Sublime-BoGo ============ Vietnamese input method for Sublime Text 2 and 3 using the [BoGo engine]( Installation ============ The preferred way to install this plugin is through Package Control. [Install it][1] and [search for **BoGo**][2]. Package Control will handle automatic update so you don't have to. Of course, if you want, manually installation is possible as well: ```bash $ cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/ $ git clone ``` Every once in a while, you can update it with the following commands: ```bash $ cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/Sublime-Bogo $ git reset --hard $ git pull origin master ``` [1]: [2]: Configuration ============= After installing, your status line will update to say **BoGo: ON** or **BoGo: OFF**. The default hotkey to turn it on/off is `Alt + Z`. You can change it through the `Default.sublime-keymap` file: ```json [ { "keys": ["alt+z"], "command": "bogo_enable_toggle" } ] ``` BoGo supports the Telex and Vni typing styles, with Telex being the default. If you want to change it, edit `Bogo.sublime-settings`: ```json { "bogo-rule" : "Telex" } ```