buttons or widgets build: function (el) { var t, a, i, n, href, doThis; // no element passed? use document if (!el) { el = $.d; } // collect all the links t = el.getElementsByTagName("A"); // collection to array a = []; for (i = 0; i < t.length; i = i + 1) { if (t[i].href) { a.push(t[i]); } } // loop and check for (i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; i = i + 1) { href = a[i].href; // does it match to pinterest domain if (href && href.match($.a.myDomain)) { // do we have a data-pin-do directive? doThis = $.f.getData(a[i], "do"); // does data-pin-do correspond to a function we're ready to run? if (typeof $.f.seek[doThis] === "function") { // be nice to double-encoded board and profile URLs try { href = decodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(href)); } catch (err) {} $.f.seek[doThis](a[i], href); continue; } // do we need to build a legacy button? if (href.match(/\/pin\/create\/button\//)) { $.f.seek.buttonPin(a[i]); continue; } // do we need to build a custom button? if ($.f.getData(a[i], "custom")) { $.f.seek.buttonPin(a[i]); continue; } } } }, exposeUtil: function () { // expose all util functions var util = ($.w[$.v.config.util] = $.f.util); // expose build function if ($.v.config.build) { $.f.debug("exposing $.f.build as " + $.v.config.build); util.build = $.w[$.v.config.build]; } else { $.f.debug("exposing $.f.build at " + $.v.config.util + ".build"); util.build = $.f.build; } }, // find and apply configuration requests from surrounding page, plus those passed as data attributes on SCRIPT tag config: function () { var script = $.d.getElementsByTagName("SCRIPT"), i, j, n, p; // get all config params by finding data-pin- attributes on pinit.js for (i = script.length - 1; i > -1; i = i - 1) { // is it us? if ( $.a.me && script[i] && script[i].src && script[i].src.match($.a.me) ) { // loop through all possible config params for (j = 0; j < $.a.configParam.length; j = j + 1) { p = $.f.getData(script[i], $.a.configParam[j]); if (p) { // set or overwrite config param with contents $.v.config[$.a.configParam[j]] = p; } } // burn after reading to prevent future calls from re-reading config params $.f.kill(script[i]); } } // did the site operator attempt to set a lang with data-pin-lang on pinit.js? if ($.v.config.lang) { // check that it's valid (don't bother checking first syllable of lang; operators need to give us a valid string) if (!$.a.strings[$.v.config.lang]) { // lang has already been deduced from HTML or META tag, validated, and set to $.v.lang if invalid $.f.debug( $.v.config.lang + " not found in valid languages, changing back to " + $.v.lang ); $.v.config.lang = $.v.lang; } } else { $.v.config.lang = $.v.lang; } // build utility if (typeof $.v.config.build === "string") { $.w[$.v.config.build] = function (el) { $.f.build(el); }; } // filter user-specified logging tag if ($.v.config.tag) { $.v.config.tag = $.v.config.tag .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, "") .substr(0, 32); } // global Pinterest URL will be used in most places; we will have to update URLs we get from API endpoints in widgets $.v.config.pinterest = "https://" + $.v.sub + ".pinterest.com"; // wait one second and then send a logging ping $.w.setTimeout(function () { var str = "&event=init&sub=" + $.v.sub + "&button_count=" + $.v.countButton + "&follow_count=" + $.v.countFollow + "&pin_count=" + $.v.countPin; if ($.v.canHazHoverButtons) { str = str + "&button_hover=1"; } if ($.v.canHazStickyButtons) { str = str + "&button_sticky=1"; } if ($.v.countPinMedium) { str = str + "&pin_count_medium=" + $.v.countPinMedium; } if ($.v.countPinLarge) { str = str + "&pin_count_large=" + $.v.countPinLarge; } if ($.v.log.customGlobal) { str = str + "&custom_global=1"; } if ($.v.log.customLocal) { str = str + "&custom_local=1"; } // someone has expressly asked for Pin It buttons by setting save=false if ($.v.log.pinit) { str = str + "&pinit_flag=1"; } str = str + "&profile_count=" + $.v.countProfile + "&board_count=" + $.v.countBoard + "§ion_count=" + $.v.countSection; // were we called by pinit.js? if ( typeof $.w["PIN_" + ~~(new Date().getTime() / 86400000)] !== "number" ) { str = str + "&xload=1"; } str = str + "&lang=" + $.v.config.lang; // log window.navigator.language if ($.n.language) { str = str + "&nvl=" + $.n.language; } $.f.log(str); }, 1000); }, // given a possible source of strings, set $.v.lang to the best match getLang: function (input) { var t, i, lang = $.a.lang, langloc; // did somebody hand us a non-string? if (typeof input !== "string") { input = lang; } // clean and split t = input.toLowerCase(); // any non-alphanumeric character becomes a space t = t.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/g, " "); // strip leading and trailing spaces t = t.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); // collapse multiple spaces t = t.replace(/\s+/g, " "); // split on space; now we have ["en"] or ["en", "uk"] or ["bs", "latn", "ba"] t = t.split(" "); // init to English if (t.length) { // do we support the base language? if ($.a.strings[t[0]]) { lang = t[0]; // if there's anything left we may have a lang-loc like pt-br if (t.length) { // pop the locale off the end to catch three-parters langloc = lang + "-" + t[t.length - 1]; // do we support lang+loc if ($.a.strings[langloc]) { lang = langloc; } } } } return lang; }, // should this element be allowed a hovering or sticky Save button? canHazButton: function (el) { var src, r = false; // is the candidate element an image? if (el && el.tagName && el.tagName === "IMG") { // check for data-pin-media first, then src attribute src = $.f.getData(el, "media") || el.src; // do we have source? if (src) { // can source be crawled by our back end? if (src.match(/^https?:\/\//)) { // do we have data-pin-no-hover (canonical) or data-pin-nohover (community-generated) if ( !$.f.getData(el, "no-hover") && !$.f.getData(el, "nohover") ) { // do we have data-pin-nopin (canonical) or data-nopin (community-generated)? if (!$.f.getData(el, "nopin") && !$.f.get(el, "data-nopin")) { r = true; } } } } } return r; }, // BEGIN STICKY BUTTONS sticky: { // given point X and Y, tell us if there's an image find: function (o) { var el, r; r = {}; el = $.d.elementFromPoint(o.x, o.y); if ($.f.canHazButton(el)) { r = { rect: el.getBoundingClientRect(), img: el }; } return r; }, // hide sticky button hide: function () { $.f.kill($.s.hoverButton); }, // show sticky button over an image show: function (o) { if (o && o.img) { // second parameter "true" directs us to check naturalHeight and naturalWidth $.f.showHoverButton(o.img, true); } }, // look for a pinnable thing fire: function () { var i, x, el, delta, key = {}, found = [], showMe, imageMidX, best = $.w.innerWidth; if (!$.v.sticky.hazTouch) { for (x = 0; x < $.w.innerWidth; x = x + $.w.innerWidth / 10) { el = $.f.sticky.find({ x: x, y: $.w.innerHeight / $.a.sticky.scanAt }); if (el.rect && el.img && !key[el.img.src]) { key[el.img.src] = true; found.push({ img: el.img, rect: el.rect }); } } // find the image on the centerline whose middle is closest to our last touch for (i = 0; i < found.length; i = i + 1) { imageMidX = found[i].rect.x + found[i].rect.width / 2; delta = Math.abs($.v.sticky.touchX - imageMidX); if (delta < best) { best = delta; showMe = found[i]; } } $.f.sticky.show(showMe); } }, // watch our viewport for changes observe: function () { // has our screen position changed since the last time we checked? if ($.v.sticky.hazChange) { // are we done scrolling? if ($.w.pageYOffset === $.v.sticky.pageY) { // we are holding still, so look for a pinnable thing $.f.sticky.fire(); $.v.sticky.hazChange = false; } else { // we are still moving, so do nothing $.v.sticky.pageY = $.w.pageYOffset; } } else { // did the scroll event just start? if ($.w.pageYOffset !== $.v.sticky.pageY) { $.f.sticky.hide(); // set our pageY pointer $.v.sticky.pageY = $.w.pageYOffset; // start watching for scroll stop $.v.sticky.hazChange = true; } } // check again later $.w.setTimeout($.f.sticky.observe, $.a.sticky.obsDelay); }, // let's get ready to stick it! init: function () { // transfer config params into variable space, which will change later $.v.sticky = $.a.sticky; // listen for events $.f.listen($.w, "touchstart", function (e) { // knowing X will help us guess the right image later $.v.sticky.touchX = ~~e.touches[0].clientX; $.v.sticky.hazTouch = true; }); $.f.listen($.w, "touchend", function (e) { $.v.sticky.hazTouch = false; }); // this may be configurable later if ($.v.sticky.runOnLoad) { // pretend we've had a touch $.v.sticky.hazChange = true; $.v.sticky.pageY = $.w.pageYOffset; $.v.sticky.touchX = $.w.innerWidth / 2; } // start watching $.f.sticky.observe(); // log that stickybuttons have been requested $.v.canHazStickyButtons = true; // add one to button count for logging purposes if (!$.v.canHazHoverButtons) { // if hoverbuttons are also on page, don't double-count $.v.countButton = $.v.countButton + 1; } } }, // END STICKY BUTTONS // set global $.v.here to the scrubbed version of pin:url, canonical URL, og:url, or document.URL getHere: function () { var i, link = $.d.getElementsByTagName("LINK"), canonicalUrl = '', meta = $.d.getElementsByTagName("META"), pinUrl = '', ogUrl = '', scrub = function(input) { var i, j, param, keyval, foundForbiddenKey = false, query = '', separator = '?', // remove anything after the hash and then split into path and query at the ? part = input.url.split('#')[0].split('?'); // do we have a query? if (part[1]) { // split query into key/value pairs param = part[1].split('&'); // check each param for (i = 0; i < param.length; i = i + 1) { // split pair into key and value keyval = param[i].split('='); // check if we have exactly two if (keyval.length === 2) { // check each bad key pattern for (j = 0; j < $.a.forbiddenQueryKey.length; j = j + 1) { // does the name matches a forbiddenQueryKey pattern? if (keyval[0].match($.a.forbiddenQueryKey[j])) { // set the bad flag foundForbiddenKey = true; // quit checking break; } } // if the parameter name does not match one of our bad parameters, add it to the query if (!foundForbiddenKey) { // append separator, key, equals, and value query = query + separator + keyval[0] + '=' + keyval[1]; // change separator to '&' for second and subsequent parameters separator = '&'; } } } } // part[0] contains scheme, domain, and path return ({ // reassemble path and scrubbed query url: part[0] + query, // echo back the source we gave src: input.src, // mod will be true if we found at least one forbidden key mod: foundForbiddenKey }); }, // default what we're going to return to the scrubbed version of document.URL here = scrub({ url: $.d.URL, src: 'doc' }); // find first pin:url or og:url for (i = 0; i < meta.length; i = i + 1) { value = meta[i].getAttribute("content"); if (value) { // get the property or name key = meta[i].getAttribute("name"); if (key) { if (!pinUrl && key.toLowerCase() === "pin:url") { pinUrl = value; } if (!ogUrl && key.toLowerCase() === "og:url") { ogUrl = value; } } } } // find first link with canonical URL for (i = 0; i < link.length; i = i + 1) { if (link[i].rel && link[i].rel.toLowerCase() === "canonical" && link[i].href) { canonicalUrl = link[i].href; break; } } // if found, return the scrubbed version of pin:url, canonical URL, or og:url if (pinUrl) { here = scrub({ url: pinUrl, src: 'pin' }); } else { if (canonicalUrl) { here = scrub({ url: canonicalUrl, src: 'canonical' }); } else { if (ogUrl) { here = scrub({ url: ogUrl, src: 'og' }); } } } return here; }, init: function () { var i, t, dq = false; $.d.b = $.d.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0]; $.d.h = $.d.getElementsByTagName("HEAD")[0]; $.v = { // 11-19-2020: collapsing all subdomains to www; may revisit later sub: "www", fonts: {}, guid: "", css: "", config: { debug: false, util: "PinUtils", grid: { height: 400, columns: 3 } }, userAgent: $.w.navigator.userAgent, countButton: 0, countFollow: 0, countPin: 0, countPinMedium: 0, countPinLarge: 0, countBoard: 0, countSection: 0, countProfile: 0, log: { customGlobal: 0, customLocal: 0, save: 0 }, here: $.f.getHere(), // getLang will default to $.a.lang (en) if it can't find window.navigator.language lang: $.f.getLang($.w.navigator.language) }; // make a 12-digit base-60 number for conversion tracking for (i = 0; i < 12; i = i + 1) { $.v.guid = $.v.guid + "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz".substr( Math.floor(Math.random() * 60), 1 ); } // got IE? if ($.v.userAgent.match(/MSIE/) !== null) { $.v.hazIE = true; // got very old IE? if ($.v.userAgent.match(/MSIE [5-8]/)) { dq = true; $.f.log( "&event=oldie_error&ua=" + encodeURIComponent($.v.userAgent) ); } } // sorry, no love for Internet Explorer 8 and below if (!dq) { // find any configuration parameters that may have been added to the call on pinit.js $.f.config(); // make stylesheets $.f.presentation($.a.styles); // find elements $.f.build(); // add a single event listener to the body for minimal impact $.f.listen($.d.b, "click", $.f.click); if (typeof $.w.ontouchstart === "object") { // story pins should always show nav affordances and Save button $.v.hazMobile = true; } // do we need to show hoverbuttons? if ( $.v.config.hover ) { if ($.v.config.hover !== "false") { $.f.debug("hover: allowed per config"); $.v.canHazHoverButtons = true; // add one to button count for logging purposes $.v.countButton = $.v.countButton + 1; // we set this so our browser extensions know not to render hoverbuttons $.d.b.setAttribute("data-pin-hover", true); // on mouse over, check to see if this image should show a hoverbutton $.f.listen($.d.b, "mouseover", $.f.over); // check for explicit opt-out via data-pin-sticky="false" on pinit.js if ($.v.config.sticky !== "false") { $.f.debug("sticky: allowed per config"); // only run sticky buttons if we're on a mobile device if ($.v.hazMobile) { // sticky buttons init $.f.debug("sticky: initing"); $.f.sticky.init(); } else { $.f.debug("sticky: ontouchstart not found"); } } else { $.f.debug("sticky: forbidden by config"); } } else { $.f.debug("hover: forbidden by config"); } } // expose utility functions $.f.exposeUtil(); // pause all of our videos if this window is blurred $.f.listen($.w, "blur", function (e) { var videos = $.d.getElementsByTagName('VIDEO'); for (var i = 0; i < videos.length; i = i + 1) { if (videos[i].className === $.a.k + "_video") { videos[i].pause(); // hide all pause controls var pause = $.d.getElementsByClassName($.a.k + "_pause"); for (var j = 0; j < pause.length; j = j + 1) { pause[j].style.display = "none"; } // show all play controls var play = $.d.getElementsByClassName($.a.k + "_play"); for (var j = 0; j < play.length; j = j + 1) { play[j].style.display = "block"; } } } }); } } }; })() }); $.f.init(); })(window, document, navigator, { k: "PIN_" + new Date().getTime(), // version for logging tv: "2021031501", // we'll look for scripts whose source matches this, and extract config parameters me: /pinit\.js$/, // pinterest domain regex myDomain: /^https?:\/\/(([a-z]{1,3})\.)?pinterest\.([a-z]{0,2}\.)?([a-z]{1,3})/, noneParam: { ignore: true, none: true, nothing: true }, forbiddenQueryKey: [ /password/gi ], // valid config parameters that may be passed as data-pin-* with your call to pinit.js configParam: [ // set to "true" to show sticky Save buttons on mobile devices "sticky", // set to "false" to show static Save buttons (breaking change, 20171003) "save", // set to "true" to show hoverbuttons, "false" to force off "hover", // set to "red" or "white" to override gray Pin It button "color", // override language ("ja" only for Pin It button; any key in $.a.str for other widgets) "lang", // use custom HTML+CSS for your Pin It buttons "custom", // set to "true" to render tall Pin It buttons "tall", // set to "round" to render round red Pin It buttons -- caution: overrides all other shapes and colors "round", // set to "above" or "beside" to show pin counts in rectangular Pin It buttons "count", // set to "true" to remove descriptions from embedded pin widgets "zero", // set to "true" to render zero counts where data-pin-count="beside" "terse", // set to "true" to see debugging messages in console "debug", // the string you'd like us to add to our logging calls (32 characters max, alphanumeric + underscore only) "tag", // the global function to run when you want to re-scan the DOM or a portion of it for new widgets "build", // the global function to run when we find an error "error", // the global function to add our internal utilities, like $.f.pinOne "util", // legacy parameter for Pin It button height (please use data-pin-tall="true" instead) "height", // legacy parameter for Pin It button shape (please use data-pin-round="true" instead) "shape", // containing page's suggestion for referrer "here" ], sticky: { // initialization values pageY: 0, hazChange: false, hazTouch: false, // shall we automatically run on load? runOnLoad: true, // wait this long between observation checks obsDelay: 100, // vertical center line scanAt: 3 }, // smallest image for which we will show a hoverbutton hoverButtonMinImgSize: 119, // top and left offsets for hoverbuttons hoverButtonOffsetTop: 10, hoverButtonOffsetLeft: 10, // our data attribute namespace dataAttributePrefix: "data-pin-", // endpoints on Pinterest endpoint: { pinterest: "https://www.pinterest.com", bookmark: "https://assets.pinterest.com/js/pinmarklet.js", count: "https://widgets.pinterest.com/v1/urls/count.json?url=%s", pin: "https://widgets.pinterest.com/v3/pidgets/pins/info/", board: "https://widgets.pinterest.com/v3/pidgets/boards/%s/pins/", section: "https://widgets.pinterest.com/v3/pidgets/sections/%s/pins/", user: "https://widgets.pinterest.com/v3/pidgets/users/%s/pins/", log: "https://log.pinterest.com/" }, // paths (append to $.v.config.pinterest) path: { repin: "/pin/%s/repin/x/", create: "/pin/create/button/?" }, // pop-up window params pop: { base: "status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,personalbar=no,directories=no,location=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,%dim%,left=0,top=0", // swap %dim% for these size: "width=800,height=900" }, // attributes we're allowed to change when building widgets from templates build: { setStyle: { display: true, top: true, left: true, backgroundImage: true, backgroundColor: true, height: true, width: true, paddingBottom: true, fontFamily: true, textAlign: true, color: true, fontSize: true, display: true }, setData: { href: true, id: true, log: true, x: true } }, // on click, if data-pin-log is this, run function $.f.util[that] util: { embed_story_play: "control", embed_story_pause: "control", embed_story_noop: "noop", embed_story_forward: "navigate", embed_story_back: "navigate", embed_pin_repin: "repin", embed_pin_repin_small: "repin", embed_pin_repin_medium: "repin", embed_pin_repin_large: "repin", button_pinit: "pinOne", button_pinit_floating: "pinOne", button_pinit_sticky: "pinOne", button_pinit_bookmarklet: "pinAny", button_follow: "follow", embed_board_ft: "follow", embed_user_ft: "follow", embed_section_ft: "follow", repin: "repin", button_pinit_repin: "repin", button_pinit_floating_repin: "repinHoverButton", button_pinit_sticky_repin: "repinHoverButton", embed_pin: "open" }, // default language (English) lang: "en", // translated strings - replace %s with the Pinterest logotype strings: { // English en: { // call to action for grid widgets - %s is replaced by the Pinterest logotype followOn: "Follow On %s", // credit line for attribute media from places like Flickr or YouTube - %s is replace by the author's name by: "by %s", // Save button text save: "Save", // credit line for native content - new string, need for all other languages! publishedBy: "Published by" }, // Czech cs: { followOn: "Sledovat na %s", by: "od %s", save: "Uložit", publishedBy: "Publikoval/a" }, // Danish da: { followOn: "Følg på %s", by: "fra %s", save: "Gem", publishedBy: "Offentliggjort af" }, // German de: { followOn: "Auf %s folgen", by: "von %s", save: "Merken", publishedBy: "Veröffentlicht von" }, // Greek el: { followOn: "Ακολουθήστε στο %s", by: "από %s", save: "Αποθήκευση", publishedBy: "Δημοσιεύτηκε από" }, // Latin American Spanish es: { followOn: "Seguir en %s", by: "por %s", save: "Guardar", publishedBy: "Publicado por" }, // Spanish "es-es": { followOn: "Seguir en %s", by: "de %s", save: "Guardar", publishedBy: "Publicado por" }, // Finnish fi: { followOn: "Seuraa täällä: %s", by: "%s", save: "Tallenna", publishedBy: "Julkaisija:" }, // French fr: { followOn: "Suivre sur %s", by: "par %s", save: "Enregistrer", publishedBy: "Publiée par" }, // Hindi hi: { followOn: "%s पर फ़ॉलो करें", by: "%s की ओर से", save: "सेव करें", publishedBy: "प्रकाशक:" }, // Hungarian hu: { followOn: "Kövesd itt: %s", by: "tőle: %s", save: "Mentés", publishedBy: "Közzétette:" }, // Indonesian id: { followOn: "Ikuti di %s", by: "oleh %s", save: "Simpan", publishedBy: "Diterbitkan oleh" }, // Italian it: { followOn: "Segui su %s", by: "di %s", save: "Salva", publishedBy: "Pubblicato da" }, // Japanese ja: { followOn: "%s でフォロー", by: "撮影者:%s", save: "保存", publishedBy: "投稿者:" }, // Korean ko: { followOn: "%s 에서 팔로우", by: "%s 이(가) 핀함", save: "저장", publishedBy: "게시자:" }, // Malay ms: { followOn: "Ikuti Di %s", by: "oleh %s", save: "Simpan", publishedBy: "Diterbitkan oleh" }, // Norwegian nb: { followOn: "Følg dette på %s", by: "av %s", save: "Lagre", publishedBy: "Publisert av" }, // Dutch nl: { followOn: "Volgen op %s", by: "van %s", save: "Bewaren", publishedBy: "Gepubliceerd door" }, // Polish pl: { followOn: "Obserwuj na %s", by: "autor: %s", save: "Zapisz", publishedBy: "Opublikowane przez:" }, // Portuguese pt: { followOn: "Segue no %s", by: "por %s", save: "Guardar", publishedBy: "Publicado por" }, // Portuguese (Brazil) "pt-br": { followOn: "Siga no %s", by: "de %s", save: "Salvar", publishedBy: "Publicado por" }, // Romanian ro: { followOn: "Urmărește pe %s", by: "de %s", save: "Salvează", publishedBy: "Publicat de" }, // Russian ru: { followOn: "Подписаться в %s", by: "пользователем %s", save: "Сохранить", publishedBy: "Автор:" }, // Slovak sk: { followOn: "Sledujte na %s", by: "Autor: %s", save: "Uložiť", publishedBy: "Zverejnil:" }, // Swedish sv: { followOn: "Följ på %s", by: "av %s", save: "Spara", publishedBy: "Publicerad av" }, // Tagalog tl: { followOn: "I-follow Sa %s", by: "ni %s", save: "I-save", publishedBy: "Na-published ni" }, // Thai th: { followOn: "ติดตามใน %s", by: "โดย %s", save: "บันทึก", publishedBy: "เผยแพร่โดย" }, // Turkish tr: { followOn: "%s üzerinde takip et", by: "%s tarafından", save: "Kaydet", publishedBy: "Yayınlayan" }, // Ukrainian uk: { followOn: "Підписатися в %s", by: "користувачем %s", save: "Зберегти", publishedBy: "Автор:" }, // Vietnamese vi: { followOn: "Theo dõi trên %s", by: "Tác giả: %s", save: "Lưu", publishedBy: "Phát hành bởi:" } }, // paths, sizes, and colors for SVGs svg: { // play button for videos on the front pages of story pins pause: { w: "24", h: "24", p: [ { f: "fff", d: "M7 0c1.65 0 3 1.35 3 3v18c0 1.65-1.35 3-3 3s-3-1.35-3-3V3c0-1.65 1.35-3 3-3zm10 0c1.65 0 3 1.35 3 3v18c0 1.65-1.35 3-3 3s-3-1.35-3-3V3c0-1.65 1.35-3 3-3z" } ] }, // play button for videos on the front pages of story pins play: { w: "24", h: "24", p: [ { f: "fff", d: "M22.62 9.48L8.63.48A3 3 0 0 0 4 3v18a3 3 0 0 0 4.63 2.52l14-9a3 3 0 0 0 0-5.04" } ] }, // forward button for story pins forward: { w: "24", h: "24", p: [ { f: "fff", s: "aaa", w: ".5", d: "M6.72 24c.57 0 1.14-.22 1.57-.66L19.5 12 8.29.66c-.86-.88-2.27-.88-3.14 0-.87.88-.87 2.3 0 3.18L13.21 12l-8.06 8.16c-.87.88-.87 2.3 0 1 .66 1.57.66" } ] }, // backward button for story pins backward: { w: "24", h: "24", p: [ { f: "fff", s: "aaa", w: ".5", d: "M17.28 24c-.57 0-1.14-.22-1.58-.66L4.5 12 15.7.66a2.21 2.21 0 0 1 3.15 0c.87.88.87 2.3 0 3.18L10.79 12l8.06 8.16c.87.88.87 2.3 0 3.18-.44.44-1 .66-1.57.66" } ] }, // pin count bubble; shows above above: { w: "114", h: "76", p: [ { s: "b5b5b5", f: "fff", d: "M9 1C4.6 1 1 4.6 1 9v43c0 4.3 3.6 8 8 8h26l18 15h7.5l16-15H105c4.4 0 8-3.7 8-8V9c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H9z" } ] }, // pin count bubble; shows to the right beside: { w: "126", h: "56", // side bubble needs a bit of space inside to successfully show the outline all the way around x1: "2", y1: "0", x2: "130", y2: "60", p: [ { s: "b5b5b5", f: "fff", d: "M119.6 2c4.5 0 8 3.6 8 8v40c0 4.4-3.5 8-8 8H23.3L1.6 32.4v-4.6L23.3 2h96.3z" } ] }, // round Pinterest logo for round Pin It buttons and Follow buttons logo: { w: "30", h: "30", x1: "-1", y1: "-1", x2: "31", y2: "31", // logo has two shapes: white background and red foreground p: [ { // 1px white stroke s: "fff", w: "1", f: "fff", d: "M29.449,14.662 C29.449,22.722 22.868,29.256 14.75,29.256 C6.632,29.256 0.051,22.722 0.051,14.662 C0.051,6.601 6.632,0.067 14.75,0.067 C22.868,0.067 29.449,6.601 29.449,14.662" }, { // the P f: "e60023", d: "M14.733,1.686 C7.516,1.686 1.665,7.495 1.665,14.662 C1.665,20.159 5.109,24.854 9.97,26.744 C9.856,25.718 9.753,24.143 10.016,23.022 C10.253,22.01 11.548,16.572 11.548,16.572 C11.548,16.572 11.157,15.795 11.157,14.646 C11.157,12.842 12.211,11.495 13.522,11.495 C14.637,11.495 15.175,12.326 15.175,13.323 C15.175,14.436 14.462,16.1 14.093,17.643 C13.785,18.935 14.745,19.988 16.028,19.988 C18.351,19.988 20.136,17.556 20.136,14.046 C20.136,10.939 17.888,8.767 14.678,8.767 C10.959,8.767 8.777,11.536 8.777,14.398 C8.777,15.513 9.21,16.709 9.749,17.359 C9.856,17.488 9.872,17.6 9.84,17.731 C9.741,18.141 9.52,19.023 9.477,19.203 C9.42,19.44 9.288,19.491 9.04,19.376 C7.408,18.622 6.387,16.252 6.387,14.349 C6.387,10.256 9.383,6.497 15.022,6.497 C19.555,6.497 23.078,9.705 23.078,13.991 C23.078,18.463 20.239,22.062 16.297,22.062 C14.973,22.062 13.728,21.379 13.302,20.572 C13.302,20.572 12.647,23.05 12.488,23.657 C12.193,24.784 11.396,26.196 10.863,27.058 C12.086,27.434 13.386,27.637 14.733,27.637 C21.95,27.637 27.801,21.828 27.801,14.662 C27.801,7.495 21.95,1.686 14.733,1.686" } ] }, // full Pinterest logotype for grid footer buttons lockup: { w: "50", h: "12", x1: "0", y1: "0", x2: "50", y2: "12", p: [ { f: "e60023", d: "M19.69,9.28 L19.69,4.28 L21.27,4.28 L21.27,9.28 L19.69,9.28 Z M5.97,0.00 C9.27,0.00 11.95,2.69 11.95,6.00 C11.95,9.31 9.27,12.00 5.97,12.00 C5.38,12.00 4.80,11.91 4.26,11.75 C4.26,11.75 4.26,11.75 4.26,11.75 C4.25,11.75 4.24,11.74 4.23,11.74 L4.21,11.73 C4.21,11.73 4.21,11.73 4.21,11.73 C4.45,11.33 4.81,10.68 4.95,10.16 C5.02,9.88 5.32,8.73 5.32,8.73 C5.52,9.11 6.08,9.42 6.69,9.42 C8.49,9.42 9.79,7.76 9.79,5.69 C9.79,3.71 8.18,2.23 6.11,2.23 C3.53,2.23 2.16,3.96 2.16,5.86 C2.16,6.74 2.63,7.83 3.37,8.18 C3.49,8.23 3.55,8.21 3.57,8.10 C3.59,8.02 3.69,7.61 3.74,7.42 C3.75,7.36 3.75,7.31 3.70,7.25 C3.45,6.95 3.25,6.39 3.25,5.88 C3.25,4.55 4.25,3.27 5.95,3.27 C7.42,3.27 8.45,4.28 8.45,5.71 C8.45,7.34 7.63,8.46 6.57,8.46 C5.98,8.46 5.54,7.98 5.68,7.38 C5.85,6.67 6.18,5.90 6.18,5.38 C6.18,4.92 5.93,4.54 5.42,4.54 C4.82,4.54 4.34,5.16 4.34,5.99 C4.34,6.52 4.52,6.88 4.52,6.88 C4.52,6.88 3.93,9.40 3.82,9.87 C3.70,10.38 3.75,11.11 3.80,11.59 L3.80,11.59 C3.79,11.59 3.78,11.58 3.78,11.58 C3.77,11.58 3.76,11.58 3.76,11.57 C3.76,11.57 3.76,11.57 3.76,11.57 C1.56,10.69 0.00,8.53 0.00,6.00 C0.00,2.69 2.67,0.00 5.97,0.00 Z M16.87,2.31 C17.71,2.31 18.34,2.54 18.76,2.95 C19.21,3.37 19.46,3.96 19.46,4.66 C19.46,6.00 18.54,6.95 17.11,6.95 L15.72,6.95 L15.72,9.28 L14.12,9.28 L14.12,2.31 L16.87,2.31 Z M16.94,5.58 C17.56,5.58 17.91,5.21 17.91,4.65 C17.91,4.10 17.55,3.76 16.94,3.76 L15.72,3.76 L15.72,5.58 L16.94,5.58 Z M50.00,5.28 L49.19,5.28 L49.19,7.62 C49.19,8.01 49.40,8.11 49.74,8.11 C49.83,8.11 49.93,8.10 50.00,8.10 L50.00,9.28 C49.84,9.31 49.58,9.33 49.22,9.33 C48.30,9.33 47.64,9.03 47.64,7.96 L47.64,5.28 L47.16,5.28 L47.16,4.28 L47.64,4.28 L47.64,2.70 L49.19,2.70 L49.19,4.28 L50.00,4.28 L50.00,5.28 Z M45.31,6.13 C46.18,6.27 47.21,6.50 47.21,7.77 C47.21,8.87 46.25,9.43 44.95,9.43 C43.55,9.43 42.65,8.81 42.54,7.78 L44.05,7.78 C44.15,8.20 44.46,8.40 44.94,8.40 C45.42,8.40 45.72,8.22 45.72,7.90 C45.72,7.45 45.12,7.40 44.46,7.29 C43.59,7.14 42.67,6.91 42.67,5.74 C42.67,4.68 43.64,4.14 44.82,4.14 C46.22,4.14 46.98,4.75 47.06,5.74 L45.60,5.74 C45.54,5.29 45.24,5.15 44.80,5.15 C44.42,5.15 44.12,5.30 44.12,5.61 C44.12,5.96 44.68,6.01 45.31,6.13 Z M20.48,2.00 C21.00,2.00 21.43,2.42 21.43,2.95 C21.43,3.48 21.00,3.90 20.48,3.90 C19.95,3.90 19.53,3.48 19.53,2.95 C19.53,2.42 19.95,2.00 20.48,2.00 Z M28.48,7.62 C28.48,8.01 28.70,8.11 29.04,8.11 C29.10,8.11 29.18,8.10 29.24,8.10 L29.24,9.29 C29.08,9.31 28.83,9.33 28.52,9.33 C27.60,9.33 26.94,9.03 26.94,7.96 L26.94,5.28 L26.42,5.28 L26.42,4.28 L26.94,4.28 L26.94,2.70 L28.48,2.70 L28.48,4.28 L29.24,4.28 L29.24,5.28 L28.48,5.28 L28.48,7.62 Z M24.69,4.14 C25.77,4.14 26.41,4.92 26.41,6.03 L26.41,9.28 L24.83,9.28 L24.83,6.35 C24.83,5.82 24.57,5.46 24.05,5.46 C23.53,5.46 23.18,5.90 23.18,6.52 L23.18,9.28 L21.60,9.28 L21.60,4.28 L23.12,4.28 L23.12,4.97 L23.15,4.97 C23.52,4.43 24.00,4.14 24.69,4.14 Z M33.42,4.76 C32.99,4.37 32.43,4.14 31.72,4.14 C30.20,4.14 29.16,5.28 29.16,6.77 C29.16,8.28 30.17,9.42 31.81,9.42 C32.44,9.42 32.95,9.26 33.37,8.96 C33.80,8.66 34.10,8.23 34.20,7.78 L32.66,7.78 C32.52,8.10 32.25,8.28 31.83,8.28 C31.18,8.28 30.81,7.86 30.72,7.19 L34.29,7.19 C34.30,6.18 34.01,5.31 33.42,4.76 L33.42,4.76 Z M41.66,4.76 C42.26,5.31 42.55,6.18 42.54,7.19 L38.97,7.19 C39.06,7.86 39.43,8.28 40.08,8.28 C40.50,8.28 40.77,8.10 40.91,7.78 L42.45,7.78 C42.34,8.23 42.05,8.66 41.62,8.96 C41.20,9.26 40.69,9.42 40.06,9.42 C38.42,9.42 37.41,8.28 37.41,6.77 C37.41,5.28 38.45,4.14 39.97,4.14 C40.67,4.14 41.24,4.37 41.66,4.76 Z M30.73,6.24 C30.83,5.65 31.14,5.27 31.75,5.27 C32.26,5.27 32.63,5.65 32.69,6.24 L30.73,6.24 Z M38.98,6.24 L40.94,6.24 C40.88,5.65 40.51,5.27 40.00,5.27 C39.39,5.27 39.08,5.65 38.98,6.24 Z M37.54,4.21 L37.54,5.60 C36.64,5.51 36.07,5.99 36.07,7.03 L36.07,9.28 L34.48,9.28 L34.48,4.28 L36.00,4.28 L36.00,5.06 L36.03,5.06 C36.38,4.47 36.78,4.21 37.39,4.21 C37.45,4.21 37.50,4.21 37.54,4.21 Z" } ] }, // Pin It logotype, English pinit_en: { w: "42", h: "18", p: [ { f: "e60023", d: "M16.853,6.345 C17.632,6.345 18.38,5.702 18.51,4.909 C18.664,4.138 18.135,3.494 17.357,3.494 C16.578,3.494 15.83,4.138 15.698,4.909 C15.546,5.702 16.053,6.345 16.853,6.345 Z M7.458,0 C2.5,0 0,3.522 0,6.459 C0,8.237 0.68,9.819 2.137,10.409 C2.376,10.505 2.59,10.412 2.66,10.15 C2.708,9.969 2.822,9.511 2.873,9.32 C2.943,9.061 2.916,8.97 2.723,8.744 C2.302,8.253 2.034,7.617 2.034,6.716 C2.034,4.104 4.007,1.765 7.172,1.765 C9.975,1.765 11.514,3.461 11.514,5.726 C11.514,8.708 10.183,11.18 8.206,11.18 C7.114,11.18 6.297,10.329 6.559,9.233 C6.872,7.922 7.48,6.509 7.48,5.564 C7.48,4.717 7.022,4.011 6.072,4.011 C4.956,4.011 4.06,5.155 4.06,6.687 C4.06,7.663 4.393,8.323 4.393,8.323 C4.393,8.323 3.251,13.117 3.051,13.957 C2.652,15.629 2.991,17.679 3.019,17.886 C3.036,18.009 3.195,18.038 3.267,17.946 C3.37,17.812 4.7,16.187 5.151,14.562 C5.279,14.102 5.885,11.72 5.885,11.72 C6.248,12.406 7.308,13.009 8.435,13.009 C11.79,13.009 14.066,9.979 14.066,5.923 C14.066,2.857 11.444,0 7.458,0 Z M26.896,14.189 C26.348,14.189 26.117,13.915 26.117,13.328 C26.117,12.404 27.035,10.091 27.035,9.041 C27.035,7.638 26.276,6.826 24.72,6.826 C23.739,6.826 22.722,7.453 22.291,8.003 C22.291,8.003 22.422,7.553 22.467,7.38 C22.515,7.196 22.415,6.884 22.173,6.884 L20.651,6.884 C20.328,6.884 20.238,7.055 20.191,7.244 C20.172,7.32 19.624,9.584 19.098,11.632 C18.738,13.034 17.863,14.205 16.928,14.205 C16.447,14.205 16.233,13.906 16.233,13.399 C16.233,12.959 16.519,11.877 16.86,10.534 C17.276,8.898 17.642,7.551 17.681,7.394 C17.732,7.192 17.642,7.017 17.379,7.017 L15.849,7.017 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