idsite = $idSite; // default values for the referer_* fields $referrerUrl = Common::unsanitizeInputValue($referrerUrl); if (!empty($referrerUrl) && !UrlHelper::isLookLikeUrl($referrerUrl) ) { $referrerUrl = ''; } $currentUrl = PageUrl::cleanupUrl($currentUrl); $this->referrerUrl = $referrerUrl; $this->referrerUrlParse = @parse_url($this->referrerUrl); $this->currentUrlParse = @parse_url($currentUrl); $this->typeReferrerAnalyzed = Common::REFERRER_TYPE_DIRECT_ENTRY; $this->nameReferrerAnalyzed = ''; $this->keywordReferrerAnalyzed = ''; $this->referrerHost = ''; if (isset($this->referrerUrlParse['host'])) { $this->referrerHost = $this->referrerUrlParse['host']; } $referrerDetected = $this->detectReferrerCampaign($request, $visitor); if (!$referrerDetected) { if ($this->detectReferrerDirectEntry() || $this->detectReferrerSearchEngine() ) { $referrerDetected = true; } } if (!$referrerDetected && !empty($this->referrerHost)) { $this->typeReferrerAnalyzed = Common::REFERRER_TYPE_WEBSITE; $this->nameReferrerAnalyzed = Common::mb_strtolower($this->referrerHost); $urlsByHost = $this->getCachedUrlsByHostAndIdSite(); $directEntry = new SiteUrls(); $path = $directEntry->getPathMatchingUrl($this->referrerUrlParse, $urlsByHost); if (!empty($path) && $path !== '/') { $this->nameReferrerAnalyzed .= rtrim($path, '/'); } } $referrerInformation = array( 'referer_type' => $this->typeReferrerAnalyzed, 'referer_name' => $this->nameReferrerAnalyzed, 'referer_keyword' => $this->keywordReferrerAnalyzed, 'referer_url' => $this->referrerUrl, ); return $referrerInformation; } protected function getReferrerInformationFromRequest(Request $request, Visitor $visitor) { $referrerUrl = $request->getParam('urlref'); $currentUrl = $request->getParam('url'); return $this->getReferrerInformation($referrerUrl, $currentUrl, $request->getIdSite(), $request, $visitor); } /** * Search engine detection * @return bool */ protected function detectReferrerSearchEngine() { if (isset(self::$cachedReferrerSearchEngine[$this->referrerUrl])) { $searchEngineInformation = self::$cachedReferrerSearchEngine[$this->referrerUrl]; } else { $searchEngineInformation = SearchEngineDetection::getInstance()->extractInformationFromUrl($this->referrerUrl); /** * Triggered when detecting the search engine of a referrer URL. * * Plugins can use this event to provide custom search engine detection * logic. * * @param array &$searchEngineInformation An array with the following information: * * - **name**: The search engine name. * - **keywords**: The search keywords used. * * This parameter is initialized to the results * of Piwik's default search engine detection * logic. * @param string referrerUrl The referrer URL from the tracking request. */ Piwik::postEvent('Tracker.detectReferrerSearchEngine', array(&$searchEngineInformation, $this->referrerUrl)); self::$cachedReferrerSearchEngine[$this->referrerUrl] = $searchEngineInformation; } if ($searchEngineInformation === false) { return false; } $this->typeReferrerAnalyzed = Common::REFERRER_TYPE_SEARCH_ENGINE; $this->nameReferrerAnalyzed = $searchEngineInformation['name']; $this->keywordReferrerAnalyzed = $searchEngineInformation['keywords']; return true; } /** * @param string $string * @return bool */ protected function detectCampaignFromString($string) { foreach ($this->campaignNames as $campaignNameParameter) { $campaignName = trim(urldecode(UrlHelper::getParameterFromQueryString($string, $campaignNameParameter))); if (!empty($campaignName)) { break; } } if (empty($campaignName)) { return false; } $this->typeReferrerAnalyzed = Common::REFERRER_TYPE_CAMPAIGN; $this->nameReferrerAnalyzed = $campaignName; foreach ($this->campaignKeywords as $campaignKeywordParameter) { $campaignKeyword = UrlHelper::getParameterFromQueryString($string, $campaignKeywordParameter); if (!empty($campaignKeyword)) { $this->keywordReferrerAnalyzed = trim(urldecode($campaignKeyword)); break; } } return !empty($this->keywordReferrerAnalyzed); } protected function detectReferrerCampaignFromLandingUrl() { if (!isset($this->currentUrlParse['query']) && !isset($this->currentUrlParse['fragment']) ) { return false; } $campaignParameters = Common::getCampaignParameters(); $this->campaignNames = $campaignParameters[0]; $this->campaignKeywords = $campaignParameters[1]; $found = false; // 1) Detect campaign from query string if (isset($this->currentUrlParse['query'])) { $found = $this->detectCampaignFromString($this->currentUrlParse['query']); } // 2) Detect from fragment #hash if (!$found && isset($this->currentUrlParse['fragment']) ) { $this->detectCampaignFromString($this->currentUrlParse['fragment']); } } protected function detectReferrerCampaignFromTrackerParams(Request $request) { $campaignName = $this->getReferrerCampaignQueryParam($request, '_rcn'); if (empty($campaignName)) { return false; } $this->typeReferrerAnalyzed = Common::REFERRER_TYPE_CAMPAIGN; $this->nameReferrerAnalyzed = $campaignName; $keyword = $this->getReferrerCampaignQueryParam($request, '_rck'); if (!empty($keyword)) { $this->keywordReferrerAnalyzed = $keyword; } return true; } private function getCachedUrlsByHostAndIdSite() { $cache = Cache::getCacheGeneral(); if (!empty($cache['allUrlsByHostAndIdSite'])) { return $cache['allUrlsByHostAndIdSite']; } return array(); } /** * We have previously tried to detect the campaign variables in the URL * so at this stage, if the referrer host is the current host, * or if the referrer host is any of the registered URL for this website, * it is considered a direct entry * @return bool */ protected function detectReferrerDirectEntry() { if (empty($this->referrerHost)) { return false; } $urlsByHost = $this->getCachedUrlsByHostAndIdSite(); $directEntry = new SiteUrls(); $matchingSites = $directEntry->getIdSitesMatchingUrl($this->referrerUrlParse, $urlsByHost); if (isset($matchingSites) && is_array($matchingSites) && in_array($this->idsite, $matchingSites)) { $this->typeReferrerAnalyzed = Common::REFERRER_TYPE_DIRECT_ENTRY; return true; } elseif (isset($matchingSites)) { return false; } $site = Cache::getCacheWebsiteAttributes($this->idsite); $excludeUnknowns = $site['exclude_unknown_urls']; // fallback logic if the referrer domain is not known to any site to not break BC if (!$excludeUnknowns && isset($this->currentUrlParse['host'])) { // this might be actually buggy if first thing tracked is eg an outlink and referrer is from that site $currentHost = Common::mb_strtolower($this->currentUrlParse['host']); if ($currentHost == Common::mb_strtolower($this->referrerHost)) { $this->typeReferrerAnalyzed = Common::REFERRER_TYPE_DIRECT_ENTRY; return true; } } return false; } protected function detectCampaignKeywordFromReferrerUrl() { if (!empty($this->nameReferrerAnalyzed) && !empty($this->keywordReferrerAnalyzed)) { // keyword is already set, we skip return true; } // Set the Campaign keyword to the keyword found in the Referrer URL if any if (!empty($this->nameReferrerAnalyzed)) { $referrerUrlInfo = SearchEngineDetection::getInstance()->extractInformationFromUrl($this->referrerUrl); if (!empty($referrerUrlInfo['keywords'])) { $this->keywordReferrerAnalyzed = $referrerUrlInfo['keywords']; } } // Set the keyword, to the hostname found, in a Adsense Referrer URL '&url=' parameter if (empty($this->keywordReferrerAnalyzed) && !empty($this->referrerUrlParse['query']) && !empty($this->referrerHost) && (strpos($this->referrerHost, 'googleads') !== false || strpos($this->referrerHost, 'doubleclick') !== false) ) { // This parameter sometimes is found & contains the page with the adsense ad bringing visitor to our site $value = $this->getParameterValueFromReferrerUrl('url'); if (!empty($value)) { $parsedAdsenseReferrerUrl = parse_url($value); if (!empty($parsedAdsenseReferrerUrl['host'])) { if (empty($this->nameReferrerAnalyzed)) { $type = $this->getParameterValueFromReferrerUrl('ad_type'); $type = $type ? " ($type)" : ''; $this->nameReferrerAnalyzed = self::LABEL_ADWORDS_NAME . $type; $this->typeReferrerAnalyzed = Common::REFERRER_TYPE_CAMPAIGN; } $this->keywordReferrerAnalyzed = self::LABEL_PREFIX_ADWORDS_KEYWORD . $parsedAdsenseReferrerUrl['host']; } } } } /** * @return string */ protected function getParameterValueFromReferrerUrl($adsenseReferrerParameter) { $value = trim(urldecode(UrlHelper::getParameterFromQueryString($this->referrerUrlParse['query'], $adsenseReferrerParameter))); return $value; } /** * @return bool */ protected function detectReferrerCampaign(Request $request, Visitor $visitor) { $isCampaign = $this->detectReferrerCampaignFromTrackerParams($request); if (!$isCampaign) { $this->detectReferrerCampaignFromLandingUrl(); } $this->detectCampaignKeywordFromReferrerUrl(); $existingVisitReferrerName = $visitor->getVisitorColumn('referer_name'); $currentRequestReferrerName = $this->nameReferrerAnalyzed; $isCurrentVisitACampaignWithSameName = false; if($visitor->getVisitorColumn('referer_type') == Common::REFERRER_TYPE_CAMPAIGN) { $isCurrentVisitACampaignWithSameName = ($existingVisitReferrerName == $currentRequestReferrerName); } // if we detected a campaign but there is still no keyword set, we set the keyword to the Referrer host if (empty($this->keywordReferrerAnalyzed)) { if ($isCurrentVisitACampaignWithSameName) { $this->keywordReferrerAnalyzed = $visitor->getVisitorColumn('referer_keyword'); // it is an existing visit and no referrer keyword was used initially (or a different host), // we do not use the default referrer host in this case as it would create a new visit. It would create // a new visit because initially the referrer keyword was not set (or from a different host) and now // we would set it suddenly. The changed keyword would be recognized as a campaign change and a new // visit would be forced. Why would it suddenly set a keyword but not do it initially? // This happens when on the first visit when the URL was opened directly (no referrer or different host) // and then the user navigates to another page where the referrer host becomes the own host // (referrer = own website) see } else { $this->keywordReferrerAnalyzed = $this->referrerHost; } } if ($this->typeReferrerAnalyzed != Common::REFERRER_TYPE_CAMPAIGN) { $this->keywordReferrerAnalyzed = null; $this->nameReferrerAnalyzed = null; return false; } $this->keywordReferrerAnalyzed = Common::mb_strtolower($this->keywordReferrerAnalyzed); $this->nameReferrerAnalyzed = Common::mb_strtolower($this->nameReferrerAnalyzed); return true; } /** * @param Request $request * @param Visitor $visitor * @param Action|null $action * @return mixed */ public function getValueForRecordGoal(Request $request, Visitor $visitor) { $referrerUrl = $request->getParam('_ref'); $referrerCampaignName = $this->getReferrerCampaignQueryParam($request, '_rcn'); $referrerCampaignKeyword = $this->getReferrerCampaignQueryParam($request, '_rck'); // Attributing the correct Referrer to this conversion. // Priority order is as follows: // 0) In some cases, the campaign is not passed from the JS so we look it up from the current visit // 1) Campaign name/kwd parsed in the JS // 2) Referrer URL stored in the _ref cookie // 3) If no info from the cookie, attribute to the current visit referrer Common::printDebug("Attributing a referrer to this Goal..."); // 3) Default values: current referrer $type = $visitor->getVisitorColumn('referer_type'); $name = $visitor->getVisitorColumn('referer_name'); $keyword = $visitor->getVisitorColumn('referer_keyword'); // 0) In some (unknown!?) cases the campaign is not found in the attribution cookie, but the URL ref was found. // In this case we look up if the current visit is credited to a campaign and will credit this campaign rather than the URL ref (since campaigns have higher priority) if (empty($referrerCampaignName) && $type == Common::REFERRER_TYPE_CAMPAIGN && !empty($name) ) { // Use default values per above Common::printDebug("Invalid Referrer information found: current visitor seems to have used a campaign, but campaign name was not found in the request."); } // 1) Campaigns from 1st party cookie elseif (!empty($referrerCampaignName)) { $type = Common::REFERRER_TYPE_CAMPAIGN; $name = $referrerCampaignName; $keyword = $referrerCampaignKeyword; Common::printDebug("Campaign information from 1st party cookie is used."); } // 2) Referrer URL parsing elseif (!empty($referrerUrl)) { $idSite = $request->getIdSite(); $referrer = $this->getReferrerInformation($referrerUrl, $currentUrl = '', $idSite, $request, $visitor); // if the parsed referrer is interesting enough, ie. website or search engine if (in_array($referrer['referer_type'], array(Common::REFERRER_TYPE_SEARCH_ENGINE, Common::REFERRER_TYPE_WEBSITE))) { $type = $referrer['referer_type']; $name = $referrer['referer_name']; $keyword = $referrer['referer_keyword']; Common::printDebug("Referrer URL (search engine or website) is used."); } else { Common::printDebug("No referrer attribution found for this user. Current user's visit referrer is used."); } } else { Common::printDebug("No referrer attribution found for this user. Current user's visit referrer is used."); } $this->setCampaignValuesToLowercase($type, $name, $keyword); $fields = array( 'referer_type' => $type, 'referer_name' => $name, 'referer_keyword' => $keyword, ); if (array_key_exists($this->columnName, $fields)) { return $fields[$this->columnName]; } return false; } /** * @param $type * @param $name * @param $keyword */ protected function setCampaignValuesToLowercase($type, &$name, &$keyword) { if ($type === Common::REFERRER_TYPE_CAMPAIGN) { if (!empty($name)) { $name = Common::mb_strtolower($name); } if (!empty($keyword)) { $keyword = Common::mb_strtolower($keyword); } } } protected function isReferrerInformationNew(Visitor $visitor, $information) { foreach (array('referer_keyword', 'referer_name', 'referer_type') as $infoName) { if ($this->hasReferrerColumnChanged($visitor, $information, $infoName)) { return true; } } return false; } protected function hasReferrerColumnChanged(Visitor $visitor, $information, $infoName) { return Common::mb_strtolower($visitor->getVisitorColumn($infoName)) != Common::mb_strtolower($information[$infoName]); } protected function doesLastActionHaveSameReferrer(Visitor $visitor, $referrerType) { return $visitor->getVisitorColumn('referer_type') == $referrerType; } protected function getReferrerCampaignQueryParam(Request $request, $paramName) { return trim(urldecode($request->getParam($paramName))); } }