Rebuilding PISM documentation

You might want to rebuild the documentation from source, as PISM and its documentation evolve together. These tools are required:



Sphinx version 3.0 or newer

needed to rebuild this Manual


needed to rebuild this Manual and the documentation of PISM’s Python bindings (below)


needed to rebuild the PDF version of this Manual, the PISM Source Code Browser, and the documentation of PISM’s Python bindings


needed to rebuild the documentation of PISM’s Python bindings


needed to rebuild the PDF version of this Manual

ncgen from NetCDF

needed to rebuild this Manual


needed to rebuild this Manual


required to rebuild the PISM Source Code Browser


required to rebuild the PISM Source Code Browser

On a Debian-based system you may be able to install these by running

sudo apt-get install \
     graphviz dvipng \
     texlive texlive-fonts-extra \

pip3 install sphinx sphinxcontrib-bibtex --user

Click here to download this file.

(You may need to change this command to match your package system.)

Note that if you install Sphinx using MacPorts, you will install a version that corresponds to your Python version, and its executables will have names with suffixes corresponding to this version, e.g. sphinx-build-2.7 rather than sphinx-build for Python 2.7. You will want to set up aliases so that the standard names work as well. To do this, run

sudo port select sphinx py27-sphinx

(replacing py27-sphinx with py26-sphinx for Python 2.6, etc.) If you opt not to do this, you can tell CMake the name of your Sphinx executable using

cmake -DSPHINX_EXECUTABLE=sphinx-build-2.7 ...

for example.


To rebuild this manual, change to the PISM build directory and run

make manual_html # for the HTML version of the manual
make manual_pdf  # for the PDF version of the manual

The main page for this manual is then in doc/sphinx/html/index.html inside your build directory.

The PDF manual will be in doc/sphinx/pism_manual.pdf in your build directory.

Source Code Browser

To rebuild the PISM Source Code Browser, change to the PISM build directory and run

make browser

The main page for the documentation is then in doc/browser/html/index.html inside your build directory.

Documentation for PISM’s Python bindings and inversion tools

These bindings make scripting and interactive use of PISM possible, but many PISM users will not need them. Installing them is required to use PISM for inversion of surface velocities for basal shear stress and ice hardness. Building their documentation is strongly-recommended before use.

To build the documentation of PISM’s Python bindings, change to the PISM build directory and run

make pismpython_docs

The main page for the documentation is then in doc/pismpython/html/index.html inside your build directory. The documentation build can take some time while it builds a large number of small images from LaTeX formulas.

Re-building documentation without PISM’s prerequisites

To build documentation on a system without PISM’s prerequisite libraries (such as MPI and PETSc), assuming that PISM sources are in ~/pism-stable, do the following:

cd ~/pism-stable
mkdir doc-build # create a build directory
cd doc-build
cmake ../doc

then commands “make manual_html”, “make manual_pdf” and others (see above) will work as expected.

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