poedit https://poedit.net/ PisiLinux Community admins@pisilinux.org MIT app:gui editor A cross-platform translation editor. This program is a simple translation editor for PO and XLIFF files. It also serves as a GUI frontend to more GNU gettext utilities and catalogs editor/source code parser. It helps with translating applications into another language. https://github.com/vslavik/poedit/releases/download/v3.2.2-oss/poedit-3.2.2.tar.gz wxGTK3 db-devel gtk3-devel glib2-devel boost-devel icu4c-devel wxGTK-devel wxGTK-common gettext-devel pugixml-devel lucene++-devel gtkspell3-devel poedit gtk3 boost glib2 icu4c wxGTK3 libgcc gettext pugixml lucene++ gtkspell3 wxGTK-common /usr/bin /usr/share /usr/share/locale /usr/share/man /usr/share/doc 2023-10-25 3.2.2 Rebuild. fury uglyside@yandex.ru 2023-01-05 3.2.2 Version bump. fury uglyside@yandex.ru 2022-11-23 3.2.1 Version bump. fury uglyside@yandex.ru 2022-07-27 3.1.1 Version bump. Mustafa Cinasal muscnsl@gmail.com 2021-12-20 3.0.1 Version bump. fury uglyside@yandex.ru 2021-11-27 2.4.3 Rebuild boost. fury uglyside@yandex.ru 2021-04-29 2.4.3 Version bump. fury uglyside@yandex.ru 2020-12-04 2.4.2 First release fury uglyside@yandex.ru