twitch-videoad.js text/javascript (function() { if ( /(^|\.)twitch\.tv$/.test(document.location.hostname) === false ) { return; } function declareOptions(scope) { // Options / globals scope.OPT_ROLLING_DEVICE_ID = false; scope.OPT_MODE_STRIP_AD_SEGMENTS = true; scope.OPT_MODE_NOTIFY_ADS_WATCHED = true; scope.OPT_MODE_NOTIFY_ADS_WATCHED_MIN_REQUESTS = false; scope.OPT_BACKUP_PLAYER_TYPE = 'autoplay'; scope.OPT_BACKUP_PLATFORM = 'ios'; scope.OPT_REGULAR_PLAYER_TYPE = 'site'; scope.OPT_ACCESS_TOKEN_PLAYER_TYPE = null; scope.OPT_SHOW_AD_BANNER = true; scope.AD_SIGNIFIER = 'stitched-ad'; scope.LIVE_SIGNIFIER = ',live'; scope.CLIENT_ID = 'kimne78kx3ncx6brgo4mv6wki5h1ko'; // These are only really for Worker scope... scope.StreamInfos = []; scope.StreamInfosByUrl = []; scope.CurrentChannelNameFromM3U8 = null; // Need this in both scopes. Window scope needs to update this to worker scope. scope.gql_device_id = null; scope.gql_device_id_rolling = ''; // Rolling device id crap... TODO: improve this var charTable = []; for (var i = 97; i <= 122; i++) { charTable.push(String.fromCharCode(i)); } for (var i = 65; i <= 90; i++) { charTable.push(String.fromCharCode(i)); } for (var i = 48; i <= 57; i++) { charTable.push(String.fromCharCode(i)); } var bs = 'eVI6jx47kJvCFfFowK86eVI6jx47kJvC'; var di = (new Date()).getUTCFullYear() + (new Date()).getUTCMonth() + ((new Date()).getUTCDate() / 7) | 0; for (var i = 0; i < bs.length; i++) { scope.gql_device_id_rolling += charTable[(bs.charCodeAt(i) ^ di) % charTable.length]; } scope.gql_device_id_rolling = '1';//temporary scope.ClientIntegrityHeader = null; scope.AuthorizationHeader = null; } declareOptions(window); var twitchMainWorker = null; const oldWorker = window.Worker; window.Worker = class Worker extends oldWorker { constructor(twitchBlobUrl) { if (twitchMainWorker) { super(twitchBlobUrl); return; } var jsURL = getWasmWorkerUrl(twitchBlobUrl); if (typeof jsURL !== 'string') { super(twitchBlobUrl); return; } var newBlobStr = ` ${processM3U8.toString()} ${hookWorkerFetch.toString()} ${declareOptions.toString()} ${getAccessToken.toString()} ${gqlRequest.toString()} ${makeGraphQlPacket.toString()} ${tryNotifyAdsWatchedM3U8.toString()} ${parseAttributes.toString()} ${onFoundAd.toString()} declareOptions(self); self.addEventListener('message', function(e) { if ( == 'UboUpdateDeviceId') { gql_device_id =; } else if ( == 'UpdateClientIntegrityHeader') { ClientIntegrityHeader =; } else if ( == 'UpdateAuthorizationHeader') { AuthorizationHeader =; } }); hookWorkerFetch(); importScripts('${jsURL}'); ` super(URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([newBlobStr]))); twitchMainWorker = this; this.onmessage = function(e) { // NOTE: Removed adDiv caching as '.video-player' can change between streams? if ( == 'UboShowAdBanner') { var adDiv = getAdDiv(); if (adDiv != null) { adDiv.P.textContent = 'Blocking' + ( ? ' midroll' : '') + ' ads'; if (OPT_SHOW_AD_BANNER) { = 'block'; } } } else if ( == 'UboHideAdBanner') { var adDiv = getAdDiv(); if (adDiv != null) { = 'none'; } } else if ( == 'UboChannelNameM3U8Changed') { //console.log('M3U8 channel name changed to ' +; } else if ( == 'UboReloadPlayer') { reloadTwitchPlayer(); } else if ( == 'UboPauseResumePlayer') { reloadTwitchPlayer(false, true); } else if ( == 'UboSeekPlayer') { reloadTwitchPlayer(true); } } function getAdDiv() { var playerRootDiv = document.querySelector('.video-player'); var adDiv = null; if (playerRootDiv != null) { adDiv = playerRootDiv.querySelector('.ubo-overlay'); if (adDiv == null) { adDiv = document.createElement('div'); adDiv.className = 'ubo-overlay'; adDiv.innerHTML = '

'; = 'none'; adDiv.P = adDiv.querySelector('p'); playerRootDiv.appendChild(adDiv); } } return adDiv; } } } function getWasmWorkerUrl(twitchBlobUrl) { var req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', twitchBlobUrl, false); req.send(); return req.responseText.split("'")[1]; } function onFoundAd(streamInfo, textStr, reloadPlayer) { console.log('Found ads, switch to backup'); streamInfo.UseBackupStream = true; streamInfo.IsMidroll = textStr.includes('"MIDROLL"') || textStr.includes('"midroll"'); if (reloadPlayer) { postMessage({key:'UboReloadPlayer'}); } postMessage({key:'UboShowAdBanner',isMidroll:streamInfo.IsMidroll}); } async function processM3U8(url, textStr, realFetch) { var streamInfo = StreamInfosByUrl[url]; if (streamInfo == null) { console.log('Unknown stream url ' + url); //postMessage({key:'UboHideAdBanner'}); return textStr; } if (!OPT_MODE_STRIP_AD_SEGMENTS) { return textStr; } var haveAdTags = textStr.includes(AD_SIGNIFIER); if (streamInfo.UseBackupStream) { if (streamInfo.Encodings == null) { console.log('Found backup stream but not main stream?'); streamInfo.UseBackupStream = false; postMessage({key:'UboReloadPlayer'}); return ''; } else { var streamM3u8Url = streamInfo.Encodings.match(/^https:.*\.m3u8$/m)[0]; var streamM3u8Response = await realFetch(streamM3u8Url); if (streamM3u8Response.status == 200) { var streamM3u8 = await streamM3u8Response.text(); if (streamM3u8 != null && !streamM3u8.includes(AD_SIGNIFIER)) { console.log('No more ads on main stream. Triggering player reload to go back to main stream...'); streamInfo.UseBackupStream = false; postMessage({key:'UboHideAdBanner'}); postMessage({key:'UboReloadPlayer'}); } } } if (streamInfo.BackupEncodings == null) { return ''; } } else if (haveAdTags) { onFoundAd(streamInfo, textStr, true); return ''; } else { postMessage({key:'UboHideAdBanner'}); } return textStr; } function hookWorkerFetch() { console.log('hookWorkerFetch'); var realFetch = fetch; fetch = async function(url, options) { if (typeof url === 'string') { url = url.trimEnd(); if (url.endsWith('m3u8')) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var processAfter = async function(response) { var str = await processM3U8(url, await response.text(), realFetch); resolve(new Response(str)); }; var send = function() { return realFetch(url, options).then(function(response) { processAfter(response); })['catch'](function(err) { console.log('fetch hook err ' + err); reject(err); }); }; send(); }); } else if (url.includes('/api/channel/hls/') && !url.includes('picture-by-picture')) { var channelName = (new URL(url)).pathname.match(/([^\/]+)(?=\.\w+$)/)[0]; if (CurrentChannelNameFromM3U8 != channelName) { postMessage({ key: 'UboChannelNameM3U8Changed', value: channelName }); } CurrentChannelNameFromM3U8 = channelName; if (OPT_MODE_STRIP_AD_SEGMENTS) { return new Promise(async function(resolve, reject) { // - First m3u8 request is the m3u8 with the video encodings (360p,480p,720p,etc). // - Second m3u8 request is the m3u8 for the given encoding obtained in the first request. At this point we will know if there's ads. var streamInfo = StreamInfos[channelName]; var useBackupStream = false; if (streamInfo == null || streamInfo.Encodings == null || streamInfo.BackupEncodings == null) { StreamInfos[channelName] = streamInfo = { Encodings: null, BackupEncodings: null, IsMidroll: false, UseBackupStream: false, ChannelName: channelName }; for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var encodingsUrl = url; if (i == 1) { var accessTokenResponse = await getAccessToken(channelName, OPT_BACKUP_PLAYER_TYPE, OPT_BACKUP_PLATFORM, realFetch); if (accessTokenResponse != null && accessTokenResponse.status === 200) { var accessToken = await accessTokenResponse.json(); var urlInfo = new URL('' + channelName + '.m3u8' + (new URL(url)).search); urlInfo.searchParams.set('sig',; urlInfo.searchParams.set('token',; encodingsUrl = urlInfo.href; } else { resolve(accessTokenResponse); return; } } var encodingsM3u8Response = await realFetch(encodingsUrl, options); if (encodingsM3u8Response != null && encodingsM3u8Response.status === 200) { var encodingsM3u8 = await encodingsM3u8Response.text(); if (i == 0) { streamInfo.Encodings = encodingsM3u8; var streamM3u8Url = encodingsM3u8.match(/^https:.*\.m3u8$/m)[0]; var streamM3u8Response = await realFetch(streamM3u8Url); if (streamM3u8Response.status == 200) { var streamM3u8 = await streamM3u8Response.text(); if (streamM3u8.includes(AD_SIGNIFIER)) { onFoundAd(streamInfo, streamM3u8, false); } } else { resolve(streamM3u8Response); return; } } else { var lowResLines = encodingsM3u8.replace('\r', '').split('\n'); var lowResBestUrl = null; for (var j = 0; j < lowResLines.length; j++) { if (lowResLines[j].startsWith('#EXT-X-STREAM-INF')) { var res = parseAttributes(lowResLines[j])['RESOLUTION']; if (res && lowResLines[j + 1].endsWith('.m3u8')) { // Assumes resolutions are correctly ordered lowResBestUrl = lowResLines[j + 1]; break; } } } if (lowResBestUrl != null && streamInfo.Encodings != null) { var normalEncodingsM3u8 = streamInfo.Encodings; var normalLines = normalEncodingsM3u8.replace('\r', '').split('\n'); for (var j = 0; j < normalLines.length - 1; j++) { if (normalLines[j].startsWith('#EXT-X-STREAM-INF')) { var res = parseAttributes(normalLines[j])['RESOLUTION']; if (res) { lowResBestUrl += ' ';// The stream doesn't load unless each url line is unique normalLines[j + 1] = lowResBestUrl; } } } encodingsM3u8 = normalLines.join('\r\n'); } streamInfo.BackupEncodings = encodingsM3u8; } var lines = encodingsM3u8.replace('\r', '').split('\n'); for (var j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) { if (!lines[j].startsWith('#') && lines[j].includes('.m3u8')) { StreamInfosByUrl[lines[j].trimEnd()] = streamInfo; } } } else { resolve(encodingsM3u8Response); return; } } } if (streamInfo.UseBackupStream) { resolve(new Response(streamInfo.BackupEncodings)); } else { resolve(new Response(streamInfo.Encodings)); } }); } } } return realFetch.apply(this, arguments); } } function makeGraphQlPacket(event, radToken, payload) { return [{ operationName: 'ClientSideAdEventHandling_RecordAdEvent', variables: { input: { eventName: event, eventPayload: JSON.stringify(payload), radToken, }, }, extensions: { persistedQuery: { version: 1, sha256Hash: '7e6c69e6eb59f8ccb97ab73686f3d8b7d85a72a0298745ccd8bfc68e4054ca5b', }, }, }]; } function getAccessToken(channelName, playerType, platform, realFetch) { if (!platform) { platform = 'web'; } var body = null; var templateQuery = 'query PlaybackAccessToken_Template($login: String!, $isLive: Boolean!, $vodID: ID!, $isVod: Boolean!, $playerType: String!) { streamPlaybackAccessToken(channelName: $login, params: {platform: "' + platform + '", playerBackend: "mediaplayer", playerType: $playerType}) @include(if: $isLive) { value signature __typename } videoPlaybackAccessToken(id: $vodID, params: {platform: "' + platform + '", playerBackend: "mediaplayer", playerType: $playerType}) @include(if: $isVod) { value signature __typename }}'; body = { operationName: 'PlaybackAccessToken_Template', query: templateQuery, variables: { 'isLive': true, 'login': channelName, 'isVod': false, 'vodID': '', 'playerType': playerType } }; return gqlRequest(body, realFetch); } function gqlRequest(body, realFetch) { if (ClientIntegrityHeader == null) { console.warn('ClientIntegrityHeader is null'); //throw 'ClientIntegrityHeader is null'; } var fetchFunc = realFetch ? realFetch : fetch; return fetchFunc('', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(body), headers: { 'Client-Id': CLIENT_ID, 'Client-Integrity': ClientIntegrityHeader, 'X-Device-Id': OPT_ROLLING_DEVICE_ID ? gql_device_id_rolling : gql_device_id, 'Authorization': AuthorizationHeader } }); } function parseAttributes(str) { return Object.fromEntries( str.split(/(?:^|,)((?:[^=]*)=(?:"[^"]*"|[^,]*))/) .filter(Boolean) .map(x => { const idx = x.indexOf('='); const key = x.substring(0, idx); const value = x.substring(idx +1); const num = Number(value); return [key, Number.isNaN(num) ? value.startsWith('"') ? JSON.parse(value) : value : num] })); } async function tryNotifyAdsWatchedM3U8(streamM3u8) { try { //console.log(streamM3u8); if (!streamM3u8 || !streamM3u8.includes(AD_SIGNIFIER)) { return 1; } var matches = streamM3u8.match(/#EXT-X-DATERANGE:(ID="stitched-ad-[^\n]+)\n/); if (matches.length > 1) { const attrString = matches[1]; const attr = parseAttributes(attrString); var podLength = parseInt(attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-POD-LENGTH'] ? attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-POD-LENGTH'] : '1'); var podPosition = parseInt(attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-POD-POSITION'] ? attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-POD-POSITION'] : '0'); var radToken = attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-RADS-TOKEN']; var lineItemId = attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-LINE-ITEM-ID']; var orderId = attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-ORDER-ID']; var creativeId = attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-CREATIVE-ID']; var adId = attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-ADVERTISER-ID']; var rollType = attr['X-TV-TWITCH-AD-ROLL-TYPE'].toLowerCase(); const baseData = { stitched: true, roll_type: rollType, player_mute: false, player_volume: 0.5, visible: true, }; for (let podPosition = 0; podPosition < podLength; podPosition++) { if (OPT_MODE_NOTIFY_ADS_WATCHED_MIN_REQUESTS) { // This is all that's actually required at the moment await gqlRequest(makeGraphQlPacket('video_ad_pod_complete', radToken, baseData)); } else { const extendedData = { ...baseData, ad_id: adId, ad_position: podPosition, duration: 30, creative_id: creativeId, total_ads: podLength, order_id: orderId, line_item_id: lineItemId, }; await gqlRequest(makeGraphQlPacket('video_ad_impression', radToken, extendedData)); for (let quartile = 0; quartile < 4; quartile++) { await gqlRequest( makeGraphQlPacket('video_ad_quartile_complete', radToken, { ...extendedData, quartile: quartile + 1, }) ); } await gqlRequest(makeGraphQlPacket('video_ad_pod_complete', radToken, baseData)); } } } return 0; } catch (err) { console.log(err); return 0; } } function hookFetch() { var realFetch = window.fetch; window.fetch = function(url, init, ...args) { if (typeof url === 'string') { if (url.includes('gql')) { var deviceId = init.headers['X-Device-Id']; if (typeof deviceId !== 'string') { deviceId = init.headers['Device-ID']; } if (typeof deviceId === 'string') { gql_device_id = deviceId; } if (gql_device_id && twitchMainWorker) { twitchMainWorker.postMessage({ key: 'UboUpdateDeviceId', value: gql_device_id }); } if (typeof init.body === 'string' && init.body.includes('PlaybackAccessToken')) { if (OPT_ACCESS_TOKEN_PLAYER_TYPE) { const newBody = JSON.parse(init.body); if (Array.isArray(newBody)) { for (let i = 0; i < newBody.length; i++) { newBody[i].variables.playerType = OPT_ACCESS_TOKEN_PLAYER_TYPE; } } else { newBody.variables.playerType = OPT_ACCESS_TOKEN_PLAYER_TYPE; } init.body = JSON.stringify(newBody); } if (OPT_ROLLING_DEVICE_ID) { if (typeof init.headers['X-Device-Id'] === 'string') { init.headers['X-Device-Id'] = gql_device_id_rolling; } if (typeof init.headers['Device-ID'] === 'string') { init.headers['Device-ID'] = gql_device_id_rolling; } } if (typeof init.headers['Client-Integrity'] === 'string') { ClientIntegrityHeader = init.headers['Client-Integrity']; twitchMainWorker.postMessage({ key: 'UpdateClientIntegrityHeader', value: init.headers['Client-Integrity'] }); } if (typeof init.headers['Authorization'] === 'string') { AuthorizationHeader = init.headers['Authorization']; twitchMainWorker.postMessage({ key: 'UpdateAuthorizationHeader', value: init.headers['Authorization'] }); } } } } return realFetch.apply(this, arguments); }; } function reloadTwitchPlayer(isSeek, isPausePlay) { // Taken from ttv-tools / ffz // // function findReactNode(root, constraint) { if (root.stateNode && constraint(root.stateNode)) { return root.stateNode; } let node = root.child; while (node) { const result = findReactNode(node, constraint); if (result) { return result; } node = node.sibling; } return null; } var reactRootNode = null; var rootNode = document.querySelector('#root'); if (rootNode && rootNode._reactRootContainer && rootNode._reactRootContainer._internalRoot && rootNode._reactRootContainer._internalRoot.current) { reactRootNode = rootNode._reactRootContainer._internalRoot.current; } if (!reactRootNode) { console.log('Could not find react root'); return; } var player = findReactNode(reactRootNode, node => node.setPlayerActive && node.props && node.props.mediaPlayerInstance); player = player && player.props && player.props.mediaPlayerInstance ? player.props.mediaPlayerInstance : null; var playerState = findReactNode(reactRootNode, node => node.setSrc && node.setInitialPlaybackSettings); if (!player) { console.log('Could not find player'); return; } if (!playerState) { console.log('Could not find player state'); return; } if (player.paused) { return; } if (isSeek) { console.log('Force seek to reset player (hopefully fixing any audio desync) pos:' + player.getPosition() + ' range:' + JSON.stringify(player.getBuffered())); var pos = player.getPosition(); player.seekTo(0); player.seekTo(pos); return; } if (isPausePlay) { player.pause();; return; } const lsKeyQuality = 'video-quality'; const lsKeyMuted = 'video-muted'; const lsKeyVolume = 'volume'; var currentQualityLS = localStorage.getItem(lsKeyQuality); var currentMutedLS = localStorage.getItem(lsKeyMuted); var currentVolumeLS = localStorage.getItem(lsKeyVolume); if (player?.core?.state) { localStorage.setItem(lsKeyMuted, JSON.stringify({default:player.core.state.muted})); localStorage.setItem(lsKeyVolume, player.core.state.volume); } if (player?.core?.state?.quality?.group) { localStorage.setItem(lsKeyQuality, JSON.stringify({})); } playerState.setSrc({ isNewMediaPlayerInstance: true, refreshAccessToken: true }); setTimeout(() => { localStorage.setItem(lsKeyQuality, currentQualityLS); localStorage.setItem(lsKeyMuted, currentMutedLS); localStorage.setItem(lsKeyVolume, currentVolumeLS); }, 3000); } window.reloadTwitchPlayer = reloadTwitchPlayer; hookFetch(); function onContentLoaded() { // This stops Twitch from pausing the player when in another tab and an ad shows. // Taken from try { Object.defineProperty(document, 'visibilityState', { get() { return 'visible'; } }); }catch{} try { Object.defineProperty(document, 'hidden', { get() { return false; } }); }catch{} var block = e => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }; document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', block, true); document.addEventListener('webkitvisibilitychange', block, true); document.addEventListener('mozvisibilitychange', block, true); document.addEventListener('hasFocus', block, true); try { if (/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { Object.defineProperty(document, 'mozHidden', { get() { return false; } }); } else { Object.defineProperty(document, 'webkitHidden', { get() { return false; } }); } }catch{} // Hooks for preserving volume / resolution var keysToCache = [ 'video-quality', 'video-muted', 'volume', 'lowLatencyModeEnabled',// Low Latency 'persistenceEnabled',// Mini Player ]; var cachedValues = new Map(); for (var i = 0; i < keysToCache.length; i++) { cachedValues.set(keysToCache[i], localStorage.getItem(keysToCache[i])); } var realSetItem = localStorage.setItem; localStorage.setItem = function(key, value) { if (cachedValues.has(key)) { cachedValues.set(key, value); } realSetItem.apply(this, arguments); }; var realGetItem = localStorage.getItem; localStorage.getItem = function(key) { if (cachedValues.has(key)) { return cachedValues.get(key); } return realGetItem.apply(this, arguments); }; } if (document.readyState === "complete" || document.readyState === "loaded" || document.readyState === "interactive") { onContentLoaded(); } else { window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { onContentLoaded(); }); } })();