; Tonemapping is a script for The GIMP ; ; Reduce global contrast while increasing local contrast and shadow/highlight ; detail. ; ; The script is located in menu " / Script-Fu / Second / Name" ; ; Last changed: 5 August 2007 ; ; Copyright (C) 2007 Harry Phillips ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Changelog: ; Version 1.4 (8th August 2007) ; - Added option to flatten the result ; ; Version 1.3 (5th August 2007) ; - Added GPL3 licence ; - Menu location at the top of the script ; - Removed the "script-fu-menu-register" section ; ; Version 1.2 ; - Made the script compatible with GIMP 2.3 ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, you can view the GNU General Public ; License version 3 at the web site http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html ; Alternatively you can write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass ; Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ; ; (define (my-duplicate-layer image layer) (let* ((dup-layer (car (gimp-layer-copy layer 1)))) (gimp-image-add-layer image dup-layer 0) dup-layer)) (define (script-fu-tone-mapping theImage theLayer blurAmount opacityAmount flattenImage) ;Start an undo group so the process can be undone with one undo (gimp-image-undo-group-start theImage) (let ( (copy1 (my-duplicate-layer theImage theLayer)) (copy2 (my-duplicate-layer theImage theLayer)) ) ;Apply the desaturate and invert to the top layer (gimp-desaturate copy2) (gimp-invert copy2) ;Apply the blur with the supplied blur amount (plug-in-gauss 1 theImage copy2 blurAmount blurAmount 0) ;Set the layers opacity (gimp-layer-set-opacity copy2 75) ;Merge the top layer down and keep track of the newly merged layer (let ((merged (car (gimp-image-merge-down theImage copy2 0)))) ;Change the merged layers mode to SOFT LIGHT (19) (gimp-layer-set-mode merged 19) ;Change the merged layers opacity (gimp-layer-set-opacity merged opacityAmount)) ;Flatten image (if (= flattenImage TRUE) (gimp-image-flatten theImage)) ;Finish the undo group for the process (gimp-image-undo-group-end theImage) ;Ensure the updated image is displayed now (gimp-displays-flush) ) ) (script-fu-register "script-fu-tone-mapping" _"/Script-Fu/Enhance/Tone Mapping..." "Performs a tone mapping operation with a specified blur on the open image" "David Meiklejohn, Harry Phillips (Process)" "2006, David Meiklejohn, Harry Phillips (Process)" "Feb. 02 2006" "*" SF-IMAGE "Image" 0 SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable" 0 SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Blur:" '(150 100 500 10 10 1 0) SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Opacity" '(90 0 100 1 10 1 0) SF-TOGGLE "Flatten result?" FALSE )