--- layout: example code: - { label: workflow.dot, url: workflow.dot, language: dot } - { label: command line, url: invocation.console, language: console } thumb: workflow.dot.png title: Using the example layout description: how to use the `example` layout --- The `example` layout presents text, imagery and code together in a layout useful for showing how things work. {:.larger.text} Images are optional and float to the left of the text when provided, stacking in mobile view. Code listings are also optional. Multiple files are supported via a tabbed interface. Syntax highlighting is applied if a valid [rouge syntax lexer] is specified. See the [layout api reference] for usage details. The diagram in this example shows the basic workflow when using the programming pages theme. First time setup involves having a current version of ruby and installing jekyll and bundler. Full installation details are available in the [Installation Guide]. Once initialized, a site is ready for content to be authored and published. Please see [Authoring Documentation] and [Publishing to GitHub Pages] for additional information. The code figures in this example are a [Graphviz] file (`workflow.dot`) and the command line to render it as an image. The diagram on this page was created this way. [Authoring Documentation]: {{site.baseurl}}/guides/Authoring-Documentation/#/guides/ [Graphviz]: http://www.graphviz.org/ "Graphviz - Graph Visualization Software" [Installation Guide]: {{site.baseurl}}/guides/Installing-the-theme/#/guides/ "installing the programming pages theme" [layout api reference]: {{site.baseurl}}/layout_api/example/#/layout_api/ "programming pages example layout" [Publishing to GitHub Pages]: {{site.baseurl}}/guides/Publishing-to-GitHub-Pages/#/guides/ [rouge syntax lexer]: https://github.com/jneen/rouge/tree/master/lib/rouge/lexers "rouge lexers available for syntax highlighting"