#!/bin/bash main () { write_secret_data update_upgrade install_apache2 install_php_fpm setting_apache_fpm setting_nginx setting_conf_nginx gzip_nginx install_mod_rpaf app_install setting_up_php_7_3 mysql_install create_databases postfix_install install_wordpress ufw_setting reload_services setting_ssl } info () { lgreen='\033[1;32m' nc='\033[0m' printf "${lgreen}[info] ${@}${nc}\n" } write_secret_data () { info "Writed secret data to file" secret_data="./secret_data.txt" echo "Mysql root password === $password_mysql Admin Wordpress User=${admin_wp} Password Admin WP = ${admin_wp_password}" >> "$secret_data" } update_upgrade () { info "Update and upgrade OS" add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php apt update && apt upgrade -y info "System updated" } ufw_setting () { info "Block all ports except protocol ports: SSH, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP" ports=( "ssh" "http" "https" "ftp" "postfix") for port in ${ports[@]}; do ufw allow $port done ufw deny 8080 info "Firewall configured" } postfix_install () { info "Installed Postfix" echo "postfix postfix/mailname string ${environment[domain]}" | debconf-set-selections echo "postfix postfix/main_mailer_type string 'Internet Site'" | debconf-set-selections apt-get install -y postfix } lamp_install () { info "Install LAMP server" apt install -y tasksel tasksel install lamp-server info "LAMP server installed successful" } certbot_get_certs () { info "Getting SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt" add-apt-repository -y ppa:certbot/certbot apt-get update apt-get install -y python-certbot-nginx echo "A" | certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/"${environment[domain]}" -d "${environment[domain]}" --email admin@"${environment[domain]}" } change_url () { info "Update site URL" wp option update siteurl $url --allow-root --path=/var/www/"${environment[domain]}"/ } setting_ssl () { info "Chech domain and getting ssl certificates" a_record=$( dig ${environment[domain]} +short) echo "$a_record" if [ "$ip" == "$a_record" ] ; then echo "Domain ${environment[domain]} delegate to current server" certbot_get_certs setting_nginx_ssl fix_mixed_content cron_certbot reload_services change_url exit 0 else echo "Domain ${environment[domain]} is not delegate to current server" fi } setting_conf_nginx () { sed -i 's/.*upload_max_filesize.*/upload_max_filesize = 32M/' "${path_php}" sed -i 's/.*upload_max_filesize.*/upload_max_filesize = 32M/' "${path_to_php_ini}" sed -i 's/.*realpath_cache_size.*/realpath_cache_size = 4096k/' "$path_php" sed -i 's/.*max_input_vars.*/max_input_vars = 1000/' "$path_php" } gzip_nginx () { info "Setting up GZIP" sed "/gzip on;/ a\\ \tgzip_disable "msie6"; \n\ \tgzip_vary on; \n\ \tgzip_proxied any; \n\ \tgzip_comp_level 6; \n\ \tgzip_buffers 16 8k; \n\ \tgzip_http_version 1.1; \n\ \tgzip_min_length 256; \n\ \tgzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript application/vnd.ms-fontobject application/x-font-ttf font/opentype image/svg+xml image/x-icon; \ " /etc/nginx/nginx.conf > /tmp/nginx.conf cat /tmp/nginx.conf > /etc/nginx/nginx.conf info "GZIP configured" } setting_nginx_ssl () { info "Setting up nginx" echo "server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; server_name _; return 301 https://\$host\$request_uri; } server { listen 443 ssl; server_name "${environment[domain]}"; ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/"${environment[domain]}"/fullchain.pem; ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/"${environment[domain]}"/privkey.pem; ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m; ssl_session_timeout 10m; ssl_protocols TLSv1.2; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; ssl_ciphers "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384"; client_max_body_size 32M; location /.well-known { root /var/www/html; } location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; include /etc/nginx/proxy_params; } }" > /etc/nginx/sites-available/"${environment[domain]}" info "Nginx configured" } cron_certbot () { info "Add cron for renew SSL certificate" crontab -l > wp-cron echo "00 1 * * * certbot renew --renew-hook 'systemctl reload nginx'" > wp-cron crontab wp-cron info "Cron added" } setting_nginx () { info "Setting up nginx without SSL" apt install -y nginx rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default echo "server { listen 80; server_name localhost; location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; include /etc/nginx/proxy_params; } }" > /etc/nginx/sites-available/"${environment[domain]}" ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/"${environment[domain]}" /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/"${environment[domain]}" info "Nginx configured without SSL" } install_apache2 () { info "Installing apache2" apt install -y apache2 && a2dissite 000-default echo 'Listen 8080' | tee /etc/apache2/ports.conf service apache2 start info "Apache2 installed successful" } install_php_fpm () { info "Installing php-fpm" apt install -y php-fpm wget https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/liba/libapache-mod-fastcgi/libapache2-mod-fastcgi_2.4.7~0910052141-1.2_amd64.deb dpkg -i libapache2-mod-fastcgi_2.4.7~0910052141-1.2_amd64.deb info "Php-fpm installed successful" } setting_apache_fpm () { echo " ServerName localhost ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot /var/www/"${environment[domain]}" ErrorLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/"${environment[domain]}".log CustomLog \${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/"${environment[domain]}".log combined Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Require all granted " > /etc/apache2/sites-available/"${environment[domain]}".conf a2enmod actions ; a2enmod rewrite echo " AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi FastCgiIpcDir /var/lib/apache2/fastcgi AddType application/x-httpd-fastphp .php Action application/x-httpd-fastphp /php-fcgi Alias /php-fcgi /usr/lib/cgi-bin/php-fcgi FastCgiExternalServer /usr/lib/cgi-bin/php-fcgi -socket /run/php/php7.3-fpm.sock -pass-header Authorization Require all granted " > /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/fastcgi.conf } install_mod_rpaf () { info "Installing and setting mod_rpaf (apache2)" apt install -y unzip build-essential apache2-dev cd /tmp/ && wget https://github.com/gnif/mod_rpaf/archive/stable.zip unzip stable.zip && cd mod_rpaf-stable/ make && make install echo LoadModule rpaf_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_rpaf.so > /etc/apache2/mods-available/rpaf.load echo " RPAF_Enable On RPAF_Header "${environment[ip]}" RPAF_ProxyIPs "${environment[ip]}" RPAF_SetHostName On RPAF_SetHTTPS On RPAF_SetPort On " > /etc/apache2/mods-available/rpaf.conf info "Mod_rpaf configured" } reload_services () { info "Restarting all services" a2ensite "${environment[domain]}" services=( apache2 nginx postfix bind9 ) for srv in "${services[@]}"; do service $srv restart done info "Services restarted" } install_wordpress () { info "Install and setting up Wordpress" wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar && chmod +x wp-cli.phar mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp wp core download --locale="${environment[locale]}" --allow-root --path="/var/www/${environment[domain]}" wp core config --dbname="${database_name}" --dbuser="${database_name}" --dbpass="${password_user_db}" --dbhost=localhost --dbprefix=wp_ --path="/var/www/${environment[domain]}" --allow-root wp core install --url="$url" --title=Blog-"${environment[domain]}" --admin_user="${admin_wp}" --admin_password="${environment[wp-password]}" --admin_email=webmaster@"${environment[domain]}" --allow-root --path="/var/www/${environment[domain]}" chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/${environment[domain]}/ info "Installed Wordpress" } fix_mixed_content () { info "Fix mixed content" sed "/WP_CACHE_KEY_SALT/ a\ define('FORCE_SSL', true);\n\ define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN',true);\ " /var/www/"${environment[domain]}"/wp-config.php > /tmp/wp-config.tmp.php sed "/table_prefix/ a\ if (strpos(\$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'], 'https') !== false)\n\ \$_SERVER['HTTPS']='on';\ " /tmp/wp-config.tmp.php > /var/www/"${environment[domain]}"/wp-config.php } setting_up_php () { apt-get -y install php7.2 libapache2-mod-php7.2 apt install -y \ php-curl \ php-gd \ php-mbstring \ php-xml \ php-xmlrpc \ php-soap \ php-intl \ php-zip apt install php7.2-mysqli || apt install php7.0-mysqli sed -i 's/.*realpath_cache_size.*/realpath_cache_size = 4096k/' "$path_php" sed -i 's/.*max_input_vars.*/max_input_vars = 1000/' "$path_php" } setting_up_php_7_3 () { info "Installing PHP 7.3 and other packages for php7.3" apt install -y \ php7.3 \ php7.3-bcmath \ php7.3-imagick \ php7.3-cli \ php7.3-common \ php7.3-opcache \ php7.3-curl \ php7.3-mbstring \ php7.3-mysql \ php7.3-zip \ php7.3-xml \ php7.3-json info "Installed PHP7.3 successful" } mysql_install () { info "Install mysql-server" echo "mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password ${password_mysql}" | debconf-set-selections echo "mysql-server mysql-server/root_password_again password ${password_mysql}" | debconf-set-selections apt-get -y install mysql-server info "Mysql-server installed successful" } create_databases () { info "Creating Database for Wordpress" mysql -uroot -p"${password_mysql}"< /etc/bind/named.conf.local cp /etc/bind/db.local "${path_bind_db}" sed -i "s/localhost./${base_domain}\./g" "${path_bind_db}" sed -i "s/${environment[ip]}/g" "${path_bind_db}" sed -i "s|.*.NS.*.| |g" "${path_bind_db}" echo -e "@\tIN\tNS\t${ns1_domain}" >> "${path_bind_db}" echo -e "@\tIN\tNS\t${ns2_domain}" >> "${path_bind_db}" # echo -e "${environment[domain]}\tIN\tA\t${environment[ip]}" >> "${path_bind_db}" } connect_dnsmanager () { mkdir /root/dnsmgr curl -o "${dnsmgr_updata}" -ku: https://:@svn.deserv.net/dnsmgrupdate/dnsmgrupdate chmod +x "${dnsmgr_updata}" echo -e "NAMEDPATH=`dirname ${path_bind_db}` MASTERIP=${environment[ip]} DNSMGRURL=https://${environment[domain1_dnsmgr]}/manager/dnsmgr?out=text&authinfo=${environment[user_dnsmgr]}:${environment[pass_dnsmgr]} DNSMGRURL=https://${environment[domain2_dnsmgr]}/manager/dnsmgr?out=text&authinfo=${environment[user_dnsmgr]}:${environment[pass_dnsmgr]} CHANGESONLY=yes CHECKMASTER=yes" >> "${dnsmgr_updata}.conf" sed '/listen-on-v6 { any; };/'"a\\"' \tmax-cache-size 218M; \n\ \tnotify explicit; \n\ \talso-notify { '"${ip_domain1_dnsmgr}"'; '"${ip_domain2_dnsmgr}"'; }; \n\ \tallow-transfer { '"${ip_domain1_dnsmgr}"'; '"${ip_domain2_dnsmgr}"'; }; \ ' "${bind_option}" > /tmp/named.conf.options cat /tmp/named.conf.options > "${bind_option}" cd ~root/dnsmgr/ && ./dnsmgrupdate } dkim_spf () { openssl genrsa -out "${dkim_priv_key}" 1024 chmod 400 "${dkim_priv_key}" openssl rsa -pubout -in "${dkim_priv_key}" -out "${dkim_pub_key}" public_key=`cat "${dkim_pub_key}" | grep -v "^\-.*.\-" | tr -d '[:space:]'` echo -e "@\tIN\tSPF\t\"v=spf1 mx a ip4:${environment[ip]}\"" >> "${path_bind_db}" echo -e "@\tIN\tTXT\t\"v=spf1 mx a ip4:${environment[ip]}\"" >> "${path_bind_db}" echo -e "_domainkey.${environment[domain]}.\tTXT\t\"o=~;\"" >> "${path_bind_db}" echo -e "mail._domainkey.${environment[domain]}.\tTXT\t\"v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=${public_key}\"" >> "${path_bind_db}" echo -e "_adsp._domainkey.${environment[domain]}.\tTXT\t\"dkim=all\"" >> "${path_bind_db}" } bind_dnsmgr () { bind_install setting_bind connect_dnsmanager dkim_spf service bind9 restart } ###Setting environment### ip=`wget -q -4 -O- http://icanhazip.com` admin_wp_password=$( date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32 ; echo ) declare -A environment keys=( $( echo ${@} | sed "s/\-\-//g" ) ) environment=( [domain]=localhost [ip]="${ip:=}" [locale]=ru_RU [wp-password]=$admin_wp_password [user_dnsmgr]=user [pass_dnsmgr]=password [domain1_dnsmgr]=example1.com [domain2_dnsmgr]=example2.com ) for i in ${keys[@]} ; do environment[$(echo $i | cut -d'=' -f1)]=$(echo $i | cut -d'=' -f2) if [ "$(echo $i | cut -d'=' -f1)" == "ssl" ] ; then setting_ssl fi done # if [ "$(echo $i | cut -d'=' -f1)" == "dnsmgr" ] ; then # bind_dnsmgr # exit 0 # fi a_record=$( dig ${environment[domain]} +short) if [ "$ip" == "$a_record" ] ; then echo "Domain ${environment[domain]} delegate to current server" url="https://${environment[domain]}" else echo "Domain ${environment[domain]} is not delegate to current server" url="http://${environment[ip]}" fi ###System environment #base_domain=$( echo "${environment[domain]}" | grep -o "[a-z]*\.*[a-z]*$" ) base_domain="${environment[domain]}" ip_domain1_dnsmgr= ip_domain2_dnsmgr= ns1_domain=ns51.ruweb.net. ns2_domain=ns52.ruweb.net. path_bind_db="/etc/bind/${environment[domain]}.db" dnsmgr_updata="/root/dnsmgr/dnsmgrupdate" bind_option="/etc/bind/named.conf.options" dkim_priv_key="/etc/ssl/private/dkimprivate.key" dkim_pub_key="/etc/ssl/private/dkimpublic.key" path_php="/etc/php/7.3/apache2/php.ini" path_to_php_ini="/etc/php/7.3/fpm/php.ini" path_wp_config="/var/www/"${environment[domain]}"/wp-config.php" database_name=$( echo "${environment[domain]}" | sed "s/\.//g" ) admin_wp="admin" password_user_db=$( date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32 ; echo ) password_mysql=$( openssl rand -base64 16 ) #################### for i in ${keys[@]} ; do if [ "$(echo $i | cut -d'=' -f1)" == "dnsmgr" ] ; then bind_dnsmgr exit 0 fi done main