interface Template { [TEMPLATE_TYPE]: true; lines: TemplateLine[]; } interface TemplateLine { readonly parts: readonly string[]; values: unknown[]; } interface MutableTemplateLine { parts: string[]; values: unknown[]; } const TEMPLATE_TYPE = Symbol('template'); //region Utils function zip(arrays: unknown[][]): unknown[][] { const result: unknown[][] = []; const firstLen = arrays[0].length; for (let i = 0; i < firstLen; i += 1) { result.push( => a[i])); } return result; } function isBlank(l: TemplateLine): boolean { return l.values.length === 0 && === 1 &&[0].trim() === ''; } function isTemplate(v: unknown): v is Template { return v instanceof Object && TEMPLATE_TYPE in v; } function escapeRegExp(raw: string) { return raw.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&'); } /** Template line with text only */ function textOnly(line: string): MutableTemplateLine { return { parts: [line], values: []} ; } type ColumnsOf = { [K in keyof T]: Array; }; const EMPTY_ARRAY = Object.freeze([]); const EMPTY_LINE = new Proxy({}, { get() { return EMPTY_ARRAY; } }); /** Convert an array of objects into an object of arrays, for easier use in {@link t templates}. */ function columnsFrom(obj: Array): ColumnsOf { const result = {} as ColumnsOf; const items = obj.length; if (items === 0) { // Returns a proxy where every property returns an empty array return EMPTY_LINE as ColumnsOf; } const keys = Object.keys(obj[0]); for (const key of keys) { result[key] = []; for (let i = 0; i < items; i++) { result[key][i] = obj[i][key]; } } return result; } //endregion //region Parse /** Convert a template string into an array of template strings, one for each line in the original. */ function splitToTemplateLines(parts: ReadonlyArray, values: unknown[]): Template { const lines: MutableTemplateLine[] = []; // Split text before first injected expression into lines const initialLines = parts[0].split('\n').map(textOnly); lines.push(...initialLines); for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { const value = values[i]; // Add the injected expression to the last line const lastLine = lines[lines.length - 1]; lastLine.values.push(value); // Text content afterward is split into lines, first of which appends to the last line const partsAfter = parts[i + 1].split('\n');[0]); // The additional lines of text content (if any) can then generate new lines in the output lines.push(...partsAfter.slice(1).map(textOnly)); } return { [TEMPLATE_TYPE]: true, lines, }; } /** Creates a string template, that can later be converted to a plain string with {@link formatWith}. */ function t(parts: ReadonlyArray, ...values: unknown[]): Template { return splitToTemplateLines(parts, values); } //endregion //region Format interface FormattingOptions { indentWith: string; } const DEFAULT_OPTIONS: FormattingOptions = { indentWith: '' }; /** Converts a string template to a plain string using the default options. * * @see formatWith */ function format(template: Template): string { return formatWith(DEFAULT_OPTIONS, template); } /** * Converts a string template to a plain string. * * @param options Formatting options * @param options.indentWith Replace baseline indents with this in the output. Defaults to an empty string. * @param template The string template to process */ function formatWith(options: FormattingOptions, template: Template): string { return formatLines(options, template).join('\n'); } function formatLines(options: FormattingOptions, template: Template): string[] { const indentWith = options.indentWith ?? ''; // Remove leading and trailing empty lines const firstNonBlank = template.lines.findIndex(l => !isBlank(l)); const lastNonBlank = template.lines.findLastIndex(l => !isBlank(l)); if (firstNonBlank === -1 || lastNonBlank === -1) { // All lines are blank return []; } const withoutBlankLines = template.lines.slice(firstNonBlank, lastNonBlank + 1); const firstLine = withoutBlankLines[0]; const INDENT_EXPR = /^\s*/; const oldIndentMatch = INDENT_EXPR.exec([0]); const oldIndent = oldIndentMatch ? oldIndentMatch[0] : ''; // The indent is whitespace only, so escaping shouldn't do anything... but might as well const oldIndentRegex = new RegExp("^" + escapeRegExp(oldIndent)); let processed = withoutBlankLines .flatMap(l => { // Same text parts as in the original with the indent changed const reindented = [ ]; reindented[0] = reindented[0].replace(oldIndentRegex, indentWith); // Arrays: repeat rows for each item if (l.values.length === 1 && Array.isArray(l.values[0])) { const embedded: string[] = []; for (const item of l.values[0]) { // Templates are converted to their individual rows first if (isTemplate(item)) { const lines = formatLines(DEFAULT_OPTIONS, item); for (const line of lines) { embedded.push(line); } } else { embedded.push(item); } } return => String.raw({ raw: reindented }, e)); } // Multiple arrays: repeat rows for each combination else if ( l.values.length >= 1 && l.values.every(v => Array.isArray(v)) && l.values.every(v => v.length === (l.values[0] as unknown[]).length) ) { const zipped = zip(l.values); return => { return String.raw({ raw: reindented }, ...values); }); } // Embedded templates: render to lines, repeat row for each line else if(l.values.length === 1 && isTemplate(l.values[0])) { const lines = formatLines(options, l.values[0]); return => { return String.raw({ raw: reindented }, v); }); } // Regular values else { const interpolated = String.raw({ raw: reindented }, ...l.values); return [interpolated]; } }); // Remove final line if it was just a line break with indent if (processed.length && processed[processed.length - 1] === indentWith) { processed.length -= 1; } return processed; } //endregion //region Join interface JoinOptions { separator?: string; maxLength?: number; lineEnd? : string; trailing? : string; } /** * Joins an array of items into multiple lines, limited to a given length. * * (Known limitation: the line length limit can be exceeded if the trailing string is longer than the line separator) * * @param items The list of elements to organize into lines * @param options Various options to configure the output * @param options.maxLength Maximum number of characters on a line * @param options.separator Separator characters between individual items. Defaults to `, ` * @param options.lineEnd Separator characters between lines. Defaults to `separator.trimEnd()` * @param options.trailing Terminator characters after the last line. Defaults to `lineEnd` */ function join(items: readonly string[], options: JoinOptions): string[] { const separator = options.separator ?? ', '; const lineEnd = options.lineEnd ?? separator.trimEnd(); const trailing = options.trailing ?? lineEnd; const maxLength = options.maxLength ?? 0; const outLines: string[] = []; if (items.length === 0) { return []; } // No length limit means it's the same as a regular join if (maxLength === 0) { return [items.join(separator)]; } const itemLengths = => i.length); let startIndex = 0; let endIndex = 0; // Check if we have more items to add while (startIndex < items.length) { // Always add at least one item to the output. endIndex += 1; // NOTE: This assumes that the line-ending and trailing strings are the same length. // Avoids the need to check if we're on the final line or not, but can cause overflow on the last line. let availableSpace = maxLength - lineEnd.length - itemLengths[startIndex]; // Add more items while we still have space while (endIndex <= items.length && availableSpace >= itemLengths[endIndex] + separator.length) { availableSpace -= itemLengths[endIndex]; endIndex += 1; } // Line filled up, add it to the output const lineSegment = items.slice(startIndex, endIndex); outLines.push(lineSegment.join(separator)); startIndex = endIndex; } // Add line-ending / trailing separators return, index) => { const terminator = index === outLines.length - 1 ? trailing : lineEnd; return l + terminator; })); } //endregion export { t, formatWith, format, columnsFrom, join }; export { Template, TemplateLine, TEMPLATE_TYPE, FormattingOptions, JoinOptions };