; Exact Aligner - (c) 2009 Dr. Volker Tries ; volker.tries@kfopraxis-oberursel.de ; ; v. 0.1_alpha 2009/10/01 ; ; ; This is the Exact Aligner TinySCHEME script for GIMP ; for overlaying two pictures by clicking on the same ; 2 points in each picture. ; ; How to use this tool: ; ; -1) Copy the script into the script folder of Gimp ; In my installation it is in ; D:\Programme\GIMP-2.0\share\gimp\2.0\scripts ; 0) Now start GIMP (you have to start GIMP AFTER you copied the script! ; 1) Open 2 pictures. ; 2) In one picture do "select all" (CTRL-a) and copy (CTRL-c). ; 3) Click on the other picture an paste the copied picture ; as a new layer (CTRL-v) into it. ; 4) Close the first picture. We don't need it any more. Otherwise it only will disturb our script. ; 5) Set transparency of the layer to 50% (slide bar in the upper part ; of the layer manager). If you don't see the layer manager, just press CTRL-l. ; 6) Select the path tool in the tool box. ; 7) Now first click 2 points in the first picture (background layer) ; and then the same two points in the second picture (second layer) ; You should see both pictures in a transparent way. You have to stroke the 4 point ; consecutively to form one single path! Point 1 and 2 show the alignment marks for ; picture 1 and point 3 and 4 are the alignment marks for picture 2. ; Point 3 will be schifted to point 1 and point 4 to point 2. ; Furthermore a derotation and a rescaleing is done if necessery. ; 8) We are almost done! Now choos the script from the menu bar ; under "/Tries Tools/Exact Aligner". That's it. ; ; ; ; If you encounter error messages, you ; - probably didn't close the first picture or ; - haven't choosen the 4 reference points ; before calling the script. ; ; ***** IMPORTANT ******* ; ; This script is supposed to be very buggy! ; two days ago I didn't know about this TinyScheme stuff and today the ; script works fine for me. ; If you have any recommendations or even bug reports, please contact me ; under my email address shown above. ; In the meantime enjoy this script! ; ; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ; (define (script-fu-exact-overlay ) ; this is the code... (let* ( ; define our local variables. We need the "*" after let to have TinySCHEME ; declare the variables exactly this order. ; here is the first images object in the program... (theImageID1 (aref (cadr (gimp-image-list)) 0)) ;here is the first vectors object from the first images object... (theVectorID1 (car (gimp-image-get-active-vectors theImageID1))) ;here is the first strokes object in the first vectors object... (theStrokeID1 (aref (cadr (gimp-vectors-get-strokes theVectorID1)) 0)) ; First lets find out the points of the polygon you just created with the path tool in GIMP. ; The first 2 points (first pair) are the reference points in picture of layer1 , ; the second pair are the same points, but now in picture of layer2 ;define point1... (theP1_x (aref (caddr (gimp-vectors-stroke-get-points theVectorID1 theStrokeID1 )) 0)) (theP1_y (aref (caddr (gimp-vectors-stroke-get-points theVectorID1 theStrokeID1 )) 1)) ;define point2... (theP2_x (aref (caddr (gimp-vectors-stroke-get-points theVectorID1 theStrokeID1 )) 6)) (theP2_y (aref (caddr (gimp-vectors-stroke-get-points theVectorID1 theStrokeID1 )) 7)) ;define point3... (theP3_x (aref (caddr (gimp-vectors-stroke-get-points theVectorID1 theStrokeID1 )) 12)) (theP3_y (aref (caddr (gimp-vectors-stroke-get-points theVectorID1 theStrokeID1 )) 13)) ;define point4... (theP4_x (aref (caddr (gimp-vectors-stroke-get-points theVectorID1 theStrokeID1 )) 18)) (theP4_y (aref (caddr (gimp-vectors-stroke-get-points theVectorID1 theStrokeID1 )) 19)) ; Now let's do some simple math to get ; - rotation angle (camera was rotated between two shots) ; - displacement (for translation or offset. e.g., by pointing the camera to a different center of image) ; - rescaling (in case the the viewing angle ; has changed from picture 1 to picture 2., e.g., by choosing another focal leth or chaning the distance to the photographic object) ; Dx1, Dx2, Dy1, Dy2... (theDx1 (- theP2_x theP1_x)) (theDy1 (- theP2_y theP1_y)) (theDx2 (- theP4_x theP3_x)) (theDy2 (- theP4_y theP3_y)) ; the angle between the two lines. i.e., the angle layer2 must be clockwise rotatet ; in order to overlap with layer1... (theAngle (- (atan (/ theDy1 theDx1) ) (atan (/ theDy2 theDx2)))) ;the scale factors layer2 must be mulitplied by in order to fit onto layer1 ; this is simply the ratio of the two line lenths from the path we created with the 4 points ; For distinct x and y scale factors we need to have another point. ; But I don't need this so I didn't implement it yet. (theScaleX (/ (sqrt (+ (* theDx1 theDx1) (* theDy1 theDy1))) (sqrt (+ (* theDx2 theDx2) (* theDy2 theDy2))) ) ) (theScaleY (/ theDy1 theDy2)) ; we need more then 2 points to calculate seperate scale factors for x and y axis if we also want de-rotation!!! (set! theScaleY (theScaleX)) ; this is for convenience and future use!! ; the last info we need is the active drawable of the image (theActiveDrawableID (car (gimp-image-get-active-drawable theImageID1))) ) ; end of variable definition -------------------------------- ; now we can make the transformation: (gimp-context-push) ; --------- TRANSFORMATION ---------------------- ; we do the transformation in one function call...... (gimp-drawable-transform-2d theActiveDrawableID theP3_x theP3_y theScaleX theScaleX theAngle theP1_x theP1_y 0 0 TRUE 1 1) (gimp-displays-flush) (gimp-context-pop) ) ; end of local declaration ) ;Now we want to register this stuff... (script-fu-register "script-fu-exact-overlay" _"/Tries-Tools/Exact Aligner" "Exact projection of 2 images in 2 layers" "Dr. Volker Tries" "(c) 2009, Dr. Volker Tries - Volker.Tries@kfopraxis-oberursel.de" "Sep 30, 2009" "" )