How do I…?

Create and use configuration flags and parameters

  • Edit src/pism_config.cdl. Each flag or parameter is stored as a NetCDF attribute and should have a corresponding “_doc” attribute describing its meaning and the “_type” defining the type. All scalar parameters have to have “_units” set as well.

pism_config:constants.standard_gravity = 9.81;
pism_config:constants.standard_gravity_doc = "acceleration due to gravity on Earth geoid";
pism_config:constants.standard_gravity_type = "scalar";
pism_config:constants.standard_gravity_units = "meter second-2";
  • One can access these parameters using the Config class. IceModel and all classes derived from Component have an pointer to an instance of this class as a data member m_config, so no additional code is necessary to initialize the configuration database.

To use a scalar parameter, do

double g = m_config->get_number("constants.standard_gravity");

To use a flag, do

bool compute_age = config->get_flag("age.enabled");


  • It is best to avoid calling m_config->get_...() from within loops: looking up a parameter by its name is slow.

  • Please see Configuration parameters for a list of flags and parameters currently used in PISM.

Create and use additional variables

Creating IceModelVec instances

PISM uses the following classes to manage 2D and 3D fields, their I/O and metadata:


scalar 2D fields


vector 2D fields such as horizontal velocities; corresponds to 2 NetCDF variables


2D masks, such as the grounded/floating mask


2D time-dependent fields (used to read and store forcing data)


scalar 3D fields (usually within the ice)

Please see the documentation of these classes for more info. The base class IceModelVec is a virtual class, so code should use the above derived classes.

To create a scalar field, for example, one needs to create an instance of IceModelVec2S and then set its metadata:

// land ice thickness
IceModelVec2S ice_thickness(grid, "thk", WITH_GHOSTS, 2);
ice_thickness.set_attrs("model_state", "land ice thickness",
                        "m", "land_ice_thickness");
ice_thickness.metadata().set_number("valid_min", 0.0);

Here grid is an IceGrid instance, thk is the name of the NetCDF variable, WITH_GHOSTS means that storage for “ghost” (“halo”) points will be allocated, and “2” is the number of ghosts (in other words: required stencil width).

The IceModelVec::set_attrs() call sets commonly used NetCDF variable attributes seen in PISM output files:


variables that are a part of the model state of a sub-model should have pism_intent set to “model_state”


the (descriptive) long name used for plotting, etc (a free-form string)


units used in the code; does not have to match units in a file.


CF standard name, if defined, or an empty string.

The ice_thickness.metadata() call above allows accessing variable metadata and adding arbitrary attributes. See VariableMetadata for details.

The CF convention covers some attribute semantics, including valid_min in this example.

PISM will automatically convert units from ones present in an input file into internal units defines by the set_attrs() call above.

If you want PISM to save data in units other than internal ones, first set these “glaciological” units:

ice_thickness.metadata().set_string("glaciological_units", "km");

Read data from a file

There are at least three cases of “reading data from a file”:

  1. reading a field stored in an input file on a grid matching the one used by the current run (restarting a run),

  2. reading a field stored in an input file on a different grid, interpolating onto the current grid (bootstrapping), and

  3. reading a field stored in a file other than the input file using interpolation (assuming that grids are compatible but not identical)

// case 1, using a file name
unsigned int time = 0;
std::string filename = "";, time);

// case 1, using an existing File instance (file is already open)
File file(communicator, "guess_mode", filename, PISM_READONLY);, time);

RegriddingFlag flag = OPTIONAL;
double default_value = 0.0;
// cases 2 and 3 (interpolation)
ice_thickness.regrid(filename, flag, default_value);

// cases 2 and 3 (interpolation) using an existing File instance
ice_thickness.regrid(file, flag, default_value);

When interpolating (“regridding”) a field, the flag specifies whether a variable is required (flag is CRITICAL or CRITICAL_FILL_MISSING) or optional (flag is OPTIONAL or OPTIONAL_FILL_MISSING). PISM will stop with an error message if a required variable is not found in an input file.

Flag values of CRITICAL_FILL_MISSING and OPTIONAL_FILL_MISSING replaces “missing” values matching the _FillValue attribute by the default value.

If flag is OPTIONAL or OPTIONAL_FILL_MISSING PISM will fill the variable with default_value if it was not found in the file.

Write data to a file

IceModelVec::define() will define all spatial dimensions used by a variable. However, we usually need to “prepare” a file by defining the time dimension and appending a value to the time variable.

File file(m_grid->com, m_config->get_string("output.format"),
         filename, PISM_READWRITE_CLOBBER, m_grid->ctx()->pio_iosys_id());

io::define_time(file, *m_grid->ctx());
io::append_time(file, *m_grid->ctx()->config(), current_time);

When a file is opened with the mode PISM_READWRITE_CLOBBER, PISM checks if this file is present overwrites if it is; to append to an existing file, use PISM_READWRITE. To move the file aside (appending “~” to the file name), use PISM_READWRITE_MOVE.

A newly-created file is “empty” and contains no records. The io::append_time() call creates a record corresponding to the current_time (in seconds).

To write a field to an already “prepared” file, call

// or, if the file is already open and a File instance is available:


Read scalar forcing data

PISM uses instances of the ScalarForcing class to read scalar forcing data; please see pism::surface::Delta_T for an example.

Read 2D forcing fields

PISM uses instances of the IceModelVec2T class to read 2D forcing fields that vary in time; please see pism::surface::Given for an example.

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