; Two-Strip Technicolor effect ; From www.gimpforphotos.com ; Adapted to script-fu by Patrick David ; ; (define (script-fu-two-strip-technicolor Image Drawable MergeDown Normalize) (let* ( ; define variables (RedColor '(255 0 0)) (CyanColor '(0 255 255)) (RedLayer (car (gimp-layer-copy Drawable TRUE)) ) (CyanLayer (car (gimp-layer-copy Drawable TRUE)) ) (RedFill (car (gimp-layer-copy Drawable TRUE)) ) (CyanFill (car (gimp-layer-copy Drawable TRUE)) ) (Final) ) (gimp-image-undo-group-start Image) (gimp-image-add-layer Image CyanLayer -1) (gimp-context-set-foreground CyanColor) (gimp-drawable-fill CyanFill FOREGROUND-FILL) (gimp-layer-set-mode CyanFill MULTIPLY-MODE) (gimp-image-add-layer Image CyanFill -1) (set! CyanLayer (car (gimp-image-merge-down Image CyanFill 0)) ) (gimp-desaturate-full CyanLayer DESATURATE-LIGHTNESS) (gimp-colorize CyanLayer 180 50 0) (gimp-image-add-layer Image RedLayer -1) (gimp-context-set-foreground RedColor) (gimp-drawable-fill RedFill FOREGROUND-FILL) (gimp-layer-set-mode RedFill MULTIPLY-MODE) (gimp-image-add-layer Image RedFill -1) (set! RedLayer (car (gimp-image-merge-down Image RedFill 0)) ) (gimp-layer-set-mode RedLayer DIFFERENCE-MODE) (if (= MergeDown TRUE) (begin (gimp-drawable-set-visible Drawable FALSE) (set! Final (car (gimp-image-merge-visible-layers Image 0)) ) (gimp-drawable-set-name Final "Two-strip Technicolor") (if (= Normalize TRUE) (plug-in-normalize 1 Image Final) ) (gimp-drawable-set-visible Drawable TRUE) ) ) (gimp-displays-flush) (gimp-image-undo-group-end Image) ) ) ; Finally register our script with script-fu. (script-fu-register "script-fu-two-strip-technicolor" "Two-strip Technicolor..." "Apply technicolor effect from gimpforphotos.com" "Patrick David " "Patrick David" "2011-06-11" "RGB*" SF-IMAGE "Image" 0 SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable" 0 ;SF-OPTION "Mute Method" '("Luminosity Layers" "Solid Layers with Masks" "Desaturated Overlay" ) SF-TOGGLE "Merge Down" TRUE SF-TOGGLE "Normalize when done (only applicable when merged down)" TRUE ) (script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-two-strip-technicolor" "/Colors")