''' Created on Apr 20, 2013 @author: github.com/pablojvarela A GIMP Python plugin to create PNG thumbnails out of PDF files' first page. This plug-in must be put in The GIMP's script directory (e.g., $HOME/.gimp-1.2/plugins). For interactive invocation, run The GIMP and go to Tools -> PDF Cover Thumbnail... New width and height are in pixels. Licensed under GPL 2.0 ''' import os from gimpfu import * pdb = gimp.pdb def thumb(img, imgdraw, pdf_folder, png_width, png_height): print "Hoa!" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pdf_folder): print "walking %s" % pdf_folder for f in files: pdf = os.path.join(root, f) filename, ext = os.path.splitext(pdf) if (ext == '.pdf'): print "found PDF: %s" % pdf image, imagew, imageh = pdb.file_pdf_load_thumb(pdf, png_height) pdb.gimp_image_scale(image, png_width, png_height) pdb.file_png_save(image, image.layers[0], filename+".png", filename +".png", 0, 9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) register( "python_fu_pdf_thumbnail", "Make a thumbnail out of the first page in a PDF file", "Make a thumbnail out of the first page in a PDF file", "Pablo J. Varela", "Pablo J. Varela", "2013", "/Tools/PDF Cover Thumbnail...", "*", # Alternately use RGB, RGB*, GRAY*, INDEXED etc. [ (PF_STRING, "pdf_folder", "Folder to crawl for PDF files", "~/"), (PF_INT, "png_width", "Width of thumbnail (px)", 500), (PF_INT, "png_height", "Height of thumbnail (px)", 500), ], [], thumb) main()