dav1d https://code.videolan.org/videolan/dav1d Mathias Freire mathiasfreire45@gmail.com BSD library multimedia.video dav1d is a new AV1 cross-platform decoder, open-source, and focused on speed and correctness. The goal of this project is to provide a decoder for most platforms, and achieve the highest speed possible to overcome the temporary lack of AV1 hardware decoder. It supports all features from AV1, including all subsampling and bit-depth parameters. In the future, this project will host simple tools or simple wrappings (like, for example, an MFT transform). http://downloads.videolan.org/pub/videolan/dav1d/1.3.0/dav1d-1.3.0.tar.xz nasm meson ninja dav1d libgcc /usr/bin/dav1d /usr/lib /usr/share/doc dav1d-devel dav1d /usr/include /usr/lib/pkgconfig 2023-11-19 1.3.0 Version bump. Mustafa Cinasal muscnsl@gmail.com 2021-01-24 0.8.1 Version bump. fury uglyside@yandex.ru 2020-01-12 0.5.2 First release. Idris Kalp idriskalp@gmail.com