;; pandora-combine.scm: Move layers around to make a panorama. ;; Copyright (C) 2006 by Akkana Peck, akkana@shallowsky.com. ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. ;; Pandora Combine: ;; Start by opening all the images of your panorama as separate ;; layers in a single image, with the bottom layer being the leftmost. ;; Then run pandora-combine on that image. (define (script-fu-pandora-combine img drawable overlap top-on-right use-mask) ;; Calculate the size for the new image (let* ((layers (gimp-image-get-layers img)) (num-layers (car layers)) (layer-array (cadr layers)) (bottomlayer (aref layer-array (- num-layers 1))) ; Pandora assumes that all layers are the same size as the first: ; XXX change this eventually. (layer-w (car (gimp-drawable-width bottomlayer))) (layer-h (car (gimp-drawable-height bottomlayer))) (overlap-frac (/ overlap 100)) (extra-frac (- 1.0 overlap-frac)) (hslop (/ layer-w 4)) (vslop (/ (* hslop 3) 2)) (pan-img-w (* layer-w (+ 1 (* (- num-layers .3) (- 1 overlap-frac))))) (pan-img-h (+ layer-h vslop)) (newy (/ vslop 2)) (i (- num-layers 1) 1) ; start from the bottom layer ) ;(gimp-message (number->string pan-img-w)) (gimp-image-undo-group-start img) (gimp-image-resize img pan-img-w pan-img-h 0 0) ;; Loop over the layers starting with the second, moving each one. ;; Layers are numbered starting with 0 as the top layer in the stack. ;(gimp-layer-translate bottomlayer 0 newy) (gimp-context-push) (while (>= i 0) ;(gimp-message (number->string i)) (let* ((thislayer (aref layer-array i)) (thislayer-w (car (gimp-drawable-width thislayer))) (newx (if (= top-on-right TRUE) (* (- (- num-layers i) 1) (* thislayer-w extra-frac)) (* i (* thislayer-w extra-frac)) )) ) (if (= (car (gimp-layer-is-floating-sel thislayer)) FALSE) (prog1 (gimp-layer-translate thislayer newx newy) (if (and (= use-mask TRUE) (= (car (gimp-layer-get-mask thislayer)) -1) (not (= i (- num-layers 1)))) (let* ((masklayer (car (gimp-layer-create-mask thislayer ADD-BLACK-MASK))) (grad-w (* (* layer-w overlap-frac) .5)) (grad-start (if (= top-on-right TRUE) grad-w (- thislayer-w grad-w))) (grad-end (if (= top-on-right TRUE) 0 thislayer-w)) ) (gimp-layer-add-alpha thislayer) (gimp-layer-add-mask thislayer masklayer) (gimp-context-set-foreground '(255 255 255)) (gimp-context-set-background '(0 0 0)) (gimp-edit-blend masklayer FG-BG-RGB-MODE NORMAL-MODE GRADIENT-LINEAR 100 0 REPEAT-NONE FALSE FALSE 0 0 TRUE grad-start 0 grad-end 0) (gimp-layer-set-edit-mask thislayer FALSE) )))) ) (set! i (- i 1)) ) (gimp-context-pop) (gimp-image-undo-group-end img) (gimp-displays-flush) ) ) (if (symbol-bound? 'script-fu-menu-register (the-environment)) (prog1 (script-fu-register "script-fu-pandora-combine" _"Make Panorama..." _"Line up layers as a panorama" "Akkana Peck" "Akkana Peck" "June 2006" "*" SF-IMAGE "Image" 0 SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable" 0 SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Overlap (percent)" '(50 0 100 1 10 0 1) SF-TOGGLE _"Top Layer on Right" TRUE SF-TOGGLE _"Use Layer Masks" TRUE ) (script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-pandora-combine" _"/Filters/Combine") ) ; end prog1 (script-fu-register "script-fu-pandora-combine" _"/Filters/Combine/Arrange as Panorama..." _"Line up layers as a panorama" "Akkana Peck" "Akkana Peck" "June 2006" "*" SF-IMAGE "Image" 0 SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable" 0 SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Overlap (percent)" '(50 0 100 1 10 0 1) SF-TOGGLE _"Top Layer on Right" TRUE SF-TOGGLE _"Use Layer Masks" TRUE ) )